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 WW2:  Walter C. Robbins, ID0005 -

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Color Legend Company B Walt Robbins, Sr.


=1900 23 May 1900:
     -  Forgotten Civil War hero honored -
     -  Sergeant William Harvey Carney is awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his bravery on July 18, 1863, while fighting for the Union cause as a member of the 54th Massachusetts Colored - -  Infantry. He was the first African American to receive the Medal of Honor, which is the nation's highest military honor.

-  1 June 1900:  Future President Hoover caught in Boxer Rebellion in China -
-  20 June 1900:  Boxer Rebellion begins in China
-  7 July 1900:  Warren Earp killed in Arizona (brother of Wyatt)
-  29 July 1900:  Italian American assassinates Italian King -
-  8 Sept 1900:    Deadly hurricane batters Texas -
-  8 Nov 1900:  Margaret Mitchell, author of "Gone with the Wind," is born
-  22 Nov 1900:  First Mercedes goes for a test drive
-  14 Dec 1900:  The birth of quantum theory
-  27 Dec 1900:  Prohibitionist Carry Nation smashes bar
=1901 -  8 Jan 1901:  "Colorado Cannibal" Alferd Packer is paroled
-  10 Jan 1901:  Gusher near Beaumont, Texas signals the start of the U.S. oil industry -,
-  22 Jan 1901:  Queen Victoria dies
-  28 Jan 1901:  American League is founded
-  15 March 1901:  Van Gogh paintings shown in Paris
-  7 May 1901:  Gary Cooper born
-  21 May 1901:  Connecticut enacts first speed-limit law (12mph city, 15mph country)
-  24 July 1901:  Short story writer O. Henry is released from prison
-  23 Aug 1901: Fannie Farmer opens cooking school
-  6 Sept 1901:  President William McKinley is shot - Link,
-  14 Sept 1901:  President McKinley dies of infection from gunshot wounds - Link
-  28 Sept 1901:  TV host Ed Sullivan born
-  24 Oct 1901:  First barrel ride down Niagara Falls - Link,
-  29 Oct 1901:  President McKinley Assassin executed - Link,
-  10 Dec 1901:  First Nobel Prizes Awarded -,
-  12 Dec 1901:  Marconi sends first Atlantic wireless transmission - Link,
=1902 -  6 March 1902:  Real Madrid founded
-  20 April 1902:   Marie and Pierre Curie isolate radium
-  8 May 1902:  Mount Pelee begins to erupt, burying Caribbean city
-  31 May 1902:  The Boer War ends in South Africa
-  6 Aug 1902:  Mobster Dutch Schultz is born
-  13 Aug 1902:  Rotary engine inventor Felix Wankel born
-  2 Nov 1902:  First four-cylinder, gas-powered Locomobile hits the road - Link,
=1903 -  13 Jan 1903:  First group of Korean immigrants enter Hawaii
-  15 Feb 1903:  First Teddy Bear goes on sale - Link,
-  11 March 1903:  Lawrence Welk is born
-  16 March 1903:  Judge Roy Bean dies
-  12 May 1903:  Teddy Roosevelt's trip to San Francisco is captured on film
-  16 June 1903:  Ford Motor Company Incorporated -,
-  15 July 1903:  Ford Motor Company takes its first order -,
-  3 Nov 1903:  Panama declares independence from Colombia
-  10 Nov 1903:  Mary Anderson Patents windshield wiper, Link,
-  20 Nov 1903:  Tom Horn is hanged in Wyoming for the murder of Willie Nickell
-  17 Dec 1903:  First Airplane Flies (Wright Brothers, Kittyhawk, NC) -,
-  30 Dec 1903:  Fire breaks out in Chicago theater
=1904 -  12 Jan 1904:  Henry Ford sets speed Record  (91.37 mph)
-  7 Feb 1904:  The Great Baltimore fire begins
-  8 Feb 1904:  The Russo-Japanese War begins
-  17 Feb 1904:  "Madame Butterfly" premieres
-  2 March 1904:  Dr. Seuss Born - Link,
-  8 April 1904:  Britain and France sign Entente Cordiale
-  4 May 1904:  U.S. officially acquires the Panama Canal, takes over construction
-  5 May 1904:  Cy Young pitches first perfect game in MLB history
-  14 May 1904:  First American Olympiad opens in St. Louis, Missouri
-  15 June 1904:  Fire on riverboat leaves more than 1,000 dead
-  23 June 1904:  President Theodor Roosevelt nominated for a a 2nd term of office at Republican convention in Chicago
-  23 Aug 1904:  Patent for tire chain issued - Link,
-  21 Sept 1904:  The great Nez Perce leader Chief Joseph dies in Washington
-  27 Oct 1904:  New York City Subway opens - Link,
-  27 Dec 1904:  J.M. Barrie's play "Peter Pan" opens in London
=1905 -  2 Jan 1905:  Russian fleet surrenders at Port Arthur
-  22 Jan 1905:  Bloody Sunday Massacre in Russia
-  25 Jan 1905:  World's largest Diamond found - Link,
-  13 Feb 1905:  Teddy Roosevelt discusses America's race problem - Link,
-  17 March 1905:  Franklin Roosevelt marries Eleanor Roosevelt
-  27 March 1905:  Fingerprint evidence is used to solve a British murder case
-  31 March 1905:  The first Moroccan Crisis
-  4 May 1905:  The U.S. officially begins construction on the Panama Canal
-  5 May 1905:  British murder trial begins, the first to be solved by fingerprint evidence
-  27 May 1905:  The Battle of Tsushima Strait
-  19 June 1905:  First Nickelodeon opens
-  11 July 1905:  Members of the Niagara Movement met for the first time
-  30 Oct 1905:  George Bernard Shaw's "Mrs. Warren's Profession" is performed in New York
=1906 -  17 Feb 1906: Union leaders put on trial for assassination
-  10 March 1906:  Mine explosion kills 1,060 in France
-  10 Apr 1906:  O. Henry's "The Gift of the Magi" is published
-  18 Apr 1906:  The Great San Francisco Earthquake topples buildings, killing thousands
-  22 Sept 1906:  Atlanta Race Riot of 1906 begins
-  17 Oct 1906:  a shoemaker leads German soldiers in a robbery - Link,
-  6 Nov 1906:  Teddy Roosevelt travels to Panama - Link,
=1907 -  12 May 1907:  Celebrated actress Katharine Hepburn is born
-  26 May 1907:  John Wayne is born
-  29 Sept 1907:  The great singing cowboy, Gene Autry, is born in Texas
-  16 Nov 1907:  Oklahoma Enters the Union - Link,
- 6 Dec 1907:  The Monongah coal mine disaster
=1908 -  11 Jan 1908:  Teddy Roosevelt makes Grand Canyon a national Monument - Link,
-  24 Jan 1908:  Boy Scouts movement begins
-  26 July 1908:  FBI Founded  -
-  27 Aug 1908:  Lyndon B. Johnson is born
-  16 Sept 1908:  William Durant Creates General Motors -,
-  23 Sept 1908:  Controversial call gives Cubs the pennant
-  1 Oct 1908:  Ford Motor Company unveils the Model T - Link,
-  6 Oct 1908:  Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia-Herzegovina - Link,
-  30 Oct 1908:  Queen of American high society dies (Caroline Schermerhorn Astor)
-  26 Dec 1908:  Jack Johnson wins heavyweight title
-  28 Dec 1908:  Worst European earthquake ever recorded
=1909 -  20 Jan 1909:  GM takes an interest in Oakland Motor Car Corp. -,
-  12 Feb 1909:  The NAACP is founded
-  6 April 1909:  Robert Peary almost reaches the North Pole
-  12 July 1909:  16th Amendment passed allowing for a federal income tax - Ratified Feb 1913
-  29 July 1909:  GM Buys Cadillac - Link,
-  19 Aug 1909:  First race held at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway (5-mile race) - Link, (Race won by Louis Schwitzer - Wikipedia - Louis Schwitzer Award)
-  13 Nov 1909:  Ballinger-Pinchot scandal erupts
-  14 Dec 1909:  Indy "Brickyard" is completed -,
=1910 -  21 Jan 1910:  U.S. immigration station Angel Island opens in San Francisco Bay

-  1 March 1910:  Two Trains buried by avalanche - Wellington, Washington
-  14 Apr 1910:  Taft becomes first U.S. president to throw out first pitch at MLB game
-  15 June 1910:  Robert Falcon Scott's Terra Nova expedition begins

-  25 June 1910:  Congress passes Mann Act, aimed at curbing sex trafficking
-  9 Sept 1910:  Alice B. Toklas moves in permanently with Gertrude Stein
-  1 Oct 1910:  A bomb explodes in the Los Angeles Times building
=1911 -  6 Feb 1911:  Ronald Reagan Born
-  18 March 1911:  Irving Berlin copyrights the biggest pop song of the early 20th century (Alexander's Ragtime Band)
  25 March 1911:  Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, New York City (Kills 146) -, EN0819 -,
-  21 May 1911:  French troops occupy Fez, sparking second Moroccan Crisis
-  23 May 1911:  New York Public Library dedicated
-  30 May 1911:  First Indy 500 Race Held (Ray Harroun winner) -,
-  4 July 1911:  Heat wave strikes Northeast, killing hundreds
-  24 July 1911:  American archeologist encounters Machu Picchu ruins
-  6 Aug 1911:  Lucille Ball is born
-  20 Aug 1911:  First around-the-world telegram sent, 66 years before Voyager II launch - Link,
-  21 Aug 1911:  Theft of "Mona Lisa" is discovered
-  29 Aug 1911;  Ishi discovered in California
        -  Ishi, who was described as the last surviving member of the Native Amercain Yahi tribe, is discovered in California
-  7 Sept 1911:  Guillaume Apollinaire is arrested for stealing the Mona Lisa
-  27 Nov 1911:  White House housekeeper frets over William Howard Taft's waistline - Link,
-  14 Dec 1911:  Roald Amundsen becomes first explorer to reach the South Pole
=1912 -  6 Jan 1912:  New Mexico Joins the Union - Link,
-  18 Jan 1912  Robert Falcon Scott reaches the South Pole
-  12 Feb 1912:  Last emperor of China abdicates
-  27 March 1912:  Japanese cherry trees planted along the Potomac
-  14 Apr 1912:  RMS Titanic hits iceberg -,
-  15 Apr 1912:  RMS Titanic Sinks, 220am-,
-  7 July 1912:  Jim Thorpe begins Olympic triathlon
-  7 Aug 1912:  Teddy Roosevelt nominated as Bull Moose candidate
-  10 Aug 1912:  Virginia and Leonard Woolf marry
-  14 Oct 1912:  Theodore Roosevelt shot in Milwaukee  - Link,
-  17 Oct 1912:  Serbia and Greece declare war on Ottoman Empire in First Balkan War - Link,
-  5 Nov 1912:  Woodrow Wilson wins landslide victory
-  3 Dec 1912:  First Balkan War Ends, Armistice signed in First Balkan War-
-  18 Dec 1912:  Fraudulent "Piltdown Man" fossil discovered
=1913 -  4 Jan 1913:  German Military strategist Alfred von Schlieffen dies - Link,
-  9 Jan 1913:  Richard M. Nixon is born
-  1 Feb 1913:  Multi-sport star Jim Thorpe signs MLB contract with Giants
-  2 Feb 1913:  Grand Central Terminal opens in NYC
-  4 Feb 1913:  Civil rights icon Rosa Parks is born
-  26 Apr 1913:  Thirteen-year-old girl murdered in Atlanta pencil factory - Murder in Atlanta pencil factory leads to lynching of Leo Frank
-  3 May 1913:  Clorox has its beginnings in Oakland CA when a liquid bleach factory was set up
-  29 May 1913:  Controversial ballet "Le Sacre du printemps"—"The Rite of Spring"—performed in Paris
-  30 May 1913:  First Balkan War ends
-  7 June 1913:  First successful ascent of Denali
-  8 June 1913:  Forensic evidence captures a murderous father
-  14 July 1913:  Future president Gerald R. Ford is born
-  29 Sept 1913:  Inventor Rudolf Diesel vanishes
-  7 Oct 1913:  Moving Assembly Line at Ford factory-,
-  1 Dec 1913:  Ford's assembly line starts rolling - Link,
-  12 Dec 1913:  Mona Lisa recovered in Florence - Link,
=1914 -  13 Feb 1914:  ASCAP is founded 
-  12 Apr 1914:  First movie "Palace" opens in New York City - Link,
-  20 Apr 1914:  Militia slaughters strikers at Ludlow, Colorado - Link,
-  9 May 1914:  Woodrow Wilson proclaims the first Mother's Day holiday
-  28 June 1914:  Austria's Archduke Ferdinand assassinated
-  5 July 1914:  Germany gives Austria-Hungary "blank-check" assurance
-  11 July 1914:  Babe Ruth makes MLB debut -
-  18 July 1914:  Labor activist and singer Joe Hill sentenced to death
-  23 July 1914:  Austria-Hungary issues ultimatum to Serbia
-  28 July 1914:  Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
-  29 July 1914:  Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany and Czar Nicholas of Russia exchange telegrams
-  1 Aug 1914:  First World War erupts
-  3 Aug 1914: Germany and France declare war on each other
-  4 Aug 1914:  US proclaims neutrality in WW 1
5 Aug 1914
     -  First electric traffic signal installed, Cleveland, Ohio - Link,
     -  German assault on Liege begins first battle of WW 1
15 Aug 1914
     -  Panama Canal open to traffic -
     -  Japan gives ultimatum to Germany
-  23 Aug 1914:  Battle of Mons (Belgium)
-  24 Aug 1914:  Poet Alan Seeger volunteers in French Army
-  25 Aug 1914:  Germans burn Belgian town of Louvain
-  26 Aug 1914:  Battle of Tannenberg begins
-  29 Aug 1914:  Women join British war effort
-  3 Sept 1914:  Pope Benedict XV named to Papacy - Link,
-  5 Sept 1914:  French general gives order to attack at the Marne
-  6 Sept 1914:  First Battle of the Marne begins
-  15 Sept 1914:  First trenches are dug on the Western Front - Link,
-  22 Sept 1914:  U-boat devastates British squadron
-  19 Oct:  First Battle of Ypres, Belgium (WW 1) - Link
-  22 Oct 1914:  Germans capture Langemarck during First Battle of Ypres - Link,
-  7 Nov 1914:  First issue of "The New Republic" published
-  14 Nov 1914:  Ottoman Empire declares a holy war - link,
-  28 Nov 1914:  New York Stock Exchange resumes bond trading - Link,
-  8 Dec 1914:  The Battle of the Falkland Islands
-  16 Dec 1914:  Germans bombard English ports of Hartlepool and Scarborough
-  25 Dec 1914:  The Christmas Truce (WW 1) - Link,
=1915 -   1 Jan 1915:  A preview of "The Birth of a Nation" is shown to audiences
-  19 Jan 1915:  First air raid on Britain
-  28 Jan 1915:  Germans sink American merchant ship (Ship William P. Frye)
-  29 Jan 1915:  German lieutenant Erwin Rommel leads daring mission in France
-  4 Feb 1915:  Germany declares war zone around British Isles
-  8 Feb 1915:  "The Birth of A Nation" opens, glorifying the KKK
-  17 Feb 1915:  Zeppelin L-4 crashes in North Sea
-  3 March 1915:  "Birth of a Nation" opens in New York
-  25 March 1915:  Navy lost its first commissioned submarine USS F-4, sank off Hawaii, killing all 21 crewmen
-  28 March 1915:  First American citizen killed during WW1
22 Apr 1915
   -   Germans introduce poison gas - Link,
   -  Second Battle of Ypres begins
   -  Poet-soldier Rupert Brooke dies in Greece
-  23 April 1915:  Poet-soldier Rupert Brooke dies in Greece
-  25 April 1915:  Allies begin invasion of Gallipoli
-  26 April 1915  Allies sign Treaty of London
-  1 May 1915:  International Congress of Women adopts resolutions on peace, women's suffrage
-  7 May 1915:  German submarine sinks Lusitania
-  9 May 1915:  Allies launch dual offensive on Western Front
-  13 May 1915:  Edith Wharton writes of the war's effect on France
-  23 May 1915:  Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary
-  2 June 1915:  Austro-German forces attack Russians at Przemysl
-  9 June 1915:  William Jennings Bryan resigns as US Secretary of State
-  25 June 1915:  Germans release statement on use of poison gas at Ypres
-  9 July 1915:  Germans surrender Southwest Africa to Union of South Africa
-  11 July 1915:  Chicago Sunday Tribune article titled "blues is Jazz and Jazz is Blues - first usages of the word "Jazz"  ?
-  24 July 1915:  Hundreds drown in Eastland disaster (Steamer overturned in the Chicago River, 800-850 deaths)
-  17 Aug 1915:  Charles Kettering receives patent for Electric self-starter - Link,
-  6 Sept 1915:  First Tank Produced -,
-  8 Sept 1915:  German airship hits central London - Link,
-  27 Sept 1915:  John Kipling killed at the Battle of Loos
-  11 Oct 1915:  Bulgaria enters WW 1 - Link,
-  12 Oct 1915:  British nurse Edith Cavell executed
-  10 Dec:  Ford builds its 1 millionth car -,
-  11 Dec 1915:  Yuan Shih-kai accepts Chinese throne
-  18 Dec 1915:  Woodrow Wilson marries Edith Bolling Galt - Link,
=1916 -  5 Jan 1916:  First conscription bill is introduced in British parliament
8 Jan 1916
   -  Allies retreat from Gallipoli - Link,
   -  Bugatti brother dies by suicide
-  16 Jan 1916:  Montenegro capitulates to Austro-Hungarian forces
17 Jan 1916
   -  Winston Churchill hears speech on tragedy of war - Link,
   -  PGA is formed
-  11 Feb 1916:  Women's rights activist arrested (Emma Goldman)
-  21 Feb 1916:  Battle of Verdun, France begins
-  29 Feb 1916:  Two ships sink in North Sea battle - Link,
9 March 1916
     -   Pancho Villa attacks Columbus, New Mexico
     -  Germany declares war on Portugal
-  19 March 1916:  First US Air Combat mission begins - Link,
-  24 April 1916:  Easter Rebellion begins (Dublin, Ireland)
-  28 April 1916:  Luxury car magnate Ferruccio Lamborghini is born
-  4 May 1916:  Germany agrees to limit its submarine warfare
-  19 May 1916:  Britain and France conclude Sykes-Picot agreement
-  31 May 1916:  Battle of Jutland, greatest naval battle of WW 1, begins
-  3 June 1916:  President Woodrow Wilson signs National Defense Act
-  4 June 1916:  Brusilov Offensive begins
-  21 June 1916:  US General John J. Pershing attacked by Mexican troops
-  1 July 1916:  Battle of Somme begins
-  22 July 1916:  Preparedness Day bombing in San Francisco
-  3 Aug 1916:  Sir Roger Casement hanged
-  27 Aug 1916:  Romania enters WW 1
-  31 Aug 1916:  American soldier Harry Butters killed in the Battle of the Somme
-  13 Sept 1916:  Children's author Roald Dahl is born
-  15 Sept 1916: Tanks introduced into warfare at The Somme - Link,
-  18  Oct 1916:  British soldier Harry Farr executed for cowardice
-  24 Oct 1916:  French troops celebrate recapture of Fort Douaumont at Verdun
-  7 Nov 1916:  Jeannette Rankin becomes first U.S. Congresswoman - Link,
-  18 Nov 1916:  Battle of Somme ends (WW 1) - Link,
-  21 Nov 1916:  Britannic, sister ship to the Titanic, sinks - Link,
-  26 Nov 1916:  T.E. Lawrence reports on Arab affairs
-  13 Dec 1916:  Soldiers perish in avalanche as WW 1 rages - Link,
-  18 Dec 1916:  Battle of Verdun ends (began 21 Feb 1916)- Link,
-  30 Dec 1916:  Rasputin is murdered - Link
=1917 28 Jan 1917
   -  US ends search for Pancho Villa
    -  The 1917 Bath Riots
-  31 Jan 1917:  Germans unleash U-boats
-  1 Feb 1917:  Germany resumes unrestricted submarine warfare
5 Feb 1917
   -  Immigration act passed over President Wilson's veto
   -  Mexican constitution proclaimed
   -  U.S. ends search for Pancho Villa
-  7 Feb 1917:  German sub sinks Scottish passenger ship SS California
-  12 Feb 1917:  American schooner Lyman M. Law is sunk
-  22 Feb 1917:  Mussolini wounded by mortar bomb
-  24 Feb 1917:  Zimmermann Telegram presented to US ambassador
-  26 Feb 1917:  President Wilson learns of Zimmermann Telegram
-  1 March 1917:  Zimmermann Telegram published in US
-  2 March 1917:  Puerto Ricans become U.S. citizens, are recruited for war effort
-  8 March 1917:  Feb Revolution begins, leading to the end of czarist rule in Russia
-  10 March 1917:  Turkish troops begin evacuation of Baghdad (WW1)
-  15 March 1917:  Czar Nicholas II abdicates Russian throne
-  29 March 1917:  Swedish prime minister resigns over WW1 policy
2 Apr 1917
       -  Jeannette Rankin, first woman elected to U.S. congress, assumes office - Link,
       -  President Wilson asks for a declaration of War - Link,
-  6 April 1917:  The US officially enters WW 1
-  12 Apr 1917: Canadians capture Vimy Ridge in northern France
-  16 April 1917:  Lenin returns to Russia from exile in Siberia
-  17 April 1917:  Second Battle of Gaza begins
-  25 Apr 1917:  Jazz legend Ella Fitzgerald is born
-  30 April 1917:  Battle of the Boot takes place between Anglo-Indian and Turkish forces
-  18 May 1917:  US Congress passes Selective Service Act
-  22 May 1917:  Crisis mounts in Austria-Hungary amid hunger and discontent
-  24 May 1917:  British naval convoy system introduced
-  29 May 1917:  Future president John F. Kennedy is born
-  14 June 1917:  US President Woodrow Wilson gives Flag Day address
-  15 June 1917:  US Congress passes Espionage Act
-  19 June 1917:  Britain's King George V changes royal surname (to the present Windsor)
-  26 June 1917:  First US troops arrive in France (WW 1)
-  2 July 1917:  Greece declares war on Central Powers (WW 1)
-  7 July 1917:  British Women's Auxiliary Army Corps is officially established
-  25 July 1917:  Dancer and spy Mata Hari sentenced to die
-  31 July 1917:  Third Battle of Ypres begins in Flanders
-  2 Aug 1917:  Mutiny breaks out on German battleship
-  14 Aug 1917:  China declares war on Germany
-  28 Aug 1917:  President Woodrow Wilson picketed by women suffragists
-  1 Sept 1917:  Soldier recounts brush with poison gas
-  3 Oct 1917:  War Revenue Act Passed in U.S. - Link,
-  15 Oct 1917:  Dancer and spy Mata Hari is executed
-  24 Oct 1917:  Battle of Caporetto,  Italy (WW 1) - Link,
-  26 Oct 1917:  Brazil declares war on  Germany - Link,
-  2 Nov 1917:  Balfour Declaration letter written (WW 1)- Link,
6 Nov 1917
   -  British victory at Passchendaele (WW 1) - Link,
   -  Bolsheviks revolt in Russia
-  15 Nov 1917:  Georges Clemenceau named French prime minister
-  20 Nov 1917:  British launch surprise tank attack at Cambrai
-  2 Dec 1917:  Russia reaches armistice with the Central Powers
- 4 Dec 1917:  Psychiatrist reports on the phenomenon of shell shock - Link,
-  6 Dec 1917:  The Great Halifax Explosion
-  9 Dec 1917:  Jerusalem surrenders to British troops - Link,
-  10 Dec 1917:  Red Cross awarded the Nobel Peace Prize - Link,
-  12 Dec 1917:  Father Flanagan establishes Boys Town - Link,
-  15 Dec 1917:  Russia reaches armistice with the Central Powers
-  19 Dec 1917:  National Hockey League (NHL) opens its first season
-  22 Dec 1917:  Russian-German peace talks begin at Breat-Litovsk - Link,
-  26 Dec 1917:  US Government takes over control of nation's railroads - Link,
=1918 -  8 Jan 1918:  President Wilson outlines his Fourteen Points -
-  26 Jan 1918:  Ukraine declares its independence
-  9 Feb 1918:  Ukraine signs peace treaty with Central Powers
-  21 Feb 1918:  Allied troops capture Jericho in Palestine
-  3 March 1918:  Treaty of Brest-Litovsk concluded
- 4 March 1918:  First cases reported in deadly 1918 flu pandemic
-  8 March 1918:  Russian Bolshevik Party becomes the Communist Party
-  11 March 1918:  First cases reported in deadly Spanish Flu influenza epidemic - Link,
-  19  March 1918:  Walter Clifton Robbins born - Hamilton County, Indiana  S17, S33,
-  21 March 1918:  Germany begins major offensive on the Western Front
-  24 March 1918:  German forces cross the Somme River
-  1 Apr 1918:  Royal Air Force founded
-  4 April 1918:  Second Battle of the Somme ends - Germans and Allies step up operations near Somme -Allies drive back Germans in Second Battle of the Somme
-  5 April 1918:  First stage of German spring offensive ends
-  14 April 1918:  American pilots engage in first dogfight over the western front
-  21 April 1918:  German flying ace, "Red Baron" killed in action
2 May 1918
GM buys Chevrolet -,
     -  Allies resolve argument over whether to deploy U.S. troops to the Western Front
-  3 May 1918:  August Haas, ID0377, enters US Navy
-  16 May 1918:  US Congress passes Sedition Act
-  28 May 1918:  US troops score victory at Cantigny
-  6 June 1918:  Battle of Belleau Wood begins (France)
-  3 July 1918:  Mohammed V, sultan of Turkey, dies
-  8 July 1918:  Ernest Hemingway wounded on the Italian front
-  9 July 1918:  William Faulkner joins the Royal Air Force
-  11 July 1918:  German command makes final plans for renewed offensive on the Western Front
-  14 July 1918:  Quentin Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt's youngest son, is killed when his plane is shot down in France during WW1 (He was the pilot)
-  15 July 1918:  Second Battle of the Marne begins with final German offensive
-  16 July 1918:  Romonov Family Executed, ending a 300-year imperial dynasty (Russia) -
-  23 July 1918:  A string of mysterious deaths surrounds a Nebraska woman
-  8 Aug 1918:  Battle of Amiens
-  20 Aug 1918:  "Valley of the Dolls" author Jacqueline Susann born
-  30 Aug 1918:  Vladimir Lenin shot
-  4 Sept 1918:  American troops land at Archangel (Northern Russia)
-  24 Sept 1918:  Bulgaria seeks ceasefire with Allied forces
-  26 Sept 1918:  Meuse-Argonne offensive opens
28 Sept 1918
   -  British soldier allegedly spares the life of an injured Adolf Hitler - Link,
   -  Philadelphia parade exposes thousands to Spanish flu
-  29 Sept 1918:  Allied forces break through the Hindenburg Line
-  30 Sept 1918:  President Woodrow Wilson speaks in favor of female suffrage
-  1 Oct 1918:  Lawrence of Arabia captures Damascus
-  4 Oct 1918:  Germany telegraphs President Wilson seeking armistice - Link,
-  8 Oct 1918:  Alvin York displays heroics at Argonne - Link,
-  12 Oct 1918:  Fire rages in Minnesota
-  14 Oct 1918:  Adolf Hitler wounded in British gas attack
-  28 Oct 1918:  German sailors begin to mutiny - Link,
-  30 Oct 1918:  Ottoman Empire signs treaty with Allies - Link,
-  3 Nov 1918:  Central Powers face rebellion on the home front  (WW 1) - Link,
-  4 Nov 1918:  Poet Wilfred Owen killed in action
-  11 Nov 1918:  WW1 ends with German defeat, Armistice Day -  S8,,
-  13 Dec 1918: 
Woodrow Wilson arrives in France for peace talks - Link,
-  17 Dec 1918:  August Haas, ID0377, discharged from US Navy - Link,
-  27 Dec 1918:  Polish citizens take up arms against German troops in Poznam - Link,
=1919 -  1 Jan 1919:  Edsel Ford succeeds father as president of Ford -,
-  6 Jan 1919:  Theodore Roosevelt Dies - Link, - 
-  12 Jan 1919:  Leaders of the Big Four nations meet for the first time in Paris - Link,
15 Jan 1919
   -  Molasses floods Boston Streets - Link, EOGN Article,
   -  Rebel leaders are murdered in failed coup in Berlin - Link,
-  16 Jan 1919:  Prohibition is ratified by the states
-  18 Jan 1919:  President Wilson attends a Post-WW 1 Peace Conference begins in Paris - Link,
-  25 Jan 1919:  Formal commission is established on the League of Nations
-  5 Feb 1919:  United Artists created
-  20 Feb 1919:  Amir of Afghanistan is assassinated
-  26 Feb 1919:  Two national parks preserved, 10 years apart (Grand Canyon, 1919 - Grand Tetons, 1929)
-  23 March 1919:  Mussolini founds precursor to the Fascist party
-  24 March 1919:  John Milton Piles:  Dies of Hemorrhage Cerebral at his his home at 3524 Krather Ave, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio - Link,
-  8 Apr 1919:  John Milton Piles:  His widow, Sarah, files for a military pension - Link
-  10 Apr 1919: Revolutionary leader Emiliano Zapata assassinated in Mexico
-  13 April 1919:  British and Gurkha troops massacre hundreds of unarmed demonstrators in Amristar massacre
-  19 April 1919:  Discussion of Italian claims begins at Paris peace conference
-  5 May 1919:  Italian delegates return to Paris peace conference
-  8 May 1919:  New celebration of Armistice Day proposed
-  11 May 1919:  Germans prepare to protest Versailles Treaty terms
-  13 May 1919  German foreign minister protests Versailles Treaty terms
-  4 June 1919:  Congress passes the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote
-  20 June 1919:  German cabinet resigns over Versailles deadlock
-  27 June 1919:  Treaty of Versailles signed in France ending WW 1
-  28 June 1919:  John Maynard Keynes predicts economic chaos
-  10 July 1919:  President Wilson personally delivered the Treaty of Versailles to the Senate, urged its ratification (Senate rejected it)
-  11 Aug 1919:  Weimar Constitution adopted in Germany
-  19 Aug 1919:  President Woodrow Wilson appears before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
-  3 Sept 1919:  President Woodrow Wilson embarks on tour to promote League of Nations - Link,
-  9 Sept 1919:  Boston Police Dept. does on strike
-  10 Sept 1919:  New York City parade honors WW 1 Veterans
-  2 Oct 1919:  President Woodrow Wilson suffers a stroke - Link,
-  5 Oct 1919:  Enzo Ferrari makes his debut as a race car driver
-  13 Oct 1919:  Norma Louise Haas, ID0006, born, Muncie, Indiana - Link,
-  28 Oct 1919:  Congress enforces Prohibition - Link,
-  28 Nov 1919:  Lady Astor becomes MP
=1920 -  5 Jan 1920:  New York Yankees announce purchase of Babe Ruth - Link,
-  10 Jan 1920:  League of Nations instituted - Link,
-  14 Jan 1920:  Dodge co-founder dies (John Dodge, co-founder of Dodge Motor Company)
-  23 Jan 1920:  Netherlands refuses to extradite Kaiser Wilhelm to the Allies
-  30 Jan 1920:  Mazda car company founded
-  13 Feb 1920:  League of Nations recognizes perpetual Swiss neutrality - Link,
-  26 March 1920:   F. Scott Fitzgerald's first novel published (This Side of Paradise)
-  15 April 1920:  The Sacco-Vanzetti case draws national attention
-  18 May 1920:  Pope John Paul II born
-  12 May 1920:  Big Red sets record at Belmont Stakes
-  13 May 1920:  Socialist party nominates “Convict 2253” for president (Eugene V. Debs)
-  18 May 1920:  Pope John Paul II born
-  21 May 1920:  Hollywood stars Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks mobbed by crowds
-  12 June 1920:  Big Red sets record at Belmont Stakes
-  21 June 1920:  Hollywood stars Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks mobbed by crowds
-  17 July 1920:  Three-point seatbelt inventor Nils Bohlin born
-  16 Aug 1920:  MLB player hit in head by pitch, dies next day
-  18 Aug 1920:  Women's suffrage amendment (19th Amendment) ratified - 19th Amendment ratified thanks to one vote
-  20 Aug 1920:  Pro Football is born
-  21 Aug 1920:  Christopher Robin's birthday
-  26 Aug 1920:  19th Amendment adopted (Guaranteeing women the right to vote) - Link,
- 28 Sept 1920:  Eight MLB players indicted in "Black Sox Scandal"
-  1 Oct 1920:  Scientific American reports that radio will soon be used to transmit music to the home
10 Dec 1920:
    -  Wilson awarded Nobel Peace Prize -,
    -  League of Nations Instituted -,
-  413th Infantry Regiment was formed
in Salt Lake City, Utah [S1, p 17] -
-  11 Apr 1921:  First live sporting event broadcast on radio
-  5 May 1921:  Chanel No. 5 perfume launches
-  23 May 1921:  “Shuffle Along,” the first major African American hit musical, premieres on Broadway
-  31 May 1921:  Tulsa Race Massacre begins
-  5 July 1921:  Chicago White
Sox accused of throwing World Series - Link,
-  27 July 1921:  Insulin isolated in Toronto -,
-  29 July 1921Adolf Hitler becomes leader of National Socialist "Nazi" Party  S8,
-  11 Sept 1921: 
Silent-Film star Fatty Arbuckle arrested for murder - Link,
-  26 Oct 1921:  President Harding publicly condemns lynching - Link,
-  24 Oct 1921:  Unknown Soldier (WW 1) is selected - Link,
-  11 Nov 1921:  Dedication of the Tomb of the Unknowns -,
-  6 Dec 1921:  Irish Free State declared
-  9 Dec 1921:  GM engineers discover that leaded gas reduces "knock" in auto engines -,
=1922 -  10 Jan 1922:  Griffith elected president of Irish Free State
-  22 Jan 1922:  Insulin injection aids diabetic patient - Link,
-  2 Feb 1922:  Director William Desmond Taylor is found murdered
-  4 Feb 1922:  Ford buys Lincoln -,
-  27 Feb 1922:  Supreme Court defends women's voting rights -,
-  10 March 1922:  Mohandas Gandhi Arrested for Sedition
-  30 May 1922:  Former President Taft dedicates Lincoln Memorial - Link,
-  14 June 1922:  Harding becomes first president to be heard on the radio -,
-  27 June 1922:  First Newberry medal for children's literature awarded to Hendrik Willem Van Loon
-  22 Aug 1922:  Michael Collins assassinated (Ireland)
-  23 Aug 1922:  Fannie Farmer opens cooking school - Link,
-  4 Nov 1922:  Entrance to King Tut's tomb discovered
-  26 Nov 1922:  Archaeologists enter tomb of King Tut -,
-  30 Dec 1922:  USSR Established - Link,
=1923 -  1 Jan 1923:  Rosewood Massacre decimates Black Florida community
-  2 Jan 1923:  Secretary Fall resigns in Teapot Dome scandal
-  10 Jan 1923:  President Harding orders U.S. troops home from Germany
-  13 Feb 1923:  First all-Black professional basketball team organized
-  16 Feb 1923:  Archaeologist opens tomb of King Tut-,
-  7 March 1923:  "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" is published
-  18 June 1923:  Checker Cab Produces first taxi at Kalamazoo factory -,
-  21 July 1923:  Joshua F. Piles:  Declaration for Pension - Link,
-  22 July 1923:  John Dillinger joins Navy in a attempt to avoid prosecution -,
-  2 Aug 1923:  President Warren G. Harding dies before scandals break
-  3 Aug 1923:  Calvin Coolidge takes oath of office after Harding's death - Link,
-  25 Aug 1923:  Joshua F. Piles:  Signed a General Affidavit for his health - Link,
-  1 Sept 1923:  Japan’s Great Kanto Earthquake kills over 140,000
-  23 Sept 1923:  "The Prophet," by Lebanese-American poet-philosopher Kahlil Gibran, is published
-  11 Oct 1923:  A mail car explodes in a train robbery in southern Oregon - Link,
-  16 Oct 1923:  Walt Disney Company Founded - Link,
8-9 Nov 1923
     -  Beer Hall Putsch   S8,,
     -  Nazis suppressed in Munich -,
-  15 Nov 1923:  Accused of rape, James Montgomery's struggle for justice begins
-  20 Nov 1923: 
Garrett Morgan patents three-position traffic signal -,
-  24 Dec 1923:  President Coolidge lights first national Christmas tree
=1924 -  3 Jan 1924: King Tut's sarcophagus uncovered - Link,
-  9 Jan 1924:  Virginia Woolf buys a house in Bloomsbury
-  21 Jan 1924:  Vladimir Lenin Dies -
-  25 Jan 1934:  First winter Olympics
-  3 Feb 1924:  Woodrow Wilson Dies -,
-  8 Feb 1924:  First execution by Lethal Gas -,
-  12 Feb 1924:  "Rhapsody In Blue," by George Gershwin, performed for first time
-  14 March 1924:  Mack Truck founder killed in car crash
1 Apr 1924:
   -  Hitler sent to Landsberg jail  (Hitler sentenced for his role in Beer Hall Putsch) -,
   -  Beer Hall Putsch secures Hitler's Rise to Power -,

-  6 Apr 1924:  First successful around-the-world flight begins
-  2 May 1924:  A grisly murder makes rubber gloves standard equipment at crime scenes
-  4 May 1924:  Paris hosts its second Olympic Games
-  10 May 1924:  J. Edgar Hoover begins his 48-year tenure as FBI director
-  21 May 1924:  Murderers Leopold and Loeb gain national attention - Leopold and Loeb murder Bobby Franks
-  26 May 1924:  President Coolidge signs Immigration Act of 1924 -
-  2 June 1924:  President Coolidge signs Indian Citizenship Act -
-  12 June 1924:  George Herbert Walker Bush is born
-  1 Oct 1924:  Jimmy Carter is born
-  1 Nov 1924:  Legendary western lawman is murdered (William Tilghman)
-  4 Nov 1924:  California legalizes boxing after 10-year ban
=1925 -  3 Jan 1925:  Benito Mussolini declares himself dictator of Italy - Link,
-  18 March 1925:  Tri-State Tornado ( Missouri, Illinois and Indiana - Link,
-  10 July 1925:  Scopes Monkey Trial Begins - Link,
-  18 July 1925:  Hitler's Book Mein Kampf published   S8,,
-  21 July 1925: 
Monkey Trial Ends "The Trial of the Century"  - Link,
-  28 Nov 1925:  The Grand Ole Opry begins broadcasting - Link,
-  13 Dec 1925:  Dick Van Dyke born
-  15 Dec 1925:  Madison Square Garden formally opens with NHL game
=1926 -  12 Jan 1926:  Original Amos n' Andy debuts on Chicago radio -,
-  26  Jan 1926:  John Logie Baird demonstrates TV
-  10 March 1926:  First Book-of-the-Month Club selection is published - Link,
-  16 Mar 1926:  First Liquid-fueled rocket - Link,
-  20 Apr 1926:  New sound process for films announced -,
-  1 May 1926:  Ford factory workers get 40-hour week -,
-  9 May 1926:  Explorer Richard Byrd claims to have flown over the North Pole  Link,
-  18 May 1926:  Popular evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson disappears
-  1 June 1926:  Marilyn Monroe born
-  6 Aug 1926:  Gertrude Ederle becomes first woman to swim English Channel
-  13 Aug 1926:  Fidel Castro born
-  23 Aug 1926:  Rudolph Valentino Dies - Link,
-  8 Sept 1926:  Germany admitted to League of Nations    S8,
-  6 Oct 1926: 
Babe Ruth sets a World Series record (Hits 3 homers in one game) - Link,
-  31 Oct 1926:  Celebrated magician Harry Houdini dies
=1927 -  7 Jan 1927:  Harlem Globetrotters play their first game - Link,
-  11 Jan 1927:  Charlie Chaplin's assets frozen -
-  22 Jan 1927:  Confederate General John McCausland dies -,
-  30 Apr 1927:  First Federal Prison For Women Opens -,
-  20 May 1927:  Charles Lindbergh takes off across the Atlantic in the Spirit of St. Louis -,
-  21 May 1927:  Charles Lindbergh completes the first solo, nonstop transatlantic flight
-  26 May 1927:  Last day of Model T Production at Ford -,
-  13 June 1927:  Ticker Tape parade in NYC for Charles Linbergh
-  23 Aug 1927:  Sacco and Vanzetti executed - Link,
-  14 Sept 1927:  Dancer Isadora Duncan is killed in car accident
-  30 Sept 1927:  Babe Ruth hits 60th homer of 1927 season, Link,
-  4 Oct 1927:  Work begins on Mount Rushmore -,
-  31 Dec 1927:  Henry Ford publishes the last issue of the Dearborn Independent -,
=1928 -  11 Jan 1928:  Stalin banishes Trotsky -,
-  6 Feb 1928:  Woman claiming to be Anastasia Romanov arrives in the U.S. (Alleged daughter of murdered czar Nicholas II of Russia)
-  4 Apr 1928:  Maya Angelou is born
-  13 April 1928:  First nonstop flight from Europe to North America (German pilot Hermann Kohl and 2 others)
-  30 May 1928:  Joshua F. Piles:  Joshua dies of injuries suffered in an auto accident - Pyrmont, Montgomery County, Ohio - Link
-  10 June 1928: "Where the Wild Things Are" author Maurice Sendak is born
-  17 June 1928:  Amelia Earhart Flight from Newfoundland to Wales - first woman to make trip as a passenger
-  8 July 1928:  A spiteful son kills four in a fit of rage
-  6 Aug 1928:  Andy Warhol is born
-  31 Aug 1928:  Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill's "The Threepenny Opera" premieres in Berlin
-  26 Sept 1928:  Galvin Mfg. Corp, first day of operation (Motorola Radio)  (First mass-produced car radios)- Link,
-  28 Sept 1928:  Penicillin discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming
-  30 Sept 1928:  Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor and author, is born
-  4 Nov 1928:  One of New York's most notorious gamblers is shot to death (Arnold Rothstein)
10 Nov 1928
   -  Hirohito crowned in Japan -,
   -  WWI novel "All Quiet on the Western Front" is published
-  4 Dec 1928:  "Irish Godfather" killed by car bomb in St. Paul, MN
=1929 -  7 Jan 1929:  Chrysler is Time Magazine Man of the Year - Link,
-  13 Jan 1929:  Wyatt Earp dies in Los Angeles
-  15 Jan 1929:  Martin Luther King, Jr. born
14 Feb 1929
     -  The St. Valentine's Day Massacre -,
     -  Penicillin discovered -,
-  18 Feb 1929:  First Academy Awards announced
-  26 Feb 1929:  President Coolidge establishes Grand Teton National Park - Link
-  2 March 1929:  Congress passes the Jones Act (Strengthened Federal Penalties for bootlegging) -,
-  5 March 1929:  David Buick dies
-  27 March 1929:  Herbert Hoover has a telephone installed in Oval Office -,
-  16 Apr 1929:  Cleveland becomes first MLB team to play with numbers on back of jerseys
-  4 May 1929:  Legendary actress Audrey Hepburn is born
-  16 May 1929:  First Academy Awards ceremony
-  31 May 1929:  Ford signs agreement with Soviet Union -,
-  28 July 1929:  Future first lady Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy is born
-  21 Oct 1929:  Henry Ford dedicates the Thomas Edison Institute -,
-  25 Oct 1929:  Cabinet member guilty in Teapot Dome scandal - Link,
-  29 Oct 1929:  US Stock Market crashes on Black Tuesday   S8,  
29 Nov 1929:  Richard
Byrd flies over South Pole - Link,
=1930 -  18 Feb 1930:  Planet Pluto Discovered -
-  12 March 1930:  Mohandas Gandhi begins 241-mile civil disobedience march
-  21 April 1930:  Prisoners left to burn in Ohio fire
-  31 May 1930:  Actor and director Clint Eastwood is born
-  7 July 1930:  Building of Hoover Dam begins -,
-  13 July 1930: First World Cup
-  6 Aug 1930:  Joseph Force Crater becomes the missingest man in New York
-  15 Aug 1930:  Hoover looks to combat drought and economic depression -,
-  14 Sept 1930:  Germans elect Nazis making them the 2nd largest political party in Germany.   S8,
-  5 Oct 1930:  Airship crashes in France
-  1 Nov 1930: 
Detroit-Windsor Tunnel is dedicated -,
=1931 -  3 March 1931:  "The Star-Spangled Banner" becomes official U.S. national anthem
-  19 March 1931:  Nevada legalizes gambling -,
-  11 Apr 1931:  Dorothy Parker resigns as drama critic for "The New Yorker"
-  1 May 1931:  Empire State Building Dedicated  -,
-  26 July 1931:  Grasshoppers bring ruin to Midwest -,
-  18 Aug 1931:  Yangtze River peaks in China
-  17 Oct 1931:  Al Capone goes to Prison -,
-  18 Oct 1931:  Thomas Edison Dies -,
-  24 Oct 1931:  George Washington Bridge is dedicated (New York City)  - Link,
-  26 Nov 1931:  First U.S. Cloverleaf appears on the cover of he Engineering News-Record -,
=1932 -  12 Jan 1932:  Hattie Wyatt Caraway becomes first woman elected to U.S. Senate
-  1 March 1932:  Lindbergh baby kidnapped -,
-  9 March 1932:  China's last emperor is Japanese puppet -,
-  25 March 1932 Verdict announced in Scottsboro case
-  14 Apr 1932:  Loretta Lynn is born
-  12 May 1932:  Kidnapped Lindbergh baby found dead-,
-  21 May 1932:  Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to make solo, nonstop transatlantic flight
-  29 May 1932:  Bonus Marchers arrive in Washington -,
-  28 July 1932:  Bonus Marchers evicted by US Army
-  16 Sept 1932:  Gandhi begins fast in protest of caste separation - Link,
-  3 Oct 1932:  Iraq wins independence
-  27 Oct 1932:  Poet Sylvia Plath is born
-  24 Nov 1932:  FBI Crime Lab opens its doors for business  -,
-  27 Dec 1932:  Radio City Music Hall Opens -,
=1933 -  5 Jan 1933:  Construction begins on Golden Gate Bridge -,
30 Jan 1933
     -  The Lone Ranger debuts on Detroit Radio -,
     -  Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.  S8,
-  31 Jan 1933: 
-  15 Feb 1933: 
FDR escapes assassination attempt in Miami -,
-  27 Feb:  The Reichstag burns.  S8,
-  4 March 1933: 
FDR inaugurated -,
12 March 1933:
       -  FDR broadcasts first fireside chat -,
       -  First concentration camp opened at Oranienburg outside Berlin.  S8,
-  18 March 1933: 
Studebaker automobile company goes bankrupt - Link,
-   22 March 1933:  FDR legalizes sale of beer and wine -,
-  23 March 1933:  Enabling Act gives Hitler dictatorial power    See also - The Rise of Hitler - from Unknown to Dictator of Germany    S8,
-  25 March 1933: 
USS Sequoia becomes presidential yacht, Link,
-  1 Apr 1933:  Nazi boycott of Jewish owned shops.  S8,
-  4 Apr 1933: 
Akron, the largest airship built in the US in 1931 crashed, killing 73 -,
-  5 Apr 1933:  FDR creates precursor to Civilian Conservation Corps
-  2 May 1933:  First Loch Ness "Monster" sighting reported, igniting the modern legend
-  3 May 1933:  Funk master, James Brown, is born
-  6 May 1933:  FDR creates the WPA -,
-  10 May 1933:  Nazis burn books in Germany.  S8,
-  June 1933:  Nazis open Dachau concentration camp.  S8,
-  5 June 1933:  FDR takes U.S. off gold standard -,
-  6 June 1933: First drive-in movie theater opens -,
-  6 July 1933:  Major League Baseball - First All-Star Game is held
-  12 July 1933:  First Dymaxion car produced -
-  14 July 1933:  Nazi party declared only party in Germany.  S8,
-  22 July 1933:
Wiley Post flies solo around the world -,
-  14 Aug 1933:  Logging accident sparks forest fire in Oregon Coast Range - Link,
-  17 Aug 1933:  Lou Gehrig goes the distance - Link,
-  22 Aug 1933:  The Barker Clan kills an officer in their fruitless robbery -,
-  23 Sept 1933:  Standard Oil geologists arrive in Saudi Arabia
-  14 Oct 1933:  Germany quits the League of Nations.  S8,
-  18 Oct 1933: 
R. Buckminster Fuller tries to patent his Dymaxion Car - Link,
-  11 Nov 1933:  Massive dust storm sweeps South Dakota -,
-  26 Nov 1933:  Vigilantes in California lynch two suspected murderers
-  5 Dec 1933:  21st amendment is ratified; Prohibition ends
- 6 Dec 1933:   "Ulysses" is ruled not obscene
=1934 - 26 Jan 1934:  Sam Goldwyn buys rights to The Wizard of Oz -
-  5 Feb 1934:  Hank Aaron is born
-  20 March 1934:  Babe Didrikson goes to the mound for Philly - 
-  22 March 1934:  First Masters golf tournament begins
-  22 Apr 1934:  Gangster "Baby Face" Nelson kills FBI agent during raid -
-  11 May 1934:  Dust storm sweeps from Great Plains across Eastern states -
-  23 May 1934:  Police kill famous outlaws Bonnie and Clyde - ,
-  1 June 1934:  Nissan Motor Company founded -
-  4 June 1934:  FDR asks for drought-relief funds -
-  18 June 1934:  Indian Reorganization Act is signed into law
-  23 June 1934:  Even with the corpse, a murderer is uncovered
-  30 June 1934:  The "Night of the Long Knives." Hitler purges members of his own Nazi party in Night of the Long Knives  S8, ,
-  22 July 1934: John
Dillinger Gunned Down -
-  25 July 1934:  Nazis murder Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss.  S8,
-  2 Aug 1934:
   -  German President Hindenburg dies.  S8, ,
   -  Hitler becomes Fuhrer (dictator) -
-  11 Aug 1934: 
Federal prisoners land on Alcatraz - ,
-  19 Aug 1934:  Adolf Hitler becomes Führer (President) of Germany.  S8,
-  16 Oct 1934: 
The Long  March (China) -
-  22 Oct 1934:  Pretty Boy Floyd is killed by FBI -
-  21 Nov 1934:  Ella Fitzgerald wins Amateur Night at Harlem's Apollo Theater
-  1 Dec 1934:  Russian revolutionary Sergei Kirov murdered
-  9 Dec 1934:  New York Giants beat Chicago Bears in 'Sneakers Game
=1935 -  11 Jan 1935:  Amelia Earhart flies from Hawaii to California -,
-  24 Jan 1935:  First canned beer goes on sale
-  26 Feb 1935:  Hitler organizes Luftwaffe -,,
-  27 Feb 1935:  6-year-old Shirley Temple receives special miniature Oscar
-  16 March 1935:  Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles by introducing military conscription.
19 March 1935:  Harlem riot of 1935
8 Apr 1935
WPA (Works Progress Administration) established by Congress as part of FDR's "New Deal"
   -  FDR signs Emergency Relief Appropriation Act
14 Apr 1935
   -  “Black Sunday" Dust Bowl storm strikes
   -  Loretta Lynn is born
-  6 May 1935:  FDR creates the Works Progress Administration (WPA)
-  19 May 1935:  Lawrence of Arabia Dies (Author T. E. Lawence)  -,
-  24 May 1935:  MLB holds first night game -,
-  25 May 1935:  Babe Ruth hits last home run -,
-  28 May 1935:  John Steinbeck publishes "Tortilla Flat"
-  2 June 1935:  Babe Ruth Retires -,
-  1- June 1935:  Alcoholics Anonymous founded -,
-  2 June 1935:  Babe Ruth Retires
-  3 June 1935:  French Liner Normandie set record on its maiden voyage crossing Atlantic in just 4 days
-  10 June 1935:  Alcoholics Anonymous funded
-  6 July 1935:  Dalai Lama, leader of Tibet, is born
-  16 July 1935:  World's first parking meter installed (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) -,
-  14 Aug 1935:  FDR signs Social Security Act -,
-  21 Aug 1935: The Swing Era begins with Benny Goodman's triumphant Palomar Ballroom Performance -,
-  22 Aug 1935:  Pulitzer Prize-winning author Annie Proulx is born
-  31 Aug 1935:  FDR signs Neutrality Act -,
-  8 Sept 1935:  Louisiana Senator Huey Long is shot - Link,
-  15 Sept 1935:  German Jews stripped of rights by Nuremberg Race Laws.  S8,,
-  10 Oct 1935: "Porgy and Bess," the first great American opera, premieres on Broadway
-  19 Oct 1935: 
Ethiopia Stands Alone -,
-  20 Oct 1935:  Mao's Long March Concludes -,
-  1 Nov 1935:  Palestinian-American public intellectual Edward Said is born
=1936 -  15 Jan 1936:  Ford Foundation is born (Created by Edsel Ford) -,
-  16 Jan 1936:  "Moon Maniac" killer is executed
-  26 Jan 1936:  So-called Mad Butcher terrorizes Cleveland -,
-  29 Jan 1936:  U.S. Baseball Hall of Fame elects first members -,
-  10 Feb 1936:  The German Gestapo is placed above the law.  S8,
-  27 Feb 1936: 
Shirley Temple receives $50,000 per film -
-  7 March 1936:  Hitler reoccupies the Rhineland, violating the Treaty of Versailles S8,
-  3 Apr 1936: 
Bruno Hauptmann Executed (Kidnapping & Murder of son of Charles A. Lindbergh) -,
-  17 Apr 1936:  A single horsehair helps solve murder of Nancy Titterton
-  9 May 1936:  Mussolini's Italian forces take Ethiopia.  S8,   
-  3 June 1936:  Western author Larry McMurty is born
-  26 June 2020:  FDR nominated to second term
-  30 June 1936: 
Gone with the Wind is published -,
-  18 July 1936:  Civil war erupts in Spain.  S8,
-  1 Aug 1936:  Olympic games begin in Berlin, with Hitler in attendance.  S8,
-  4 Aug 1936: 
Jesse Owens wins long jump - and respect - in Germany -,
-  9 Aug 1936:  Jesse Owens wins 4th Gold Medal - Link,
-  7 Sept 1936:  Rock 'N' Roll legend Buddy Holly is born
-  1 Oct 1936:  Franco declared head of Spanish State.  S8,
-  9 Oct 1936: 
Hoover Dam begins transmitting electricity to Los Angeles -,
-  23 Nov 1936:  First issue of Life Magazine is published -,
-  11 Dec 1936:  Edward VIII abdicates - Link,
-  30 Dec 1936:  Sit-down strike begins in Flint, Michigan -,

Jan 1937
-  11 Jan 1937:  Violence erupts at GM plant strike -,
-  20 Jan 1937:  FDR sworn in as President (2nd Term) -,
-  23 Jan 1937:  FDR writes letter to Baseball Writer's Association -,
-  30 Jan 1937:  Hitler formally withdraws Germany from the Versailles Treaty, including reparation payments. He demands a return of Germany's colonies.
Feb 1937 -  5 Feb 1937:  FDR announces "Court Packing Plan" -,
-  6 Feb 1937:  John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men is Published -
-  11 Feb 1937:  a sit-down strike ends with General Motors recognizing the United Automobile Workers Union.  Link,
Mar 1937 -  18 Mar 1937:  Natural gas explosion kills schoolchildren in Texas -,
-  21 Mar 1937:  Britain's Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin says, "I know some of you think I should speak more roughly to Hitler than I do, but have you reflected that the reply to a stiff letter might be a bomb on your breakfast tables?"
Apr 1937 -  26 Apr 1937:  In Spain, German and Italian airplanes bomb the city of Guernica, Spain, killing more than 1,600 (Nazis test new air force, Luftwaffe, on Basque town of Guernica).  Link,
May 1937 -  6 May 1937:  The German zeppelin Hindenburg bursts into flames when landing at Lakehurst, New Jersey -,
-  12 May 1937: 
George VI crowned at Westminster -,
-  15 May 1937:  Madeleine Albright, America's first female secretary of state, is born
-  27 May 1937:  the Golden Gate Bridge opens to pedestrian traffic. -,
28 May 1937:
     -  In Britain, Neville Chamberlain becomes prime minister.
     -  Volkswagen is founded -,
June 1937 -  3 June 1937:  The Duke of Windsor, former king, marries Wallis Simpson.,
-  7 June 1937:  Actress Jean Harlow dies
-  11 June 1937:  Soviet leader Stalin begins a purge of Red Army generals.  S8,
-  18 June 1937:  Novelist Gail Godwin is born
-  22 June 1937: 
Joe Louis becomes Champ -,
July 1937 2 July 1937:  Amelia Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan disappear over New Guinea.,
Aug 1937 -  5 Aug 1937:   
     -  Japan's government expresses concern that 182 U.S. airmen are to fly warplanes in China
     -  Stalin's regime begins periodic campaigns that will be called the Great Purge and will kill more than 724,000 Soviet citizens, deemed enemies of the state and the Soviet revolution.
-  10 Aug 1937: 
First-ever electric guitar patent awarded to the Electro String Corp -,
-  21 Aug 1937:  Japan's war with China has encouraged China to sign a military pact with the Soviet Union. China's Communist Party senses a new lease on life.
-  27 Aug 1937: 
George Eyston breaks own automobile land speed record  (345.49 mph) - Link,
Sept 1937
Oct 1937 With Japan and Italy in mind, President Roosevelt calls for an international "quarantine of the aggressor nations." Isolationists complain that distinguishing between "peace-loving" and "warlike" nations is not neutrality but taking sides
-  4 Oct 1937:  Blues singer Bessie Smith, killed in Mississippi car wreck, is buried
Nov 1937 -  5 Nov 1937:   Hitler reveals war plans during Hossbach Conference.  S8,
-  17 Nov 1937: 
As a diplomat for the new government of Neville Chamberlain, Lord Halifax visits Herman Goering in Germany. Halifax also visits Hitler, who pledges his support of the British empire. Hitler offers advice on how to deal with those in India seeking independence. Kill Gandhi, he advises, and, if that is not enough, kill the other leaders too. Lord Halifax's friend, Henry Cannon, will report that Halifax "likes all of the Nazi leaders, including Goebbels." Cannon reports that Halifax "thinks the regime absolutely fantastic."
Dec 1937  -  11 Dec 1937:  Italy withdraws from the League of Nations.
-  12 Dec 1937:  Japanese aircraft attack the
USS Panay, a gunboat that is motoring on the Yangzi River, away from Nanjing. Three are killed and 43 sailors and 5 civilians wounded. The Japanese claim that the U.S. flag was not seen. They agree to pay an indemnity. But in the U.S., public opinion becomes more hostile toward the Japanese,
-  13 Dec 1937: 
The Rape of Nanking -,
-  21 Dec 1937:  Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the first feature-length animated cartoon, becomes a smash hit.

Top of  Page

Color Legend Company B Walt Robbins, Sr.
=1938      1938 Timeline
Jan 1938 -  3 Jan 1938:  Franklin Roosevelt founds March of Dimes -,
-  16 Jan 1938:  Benny Goodman brings jazz to Carnegie Hall -,
Feb 1938 4 Feb 1938:
     -  Hitler seized control of German army and put Nazis in key posts.  S2,
     -  Disney releases Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs -,
12 Feb 1938
   -  Japan refused to reveal naval data requested by the U.S. and Britain.  S2,
   -  Judy Blume, popular young-adult author, is born
20 Feb 1938:
   -  Hitler demanded self-determination for Germans in Austria and Czechoslovakia. As Hitler’s quest for Lebensraum ("living space") expanded into Czechoslovakia, thousands of Czechoslovakian soldiers and airmen escaped to participate in the liberation of their country  S2,
   -  Britain's foreign minister, Anthony Eden, considers Mussolini an unreliable gangster. He dislikes his government sending Lord Halifax on diplomatic missions abroad in his place. Eden resigns and is succeeded by Halifax, who is to be associated with the government's policy of appeasement
-  24 Feb 1938:  Variety announces big news about The Wizard of Oz - Link,
-  25 Feb 1938:  Miami drive-in theater debuts -,
March 1938 -  3 March 1938:  While searching for water, United States geologists in Saudi Arabia find a lot of oil.
-  8 March 1938:  Herbert Hoover told Hitler that his doctrine would be unacceptable and intolerable in the U.S.   S2,
-  12 March 1938
   -  Germany invaded Austria after the Austrian Nazi Party invited German troops to march in and the union came to be know as the Anschluss. Hitler took over Austria, as his mission to restore his homeland to the Third Reich, and a chunk of Czechoslovakia. The Nazis took over Austria and expelled all Jews and other political opponents from the universities.  S2,,
   -  Germany announces "Anschluss" (union) with Austria  S8,,
-  13 March 1938: 
Germany annexes Austria
-  24 March 1938:  The U.S. asked that all powers help refugees fleeing from the Nazis.   S2,
-  26 March 1938:  Herman Goering warned all Jews to leave Austria.  S2,
April 1938 -  1 Apr 1938:  Japan passes the National General Mobilization Law. All aspects of Japanese life are to be arranged for the sake of military efficiency
May 1938  -  20 May 1938:  Germans in Czechoslovakia's Sudentenland are clamoring for German rule, and Hitler is supporting them. Czechoslovakia orders partial mobilization of its armed forces along the German border.
-  30 May 1938:  Hitler tells his generals that it is his "unalterable decision to smash Czechoslovakia by military action in the near future."
June 1938 -   5 June 1938:  In Germany, an edict proclaims that Jewish doctors are to treat only Jewish patients.
-  17 June 1938:     Japan declared war on China.  S2,
-  19 June 1938:  Montana flood causes train wreck - Link,
-  22 June 1938:  Heavyweight boxing champion Joe Louis knocked out Max Schmeling in the first round of their heavyweight rematch at New York City’s Yankee Stadium.  S2,
July 1938 -  2 July 1938:   In Austria, nearly 40,000 Jews are taken into "protective custody."
-  15 July 1938:  For one week, delegates from 32 nations have met in France -- the Évian Conference -- to find locations for Jewish refugees. The conference closes without success. A German newspaper gloats: "Jews For Sale -- Who Wants Them? No One." (Human Smoke, p. 89.)
-  17 July 1938:  Douglas "Wrong Way" Corrigan Crossed the Atlantic -,
-  22 July 1938:  The Third Reich issued special identity cards for Jewish Germans.  S2,  
August 1938 12 Aug 1938:
     - German military mobilizes    S8,
     - Hitler institutes the Mother's Cross (German Iron Cross) -(Encourages Germans to have multiple children) Link - Image of one brought home by Walter -
-  18 Aug 1938:   
Hitler's military chief of staff, General Beck, is opposed to going to war over the Sudetenland. He resigns.
-  22 Aug 1938:  Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers grace Life Cover - Link,
-  31 Aug 1938:  With others General Beck is planning coup against Hitler. They think Hitler is unbalanced.
Sept 1938 -  21 Sept 1938:  The Great New England Hurricane
27 Sept 1938
     - In Germany, Jews are prohibited from practicing law.
     - Franklin Roosevelt appeals to Hitler for Peace -,
-  28 Sept 1938:  Auto inventor Charles Duryea, 76 dies - History. com,
-  29/30 Sept 1938:  British, French, German and Italian leaders signed the Munich Agreement, which was aimed at appeasing Adolf Hitler by allowing Nazi annexation of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland, inhabited by a German-speaking minority. British PM Neville Chamberlain gained a brief peace agreement from Hitler at Munich and without consulting the Czechs agreed that Nazi forces could occupy Sudetenland. Some mark this "appeasement policy" as the decisive event of the century. Chamberlain predicted "peace in our time." French PM Edouard Daladier was very depressed from the meeting. In 1980 Telford Taylor published "Munich: The Price of Peace." It is a detailed political & diplomatic history of the 1930's in Europe, culminating in the Munich conference in 1938. Taylor later helped write the rules for Nuremberg Trials. In 2008 David Vaughan authored “Battle for the Airwaves: Radio and the 1938 Munich Crises.”  S2,   S8,, Hitler Appeased,
Oct 1938 -  Oct 1938:  The Federal Hourly Minimum Wage was set at $0.25 an hour.  S2,
-  1 Oct 1938:  German troops march into the Sudetenland
-  10 Oct 1938:  Germany completed its annexation of Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland.  S2,   S8,
-  16 Oct 1938: 
Winston Churchill, in a broadcast address to the United States, condemns the Munich Agreement as a defeat and calls upon America and Western Europe to prepare for armed resistance against Hitler.
-  20 Oct 1938:  Complying with Hitler's policy, Czechoslovakia outlaws the Communist Party and begins persecuting Jews
-  27/28 Oct 1938:  In Germany, police round up about 12,000 Polish Jews. At the border with Poland the Jews are ordered to walk into Poland. Those who cannot walk are beaten.
-  30 Oct 1938:  Orson Welles scares nation with "War of the Worlds" radio play broadcast -,
-  31 Oct 1938:
   -  The day after his "War of the Worlds" broadcast had panicked radio listeners, Orson Welles expressed "deep regret" but also bewilderment that anyone had thought the simulated Martian invasion was real.  S2,,
   -  Expulsions of Jews has begun in Czechoslovakia
Nov 1938 -  6 Nov 1938:  In a speech to 100,000 Nazis, Hitler calls Churchill a warmonger.
-  9 Nov 1938:  Kristallnacht (The night of Broken Glass) took place in Germany. Nazi leaders heard that a Jew had shot a German diplomat in Paris and ordered reprisals. Nazis killed 35 Jews, arrested thousands and destroyed Jewish synagogues, homes and stores throughout Germany and Austria in what became known as Kristallnacht. 30,000 Jews were sent to concentration camps. The event is depicted by Peter Gay in his 1998 book "My German Question."  S2,   S8,,
-  15 Nov 1938: 
The Ministry of Education in Germany issues an ordinance barring all Jewish children from attending school. A correspondent for The Manchester Guardian writes that at the British and U.S. consulates in Berlin, despairing Jews are "begging for visas."
-  21 Nov 1938: 
   -  Nazi forces occupied western Czechoslovakia and declared its people German citizens. This annexation of Sudetenland was the first major belligerent action by Hitler. The allies chose to sit still for it in return for a promise of "peace in our time," which Hitler later broke.  S2,
   -  Hitler orders the release of several hundred Jews from concentration camps. In Britain, Prime Minister Chamberlain announces that "His Majesty's government has been greatly impressed by the urgency of the problem." He speaks of the possibility of Jews finding refuge in Tanganyika and British Guiana.
Dec 1938 -  3 Jan 1938:  Franklin Roosevelt founds March of Dimes
-  28 Dec 1938: Silent-film star and inventor Florence Lawrence dies

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Color Legend Company B Walt Robbins, Sr.
=1939   1939 Timeline
Jan 1939 -  13 Jan 1939:  Doc Barker is killed by prison guards as he attempts to escape -,
-  15 Jan 1939:  Gestapo leader Reinhard Heydrich sets up the Reich Bureau for Jewish Emigration to speed up Jewish expulsion.
-  20 Jan 1939:  Hitler proclaimed to German parliament his intention to exterminate all European Jews.  S3,
-  26 Jan 1939:  Franco captures Barcelona -
-  30 Jan 1939:  Hitler threatens Jews during Reichstag Speech    S8
-  1
Feb 1939 -  14 Feb 1939:  The Reich launched the battleship Bismarck. S3,
-  20 Feb 1939:  Americans hold a Nazi rally in Madison Square Garden
March  1939  

-  15/16 Feb 1939:  Nazis take Czechoslovakia S8,,  -  The German army enters Prague peacefully. Czechoslovakia ceases to exist. The government of Neville Chamberlain is outraged by Hitler having ignored his promise at Munich to respect what remained of Czechoslovakia. Chamberlain now believes that Hitler's word is worthless.
-  23 March 1939:  OK enters national vernacular -,
-  27 March 1939:  "March Madness" crowns its first men's NCAA Champion
-  28 March 1939:  Spanish Civil War ends S8,
-  31 March 1939:  Britain and France sign a treaty with Poland, promising to help defend Poland's western border.

Apr 1939  -  3 Apr 1939:  Hitler sends a directive to his senior military commanders, demanding that Operation White, the invasion of Poland, be ready for action by 1 September 1939.
-  7 Apr 1939:  Italy invades Albania -,
-  9 Apr 1939:  Marian Anderson sings on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial
-  13 Apr 1939: USS Astoria attempts pre-war reconnaissance -,
-  14 Apr 1939:  The John Steinbeck novel "The Grapes of Wrath" was first published.  S3,
-  30 Apr 1939:  New York World's Fair Opens -,
May 1939 -  2 May 1939:  Lou Gehrig ends streak - 
-  13 May 1939:  The SS St Louis departed Hamburg with some 937 passengers including over 900 Jewish refugees. They sought refuge in Cuba, but only 22 were allowed to disembark there. No country in the Americas would take them. It returned to Germany where a number of the Jews were later murdered. [see May 27, June 4 and June 16]  S3
-  22 May 1939:  Nazi sign "Pact of Steel" in Italy S8,
-  27 May 1939:  Ship carrying 937 Jewish refugees, fleeing Nazi Germany, is turned away in Cuba -
June 1939 4 June 1939
   -   The power of Jewish financiers that Hitler talks about seems to be waning. The SS St. Louis is denied permission to land in Florida after already having been turned away from Cuba. The ship is carrying 907 Jewish refugees and will return to Europe. Most of them will die in concentration camps.
   -  German Ocean Liner MS St. Louis Turned away from FL with Jewish refugees from Germany
-  7 June 1939:  British King (King George VI) visits U.S. - First Monarch to visit U.S. -,
-  27 June 1939: 
   -  "Frankly, My Dear I don't give a damn"  - Famous scene from "Gone with the Wind" filmed
   -  Pan American Airways began regular trans-Atlantic air service with a flight that departed New York for Marseilles, France
July 1939 -  3 July 1939:  Lou Gehrig of NY Yankees delivered his famous farewell speech
-  6 July 1939:  In Germany, the last Jewish enterprises are shut down.
Aug 1939 -  2 Aug 1939:  Albert Einstein writes President Franklin Roosevelt about developing the Atomic Bomb using Uranium.,
-  3 Aug 1939:  Britain and France declare war on Germany -,
-  12 Aug 1939:  Movie Wizard of Oz premieres in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin - Link
-  23 Aug 1939:  Nazis and Soviets sign Non-aggression Pact  S8 Link -
-  25 Aug 1939: 
   -  Britain and Poland sign a mutual Assistance Treaty S8,
   -  The Wizard of Oz Movie debuts -,
-  26 Aug 1939:  First Televised Major League Baseball Game -,
-  31 Aug 1939:  Germany prepares for invasion of Poland -,
Sep 1939
-  1 Sept 1939: 
   -  World War II began. The Germans attacked Poland with their strategy of Blitzkrieg, or lightning war. The war started at dawn with salvos from the cruiser Schleswig-Holstein at the Polish garrison in Gdansk. In 1989 Donald Cameron Watt authored “How War Came.”  S3S8, Link -,
   - Hitler ordered the extermination of mentally ill.  S3,
-  3 Sept 1939:  Britain and France declared war on Germany, two days after the Nazi invasion of Poland. After Germany ignored Great Britain's ultimatum to stop the invasion of Poland, Great Britain declares war on Germany, marking the beginning of World War II in Europe. France follows 6 hours later quickly joined by Australia, NZ, South Africa & Canada.  S3S8, Link,
-  5 Sept 1939:  The United States under FDR proclaimed its neutrality in World War II.   S3S8,
-  9 Sept 1939:  Audiences are treated to surprise preview of "Gone with the Wind" -,
-  10 Sept 1939:  Canada declares war on Germany - Battle of the Atlantic begins S8,
-  17 Sept 1939:  Soviets invade Poland S8,,
-  21 Sept 1939:  FDR urges repeal of Neutrality Act embargo provisions -,
-  27 Sept 1939:  Warsaw, Poland surrenders to Nazis S8,
-  29 Sept 1939:  Nazis and Soviets divvy up Poland S8,,
Oct  1939 -  Oct 1939:  Nazis begin euthanasia on sick and disabled in Germany    S8
-  24 Oct 1939: 
   -  Nazis required Jews to wear star of David  S3,
   -  In the state of Delaware, nylon stockings appear on the market for the first time.
Nov 1939  -  4 Nov 1939:  With the outbreak of war in Europe, public opinion has changed in the United States. Americans would like to help Britain. Congress amends the Neutrality Act, allowing supplies to be sold to belligerents.
-  8 Nov 1939:  There was a failed assassination attempt on Hitler in Burgerbraukeller, Munich.  S3S8,,
-  30 Nov 1939:  USSR attacks Finland -,
Dec 1939 -  14 Dec 1939:  Soviet Union expelled from the League of Nations S8,
-  15 Dec 1939:  The motion picture "Gone With the Wind" had its world premiere in Atlanta. [WSJ later claimed Dec 19 as the opening date in NYC]  S3,
-  22 Dec 1939: Express trains collide in Germany -,

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Color Legend Company B Walt Robbins, Sr.
=1940  Timeline 1940
Jan 1940 -  8 Jan 1940: 
     -  Rationing begins in Britain. S8,
     -  Mussolini questions Hitler's plans -,
-  10 Jan 1940:  German planes attacked 12 ships off the British coast; three sank and 35 were dead.  S4,
-  25 Jan 1940:  Nazis established a Jewish ghetto in Lodz, Poland.  S4,
Feb 1940 -  Feb 1940:  The Manhattan project was initiated with a research allocation of six thousand dollars.  S4,
-  15 Feb 1940:  Hitler ordered that all British merchant ships would be considered warships.   S4,
-  21 Feb 1940:  The Germans began construction of a concentration camp at Auschwitz. Hans Munch was an SS doctor at the camp and later reported his experiences there in detail for the 1998 TV documentary "People’s Century." [see Mar 27]  S4,
-  23 Feb 1940:  Woody Guthrie writes "This Land Is Your Land"
-  29 Feb 1940:  Hattie McDaniel becomes first African American actress to win Oscar (Gone with the Wind actress)
Mar 1940 -  10 Mar 1940:  Sumner Welles makes a "peace proposal" -,
-  17 Mar 1940:  Todt named Reich Minister for Weapons and Munitions -,
-  18 Mar 1940:  Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini held a meeting at the Brenner Pass across the Alps during which the Italian dictator agreed to join in Germany’s war against France and Britain.  S4,
-  27 Mar 1940:  Heinrich Himmler orders construction of the Auschwitz concentration camp, near the city of Krakow in Poland.
-  30 Mar 1940:  Japanese set up puppet regime at Nanking -
-  31 Mar 1940:  Germany's auxiliary cruiser Atlantis launches  -,
Apr 1940 -  Apr 1940:  The Germans sealed the Jewish ghetto in Lodz, Poland, with barbed wire. Lodz at this time had some 231,000 Jews, about one-third of the city’s population. Some 45,000 Jews from other parts of Nazi-occupied Europe were forced into the ghetto as well as some 5,000 Gypsies. Many died under forced labor and horrific conditions. Those remaining were killed in August, 1944.
-  5 Apr 1940:  Hitler's propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, says in private, "Till now we have succeeded in leaving the enemy in the dark concerning Germany's real goals, just as before 1932 our domestic foes never saw where we were going or that our oath of legality was just a trick... They could have suppressed us. They could have arrested a couple of us in 1925 and that would have been that, the end. No, they let us through the danger zone. That's exactly how it was in foreign policy, too... In 1933 a French premier ought to have said (and if I had been the French premier I would have said it): 'The new Reich Chancellor [Hitler] is the man who wrote Mein Kampf, which says this and that. This man cannot be tolerated in our vicinity. Either he disappears or we march!' But they didn't do it. They left us alone and let us slip through the risky zone, and we were able to sail around all dangerous reefs. And when we were done, and well armed, better than they, then they started the war!"
-  9 Apr 1940:  Nazis invade Denmark and Norway. S8,
-  24 Apr 1940:  Britain begins its evacuation of Greece in Operation Demon -
May 1940 1 May 1940: 
   -  The 1940 Olympics were cancelled.  S4,
   -  The U.S. Navy has moved the base of its Pacific Ocean fleet from San Diego to its naval base at Pearl Harbor, in the Hawaiian Islands. Admiral Yamamoto Isoruku, commander of Japan's Combined Fleet, describes the move as "tantamount to a dagger pointed at our throat.
-  3 May 1940:  FDR addresses thousands of Democratic Women -,
-  6 May 1940:  John Steinbeck wins a Pulitzer for The Grapes of Wrath -,
10 May 1940:
   -  Winston Churchill took office as PM. Churchill formed a new government and served as the Conservative head of a coalition government with the opposition Labor Party. The debate over the Norway campaign led directly to Churchill replacing Chamberlain.  S4,,
   -  German forces began a blitzkrieg of the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, skirting France's "impenetrable" Maginot Line. Belgium was invaded by Germany and maintained resistance for 18 days.  S4, S8,,
-  13 May 1940:  Churchill announces:  "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat." 
-  20 May 1940:  Germans break through to English Channel at Abbeville, France -
-  21 May 1940:  Nazis kill "unfit" people in East Prussia
-  26 May 1940: 
   -  Evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk begins.  S8,
   -  Britain's Operation Dynamo gets underway -,
   -  FDR makes a radio appeal for the Red Cross -,
-  27 May 1940:  British evacuation of Dunkirk turns savage as Germans commit atrocity -,
-  28 May 1940:  Belgium surrenders to the Nazis S8,,


Jun 1940 -  3 June 1940:   Germans bomb Paris, killing hundreds of civilians
4 June 1940
   -  German forces entered Paris.  S4,
   -  Dunkirk Evacuation Ends (Operation Dynamo at Dunkirk ends) -,
   -  "The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter," Carson McCullers' debut novel, is published
-  10 June 1940: 
   -  Norway surrenders to Germany -,
   -  Italy declares war on France and Great Britain -,
-  11 June 1940:  Britain strikes back at Italy -,
12 June 1940
   -  Edsel Ford agrees to manufacture Rolls-Royce engines for war effort -,
   -  Paris on the verge of invasion by Germany -,
14 June 1940: 
   -  The Nazis opened their concentration camp at Auschwitz. In German-occupied Poland the first inmates arrived at the Auschwitz concentration camp. They were all Polish political prisoners.  S4,
   -  German troops occupied Paris and Marshal Philippe Petain became the head of the French government and sued for peace. Gertrude Stein translated Petain’s speeches and hailed him as a hero of the French nation.  S4, Germans enter Paris.  S8,,
   -  Germany invades Paris
-  16 June 1940:  Marshal Petain becomes premier of occupied France -
17 June 1940
   -  France to Surrender to Germans -,
   -  British and Allied troops continue the evacuation of France, as Churchill reassures his countrymen -,
-  18 June 1940:  Hitler and Mussolini meet in Munich -,
-  21 June 1940:  Richard Nixon marries Patricia Ryan
-  22 Jan 1940:  During World War II, Adolf Hitler gained a stunning victory as France was forced to sign an armistice eight days after German forces overran Paris. France and Germany signed an armistice at Compiegne, on terms dictated by the Nazis. Alsace again became part of Germany  S4,
-  23 June 1940:  Hitler takes a tour of Paris     Hitler tours Paris.  S8,,
-  26 June 1940:  Turkey declares non-belligerency -,
-  27 June 1940:  Germans employ Enigma coding machine for the first time
28 June 1940
   -  The Republican Convention, held in Philadelphia, nominated Wendall Willkie (d.1944) for US president.  S4,
   -  Britain recognizes General Charles de Gaulle as the leader of the Free French -,
June 1940:  President Franklin D. Roosevelt named Vannevar Bush director of the newly formed National Defense Research Committee to continue U.S. nuclear research. In response to a plea by scientists Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard, FDR initiated a modest program of uranium research in 1939. By June 1940, interest in uranium and its properties had increased to the point that the president created a larger organization, the National Defense Research Committee, with a broader scope of activity. He named as director Vannevar Bush, the president of the Carnegie Institution in Washington, D.C. The slowly growing effort gained further impetus in mid-1941 from a startling British document code-named the "MAUD Report." Based on British nuclear research, the report stated that a very small amount of uranium-235 could produce an explosion equivalent to that of several thousand tons of TNT. Roosevelt responded by creating a still larger organization, the Office of Scientific Research and Development, which, directed by Bush, would mobilize scientific resources to create an atomic weapon.  S4,
July 1940 -  3 July 1940:  Operation Catapult is launched -,
-  5 July 1940:  U.S. passes Export Control Act -,
-  7 July 1940:  Future President Jimmy Carter marries
-  10 July 1940:  The Battle of Britain begins
-  18 July 1940:  The Democratic national convention in Chicago nominated President Roosevelt for an unprecedented third term in office.   S4,,
-  19 July 1940:  In a public address, Hitler outlines his peace offer to Britain. He says he sees "no reason why the war must go on." He adds that, "A great empire will be destroyed, a world empire which it was never my intention to destroy or damage." He says that the "continuation of this war will only end with the complete destruction of one of the two warring parties. Mr. Churchill may believe that this will be Germany. I know it will be England." -
-  23 July 1940:  German bombers began the "Blitz," the all-night air raids on LondonS4,
-  25 July 1940:  President Roosevelt orders a partial trade embargo on aviation fuel, lubricants and high-grade scrap metal to Japan.

10 July - 31 Oct  1940:  The Battle of Britain in July-October of 1940 was an earth-shakingly decisive campaign (not just a battle). Hermann Goering’s Luftwaffe gathered over 2,500 combat planes for a bombing campaign that would be a prelude to "Operation Sea Lion" (an invasion of Britain). British Air Marshall Hugh C. Dowding’s Royal Air Force’s Fighter Command could muster about 650 decent fighters (Hurricanes and Spitfires). The Luftwaffe came perilously close to wearing down the R.A.F., but at about that time, a German bomber accidentally dropped bombs on London, Churchill bombed Berlin, and Hitler switched the Luftwaffe’s attack from the R.A.F. to London, giving the R.A.F. a breather. The Luftwaffe’s bombers carried too small a bomb load for a strategic bombing campaign and were inadequately armed to defend themselves against R.A.F. fighters. The Luftwaffe’s Me-109 fighter lacked the range to provide sufficient escort for the bombers, which were massacred by Hurricanes and Spitfires. The Germans knew that the British radar installations existed, and did launch some attacks upon them, but never realized how vital radar truly was in directing R.A.F. fighters to intercept raiding aircraft. In 1969 the film “Battle of Britain” starred Laurence Olivier as Hugh C. Dowding  S4, S8,,
Aug 1940 -  3 Aug 1940:  Italians move on British Somaliland -,
-  13 Aug 1940:  The Battle of Britain escalates - Link
-  17 Aug 1940:  Wendell Willkie, a former Democrat, delivered his formal acceptance speech as the Republican nominee for president from his home in Elwood, Indiana.  S4,
-  18 Aug 1940:  Walter P. Chrysler Died -,
20 Aug 1940:
     -  British Prime Minister Winston Churchill paid tribute to the Royal Air Force, saying, "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."   S4,
     -  Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky assassinated in Mexico
-  23 Aug 1940:  German Luftwaffe began night bombing on London.  S4,
-  25/26 Aug 1940:  First British air raid on Berlin. S8,
Sept 1940 -  4 Sept 1940:  The USS Greer is fired upon -,
-  7 Sept 1940:  The Blitz Begins (London) -,  
-  10 Sept 1940:  British War Cabinet reacts to the Blitz in kind -,
-  11 Sept 1940:  Hitler Focuses East, sends troops to Romania -,
12 Sept 1940
     -  Lascaux cave paintings discovered -,
     -  Silent Film Star Tom Mix dies in Arizona Car wreck -,
-  13 Sept 1940:  Italy invades Egypt -,  
-  15 Sept 1940:  Tide Turns in Battle of Britain -,
16 Sept 1940
     -  United States military conscription bill passed.  S4, S8
     -  Because Germany has failed to destroy Britain's ability to strike with fighter airplanes, Hitler drops his plan for a cross-channel invasion of Britain.
-  27 Sept 1940:  Nazi-Germany, Italy and Japan signed a formal alliance called Tripartite Pact, a 10 year military and economic alliance strengthening the Axis alliance.  S4,,
Oct 1940 -  5 Oct 1940:  FDR re-elected president - Link,
-  7 Oct 1940:  German troops enter Romania -,
-  9 Oct 1940:  St. Paul's Cathedral bombed during the Battle of Britain -,
-  12 Oct 1940:  Silent-film star Tom Mix dies in Arizona car wreck -,
-  16 Oct 1940:  The 1st lottery for US WW II draftees was held; #158 drawn 1st.  S4,
-  16 Nov 1940:  Walt Signs up for Military Draft  S9, S10, S11, S12, S13, S14, S17, Draft Registration Card,
-  24 Oct 1940: 
The 40-hour work week went into effect in the US under the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act.  S4,
27 Oct 1940
   -  De Gaulle sets up the Empire Defense Council -,
   -  Mafia boss John Gotti is born
-  28 Oct 1940:  Italy invades Greece -,
Nov 1940 -  5 Nov 1940:  President Roosevelt won an unprecedented third term in office, beating Republican challenger Wendell L. Willkie along with Surprise Party challenger Gracie Allen.   S4,,
-  7 Nov 1940:  The middle section of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington state, nicknamed "Galloping Gertie," collapsed during a windstorm. In 1950 a new fortified bridge was built on the original piers.  S4, Narrows Bridge - Wikipedia Article  -, ,
-  13 Nov 1940:  Germans bomb Coventry, England -,
-  18 Nov 1940:  Hitler furious over Italy's debacle in Greece -,
-  19 Nov 1940:  Hitler urges Spain to grab Gibraltar -,
-  23 Nov 1940:  Romania becomes an Axis "power" -,
27 Nov 1940
     -  Iron Guard massacres former Romanian government -,
     -  Bruce Lee born
Dec 1940 -  9 Dec 1940:  Brits launch offensive against Italians in North Africa -,
-  29/30 Dec 1940:  Massive German Air Raid on London -Link   S8,,


Top of  Page

Color Legend Company B Walt Robbins, Sr.
=1941  Timeline 1941
Jan 1941 -  6 Jan:  President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress to support the lend-lease plan to help supply the Allies. In an address to Congress President Franklin Roosevelt expressed the general world aims of the United States as these "Four Freedoms": of speech and expression; of worship; from want; and from fear. Oscar Cox had helped draft the Lend-Lease Act.  S5,,
-   8 Jan:  William Randolph Hearst stops "Citizen Kane" ads -,
-  10 Jan 1941:  FDR Introduces the Lend-Lease Program -,
-  13 Jan 1941:  James Joyce dies
-  19 Jan 1941:  British attack Italians in Africa -,
-  22 Jan 1941:  Brits and Australians take Tobruk -,
-  23 Jan 1941: Charles Lindbergh to Congress:  Negotiate with Hitler -,
Feb 1941 -  5 Feb 1941:  Hitler to Mussolini:  Fight Harder! -,
-  12 Feb 1941:  German General Erwin Rommel arrives in Africa
March 1941 -  1 March 1941:  Bulgaria joins the Axis -,
-  4 March 1941:  Britain launches Operation Claymore -,
-  7 March 1941:  British Forces arrive in Greece -,
-  11 March 1941:  The Lend-Lease Act was passed by the US Congress. It authorized the president to send aid to nations whose defense he considered essential to US defense.  S5, Link,
-  15 March 1941:  Blizzard unexpectedly hits North Dakota and Minnesota -,
25 March 1941
   -  Yugoslavia joins the Axis -,
   -  Naval warfare gets new weapon (Manned torpedo's) -,
28 March 1941:
     -  Cunningham leads fateful British strike at Italians -,
     -  Land Cleared for Ford's Willow Run Plant -,
Apr 1941 -  2 Apr 1941:  "The Desert Fox" recaptures Libya -,
-  6 Apr 1941:  Germany Invades Yugoslavia and Greece -,
-  10 Apr 1941:  Croatia declares independence -,
-  13 Apr 1941:  Japan and USSR sign nonaggression pact -,
-  17 Apr 1941:  Yugoslavia surrenders to the Nazis
-  27 Apr 1941:  German forces enter Athens -,
May 1941 -   1 May 1941:  Movie "Citizen Kane" Released -,
-  5 May 1941:  Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie returns to his capital -,
-   10 May 1941:  Deputy Führer Rudolph Hess flies to Scotland.  S8,
-  10/11 May 1941:  Heavy German bombing of London; British bomb Hamburg. S8,
-  12 May 1941:  Hitler backs Rashid Ali in his fight against Britain -,
15 May 1941
   -  First Allied Jet flies -,
   -  Legislation creating the Women's Army Corps becomes law
-  19 May 1941:  The new 823.5-foot Nazi battleship Bismarck left Gdynia, Poland, under the command of Commander Gunther Lutjens. - Bismarck Article - Wikipedia (ON, 10/09, p.1)  S5,
-  21 May 1941:  The first U.S. ship, the SS Robin Moor, was sunk by a U-boat.  S5,
23 May 1941:
     -  Joe Louis beats Buddy Baer to retain heavyweight title -,
     -  Ship Carrying Lord Mountbatten, cousin to a king, sunk by German dive-bombers -,
-  24 May 1941:  The German battleship Bismarck sank the British dreadnought HMS Hood in the North Atlantic. 1416 died with only three survivors.  S5, S8,,
27 May 1941
     -  The German battleship Bismarck was sunk off France by British naval and air forces with a loss of more than 2,100 lives. British ships rescued 4 officers and 106 of the crew. A German fishing vessel was reported to have rescued another 100 men.
     Bismarck Article - Wikipedia    (AP, 5/27/07)(ON, 10/09, p.5)  S5, S8,,
     -  27 May 1941:  FDR proclaims an unlimited national emergency -,
-  31 May 1941:  Germans conquer Crete -,
June 1941 1 June 1941
   -  Lou Gehrig died
   -   Crete falls to German Forces -
-  8 June 1941:  Allies invade Syria and Lebanon -,
-  14 June 1941:  United States freezes German and Italian assets in America. S5S8,
-  20 June 1941:  Ford signs first contract with autoworkers' union -,
-  22 June 1941:  German troops invaded Russia and thereby violated the 1939 Russo-German non-aggression pact. Under the codename Barbarossa, Germany invaded the Soviet Union, the largest invasion of another country in history. In 2005 Constantine Pleshakov authored “Stalin’s Folly,” and David E. Murphy authored ”What Stalin Knew.” Both provide accounts of the invasion and Stalin’s refusal to acknowledge warning signs.
    (AP, 6/22/97)(HN, 6/22/98)(WSJ, 6/22/05, p.D12)  S5, Germany attacks Soviet Union as Operation Barbarossa begins.   S8,,

-  29 June 1941:  Nazi divisions in a surprise assault made sweeping advances toward Leningrad, Moscow, and Kiev. Joseph Stalin had ignored warnings that Hitler would betray the 1939 Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact. Over 500,000 square miles of Russian territory were taken in the first two months of the invasion  S5,,,
-  29 June 1941:  Germans capture Lvov and a slaughter ensues,
July 1941 -  7 July 1941:  U.S. occupies Iceland -,
-  8 July 1941:  German general's diary reveals Hitler's plans for Russia -,
-  9 July 1941:  Enigma key broken -,
-  13 July 1941:  Britain and the Soviet Union signed a mutual aid pact, providing the means for Britain to send war materiel to the Soviet Union.  S5,
-  15 July 1941:  Garbo (master spy Juan Pujol Garcia) makes an appearance -,
-  17 July 1941:  The longest hitting streak in baseball history ended when the Cleveland Indians pitchers held NY Yankee Joe DiMaggio, the Yankee Clipper, hitless for the first time in 57 games. His hitting streak ended with 56 games.  S5,,
-  24 July 1941:  The U.S. government denounced Japanese actions in Indochina.  S5,
-  25 July 1941:  Henry Ford writes fan letter to Mahatma Gandi -,
-  26 July 1941:  President Roosevelt freezes Japanese assets in United States and suspends relations.  S8,,
-  31 July 1941:  Göring instructs Heydrich to prepare for the Final Solution. S8 Link,,
Aug 1941 -  9 Aug 1941:  President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill met at Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. Their meeting produced the Atlantic Charter, an agreement between the two countries on war aims, even though the United States was still a neutral country.  S5, Link -
-  12 Aug 1941:  President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill confer, map out short and long-term goals - FDR and Churchill meet on ship, map out Atlantic Charter
-  18 Aug 1941:  Hitler Suspends Euthanasia Program of mentally ill and handicapped - Link -
-  27 Aug 1941:  Japanese prime minister requests a summit meeting with FDR - Link
-  28 Aug 1941:  Mass Slaughter in Ukraine - Link -
-  30 Aug 1941:  The World War II siege of Leningrad began as Nazi forces took Mga.  S5,
-  31 Aug 1941:  The radio program "The Great Gildersleeve," a spin-off of Fibber McGee & Molly, made its debut on NBC.   S5,
Sept 1941 -  8 Sept 1941:  Siege of Leningrad Begins -,
-  11 Sept 1941:  FDR ordered any Axis ship found in American waters be sunk on sight, in response to submarine attacks on US vessels.    (MC, 9/11/01)  S5,
-  19 Sept 1941:  Germans Bombard Leningrad -,
-  24 Sept 1941:  Japanese gather preliminary data on Pearl Harbor -,
-  28 Sept 1941:  Ted Williams becomes the last player to hit .400 -, (Also see:  "Ted Williams hits home run in last major league at bat" )-
-  29 Sept 1941:  Babi Yar Massacre begins -, (The Babi Yar massacre of nearly 34,000 Jewish men, women, and children begins on the outskirts of Kiev in the Nazi-occupied Ukraine.)
Oct 1941 -  2 Oct 1941:  Operation Typhoon is launched -,
-  8 Oct 1941:  Germans overrun Mariupol, in southern Russia -,
-  9 Oct 1941:  President Franklin D. Roosevelt requested congressional approval for arming U.S. merchant ships.  S5,
-  10 Oct 1941:  German U-boat torpedoes hit the US destroyer Kearney.  S5,
-  17 Oct 1941:  Konoye Government (Japan) falls -,
-  21 Oct 1941:  Germans massacre men, women, and children in Yugoslavia -,
-  23 Oct 1941:  Soviets switch commanders in drive to halt Germans -,
-  30 Oct 1941:  FDR approves Lend-Lease aid to the USSR -,
31 Oct 1941
     -  The Mt. Rushmore sculpture was completed after 14 years of work. [see 1927]  S5,
     -  The US Navy destroyer "Reuben James" was torpedoed by a German U-boat off Iceland, killing 115, even though the United States had not yet entered World War II. - USS Reuben James Exhibit - NARA    S5
Nov 1941 -  1 Nov 1941:  FDR puts Coast Guard under control of the Navy -,
-  5 Nov 1941:  The order is given:  Bomb Pearl Harbor -,
-  6 Nov 1941:  Stalin celebrates the Revolution's anniversary -,
-  13 Nov 1941:  U.S. Congress revises the Neutrality Act -,
-  14 Nov 1941:  Cary Grant stars in Hitchock's Suspicion -,
-  16 Nov 1941:  Goebbels publishes his screed of hate -,
-  22 Nov 1941:  Nazi chief architect (Albert Speer) requests POWs to labor for a new Berlin -,
-  25 Nov 1941:  A "War Warning" is sent to commanders in the Pacific -,
26 Nov 1941
     -  FDR establishes modern Thanksgiving holiday -,
     -  The Japanese fleet departed from the Kurile Islands en route for its attack on Pearl Harbor.  S5,
-  27 Nov 1941:  Jefferson seceded from Oregon and California. Jefferson was the winning name for a new state made of California’s northern Siskiyou, Del Norte and Trinity counties along with Oregon’s southern Curray County. California’s Gov. Culbert L. Olson was soon informed that until roads were repaired, Jefferson would be forced to rebel every Thursday. In 2008 calls for a Jefferson state gained steam and included an additional 5 counties in southern Oregon and 2 more in northern California.  S5,
-  28 Nov 1941:  The aircraft carrier USS Enterprise departed Pearl Harbor to deliver F4F Wildcat fighters to Wake Island. This mission saved the carrier from destruction when the Japanese attacked.  S5,
-  29 Nov 1941:  The passenger ship Lurline sent a radio signal of sighting Japanese war fleet steaming east across the northern Pacific.  S5,
Dec 1941 -  1 Dec 1941:  Japanese emperor Hirohito signed a declaration of war. Japan’s Tojo rejected U.S. proposals for a Pacific settlement as fantastic and unrealistic.  S5,
-  2 Dec 1941:  Yamamoto ordered his fleet to Pearl Harbor.  S5,
5 Dec 1941:
     -  US aircraft carrier Lexington and 5 heavy cruisers steamed out of Pearl Harbor heading for Midway.  S5,,
     -  Russian offensive in Moscow drove out the Nazi army.  S5,
-  6 Dec 1941:  President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a personal appeal to Emperor Hirohito to use his influence to avoid war.  S5,,

7 Dec 1941:
     -  Hitler issued "Nacht und Nebel" – the Night and Fog Decree    S8,

Pearl Harbor attacked -,
     - [7:55 a.m.] Japan launched an aerial attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, the home base of the U.S. Pacific fleet, and forced US entry into the war. They also attacked the Philippines, the Int’l. Settlement at Shanghai, Thailand and Hong Kong. Relations between Japan and the United States had been strained for a decade as both nations sought to dominate the Pacific. Long aware that a Japanese surprise attack on the naval base at Pearl Harbor could precede war, U.S. authorities were still woefully unprepared when 363 Japanese fighters, dive-bombers and torpedo planes sunk or damaged eight battleships and three light cruisers, destroyed 188 planes and killed 2,400 men in just over two hours. The Battleship Arizona lost 1,177 men. An estimated 900 were entombed in the sunken ship. The US lost [18] 19 ships, 140 aircraft and 2,300 [2,338] lives. In all 2,403 people were killed and 1,178 were wounded; 187 planes were destroyed and 159 damaged. The Japanese lost 29 planes and 5 midget submarines. The next day, President Franklin D. Roosevelt denounced December 7, 1941, as a "date which will live in infamy" as he asked Congress to declare war on Japan.  S5, Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor       S8,
-  2:20 am:   the "Final Memorandum" document was delivered to Sec. of State Cordell Hull in Washington DC. In it Japan notified the US that it was "impossible to reach an agreement through further negotiations."  S5,
-  Evidence arose in 1999 that one of five Japanese mini submarines penetrated Pearl Harbor and hit at least one ship with torpedoes. In 1999 Robert B. Stinnett published "Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor." Edward Latimer "Ned" Beach (1918-2002), former Navy captain authored "Scapegoats! A Defense of Kimmel and Short at Pearl Harbor."  S5,
- FDR reacts to news of Pearl Harbor bombing

- 8 Dec 1941:
     -  The United States entered World War II as Congress declared war against Japan, a day after the attack on Pearl Harbor.  S5,,
     -  Jeanette Rankin casts sole vote against WW 2 -,
-  10 Dec 1941:  Japan becomes master of the Pacific and South China Sea -,
-  11 Dec 1941:  Germany and Italy declared war on the United States; the U.S. responded in kind.  S5, S8,,
-  12 Dec 1941:  U.S. seizes French liner Normandie -,
-  17 Dec 1941:  Commander at Pearl Harbor relieved of his duties -,
-  18 Dec 1941:  Japan invades Hong Kong -,
-  19 Dec 1941:  Hitler took complete command of German Army.  S5, S8,,
-  20 Dec 1941:  Hitler to Halder:  No Retreat! -
-  22 Dec 1941:  British Prime Minister Winston Churchill arrived in Washington for a wartime conference with President Roosevelt.  S5
-  25 Dec 1941:  Bing Crosby introduces "White Christmas" to the world -,
26 Dec 1941
     -  Winston Churchill became the first British prime minister to address a joint meeting of the U.S. Congress.   S5,
     -   British surrender Hong Kong -,
     -  FDR establishes modern Thanksgiving holiday
-  27 Dec 1941:  Office of Price Administration begins to ration automobile tires -,
-  28 Dec 1941:  Request made for creation of construction battalions -,

Top of  Page

Color Legend Company B Walt Robbins, Sr.

=1942  1942 Timeline       WW2 Timeline, 1942

Jan 1942 -  1 Jan 1942:  United Nations Created -,
-  2 Jan 1942:  Navy opens a blimp base in Lakehurst, New Jersey -, (6 May 1937:  the Hindenburg Exploded over Lakehurst)
-  6 Jan 1942:  FDR commits to biggest arms buildup in U.S. history -,
-  9 Jan 1942:  US Joint Chiefs of Staff became established.  S6,
-  12 Jan 1942:  FDR recreates the National War Labor Board -
13 Jan 1942:
   -  Germans begin a U-boat offensive along east coast of USA. S8,
   -  Allies promise prosecution of war criminals -,
14 Jan 1942:
   -  President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered all U.S. "Enemy aliens" to register with the government.   S6,,
   -  Anglo-American Combined Chiefs of Staff established -,
    -  Roosevelt ushers in Japanese-American internment -,
-  16 Jan 1942:  Actress Carole Lombard killed in plane crash
-  18 Jan 1942:  General MacArthur repelled the Japanese in Bataan. The United States took the lead in the Far East war criminal trials.  S6,
-  20 Jan 1942:  Top Nazis met at Grossen-Wannsee, outside Berlin, and there formulated the infamous "Final Solution" to the Jewish question. Chaired by SS General Reinhard Heydrich, the one-day conference was designed to address the Nazi efforts at removing the Jews. The 15 top-ranking men of the German Reich agreed upon a blueprint for the extermination of Europe’s Jews. Their "final solution" called for exterminating Europe's Jews. Until this time, the plan had been to deport all Jews to the island of Madagascar off Africa, but by 1942 this plan was rejected in favor of transporting Jews to the east where the able-bodied would become slave laborers for the Reich. SS chief Heinrich Himmler would be in charge. Those unfit to work would be, the conference minutes noted, "appropriately dealt with." This phrase was left unexplained, but there was no doubt of its sinister meaning. After approving genocide as Nazi policy, the conference attendees adjourned for lunch. The minutes were taken by Adolf Eichmann.  S6,,
-  25 Jan 1942:  Thailand declares war on the United States and England -,
-  26 Jan 1942:  The first American expeditionary force to go to Europe during World War II went ashore in Northern Ireland.   S6, S8,
-  29 Jan 1942:  Iran signs Treaty of Alliance with Great Britain and USSR -,
Feb 1942 2 Feb 1942
   -  US auto factories switched from commercial to war production.  S6,
   -  Quisling becomes prime minister of puppet regime in Norway -,
9 Feb 1942
   -  Normandie burns in New York - regarded by many as the most elegant ocean liner ever built, burns and sinks in New York Harbor during its conversion to an Allied trip transport ship.,
   -  Daylight Saving time instituted -,
10 Feb 1942
   -  The war halted civilian car production at Ford. Henry Ford opposed America's entry into World War II until the attack on Pearl Harbor, which inspired him to begin an all-out effort to manufacture planes and vehicles for the war effort.  S6,
   -  Japanese sub bombards Midway -,
-  11 Feb 1942:  The "Channel Dash",
13 Feb 1942:
   -  Hitler's invasion of England was cancelled.  S6,
   -  U.S. Army launches K-9 Corps -,
-  15 Feb 1942:  Singapore falls to Japan -,
-  19 Feb 1942:  President Roosevelt signed executive order 9066 that gave the military the authority to relocate and intern Japanese-Americans. The order resulted in the incarceration of more than 110,000 Japanese-Americans living in California, Oregon, Washington and Arizona. By the end of March, 1942, the Japanese-Americans were moved to 10 relocation camps throughout the U.S.  interior. The mass expulsion of Japanese-Americans from the West Coast ended on January, 2, 1945. [see Feb 20]  S6,,
-  20 Feb 1942:  Pilot, Lt. Edward O'Hare, becomes first American WW2 flying ace (O'Hare International Airport in Chicago named after him) -,
-  22 Feb 1942:  President Roosevelt to MacArthur:  "Get out of the Philippines" -,
-  23 Feb 1942:   A Japanese submarine shelled an oil refinery at Ellwood, near Santa Barbara, Calif., the first Axis bombs to hit American soil.   S6,
-  27 Feb 1942:  U.S. aircraft carrier Langley is sunk -,
-  28 Feb 1942:  The German submarine U-578 torpedoed and sank the US destroyer Jacob Jones off the New Jersey coast. Only 11 of some 102 crew members survived.  S6,
March 1942 - 8 March 1942:  Dutch surrender on Java -,
-  9 March 1942:  Construction of the Alaska Highway began.  S6,
-  11 March 1942:  MacArthur leaves the Philippines (Corregidor) -,
-  13 March 1942:  U.S. Army launches K-9 Corps -,
18 March 1942
     -  Doolittle leads air raid on Tokyo - Wikipedia,
     -  The third military draft began in the U.S. because of World War II.   S6,
     -  War Relocation Authority is established in United States -,
-  19 March 1942:  FDR ordered men between 45 and 64 to register for non military duty.  S6,
-  22 March 1942:  Cripps and Gandhi meet -,
-  23 March 1942:  During World War II the US government began moving the first of some 112,000 Japanese-Americans from their West Coast homes to detention centers.  S6
-  March 1942: 
     -  The US government launched its "Salvage for Victory" campaign to collect tin, rubber, scrap iron, rags and paper for the war effort.  S6,
     -  British and US intelligence received information on Nazi plans for the Holocaust: "It has been decided to eradicate all the Jews." This was part of a dispatch from a Chilean consul in Prague, Gonzalo Montt Rivas, to Santiago of a German decree that Jews abroad could no longer be German subjects.  S6,
April 1942 April 1942
      - Japanese-Americans sent to relocation centers. S8,
-  3 April 1942:  Japanese launch major offensive against Bataan -,
-  9 April 1942:  In the Battle of Bataan, some 70,000 soldiers gathered at the bottom of the Bataan peninsula during World War II. American and Philippine defenders on Bataan capitulated to Japanese forces; the surrender was followed by the notorious 55-mile "Bataan Death March" which claimed nearly 10,000 lives. 12,000 American soldiers surrendered to the Japanese and some 1000 died on the march. [see Apr 10]  S6,,
-  10 April 1942:  The 65-mile Bataan Death March began to a prison camp near Cabanatuan. The prisoners were forced to march 85 miles in six days with only one meal of rice during the entire journey. Some 10k-15k soldiers perished on the march. Bataan is a peninsula of western Luzon in the Philippines. It was surrendered to the Japanese in this year and retaken by American forces in 1945. [see Apr 9]  S6,,
-  17 April 1942:  French General Henri Giraud makes his great escape -,
18 April 1942
     -  First issue of the newspaper for U.S. armed forces, Stars and Stripes, was published.   S6,
     -  The first US air strike against Japan, an air squadron from the USS Hornet led by Lt. Col. James H. Doolittle (d.1993), raided Tokyo and other Japanese cities. 16 U.S. Army B-25 bombers broke through Japanese defenses to strike Tokyo and other cities in broad daylight. The North-American B-25B Mitchells were launched from the deck of the aircraft carrier Hornet, and after striking their targets, flew on to China. 2 of the 80 men drowned. 3 of 8 captured by the Japanese were executed and 1 died in a prison camp. Doolittle later became the commander general of the Eighth Air Force. In 1943 Ted Lawson authored “Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo,” an account of the bombing of Tokyo.   S6,
-  20 April 1942:  The battle for Moscow ended. It officially lasted from September 30, 1941, to April 20, 1942, but in reality spanned more than those 203 days of unremitting mass murder, and marked the first time that Hitler's armies failed to triumph with their Blitzkrieg tactics. In 2007 Andrew Nagorski authored “The Greatest Battle: Stalin, Hitler, and the Desperate Struggle for Moscow That Changed the Course of World War II.”  S6,
-  23 April 1942:  Germans begin "Baedeker Raids" on England - Link,
-  27 April 1942:  The 1st convoys of Japanese detainees arrived at the Tanforan detention center south of San Francisco. The assembly center remained in operation for 169 days after which detainees were transferred to relocation camps. Most of the Tanforan detainees were transferred to Abraham, Utah.  S6,
-  28 April 1942:  Nightly "dim-out" began along the East Coast.  S6,
May 1942 3 May 1942
     -   Executive Order 9066, signed by Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt, was issued by Lt. Gen’l. John DeWitt from his headquarters in the SF Presidio. It called for the evacuation of Japanese-Americans from Los Angeles effective May 9. Some 110,000-112,000 Japanese-Americans were settled in 10 relocation camps, the first of which was in Manzanar in Owens Valley, Ca. In the Bay Area most Japanese-Americans were sent to the Tanforan racetrack where they were put up in stables and later relocated to Topaz, Utah. Soon after, the War Relocation Authority hired Dorothea Lange, a photographer already well-known for her striking Depression-era photos of migrant workers, to document the internment process. Lange's poignant photos reflected her disagreement with government policy and brought her into conflict with her employers.  S6,
     -  The Battle of Coral Sea Begins -
-  4 May 1942:  The U.S. began food rationing  S6,
-  6 May 1942:  All American forces in the Philippines surrender unconditionally - ,
15 May 1942
     -  Gasoline rationing went into effect in 17 states, limiting sales to 3 gallons a week for nonessential vehicles.   S6,
     -  Ronald Reagan applies for transfer to Army Air Force -
     -  Legislation creating the Women's Army Corps becomes law -
-  20 May 1942:  US Navy 1st permitted black recruits to serve.  S6,
21 May 942
     -  Thousands of Jews die in Nazi gas chambers
     -  IG Farben sets up factory
     -  Thousands of Jews deported from Chelm, Poland
-  29 May 1942:  Jews in Paris are forced to sew a yellow star on their coats -
30 May 1942
   -   Brits bombard Cologne in Operation Millennium -
   -  Japanese American Fred Korematsu is arrested for resisting internment
June 1942 June 1942
     -  Mass murder of Jews by gassing begins at Auschwitz.  S8,
1 June 1942
     -  America began sending Lend-Lease materials to the Soviet Union.  S6,
     -  News of death camp killings becomes public for first time -,
-  2 June 1942:  The American aircraft carriers Enterprise, Hornet and Yorktown moved into their battle positions for the Battle of Midway.  S6,
-  4 June 1942:  The Battle of Midway began. It was Japan’s first major defeat in World War II. Four Japanese carriers were lost. The carrier USS Yorktown was hit by 3 Japanese bombs and put on tow to Pearl Harbor. It was torpedoed three days later and sank in waters 16,650 deep. The Yorktown was found in 1998 by a team led by oceanographer Robert Ballard, who had also found the Titanic and the Bismarck. The story of the Battle of Midway was told by Walter Lord in "Incredible Victory." In 2005 Alvin Kernan authored “The Unknown Battle of Midway.”  S6,,
-  5 June 1942:  FDR warns Japanese against using poison gas -,
7 June 1942
     -  The USS Yorktown was sunk off of Midway Atoll.  S6,
     -  Battle of Midway Ends -,
     -  Japanese land troops on the islands of Attu and Kiska in the Aleutians -,
-  12 June 1942:  Anne Frank received her diary as a birthday present in Amsterdam.  S6,,
13 June 1942
     -  President Roosevelt created the Office of War Information, and appointed radio news commentator Elmer Davis to be its head. The OSS, Office of Strategic Services, was formed.  S6,
     -  Four men landed on a Long Island beach from a German submarine with plans to sabotage NYC’s water system and industrial sites across the Northeastern US. [see Jun 27]  S6,
-  14 June 1942:  Anne Frank began her diary.  S6,
17 June 1942
     -  Yank a weekly magazine for the U.S. armed services, began publication. Hartzell Spence (d.2001 at 93), executive editor of Yank, a new US Army publication, soon introduced the term "pinup" for the photo inserts of beautiful women and added the "Sad Sack" cartoon strip.  S6,
     -  Four men landed on a Florida beach from a German submarine with plans to sabotage US industrial sites. [see Jun 27]  S6,
-  18 June 1942:  The U.S. Navy commissioned its first black officer, Harvard University medical student Bernard Whitfield Robinson.   S6,
-  19 June 1942:  Prime Minister Winston Churchill arrived in Washington D.C. to discuss the invasion of North Africa with President Roosevelt.  S6,
-  21 June 1942:  Allies surrender at Tobruk, Libya -,
-  22 June 1942: 
     -  The first delivery of V-Mail was in 1942.  S6,
     -  A Japanese submarine shelled Fort Stevens, Oregon, at the mouth of the Columbia River.  S6,
     -  First deportations from the Warsaw Ghetto to concentration camps; Treblinka extermination camp opened.  S8,
-  25 June 1942:  Major General Dwight Eisenhower was appointed commander of US forces in Europe.  S6, S8,,
-  27 June 1942:  The FBI announced the capture of eight Nazi saboteurs who had been put ashore from 2 submarines, one off New York’s Long Island and the other off of Florida. The men were tried by a military court and 6 were secretly executed in a DC jail. Ernest Burger and George Dasch were sentenced to 30 years in prison for their help in revealing the plot. They were pardoned in 1948 by Pres. Truman.  S6,
July 1942 -  1 July 1942:  The Battle of El Alamein begins -,
-  4 July 1942:  1st American bombing mission over enemy-occupied Europe (WW II). US air offensive against Nazi-Germany began.  S6,
-  6 July 1942:  Anne Frank's family went into hiding in After House, Amsterdam.  S6,,
-  7 July 1942:  Himmler decides to begin medical experiments on Auschwitz prisoners -,
-  9 July 1942:  Germans begin a drive toward Stalingrad in the USSR.  S8,
-  19 July 1942: 
     -  German U-boats were withdrawn from positions off the U.S. Atlantic coast due to effective American anti-submarine countermeasures.   S6,
     -  George Washington Carver begins experimental project with Henry Ford -,
-  22 July 1932: 
     -  Gasoline rationing involving the use of coupons began along the Atlantic seaboard.   S6,
     -  Deportations from Warsaw ghetto to Treblinka begin -,
Aug 1942 -  2 Aug 1942:  Man Murdered near L.A. Reservoir -,
-  4 Aug 1942:  US and Mexico sign the Mexican Farm Labor Agreement
-  7 Aug 1942:  U.S. forces invade Guadalcanal
-  8 Aug 1942
     -  German Saboteurs executed in Washington - Link -
     -  U.S. Forces invade Guadalcanal -,
17 Aug 1942
     - First all-American air attack in Europe  S8,
     - Carlson's Raiders Land on Makin Island - Link -
-  19 Aug 1942:  Allies raid Dieppe, France - -
-  24 Aug 1942:  Brave Volunteers save the day in the Battle of the East Solomon Islands - Link -
-  27 Aug 1942:  Cuba declared war on Germany, Japan and Italy.  S6,
-  29 Aug 1942:  The American Red Cross announced that Japan had refused to allow safe conduct for the passage of ships with supplies for American prisoners of war.  S6,,
Sep 1942 -  Sept 1942: 
     -  Japanese detainees from the California assembly center at Tanforan race track began their transfer to Abraham, Utah, 140 miles south of SLC.  S6,
-  1 Sept 1942:  A federal judge in Sacramento, Calif., upheld the wartime detention of Japanese-Americans as well as Japanese nationals.   S6,
-  2 Sept 1942:  German troops entered Stalingrad.  S6,
-  5 Sept 1942:  British & US bombed Le Havre & Bremen.  S6,
-  9 Sept 1942:  Japanese bomb U.S. Mainland -,
-  12 Sept 1942:  The Laconia is sunk -,
-  21 Sept 1942:  The Super fortress takes flight -,
-  25 Sept 1942:  Gestapo headquarters targeted in Norway -,
-  28 Sept 1942:  General Arnold fights for unique bombers (B35 and B36) -,
-  29 Sept 1942:  JFK thanks Clare Booth Luce for good-luck coin -,
Oct 1942 -  3 Oct 1942:  In Germany the rocket-development team of Werner von Braun conducted the 1st successful test flight of an A-4/V-2 missile from the Peenemunde test site. It flew perfectly over a 118-mile course to an altitude of 53 miles (85 km). The 13-ton, 46-foot long V2 rocket was the world’s 1st long-range ballistic missile.  S6,,
-  5 Oct 1942:  "Stalingrad must not be taken by the enemy" (Stalin) -
-  9 Oct 1942:  A Chicago bootlegger escapes from prison -,
-  11 Oct 1942:  U.S. defeats Japanese in the Battle of Cape Esperance -,
-  18 Oct 1942:  Vice Admiral Halsey named new commander of the South Pacific -,
-  22 Oct 1942:  Allies confer secretly about Operation Torch -,
-  26 Oct 1942:  Japanese planes destroy the U.S.S Hornet -,
-  29 Oct 1942:  The British protest against the persecution of Jews -,
Nov 1942 -  2 Nov 1942:  British Launch Operation Supercharge -,
-  8 Nov 1942
     -  Hitler proclaimed the fall of Stalingrad from Munich beer hall.  S6,
     -  FDR broadcasts message to Vichy France leader Marshal Petain -,
-  10 Nov 1942:  Germans take Vichy France -,
11 Nov 1942
     -  Germany completed its occupation of France.  S6,
     -  U.S. defeats Japanese in the Battle of Cape Esperance -,
     -  Draft Age is lowered to 18 (U.S.) -,
-  12 Nov 1942:  The World War II naval Battle of Guadalcanal began. The Allies eventually won a major victory over the Japanese. The battle was described by Ira Wolfert in news reports and his 1943 book "Battle for the Solomons."  S6,
13 Nov 1942
     -  US Pres. Roosevelt signed a measure lowering the minimum draft age from 21 to 18.  S6,
     -  USS Laffey Sunk at Guadalcanal by Japanese - Wikipedia,
-  18 Nov 1942:  Walt Inducted into the US Army - Winchester, Randolph County, Indiana  S15, S17, S33,
-  19 Nov 1942:  Soviet counterattack at Stalingrad -,
-  22 Nov 1942:  Soviets encircle Germans at Stalingrad -,
-  26 Nov 1942:  Casablanca premieres in NYC -,
27 Nov 1942
     -  French scuttle their fleet -,
     -  Jimi Hendrix born
-  29 Nov 1942:  Coffee Rationing Begins (U.S.) -,
Dec 1942  
1 Dec 1942 Walt entered active military service in the US Army - Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana  S15, S17, S19, S30, S33,
- Inducted at Ft Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis, Marion Co, IN. Walter stated that he spent 2 or 3 days at Ft Ben and then they boarded a train headed west and after a 2 or 3 day trip arrived at Camp Adair, Oregon.  (Interview with Walter, n.d.)
- Fort Benjamin Harrison: No basic training here - just in and out - Was there only 2 or 3 days - were mustered in here. We then took a troop train to Camp Adair, Oregon. The trip took 2 or 3 days. The train had different seats than a regular train - no civilians on the train, only troops.  Doc0871.pdf

-  1 Dec 1942:  Nationwide gasoline rationing went into effect in the United States.   S6
-  2 Dec 1942:  Professor Enrico Fermi sets up an atomic reactor in Chicago.  S8,,
4 Dec 1942
     -  President Roosevelt ordered the dismantling of the Works Progress Administration, which had been created to provide jobs during the Depression.   S6,
     -  Polish Christians come to the aid of Polish Jews -,
-  8 Dec 1942:  Auto Factory architect Albert Kahn dies -,
-  13 Dec 1942:  Goebbels complains of Italians' treatment of Jews -,
15  Dec 1942  (about) Walt arrived at Boot Camp - Camp Adair, Oregon  (S1, page 17 - Basic Training.  "In November the first groups of filler replacements arrived at Adair and by December 15 the 413th numbered 3000 men, most of whom had come directly from their reception centers. It was now time to go to work. For 13 weeks the new soldiers went through their paces on the drill fields and ranges...The men had the advantage of being an organized unit instead of just so many recruits to be split up at the end of 13 weeks...After basic was completed, the 413th practiced under varied conditions, learning the technique of river crossings, assaults of strong points, and cooperation with field artillery units.")  S21,

Extract: Walter talked about the poison Oak and how most all of the soldiers got into it in one form or another. He said when someone got it they had to spend 7 days in the hospital to get over it. The only thing they had for it was some pink stuff they rubbed on it. Since you had to crawl around on the ground and move through the brush, etc you couldn't help but keep getting it - [Interview 2 July 2003, page 2, 3 - Link]

Basic Training:  Learn to shoot a gun - How to use a compass - Quick Order Drill - Hikes: 20-mile hikes and 5-mile fast hikes - Close-order drill (Every Morning) - Got up at 5am each morning, sweep & Mop barracks, make bed and fall out for Reveille, eat breakfast, then Close-order drill.  [Interview 2 July 2003 - Link]

  -  17 Dec 1942:  British Foreign Secretary Eden tells the British House of Commons of mass executions of Jews by Nazis; U.S. declares those crimes will be avenged.  S8,
-  24 Dec 1942:  French Admiral Jean Darlan is assassinated -,
-  27 Dec 1942:  Germans form the Smolensk Committee to enlist Soviet soldiers -,

 Top of  Page

Color Legend Company B Walt Robbins, Sr.
=1943  1943 Timeline     WW2 Timeline
Jan 1943 -  10 Jan 1943:  Soviets begin an offensive against the Germans in Stalingrad. S8,
-  12 Jan 1943:  Soviet forces penetrate the siege of Leningrad -,
14 Jan 1943
     -  FDR becomes the first President to travel by Airplane on U.S. official Business, - 
     -  Roosevelt and Churchill begin Casablanca Conference -,
-  18 Jan 1943:  Germans resume deportations from Warsaw to Treblinka -,
-  24 Jan 1943:  General Von Paulus to Hitler:  Let us surrender! -,
27 Jan 1943
     -  First bombing raid by Americans on Germany (at Wilhelmshaven).  S8,
     -  Future President Ronald Reagan serves in film unit -,
-  30 Jan 1943: RAF launches massive daytime raid on Berlin -,
Feb 1943 -  1 Feb 1943:  Japanese begin evacuation of Guadalcanal -,
-  2 Feb 1943:  Germans surrender at Stalingrad in the first big defeat of Hitler's armies  S8,,
-  6 Feb 1943:  Mussolini fires his son-in-law -,,
8 Feb 1943
     -  Britain's Indian Brigade begins guerrilla operations in Burma -, ,
     -  Americans Secure Guadalcanal -,
-  14 Feb 1943: Battle of the Kasserine Pass (Tunisia, North Africa) - U.S. first major Battle Defeat of WW 2 -,
-  18 Feb 1943:  Nazis arrest White Rose resistance leaders (German Youth Group) -,
-  27 Feb 1943:  Mine explosion kills 74 in Montana -,
-  28 Feb 1943:  Test pilot Reitsch pitches suicide squad to Hitler -,
March 1943 -  2 March 1943:  The Battle of the Bismarck Sea -, (U.S. and Australian land-based planes begin an offensive against a convoy of Japanese ships in the Bismarck Sea, in the western Pacific.)
-  14 March 1943: 
Germans recapture Kharkov -,
-  16-20 March 1943:  Battle of Atlantic climaxes with 27 merchant ships sunk by German U-boats.  S8,
-  21 March 1943:  Another plot to kill Hitler foiled -,
-  31 March 1943:  "Oklahoma!" premiers on Broadway -,
Apr 1943 -  16 Apr 1943:  Hallucinogenic effects of LSD discovered -,
-  19 Apr 1943:  Warsaw, Poland ghetto uprising put down -,
May 1943 Walt has a Furlough  [S1, p 24 "During May and June all men got a furlough"], S22, I8,
"Private Walter C Robbins who recently spent a seven-day furlough visiting at home, has returned to camp. He is the husband of Mrs. Norma Haas Robbins and son of Mr. and Mrs. O C Robbins of Redkey. Private Robbins entered the armed forces on December 1, 1942. His address: Co. B, 413th Inf., APO 104 Div, Camp Adair, Ore, US Army." (Newspaper Article, Muncie Star, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana) - S38,

-  13 May 1943:  German and Italian troops surrender in North Africa.  S8,
-  14 May 1943:  U.S. and Britain plan Operation Pointblank -,
16 May 1943
     -  Warsaw Ghetto uprising ends -,
     -  As Brits launch Operation Chastise, Germans launch Operation Gypsy Baron -,
-  17 May 1943:  The Memphis Belle flies its 25th bombing mission -,
-  18 May 1943:  Hitler gives the order for Operation Alaric -,
-  19 May 1943:  Churchill and FDR plot D-Day -,
-  22 May 1943:  Operation Chattanooga Choo-Choo is launched -,
-  24 May 1943:  Auschwitz gets a new doctor:  "The Angel of Death" (Josef Mengele) -,
-  27 May 1943:  U.S. Airman and Ex U.S. Olympian  Louie Zamperini's plane goes down in the pacific -,
-  29 May 1943:  Walt is Married to Norma Louise Haas - Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana  - (Walt & Norma Family Page)
-  30 May 1943:  Operation Cartwheel is launched -,
June 1943 -  2 June 1943:  U.S. begins "Shuttle Bombing" in Operation Frantic -,
-  3 June 1943:  Zoot suit riots begin in Los Angeles
11 June 1943
     -  Himmler orders the liquidation of all Jewish ghettos in Poland.  S8,
     -  Operation Corkscrew is launched by Britain -,
-  14 June 1943:  US Supreme Court ruled students could not be forced to salute US Flag
-  15 June 1943:  The "Blobel Commando" begins its cover-up of atrocities -,
-  16 June 1943: Charlie Chaplin marries Oona O/Neill -,
-  17 June 1943:  FDR's secretary of war stifles Truman's inquiry into suspicious defense plant -,
-  20 June 1943:  Britain launches Operation Bellicose -,
-  29 June 1943:  FDR writes to Manhattan Project physicist Dr. Robert Oppenheimer -,
-  30 June 1943:  Operation Cartwheel is launched -,
July 1943 -  4 July 1943:  Polish general fighting for justice dies tragically -,
-  10 July 1943:  Allies land on Sicily -,
-  11 July 1943: 
     -  Hitler is paid a visit by his would-be-assassin (Count Claus von Stauffenberg) -,
     -  Operation Corkscrew is launched by Britain -,
-  12 July 1943:  Russians hold German advance in a decisive battle of Kursk -,
-  13 July 1943:  Largest tank battle in history ends - The Battle of Kursk - 6000 tanks, 2 million men and 5000 aircraft - Germans defeated by the Russians -,
-  19 July 1943:  Allies bomb Rome  S8,,
-  24 July 1943:  British bombing raid on Hamburg "Operation Gomorrah" -  S8,,
-  25 July 1943:  Mussolini arrested and the Italian Fascist government falls; Marshal Pietro Badoglio takes over and negotiates with Allies  S8,,
-  26 July 1943:  Rolling Stones front man Mick Jagger is born
28 July 1943
     -  Stalin issues Oder No 227 - Outlawing Cowards -,
     -  28 July 1943:  Hamburg suffers a firestorm -,
-  30 July 1943:  Adolf Hitler learns that Axis ally Italy is buying time before negotiating surrender terms with the Allies in light of Mussolini's fall from power.  Link,,
Aug 1943 1 Aug 1943
   -  PT-109 Sinks - Lt. John F. Kennedy is instrumental in saving crew -
   -  Operation Tidal Wave:  US forces attempt risky air raid on Axis oil refineries
   -  The Harlem Riot of 1943 begins
-  3 Aug 1943:  Allies invade Italian mainland -,
-  11 Aug 1943:  Germans began to evacuate Sicily -
-  17 Aug 1943:  General George S. Patton wins race to Messina
Sept 1943 -  3 Sept 1943:  Allies invade Italian Mainland - -
-  5 Sept 1943:  U.S. Forces seize more of New Guinea -,
-  6 Sept 1943:  Train derails on way to New York -,
-  8 Sept 1943:  Italian surrender is announced.  S8,,
-  9 Sept 1943:  Allies land at Salerno and Taranto -,
-  11 Sept 1943:  Germans occupy Rome.  S8,
-  12 Sept 1943:  Germans rescue Mussolini.  S8,
-  20 Sept 1943:  British launch Operation Source -,
-  23 Sept 1943:  Mussolini re-establishes a Fascist government in Northern Italy.  S8,,
Oct 1943 -  1 Oct 1943:  Allies enter Naples, Italy.  S8,
-  4 Oct 1943:  Heinrich Himmler encourages his SS group leaders -,
-  7 Oct  1943:  Japanese execute nearly 100 American prisoners on Wake Island -,
13 Oct 1943
     -  Italy declares war on Germany; Second American air raid on Schweinfurt.  S8,,
     -  Poet Robert Lowell sentenced to Prison for a year for evading the draft - Link,
-  19 Oct 1943:  Chinese and Suluks revolt against Japanese in North Borneo -,
-  29 Oct 1943:  The British protest against the persecution of Jews -,
Nov 1943 -  7 Nov 1943:  Walt arrives at Camp Hyder, Arizona  [S1, p 18 "After a two-week stay at Camp Hyder, the 413th tore down the tents, policed the area, and moved 16 miles west to Camp Horn to begin a 13-week training program."], [S21 "Camp Hyder, Arizona - 7 November 1943"]
Images while Walter and Norma were in the Phoenix area: (See I18-I23 images on this page) - Link,
-  7 Nov 1943:  Singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell is born
-  10 Nov 1943:  Walt Receives a Furlough - Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana  [S1, p 18  "Northwesterns remained to spend furloughs at home while the remainder of the regiment entrained for Camp Hyder, Arizona, where maneuvers would be resumed once everyone had taken a furlough."],
15 Nov 1943
     -  Himmler orders Roma (Gypsies) to concentration camps -,
     -  Leonard Bernstein's Philharmonic debut makes front-page news -,
-  18 Nov 1943:  Large British air raid on Berlin.  S8,
-  28 Nov 1943:  Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin meet at Teheran.  S8,,
-  29 Nov 1943:  Walt Arrives at Camp Horn, Arizona -  [S1, p 18 "After a two-week stay at Camp Hyder, the 413th tore down the tents, policed the area, and moved 16 miles west to Camp Horn to begin a 13-week training program."], [S21 "Camp Horn, Arizona - 29 November 1943"],
Dec 1943 -  26 Dec 1943:  Britain surprises German attacker in Artic -,
1943 Walt Heart-Shield Bible - Given to Walter by Norma, 1943 - Doc0921.pdf

According to Walter on 13 Jan 2011, he kept this Bible in his left uniform pocket - and kept it there throughout his time in Europe.

Top of  Page

Color Legend Company B Walt Robbins, Sr.
=1944   WW2 Timeline, 1944 
Jan 1944 -  4 Jan 1944:  U.S. begins supplying guerrilla forces -,
-  6 Jan 1944:  Soviet troops advance into Poland.  S8,
-  18 Jan 1944:  Allies make their move on Cassino, Italy -,
-  27 Jan 1944:  Leningrad relieved after a 900-day siege.  S8,,
-  31 Jan 1944:  D-Day is called off and postponed until June
Feb 1944 -  3 Feb 1944:  U.S. Troops capture the Marshall Islands -,
-  17 Feb 1944:  U.S. Troops land on Eniwetok Atoll -,
-  21 Feb 1944:  Japanese prime minister Hideki Tojo makes himself “military czar”
-  24 Feb 1944:  "Merrill's Marauders" Hit Burma -,
-  28 Feb 1944:  Test pilot Reitsch pitches suicide squad to Hitler -,
March 1944 -  March 1944:  Walt receives a Furlough - Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana  [S22 "He came home on furlough in March 1943......He came home on furlough again the next March."],
-  2 March 1944:  More than 500 train passengers mysteriously suffocate - Salerno, Italy
4 March 1944: 
     -  Walt Arrives at Camp Granite, California - [S1, p 21  "The tough part of the training was now over and the weary regiment went to Camp Granite, California. It looked a lot like Camp Horn, but passes into Indio, which was only a mere 150 miles away, made it seem a lot better...The stay was short. Orders came to move to Camp Carson, Colorado. Before such a move could be made Camp Granite had to be dealt with so once again the 413th set about the job of tearing down tents, policing the sands, and burning latrines in a scene that was reminiscent of Sherman's march through Georgia."], [S21  Camp Granite, California - 4 March 1944],
     -  Louis "Lepke" Buchalter, the head of Murder, Inc., is executed
     -  8th Air Force bombs Berlin -,
-  13 March 1944:  London suspends travel between Ireland and Britain -,
-  15 March 1944
     -  Walt Arrives at Camp Carson, Colorado - [S1, p 21 "The stay was short. [Camp Granite] Orders came to move to Camp Carson, Colorado...the Seagulls went to Carson and a garrison life with beds, hot chow, buildings, and foot lockers. March 21 found the last units of the regiment pulling into Carson in a blinding snow storm."], [S21  Camp Carson, Colorado - 15 March 1944],
     -  Images while Walter and Norma were in Colorado - (See I45 to I56 on this page) - Link,
-  18 March 1944:  British drop 3000 tons of bombs during an air raid on Hamburg, Germany.  S8,
24 March 1944
   -  British Maj. General Orde Wingate dies in plane crash in Burma -,
   -  Germans slaughter Italian civilians
Apr 1944 -  8 Apr 1944:  Russians attack Germans in drive to expel them from Crimea -
-  14 Apr 1944:  Explosion on cargo ship rocks Bombay, India -
-  15 Apr 1944:  Soviets capture Tarnopol in Poland -
-  22 Apr 1944:  Americans launch Operation Persecution in the Pacific ,
May 1944 -  11 May 1944:  Allies attack the Gustav line in drive for Rome -,
-  13 May 1944  Germans launch V-1 rocket attack against Britain -,
-  15 May 1944:  Germans withdraw to the Adolf Hitler Line.  S8,
-  18 May 1944:   Polish Corps takes Monte Casino -,
-  19 May 1944:  FDR and Winston Churchill plot D-Day
-  22 May 1944:  Operation Chattanooga Choo-Choo is launched (U.S & British Bombing raids on German Railroads) -,
-  25 May 1944:  Germany launches "Operation Knight's Move" -,
June 1944 -  2 June 1944:  US begins "Shuttle Bombing" in Operation Frantic -,
-  4 June 1944:  The U-505, a submarine from Hitler's deadly fleet, is captured
5 June 1944
     -  Allies enter Rome.  S8,
     -  Allies prepare for D-Day -
6 June 1944:
     -  Birth of Shirley Musick, ID0002
     -  D-Day landings.   S8,,
     -  General Dwight D. Eisenhower launches Operation Overlord -,
-  8 June 1944:  As British and American troops meet up at Normandy, Stalin rejoices -,
-  9 June 1944:  The Red Army invades  Karelian Isthmus in Finland -,
-  10 June 1944: 
     -  Germans liquidate the town of Oradoursur-Glance in France - 
     -  Joe Nuxhall makes MLB debut at 15 -,
-  11 June 1944:  D-Day landing forces converge -,
-  12 June 1944:  John F. Kennedy receives medals -,
-  13 June 1944:  First German V-1 rocket attack on Britain.  S8,,
-  17 June 1944:  Iceland was established
-  19 June 1944:  United States scores major victory against Japanese in Battle of the Philippine Sea -,
-  22 June 1944:  FDR signs G.I. Bill -,
-  23 June 1944:  Tornadoes hit West Virginia and Pennsylvania -,
-  27 June 1944:  U.S. troops liberate Cherbourg, France  S8,,
July 1944 2 July 1944
     -  American bombers deluge Budapest in more ways than one -,
     -  U.S. begins "Shuttle Bombing" in Operation Frantic -,
6 July 1944
     -  The Hartford, Connecticut Circus Fire, Fire engulfs circus big top in Hartford, killing 167 -,
     -  Georges Mandel, French patriot, is executed -,
-  11 July 1944:  Hitler is paid a visit by his would-be assassin -,
-  13 July 1944:  Soviet General Konev establishes a new western border for the USSR -,
-  17 July 1944:  Port Chicago Disaster -, (An ammunition ship explodes while being loaded in Port Chicago, California, killing 332 people)
-  20 July 1944:  German assassination attempt on Hitler fails.  S8,,
-  21 July 1944:  Hitler to Germany:  "I'm still alive" -,
-  24 July 1944:  Soviet troops liberate first concentration camp at Majdanek.  S8,
Aug 1944 1 Aug 1944
     -  Warsaw Revolt Begins -,
     -  Anne Frank writes her last journal entry -
-  4 Aug 1944:  Anne Frank and family arrested by the Gestapo in Amsterdam, Holland.  S8,
-  5 Aug 1944:  Hundreds of Jews are freed from forced labor in Warsaw, Poland -,
-  7 Aug 1944:  Volkswagen halts production during World War 2 -,
-  11 Aug 1944:  Walt and Company B arrives at Camp Kilmer, New Jersey - [S1, p 25    selected as advance guard - with little warning sent for "an East Coast Staging Area" on 13 Aug 1944 trains carried the rest of the 413th to Camp Kilmer, NJ for final processing.],
-  13 Aug 1944:  Walt Trains to Camp Kilmer, New Jersey - Final Processing - Moved to New York City - [S1, p 25 ]- Co. B had 5 or 6 passes vs. 10 or 12 for the others because they came earlier],
-  20 Aug 1944: 
Brits launch Operation Wallace and aid French Resistance -,
-  21 Aug 1944:  The seeds of the United Nations are Planted -,
-  22 Aug 1944:  Romania captured by the Soviet Union   -,
-  25 Aug 1944:  Paris is liberated after four years of Nazi occupation -, Liberation of Paris.   S8,,
-  26 Aug 1944:  DeGaulle enters a free Paris -,
-  26 Aug 1944:  Walt 413th rode coaches to New York Harbor to Pier 34, South Brooklyn - [S1, p 25]
-  27 Aug 1944 (Sunday): 
Walt leaves the U.S. for the European Theater - [S17, Box 36],  [S1, p 26  Sunday, about Noon the USS LeJeune left the dock]

-   28 Aug 1944 (Monday):
Walt  On the Atlantic - [S1, p 26  Heavy weather, rough waters, lots of sick soldiers] -
-- USS LeJeune - Registered at 18,000 tons - capable of making 22 knots
    -- "Ships in the convoy went through intricate criss-crossing maneuvers several times daily."
    -- "Off Lands End, England, the only submarine scare of the trip took place.  Concussion waves from depth charges slammed into the side of the Ship [LeJeune] but no results were observed…"
    -- Destination of the LeJeune was unknown until the ship captain announced it was to be Cherbourg, France.
- Dad told about seeing a whale come up out of the water in the Atlantic - He said the whale came up showing its head and then its tail and then it spouted water -  Link

- Dad's perspective of the storm - Doc0874.pdf

31 Aug 1944:  The British cross the Gothic Line -,
Sept 1944 -  2 Sept 1944:  Future President George H. W. Bush and his squadron attacked -,
-  6 Sept 1944:  Italian resistance fighters persevere -,
-  12 Sept 1944:  Singer-songwriter Barry White is born
-  15 Sept 1944:  Americans launch Operation Stalemate - at extraordinary cost
-  23 Sept 1944:  FDR defends his dog in a speech
-  26 Sept 1944:  Allies slaughtered by Germans in Arnhem
7 Sept 1944 Walt USS LeJeune arrives at Cherbourg, France - S1 p 26-27S17,
Walt French Phrase Book:  .pdf - Album (Carried by Walt)
    -- 413th Seagulls were the first American troops to land on the continent directly from the US
Regiment was loaded onto flat barges and rode to shore - it was raining - Men stood up in the trucks as they rode through the countryside toward the city of Valognes "J" section of the Normandy staging area -
        Pup tents were erected.

WaltLife at "J" Area -  [S1, p 27] -                                                                                                    
    -- Light training
    -- Lots of Speculation
    -- Each Company set up in a separate field separated by hedgerows serving as fences
    -- No towns were close to the area
    -- Division Band and USO shows
    -- French cider and Calvados
    -- Daily 5 mile forced marches

Sept 1944 -  13 Sept 1944:  U.S. troops reach the Siegfried Line.  S8,
-  14 Sept 1944:  Americans launch Operation Stalemate,
-  17 Sept 1944:  Operation Market Garden begins (Allied airborne assault on Holland).  S8,
-  23 Sept 1944:  FDR defends his dog Fala -,
26 Sept 1944 Walt:  March from "J" area to another bivouac near Barneville, France - 32 miles -- 413th set up in apple orchards - constantly policing for fallen apples - 2 ten-mile hikes per week [S1, p 27] -Walter stated the orchard was approximately 20 or 30 acres and all the trees, with the exception of one, were used to make Cider.  The troops dug a hole about 20 x 30 x 10 feet to throw the apples.  The owner of the orchard was quite upset because of his lost apples - he wanted to make cider - the Army finally allowed him to retrieve his apples.  Walter thought they camped there 2 or 3 weeks.  S25,
    -- All the troops had to participate in mine removal on the beach as part of their training - 
[S1, p 28] -
    -- "17 miles off the coast lay the Channel Islands, still occupied by some 25,000 German Troops.  The 413th didn't bother them, and they left the 413th alone too." 
[S1, p 28]

-  Allies slaughtered by Germans in Arnhem -,

Oct 1944 -  1 Oct 1944:  Experiments begin on homosexuals at Buchenwald -,
-  2 Oct 1944: Warsaw Uprising Ends -
-  4 Oct 1944:  Ike warns of the risk of "Shell Shock" -,
-  9 Oct 1944:  Churchill and Stalin Confer -,
-  10 Oct 1944: 800 children are gassed to death at Auschwitz -,
-  14 Oct 1944:  "The Desert Fox" (German General Erwin Rommel) commits suicide -,
15 Oct 1944 Walt:  Night march to La Haye Du Puits - Loaded into 40 & 8 boxcars - stopped 4 hours in St Lo - rolled right through Paris - [S1, p 28] -
In Northern France one of the boxcars jumped the track and several men were injured - most of the others slept through the wreck unharmed -  [S1, p 29] -
-- In Belgium - bivouacked at night, in the rain, near Michelin-Malines - Population of 75,000 - not touched by shells or bombs - troops were there 2 days and nights. 
[S1, p 29]
-- Several Seagulls went to "off limits" Brussels  [S1, p 29]
20 Oct 1944 Walt:  413th moved into Belgium - S24, S1 p 28-29
MacArthur Returns, U.S. forces land at Leyte Island in the Philippines -,
-  Natural gas explosions rock Cleveland -,
23 Oct 1944 Walt:  The train moved on -  [S1, p 29] -
-- "[413th] moves from its bivouac, and advances via Brecht, to occupy positions in Wuustwezel, Loenhout and partially Meer, and completes relief of the 56th British Infantry Brigade by 1700."  S24,

413th to serve with the 1st Canadian Army -    -
-- Picked up by Polish soldiers driving British trucks with Canadian marks and rolling on US tires  [S1, p 29] - "The primary mission of the 1st Canadian Army was to clear the northern approaches to Antwerp" -
 "While the British Infantry reduced the stubborn German stronghold on Walcheren Island in one of he bloodiest assaults of the entire war…" - "…the Canadian Army set out to throw the Germans back north of the Maas estuary." - "If these two objectives could be attained, Antwerp, the largest port on the European continent, would be cleared as a supply base for all Allied armies on the Western Front." - "The American breakthrough from Normandy had halted in the western fringes of the Siegfried Line for lack of supplies." - The 413th relieved the 56th Brigade of the 49th British Inf. Div. (Polar Bears) - 413th, 1st Battalion captured the first Reg. German prisoner - The next day the 413th took its first town – Trek, Belgium - by I Co.   [S1, p 33]  

25 Oct 1944 First kamikaze attack of the war begins -,
26 Oct 1944  (Thursday) Walt Moving toward Zundert, Holland with 3rd Battalion on the left and the 2nd on the right with the 1st in reserve - [S1, p 34] - S24,

-  Battle of Leyte Gulf ends -,

28 Oct 1944 (Saturday)

Walt:  "spent in an assembly area in and around Zundert, preparing for further advances;"  Most Seagulls had been blooded - knew when to duck and could tell the difference between an American and a German machine gun - Trench foot training now made sense - they were wet all the time -  [S1, p 34] -
S16, ("Canals of Holland")

Trench Foot - Wikipedia Article   | 

Walt Holland Canals:
The canals in Holland were about waist or chest deep and we had to wade in them because we were pinned down by a German tank for about 2 or 3 days. We were wet and cold and could not get dry - this is where we all got trench foot. You could not dig foxholes in the ground because the area was below sea level. We did dig our foxholes in the mounds of dirt along the canals. This was dirt piled up when they dug the canals  (Interview 1 Sept 2005)

The Houses and barns in Holland were built together, very clean people. There were canals everywhere. Lots of little ones and the big ones that fed the little ones. There were lots of big windmills that was used to grind feed and generate electricity.  (Interview 2 July 2003 - Doc0871.pdf)

29 Oct 1944
Co. B "1st Battalion moved up near Rijsbergen on the Breda Road to protect the Division's right flank while the 104th and the 1st Polish Armored drove for the highway center at Breda"   
1st Btn. Was called upon to crack a strongpoint at a roadblock 600 yds. outside of Rijsbergen. - caught their first shelling but no causalities
-- "Schu Mines caused the btn. First serious causalities."
    -- "Men from A and B companies rolled into ditches only to be blown up on buried mines." - 17 men were treated with feet injured or blown off during the evening of their first day of real action
-- 1st Btn. "took off by moonlight and moved over 1000 yards through turnip and sugar beet fields behind a rolling barrage." - "By 0430 the battalion was on its objective and had dug in."
-- "The whole regiment [1st] then moved to bivouac areas in the vicinity of Seep, Holland to assemble of for the assault crossing of the Mark River...The regiment just dug in and waited ..."
[S1, p 35] -
 Oct 1944 -  25 Oct 1944:  First kamikaze attack of the war begins - Link,
26 Oct 1944
     - The Battle of Leyte Gulf ends -
     - The United States loses the Hornet -
-  30 Oct 1944:  Last use of gas chambers at Auschwitz.  S8,
2 Nov 1944 (Wednesday) WaltCo. B:  Wednesday evening - Marched to the assembly area - "2nd battalion was to spearhead the crossing [of the Mark River] with the 1st in support and the 3rd in reserve" - [S1, p 35] - "The artillery… by more than 120 British and American guns…concentrated on the town of Standardbuiten, some 200 yards across the river; Cannon company threw 600 rounds into town between 2000 and 2100." [S1, p 37] - "At 2100 the 2nd battalion jumped off" - "The whole area between the Mark River and the Maas estuary… is completely flat.  Each farmer's field is bounded by ditches. ...  everyone was wet to the skin all the time… Constant sniper fire, …kept the doughboys pinned to their foxholes when not actually attacking." - "Trench foot was almost inevitable"    - Some men tried to warm themselves by burning buildings or setting straw piles on fire but snipers and booby-trapped straw piles discouraged them.  "Many short range skirmishes occurred between Americans on one side of a dike And Germans on the other.  Once a German company attempting to outflank A company walked straight into the guns of Company B and were cut down in heaps as B's riflemen and attached D company machine gunners opened up on them at 30 yards range." [S1, p 38]
4 Nov 1944 
Walt:  "The northern approaches to Antwerp were clear and the Seagulls moved back to the foxholes they had dug in the assembly area near Seppe, Holland." - Holland had cost the regiment 1400 casualties -- 673 killed, wounded, and missing; the remainder evacuated with Trench foot, diarrhea, and chest ailments." - "The German casualties inflicted by the 413th were far greater than those the Seagulls had suffered" - "For physical roughness, nothing the outfit would meet later would be as bad; only Putzlohn, Inden, and Lamersdorf would be more bloody." - "Replacements were picked up and the regiment was deemed ready to enter the fray again."  [S1, p 40]

Gen. Sir John Dill dies -,
7 Nov 1944 
Walt:  413th enters Germany  S24Pocket Guide to Germany -

-  FDR wins unprecedented fourth term
-  Soviet master spy ( Richard Sorge) is hanged by the Japanese -,

9 Nov 1944  (Wednesday) Walt 413th relieved... the 19th Regiment of the First Infantry Division...had held defensive positions a short distance east of the battered city [Aachen] - "The men moved into the pillboxes and wrecked houses which were to be their homes for the next week, they were aware that the positions were not suitable for a rest cure." - German direct fire weapons continually bounced armor-piercing rounds off the reinforced concrete emplacements, … With all this, the scheduled relief was accomplished without a single casualty." - " 'Ravell's B' -- an area so named by the 18th Infantry -- was occupied by the 1st Battalion;" - "Life on the line was nerve-wracking… Extensive minefields had been laid …by both the Americans and the Germans…" - "Everyone experienced 'pillbox fever' to some extent.  Living conditions in the pillboxes…were cramped; squads were often isolated for days and the constant incoming artillery, coupled with the monotony of seeing the same faces day in and day out, soon brought nerves to a raw edge." - "Since the area was under observation by day and frequented by German Patrols at night, it was impossible to bring hot chow up to the line and the men already pretty well beaten up from the rugged existence in Holland, soon fell sick in large numbers." - "Diarrhea and trench-foot were the main complaints.  Battalions evacuated 20 men a day with trench-foot and would have sent back many more if a quota system had not been established." - "…plans were afoot for a large offensive which would continue the First Army's advance into Germany." - "Field Order 10 directed that the regiment would attack on the left flank of the division's zone of action.  The Seagulls were to keep contact with the 30th Infantry Division on the north.  That was all there was to the order..""A verbal order came through which tentatively set November 11 as the day for the jump off." - "The 413th was assigned a series of five objectives which was to take it about seven miles northeast and would terminate at a town called Inden."  [S1, p 43]

Siegfried Line  -

Aachen, Germany - Some generic videos in 1944 - 29 Oct 1944 - 1944 - 31 Oct 1944 - 1944 - 1944 -

12 Nov 1944 Brits sink the German battleship Tirpitz -,
16 Nov 1944 (Wednesday) Walt:  The attack would begin at 1245 - [S1, p 44] - The day dawned clear and cool - "The 1st Battalion was to withdraw from its positions to facilitate support of the 2nd and 3rd Battalions which were to attack directly from their positions." - "Shortly after 1100 close support raids by fighter planes and large-scale attack by 1500 medium and heavy bombers helped to clear the way for the ground attack." - "While the other battalions buttoned up for the night, the supporting 1st Battalion marched to Eilendorf.  The 1st was being marched hither and yon as reserve unit for the division."  [S1, p 45] -
17 Nov 1944 (Thursday) Walt:  "… the assault battalions again jumped off to secure the Verlautenheide area and finish off the remaining pillboxes… the pillboxes were empty" - next objectives were Rohe and Helrath. - The villages of Wambach and Weiden had to be secured before Rohe and Helrath could be approached.  [S1, p 45]

-  U.S. approves end to internment of Japanese Americans
19 Nov 1944
Walt:  "The 2nd and 3rd Battalions jumped into the attack at 0800….advance was steady …. Within two hours Wambuch and Weiden were ours ... took 60 prisoners out of Weiden." - A Company - "Supported by one platoon of tanks, A company alone entered the town of Helrath at dusk and by nightfall had gained the central intersection of the town." - "During the night, the enemy infiltrated behind the lines and cut off A company from the rest of the battalion." - "With the coming of daylight, the rest of the battalion moved into the beleaguered town and systematically cleared it in a series of bitterly fought house-to-house battles.  Shortly after noon the town was sewed up,…"  [S1, p 46]

Walt1st Battalion:  Headed for Durwiss "in a daylight attack across almost a thousand yards of open, muddy fields.  The companies shouldered their way into town through a terrific volume of mortar, machine gun, artillery, and small arms fire.  Company A suffered its heaviest causalities in the half hour before entering town; B Company, which also got pinned down, lost almost a platoon.  German observers hiding in a bypassed shed on the lip of an immense open coal pit at the edge of town had obtained perfect fire on the approaching 1st Battalion." - "Durwiss was buttoned up only after eery skirmishes in the reinforced cellars and connecting tunnels which had served as air raid shelters and barracks for the German defenders."  [S1, p 46]

20 Nov 1944

French troops drive through the Beffort Gap to reach the Rhine   S8,

23 Nov 1944 (Wednesday) Walt:  "… the enemy strengthened his lines around Putzlohn.  The 1st Battalion was ordered to replace the battered 3rd Battalion.  Company B, guided by Sgt Smith of K company, marched in the dark to Putzlohn, passing through the enemy lines without incident. At the same time a German company marched through the streets of Putzlohn without accident because K Company thought that it was B Company.  Company B buttoned up in one large house until dawn when the two companies succeeded in mopping up the town." - "For three days the 1st Battalion remained in position in and around Putzlohn, protecting the right flank of the 414th as it advanced on Weisweiler… After a few days rest, the 3rd Battalion returned to Putzlohn and the 1st Battalion went to Durwiss. During this comparatively slack period, much needed replacements came into the line companies and reorganization took place." - All for the purpose of setting up the next play, the 1st Battalion moved to the outskirts of Lohn and the 3rd Battalion stayed in Putzlohn.  All hell was about to break loose."  - "The 2nd Battalion was ordered to march up to Frenz through Weisweiler and attack the river town of Lamersdorf before the 1st Battalions attack on Inden jumped off, but plans were changed and the two battalions launched their attacks simultaneously." - "… by mid-afternoon on the third day of the attack, the 2nd Battalion had reached the center of town." [Lamersdorf] "… and by 2130 advance patrols of G company had penetrated to the northern edge of town…The Jerries withdrew their remaining forces… the 2nd Battalion had secured Lamersdorf." [S1, p 46] - [S40]
24 Nov 1944 U.S. B-29s raid Tokyo -,
28 Nov 1944 (Monday)
Walt Wounded in action - [S17, box 34]
"…the 1st Battalion moved out of positions near Lohn to attack the town of Inden and to secure a bridgehead across the Inde River." - "At 0430, under cover of darkness, the battalion passed through elements of the 120th Infantry and started to slosh through the muddy fields lying to the north of town." - "The lead unit, Company C, managed to slip into the northern portion of town unobserved, but B Company was discovered and was subjected to heavy machine gun, mortar, and small arms fire which pinned it down on open ground outside of town." - "The battalion's plan of attack had been to move directly east in a column of companies until the lead company crossed "Highway 56' which lead northward from the town of Inden, whereupon the two leading companies were to make a turn to the right to enter Inden abreast, C company on the left of the highway and B Company on the right." - "However, in the darkness C Company lead off ahead of B, the element of surprise was lost, and B company was pinned down about 50 yards from the edge of town even though a heavy rolling barrage had preceded both companies all the way." - "Company A, which was to follow B company by approximately 500 yards, ran into difficulty in the hills outside of town." - By this time our barrage on Inden had lifted, but the 30th Division's barrage on Altdorf was still in progress.  Several buildings were burning in Altdorf and the church steeple stood out in the glow.  Altdorf lay to the left of Inden and A company, thinking that the church steeple was in Inden, went toward it.  A few hundred yards out of town A Company spotted some troops that they thought were
B Company men and called to them.  The troops turned out to be Jerries and their answer was a hail of burp gun, machine gun, and SP fire.  After a tough skirmish, A company knocked out the machine guns, forced the SP to withdraw, and went on into what they still thought was Inden.  So A company entered Altdorf, one kilometer north of Inden, and joined elements of the 120th Infantry which were attacking the town." - "Previous aerial bombardment had reduced Inden to rubble and had knocked out four enemy tanks.  There were, however, many more panzerwagons rumbling through the town, and C Company battled furiously all day." - Inden was not a country village; it was a small city, which had had a pre-war population of approximately 10,000.  Most of the town was on the west side of the Inde River and it was one of the few remaining bridgeheads left the Germans.  The enemy was making preparations for a large-scale counteroffensive in the Aachen sector; Inden held a heavy concentration of enemy troops and armor and orders were to hold the town at all costs." - "Company A remained in Altdorf all the first day.  Company B could not enter Inden and was forced to pull back and dig in on a rear-slope defense outside the town The third platoon of C Company reached the center of town and the second platoon seized the northern most bridge across the river.  The third platoon of C Company was counterattacked soon after reaching the center of town.  The counterattack consisted of Jerry infantry and three tanks; Pfc. Frank Moralez, armed only with an M1 rifle with grenade launcher, took it upon himself to [S1, p 61] repulse the attack.  His self-appointed mission was accomplished, but Pfc. Moralez was killed doing it.  He was awarded the DSC posthumously for this action." - "Under cover of darkness, A company moved south to Inden and began the relief of elements of C Company.  The first platoon of c company moved to a factory and reinforced C Company's second platoon."   - "Battered B Company received orders that it would be relieved by Company I and so withdrew to Lohn to reorganize.  Company I moved out to relieve B Company, thinking that it was still in Inden.  The company commander and two-thirds of the company ended up in Altdorf.  One platoon leader who had studied his maps managed to get his platoon into Inden."  [S1, p 62 Link - Inden, Germany

Walt had suffered a shrapnel wound to his left forearm.  The scar is 2 to 3 inches in length and is centered on the bottom part of his forearm.  [S26]

The shrapnel came from a German hand grenade "They were long like a pipe but bigger on one end and they could throw them a long way" [S27"Potato Masher"  .

The Germans had a machine gun nest and were firing tracer bullets over their heads - Dad thought he could get close enough to throw a grenade at the machine gun but before he could throw it he was hit with shrapnel.  [Interview with Walter C. Robbins, Sr., 22 March 2010]

What did they do for you on the field after you were wounded? They had a little brown tablet, they'd give you that and a shot of Penicillin.  [Interview, 2 July 2003, Doc0871.pdf]

Aft 28 Nov 1944 Walt moved to the 48th General Hospital in Paris, France [S17, box 32] -
- The hospital was downtown Paris - all male nurses - Was there 2 or 3 weeks and then sent to England -


Dec 1944 -  Dec 1944:  Walt Earns Bronze Star - Not received until 2004 -
-  1 Dec 1944:  Stettinius succeeds Hull as Sec. of State (U.S.) -,
-  3 Dec 1944:  Civil War breaks out in Athens -,
-  9 Dec 1944:  Walt is awarded the Purple Heart at the 48th General Hospital  [S17, box 33] - Doc0934.pdf -
-  15 Dec 1944: 
Bandleader Glenn Miller disappears over the English Channel -,
-  16-27 Dec 1955:  Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes.  S8, Walter's perspective -,
17 Dec 1944
     -  US approves end to internment of Japanese Americans -,
     -  Waffen SS murder 81 US POWs at Malmedy -
-  20 Dec 1944:  Walt receives the Combat Infantry Badge  [S17, box 33]
-  23 Dec 1944: 
The execution of Eddie Slovik is authorized -,
-  26 Dec 1944:  Patton relieves Bastogne.,
-  27 Dec 1944:  FDR seizes control of Montgomery Ward -,
-  28 Dec 1944:  Walt's first son born -
-  31 Dec 1944:  Hungary declares war on Germany -,

Top of  Page

Color Legend Company B Walt Robbins, Sr.
=1945   WW2 Timeline, 1945
Jan 1945 -  1-17 Jan 1945:  Germans withdraw from the Ardennes. S8,
-  3 Jan 1945:  MacArthur and Nimitz given new commands -,
-  5 Jan 1945: 
     -  Japanese Kamikaze pilots get first order -,
     -  Soviets recognize pro-Soviet Polish Provisional Government -,
-  6 Jan 1945:  Monty holds a press conference -,
-  9 Jan 1945:  U.S. Invades Luzon in Philippines -,
-  11 Jan:  Truce signed in Greek Civil War -,
-  16 Jan 1945: 
     -  U.S. 1st and 3rd Armies link up after a month long separation during the Battle of the Bulge.  S8,
     -  Hitler descends into his bunker
-  17 Jan 1945:  Soviet troops capture Warsaw.  S8,,
-  20 Jan 1945:  FDR inaugurated to fourth term -,
-  26 Jan 1945: 
     -  Soviet troops liberate Auschwitz.  S8,,
     -  Decorated U.S. soldier Audie Murphy is wounded
-  27 Jan 1945:  Auschwitz is liberated
-  28 Jan 1945:  Burma Road is reopened -,
-  30 Jan 1945:  Burma Supply Route Cleared -,
-  31 Jan 1945:  The execution of Pvt. Slovik for desertion -,
Feb 1945 -  Abt Feb 1945:  Walt moved to the 826th Convalescent Center in England  - S35,    Hospitals -
-  4-11 Feb 1945: 
Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin meet at Yalta. Yalta Conference foreshadows the Cold War  S8,,
-  13-14 Feb 1945:  Dresden is destroyed by a firestorm after Allied bombing raids.  S8,,
-  16 Feb 1945:  Bataan recaptured -,
-  19 Feb 1945:  Marines invade Iwo Jima -,
-  23 Feb 1945:  U.S. Flag raised on Iwo Jima -,
-  26 Feb 1945:  Corregidor's Last Gasp, U.S. troops recapture Philippine island of Corregidor -,
March 1945 -  3 March 1945:  Finland declares war on Germany -,
-  6 March 1945:
   -  Last German offensive of the war begins to defend oil fields in Hungary.  S8,
   -  Dutch Resistance ambushes SS officer-unwittingly -,
-  7 March 1945:  Allies take Cologne and establish a bridge across the Rhine at Remagen.   S8,
-  9 March 1945:  Firebombing of Tokyo -,
-  10 March 1945:  Firebombing of Tokyo Continues -
-  12 March 1945:  German General Fromm executed for plot against Hitler -,
-  26 March 1945:  Fighting on Iwo Jima ends, island declared “secure”
-  20 March 1945:  British Troops liberate Mandalay, Burma -,
-  22 March 1945:  Arab League Formed - Link,
-  28 March 1945:  Germans launch last of their V-2s -,
-  29 March 1945:  Gen. George Patton takes Frankfurt
April 1945 -  Apr 1945:  Allies discover stolen Nazi art and wealth hidden in salt mines.  S8,
-  Apr 1945:  Walt back to the Front in Germany - This is a guess - Walter stated he was in the hospital and convalescent center about 3 or 4 months before returning to Germany. S41
-  1 Apr 1945: 
     -  U.S. troops encircle Germans in the Ruhr  S8,
     -  U.S. Troops land on Okinawa -,
-  5 Apr 1945:  Tito signs "friendship treaty" with Soviet Union -,
-  7 Apr 1945:  Japanese battleship Yamato is sunk by Allied Forces -,
-  8 Apr 1945:  Defiant theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer is hanged -,
-  9 April 1945:  Anti-Nazi theologian Deitrich Bonhoeffer is hanged
-  10 Apr 1945:  "U.S. Army - One Hundred Fourth Inf. Div. Weser River span blows up in Timberwolves' faces; fails to stop drive east 4/10/45 5 5"  S31,
11 Apr 1945
   -  Yugoslavian partisan leader Tito signs “friendship treaty” with Soviet Union
   -  The U.S. army liberates Buchenwald concentration camp
12 Apr 1945
     -  Allies liberate Buchenwald and Belsen concentration camps, S8,
     -  President Roosevelt dies. Truman becomes President.,
13 Apr 1945
     -  Hitler bluffs from bunker as Russians advance and atrocities continue -,
     -  Nazis trap more than 1,000 Jews in a burning barn in Gardelegen massacre
-  14 Apr 1945:  U.S Fifth Army joins in Italian offensive -,
-  15 Apr 1945:  Soviets capture Tarnopol in Poland -,
-  16 Apr 1945:  Hitler calls for last stand on the Eastern front
-  17 Apr 1945:  Americans seize 1,100 pounds of uranium in effort to prevent Soviets from developing A-bomb
-  18 Apr 1945:  Journalist Ernie Pyle Killed -,
-  20 Apr 1945:  Operation Corncob is launched while Hitler celebrates his birthday -,
21 Apr 1945
     -  Soviets reach Berlin.  S8,,
     -  Yugoslavian partisan leader Tito signs “friendship treaty” with Soviet Union
     -  Red Army overruns German High Command as it approaches the capital -,
-  22 Apr 1945:  Hitler admits defeat -,
-  23 Apr 1945:  President Truman confronts Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov -,
25 Apr 1945
     -  President Truman is briefed on Manhattan Project -,
     -  Americans and Russians link up, cut Germany in two -U.S. and Russian armies meet at Torgau, signaling imminent German defeat
-  26 Apr 1945:  Walt meets Russians at Torgau, Germany  [S21  "Contact with the Russian Army, Torgau, Germany-between the Mulde and Elbe Rivers 26 April 1945"],
28 Apr 1945
     -  Mussolini is captured and hanged by Italian partisans;
     -  Allies take Venice.  S8,,
29 Apr 1945
     -  U.S. Army liberates Dachau concentration camp - 
     -  Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun marry - ,
-  30 Apr 1945:  Adolf Hitler commits suicide.   S8,,
May 1945 -  2 May 1945:  German troops in Italy surrender to Allies, while Berlin surrenders to Russia's Zhukov -,
-  4 May 1945:  As the Nazi threat dies, the Red Army rises -,
-  5 May 1945:  Six killed in Oregon by a Japanese bomb -,
-  7 May 1945:  Unconditional surrender of all German forces to Allies.   S8,, (Germany surrenders unconditionally to the Allies at Reims)
-  8 May 1945: 
   -  V-E (Victory in Europe) Day.   S8,,
   -  High-ranking Nazi Hermann Göring is captured by the U.S. Seventh Army
-  May 1945:  German Occupation, Walt carries pistol
-  23 May 1945:  SS Reichsführer Himmler commits suicide; German High Command and Provisional Government imprisoned.  S8,,
-  28 May 1945:  German Pistol Certificates - Walter brought this weapon home as a souvenir - Image
June 1945 -  5 June 1945:  Allies divide up Germany and Berlin and take over the government.  S8,
-  8 June 1945:  Truman issues order regarding release of classified scientific information -,
-  15 June 1945:  Judy Garland marries Vincente Minnelli -,
-  22 June 1945:  Battle of Okinawa Ends -,
-  24 June 1945:  Russians enjoy a victory parade -,
26 June 1945
     -  Walt Leaves Le Havre, France for U.S. aboard the SS Monterey   S17 - Box 36,
     -  U.N. Charter Signed -,
 July 1945 -  8 July 1945: 
     -  Walt Arrives in U.S. from France 
S17 - Box 36 SS Monterey
Walt Spent night at Camp Kilmer, New Jersey  S1 p 114,
-  11 July 1945:  Soviets agree to hand over power in West Berlin -,
16 July 1945
     -  First U.S. atomic bomb test -
     -    Potsdam Conference begins.  S8,
17 July 1945:
     -  Truman records impressions of Stalin -,
     -  Potsdam Conference Convenes,
-  18 July 1945:  Charges of Communists in the U.S. Army raised -,
-  25 July 1945:  Truman drops hint to Stalin about a terrible new weapon -,
-  26 July 1945:  Winston Churchill resigns -
28 July 1945
     -  U.S. Senate approves United Nations charter -,
     -  Plane crashes into Empire State Building -,
30 July 1945
     -  Japanese sink the USS Indianapolis - - Wikipedia - Fold3 Blog Post  - 75th Anniv of Sinking -
     -  Sunken Ship found - Aug 2017 - Doc4418.pdf - TV News Story -
-  31 July 1945:  Pierre Laval, the puppet leader of Nazi-occupied Vichy France, surrenders to American authorities in Austria, who extradite him to France to stand trial.  Link,,
-  July 1945:  Walt gets 30-day Leave - S39


Aug 1945 Camp San Luis Obispo -

Extract: "The regiment reassembled at San Luis Obispo, California, during the third week in August, 1945. On August 13 Officers and men began to arrive from their reception centers, to which they had reported after their 30 days at home, and the last trainloads reported for duty on August 18. Scheduled for combat in the Pacific, the 413th made plans to go on an intensive training schedule...The atom bomb interrupted all these preparations."   S1, page 121,

Walt enjoys a night out at the "Streets of Paris" Club in San Francisco, California - Doc0920.pdf

-  2 Aug 1945:  Potsdam Conference Concludes - Link -,

-  6 Aug 1945:  First atomic bomb dropped, on Hiroshima, Japan at 816 am.  S8,   Wikipedia - Link
-  7 Aug 1945:  Georgia institutes a State Board of Corrections -,
8 Aug 1945
     -  Truman signs United Nations Charter -,
     -  Soviets declare war on Japan, Invade Manchuria -, -
-  9 Aug 1945:  Second atomic bomb dropped, on Nagasaki, Japan.   S8,   Wikipedia -,
-  10 Aug 1945:  Japan accepts Potsdam terms, agrees to unconditional surrender -,
-  14 Aug 1945:  Japanese agree to unconditional surrender.   S8, -  Fold3 Link -, - Surrender Made Public -
-  15 Aug 1945:  VJ Day - The Japanese Emperor Speaks, Emperor Hiohioto announces Japan's Surrender -, -
-  16 Aug 1945:  Senior U.S. POW is released, Lt. Gen. Jonathan Wainwright -,
-  20 Aug 1945:  17-year-old becomes youngest to hit MLB home run
-  23 Aug 1945:  Marcario Garcia becomes first Mexican national to receive US Medal of Honor
-  25 Aug 1945:  An American missionary to China becomes the first casualty of the Cold War
-  29 Aug 1945:  President Truman orders Navy to seize control of petroleum refineries (U.S.), -
-  30 Aug 1945:  MacArthur arrives in Japan - Link -
Sept 1945 2 Sept 1945
     -  Japanese sign the surrender agreement;  V-J (Victory over Japan) Day.   S8, Link,,
     -  Vietnam Independence from France proclaimed -,
-  4 Sept 1945:  Japanese surrender on Wake Island - Link,,
-  8 Sept 1945:  American troops arrive in Korea to partition the country -,
-  13 Sept 1945:  British troops arrive in Viet Nam to disarm the Japanese -,
-  18 Sept 1945:  MacArthur in Tokyo -,
-  22 Sept 1945: Patton questions necessity of German's "denazification" -,
-  26 Sept 1945:  First American soldier killed in American Phase of Vietnam War
Oct 1945 -  Foreign coins and currency brought back by Walt - Doc0927.pdf
-  6 Oct 1945:  Pierre Laval attempts suicide -,
-  9 Oct 1945:  Walt Discharged - Camp San Luis Obispo, California   S17, Ruptured Duck Pin, S30, S33, S34,   -  Physical Description:  Brown Eyes, Brown Hair, Height:  5' 8", Weight:  175, White
-  12 Oct 1945:  Conscientious objector wins Medal of Honor -,
-  15 Oct 1945:  Vichy leader (Pierre Laval)  executed for treason -,
-  24 Oct 1945:  United Nations is officially born.  S8,
Nov 1945  -  1 Nov 1945:  The first issue of “Ebony” magazine is published
-  13 Nov 1945:  Truman announces inquiry into Jewish settlement in Palestine -,
-  16 Nov 1945:  German Scientists brought to U.S. to work on rocket technology -,
-  20 Nov 1945:  Nuremberg war crimes trials begin.   S8,,
Dec 1945 -  1 Dec 1945:  Bette Midler is born in Honolulu, Hawaii
-  4 Dec 1945:  Senate approves U.S. participation in United Nations -,
-  5 Dec 1945:  Aircraft squadron lost in the Bermuda Triangle -,
-  15 Dec 1945: MacArthur orders end of Shinto as Japanese state religion -,
-  21 Dec 1945: General George S. Patton dies (Car Accident) -,

Top of  Page

Color Legend Company B Walt Robbins, Sr.
=1946 +
Jan 1946 -  1 Jan 1946:  Several Japanese soldiers surrender after learning Pacific War has ended
-  7 Jan 1946:  A case of split personality in puzzling Chicago murders
-  8 Jan 1946:  Elvis Presley receives his first guitar - Link,
-  7 Jan 1946:  A case of split personality in puzzling Chicago murders
-  10 Jan 1946:  First meeting of the United Nations -, (League of Nations had started on this date in 1920 -
Feb 1946 -  22 Feb 1946:  George Kennan sends "long telegram" to State Department
-  24 Feb 1946:  Juan Perón elected in Argentina
March 1946 -  5 March 1946:  Churchill delivers Iron Curtain Speech -,
-  24 March 1946:  Soviets announce withdrawal from Iran -,
Apr 1946 - 1 Apr 1946:  Alaskan earthquake triggers massive tsunami - Link,
-  16 Apr 1946:  Arthur Chevrolet commits suicide -,
-  29 Apr 1946:  International Military Tribunal indicts Tojo Hideki, wartime premier of Japan -,
May 1946 -  3 May 1946:  Japanese War Crimes Trial Begins -,
-  17 May 1946:  President Harry S. Truman seized control of the railroads
-  20 May 1946:  English poet W.H. Auden becomes a U.S. citizen
June 1946 -  15 June 1946:  The U.S. presents the Baruch Plan (Control of Nuclear Weapons - it failed to pass UN) -,
-  29 June 1946:  authorities in British-ruled Palestine arrested 2700+ Jews
July 1946 -  1 July 1946:  US exploded a 20-kilotion atomic bomb near Bikini Atoll in the Pacific
-  5 July 1946:  Bikini Introduced -,
-  6 July 1946: 
   -  George "Bugs" Moran is arrested
   -  George Walker Bush is born
-  7 July 1946:  James Earl "Jimmy" Carter and Eleanor Rosalynn Smith are married -,
Aug 1946 -  19 Aug 1946:  Bill Clinton Born - Link,
Sept 1946 -  20 Sept 2020:  First Cannes Film Festival
Oct 1946 -  1 Oct 1946:  Nazi war criminals sentenced at Nuremburg -,
-  9 Oct 1946:  "The Iceman Cometh," by Eugene O'Neill, opens on Broadway
-  10 Oct 1946:  Phillip Eugene Robbins, ID0007, born, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana
-  12 Oct 1946:  Gen. Joseph Stilwell dies -,
-  16 Oct 1946:
   -  Hermann Göring commits suicide two hours before his scheduled execution.  S8,,
   -  Nazi War Criminals Executed -,
   -  Alfred Rosenberg is Executed -,
-  26 Oct 1946:  "Wheel of Fortune" host Pat Sajak is born
Nov 1946 -  1 Nov 1946:  First NBA game played
Dec 1946 -  11 Dec 1946:  UNICEF founded
-  21 Dec 1946:  Earthquake sends tsunami toward Japan -,
-  23 Dec 1946:  President Truman considers amnesty for draft dodgers -,
-  26 Dec 1946:  Bugsy Siegel opens Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas - Link,
=1947 -  17 Feb 1947:  Voice of America begins broadcasts to Russia - Link,
-  11 Mar 1947:  Truman thanks Herbert Hoover for aiding post-WW2 reconstruction -,
-  12 Mar 1947:  President Truman announces the Truman Doctrine
-  21 Mar 1947:  President Truman orders loyalty checks of federal employees - Link,
-  7 Apr 1947:  Henry Ford dies at 83 -,
-  9 Apr 1947:  The Journey of Reconciliation—considered the first Freedom Ride—sets out from D.C.
-  15 Apr 1947:  Jackie Robinson Breaks Color Barrier - Major League Baseball - Jackie Robinson becomes first African American player in Major League Baseball
16 Apr 1947:
   -  Fertilizer explosion kills 581 in Texas -,
   -  Bernard Baruch coins the term "Cold War" - Link,
-  25 Apr 1947:  President Truman inaugurates White House bowling alley -,
-  3 May 1947:  New Japanese constitution goes into effect -,
-  11 May 1947:  B. F. Goodrich Co. announces development of tubeless tire
-  20 June 1947:  Bugsy Siegel, organized crime leader, is killed -,
-  25 June 1947:  "The Diary of a Young Girl" (Anne Frank) First publisher
-  1 July 1947:  "Mr. X" article on Soviet Union appears in Foreign Affairs
-  2 July 1947:  Soviet Union rejects Marshall Plan assistance -,
-  5 July 1947:  Larry Doby became the first Black player in the American League
8 July 1947
     -  Roswell, NM - Recovered a "Flying Saucer"  ??
     -  Ground work begins for future site of UN
-  9 July 1947:  First female Army officer is appointed -,
-  18 July 1947:  President Truman signs second Presidential Succession Act -,
-  26 July 1947:  President Truman signs the National Security Act -,
-  7 Aug 1947:  Kon-Tiki Voyage - Norwegian explorer (Thor Heyerdahl) completes 4,300-mile ocean voyage in wooden raft -,
-  15 Aug 1947:  India and Pakistan win independence
-  23 Aug 1947: First Little League World Series champion crowned
-  30 Sept 1947:  World Series broadcast on TV for first time
-  5 Oct 1947:  First Presidential speech on TV (Truman) -,
-  14 Oct 1947:  Chuck Yeager breaks the sound barrier -,
-  20 Oct 1947:  Congress investigates Communists in Hollywood - Link,
-  2 Nov 1947:  Spruce Goose Flies -,
-  20 Nov 1947:  Princess Elizabeth marries Philip Mountbatten
-  24 Nov 1947:  "Hollywood Ten? cited for contempt of Congress
-  29 Nov 1947:  U.N. votes for partition of Palestine - Link,
-  3 Dec 1947:  "A Streetcar Named Desire" opens on Broadway
=1948 -  30 Jan 1948:  Gandhi assassinated  Link,
-  21 Feb 1948:   NASCAR founded
-  25 Feb 1948:  Communists take power in Czechoslovakia
-  10 March 1948:  Czech diplomat Jan Masaryk died under strange circumstances
-  30 March 1948:  Henry Wallace criticizes Truman's Cold War policies
-  1 Apr 1948:  Soviets stop U.S. and British Military trains -,
3 Apr 1948
   -  Truman signs Foreign Assistance Act  |  Truman signs Marshall Plan |
   -  "The Louisiana Hayride" radio program premieres on KWKH-AM Shreveport
30 Apr 1948
     -  Organization of American States Established -,
     -  The original Land Rover debuts at auto show
-  3 May 1948:  US Supreme Court decides Paramount antitrust case
-  4 May 1948:  Norman Mailer's first novel, "The Naked and the Dead," is published
14 May 1948
   -  State of Israel proclaimed
-  15 May 1948:  A three-year-old's brutal murder begins an unusual investigation
-  3 June 1948:  Hale Telescope at Palomar Mountain Observatory, CA dedicated
-  8 June 1948:  First Porsche completed
-  24 June 1948:  Soviets blockade West Berlin -,
-  26 June 1948:  Berlin Airlift begins -,
-  5 July 1948:  Britain National Health Services Act went into effect
-  7 July 1948:  6 female US Navy reservists became fort women sworn it to the regular Navy
-  20 July 1948:  President Truman issues peacetime draft -,
-  26 July 1948:  President Truman ends discrimination in the military
-  3 Aug 1948:  Chambers accuses Hiss of being a communist spy
-  6 Aug 1948:  Vicki Draves and Sammy Lee become the first Asian Americans to win an Olympic gold medal for the U.S.
-  13 Aug 1948:  Record day for Berlin Airlift -,
16 Aug 1948:
   -    Babe Ruth dies -,
   -  Usain Bolt sets 100-meter dash world record
24 Sept 1948
     -  Honda Motor Company is incorporated
     -  Mildred Gillars—aka “Axis Sally”—pleads not guilty to treason
15 Oct 1948
   -  Gerald Ford marries Elizabeth Bloomer
   -  A murderous husband is executed
-  29 Oct 1948:  Killer smog claims elderly victims
-  2 Nov 1948:  Truman defeats Dewey -,
-  3 Nov 1948:  Newspaper mistakenly declares Dewey President -,
-  4 Nov 1948:  T.S. Eliot wins Nobel Prize in Literature
-  12 Nov 1948:  Japanese War Criminals Sentenced -,
-  23 Dec 1948:  7 Japanese war criminals hanged in Tokyo -,
-  24 Dec 1948:  A family moves into the world’s first fully solar house
=1949 -  5 Jan:  President Truman delivers his Fair Deal speech - Link,
-  25 Jan 1949:  First Emmy Awards ceremony
-  2 Feb 1949:  US rejects proposal for conference with Stalin - Link,
-  8 Feb 1949:  Cardinal Mindszenty of Hungary sentenced -,

-  19 Mar 1949:  East Germany approves new constitution -,
-  30 Mar 1949:  Actor Robert Mitchum is released after serving time for marijuana possession
-  4 April 1949:  North Atlantic Treat Organization (NATO) pact signed
-  7 Apr 1949:  Tony-winning musical “South Pacific” opens on Broadway
-  2 May 1949:  Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman” wins the Pulitzer Prize for drama
-  11 May 1949:  Evidence found against French serial killer known as "The Queen of Poisoners"
-  12 May 1949:  Soviet Union lifts its 11-month blockade against West Berlin-,
-  23 May 1949:  Federal Republic of Germany is established -,
8 June 1949
   -  FBI report names Hollywood figures as communists
   -  George Orwell's "1984" is published
-  11 June 1949:  Hank Williams, Sr., makes his Grand Ole Opry debut
-  27 July 1949:  First commercial Jet airliner makes Test Flight - Link,
-  3 Aug 1949: NBA is born
-  10 Aug 1949:  Truman signs National Security Bill, Link,
-  29 Aug 1949:  Soviets explode atomic bomb - Link,
-  21 Sept 1949:  Mao Zedong outlines the new Chinese government
-  23 Sept 1949:  President Truman announces Soviets have exploded a nuclear device
-  30 Sept 1949:  Berlin Airlift ends -,
-  1 Oct 1949:  Mao Zedong proclaims People's Republic of China
-  7 Oct 1949:  East Germany Created -,
-  9 Oct 1949:  Walt files an Indiana WW2 Bonus Fund Application - Image
-  27 Nov 1949:  Maria Tallchief debuts in "Firebird" as the first-ever American prima ballerina
-  8 Dec 1949:  Chinese Nationalists move capital to Taiwan
=1950 -  7 Jan 1950: " Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" is the #1 song on the US pop charts - Link,
-  13 Jan 1950:  Soviets boycott United Nations Security Council
-  17 Jan 1950 - Boston thieves pull off historic Brink's robbery
-  18 Jan 1950:  China and Soviet Union recognize Democratic Republic of Vietnam
-  21 Jan 1950:  Accused spy Alger Hiss convicted of perjury
-  26 Jan 1950: Republic of India born
-  31 Jan 1950:  Truman announces development of H-bomb - Link,
-  3 Feb 1950:  Klaus Fuchs arrested for passing atomic bomb information to Soviets
-  9 Feb 1950:  Senator McCarthy says communists are in State Department
15 Feb 1950
   -  Disney's "Cinderella" opens in theaters
   -  USSR and PRC sign mutual defense treaty
-  8 March 1950:  VW bus, icon of counterculture movement, goes into production
14 March 1950
   -   FBI debuts "10 Most Wanted Fugitives" List
   -  U.S. senator smears actress Ingrid Bergman for extramarital affair
-  15 March 1950:  Nationalist Chinese forces invade mainland China

-  26 March 1950:  Joseph McCarthy charges that Owen Lattimore is a Soviet Spy
-  14 Apr 1950:  President Truman receives NSC-68 report, calling for "Containing" Soviet expansion
-  25 Apr 1950:  Chuck Cooper becomes first African American selected in NBA draft
-  9 May 1950:  L. Ron Hubbard publishes "Dianetics"
-  22 June 1950:  Bernstein, Copland, Seeger and others are named as Communists
25 June 1950
   -  Korean War begins
   -  U.S. World Cup team wins unlikely victory over England
-  27 June 1950:  President Truman orders US forces to Korea
-  5 July 1950:  First US fatality in the Korean War
-  8 July 1950:  President Harry S. Trumann named Gen Douglas MacArthur commander-in-chief of UN forces in Korea
-  22 Aug 1950:  Althea Gibson becomes first African American on US Tennis Tour
-  25 Aug 1950:  President Truman orders army to seize control of Railroads
-  15 Sept 1950:  US forces land at Inchon
-  31 Oct 1950:  Earl Lloyd becomes first Black player in the NBA
-  1 Nov 1950:  President Truman, assassination Attempt - Link,
-  25 Nov 1950:  "Storm of the century" hits eastern U.S.
-  26 Nov 1950:  Chinese counterattacks in Korea change nature of war
-  30 Nov 1950:  President Truman refuses to rule out atomic weapons
-  11 Dec 1950:  American diplomat Ralph Bunche receives Nobel Peace Prize
-  16 Dec 1950:  President Truman declares a state of emergency (Chinese intervention in Korean War) - Link,
=1951 -  15 Jan 1951:  The "Witch of Buchenwald" (Ilse Koch, wife of the commandant of Buchenwald Concentration Camp) is sentenced to prison -,
-  27 Jan 1951:  First atomic detonation at the Nevada test site
-  16 Feb 1951:  Joseph Stalin attacks the United Nations - Link,
-  6 March 1951:  The espionage trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg begins
-  8 March 1951:  The Lonely Hearts Killers are executed
29 March 1951
   -  Rosenbergs convicted of espionage
   -  The "Mad Bomber" strikes in New York
-  5 April 1951:  Rosenbergs sentenced to death for spying
-  11 Apr 1951:  President Truman relieves General MacArthur of duties in Korea - Link,
-  3 May 1951:  Congressional hearings on General MacArthur begin
-  14 June 1951:  UNIVAC, the first commercially produced digital computer, is dedicated -
-  8 July 1951:  Paris celebrates 2,000th birthday
-  16 July 1951:  "Catcher in the Rye" is published
-  23 July 1951:  Petain, leader of the Vichy government, dies -,
-  4 Sept 1951:  President Truman makes first transcontinental television broadcast
-  12 Sept 1951:  Sugar Ray Robinson wins back belt
-  3 Oct 1951:  A miraculous home run wins the pennant for NY Giants
-  12 Sept 1951:  Sugar Ray Robinson wins back belt (Boxing)
-  24 Oct 1951:  Truman declares war with Germany officially over -,
-  8 Nov 1951:  Yogi Berra is the AL MVP
-  14 Nov 1951:  United States gives military and economic aid to communist Yugoslavia
=1952 -  9 Jan 1952:  President Truman warns of Cold War dangers
-  19 Jan 1952:  PGA approves participation of Black golfers
-  6 Feb 1952:  King George VI dies; Elizabeth becomes Queen
-  21 Feb 1952:  Dick Button wins second Olympic figure skating gold
-  3 March 1952:  Supreme Court rules on communist teachers
4 March 1952
   -  Ronald Reagan and Nancy Davis marry
   -  Ernest Hemingway finishes "The Old Man and the Sea
-  21 March 1952:  The Moondog Coronation Ball is history's first rock concert"
-  27 March 1952:  Kiichiro Toyoda, founder of the Toyota Motor Corporation, dies
-  3 May 1952:  Joseph Fletcher lands first aircraft on the North Pole
-  23 July 1952:  Military seizes power in Egypt
-  11 Aug 1952:  Hussein succeeds to Jordanian throne
-  13 Aug 1952 "Hound Dog" is recorded for he first time by Big Mama Thornton
-  27 Aug 1952:  "Red Scare" dominates American politics
-  1 Nov 1952:  US tests first hydrogen bomb - Link,
-  25 Nov 1952:  "The Mousetrap" opens in London
-  29 Nov 1952:  President Eisenhower goes to Korea
-  5 Dec 1952:  Smog kills thousands in England
-  24 Dec 1952:  McCarran-Walter Act goes into effect, revising immigration laws
-  - 
=1953 -  5 Jan 1953:   Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Godot" premieres in Paris
-  7 Jan 1953: President Truman announces U.S. has developed hydrogen bomb
-  17 Jan 1953:  Corvette unveiled at GM Motorama
-  19 Jan 1953:  Lucille Ball gives birth on TV—and in real life
-  3 Feb 1953:  Jacques Cousteau's "The Silent World" is published
-  15 Feb 1953:  Albright becomes first female U.S. figure skater to win world title
-  28 Feb 1953:  Watson and Crick discover chemical structure of DNA
-  5 March 1953:  Joseph Stalin dies -,
-  6 March 1953:  Georgy Malenkov succeeds Stalin
-  19 March 1953:  First Academy Awards telecast on NBC
-  20 March 1953:  Nikita Krushchev begins his rise to power
-  26 March 1953:  Dr. Jonas Salk announces polio vaccine
-  7 April 1953:  Sweden's Dag Hammarskjold elected UN Head
-  8 Apr 1953: -  Jomo Kenyatta jailed for Mau Mau uprising in Kenya
-  10 April 1953:  First Color 3-D film opens - "The House of Wax" starring Vincent Price
-   24 April 1953:  Winston Churchill knighted

-  29 May 1953:  Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay reach Everest summit
-  2 June 1953:  Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
-  10 June 1953:  President Eisenhower rejects calls for US isolationism
-  17 June 1953:  Soviets crush antigovernment riots in East Berlin
-  18 June 1953:  US Air Force Douglas C-124 crashed near Tokyo, killing all 129 people aboard
-  19 June 1953:  Julius and Ethel Rosenberg executed for espionage -
-  24 June 1953:  Jacqueline Bouvier and Senator John F. Kennedy announce engagement
-  28 June 1953:  Workers assemble the first Corvette in Flint, Michigan - Link,
-  15 July 1953:  A notorious English killer is executed
-  27 July 1953:  Armistice ends Korean War hostilities
-  19 Aug 1953:  CIA-assisted coup overthrows government of Iran
12 Sept 1953
   -  John F. Kennedy marries Jacqueline Bouvier in Newport, Rhode Island
   -  Nikita Khrushchev elected Soviet leader
-  22 Sept 1953:  The famous "four-level" opens in Los Angeles
-  29 Sept 1953:  New York Times article claims Russians want the "American dream"
-  13 Nov 1953:  Indiana Textbook Commission member charges that Robin Hood is communist
=1954 -  12 Jan 1954  U.S. announces policy of "massive retaliation" against Communist aggressors
-  14 Jan 1954:  Marilyn Monroe marries Joe DiMaggio
-  23 Feb 1954:   Children receive first polio vaccine
-  9 March 1954:  President Eisenhower criticizes Senator Joseph McCarthy
-  1 Apr 1954:  The US Air Force Academy was established by President Eisenhower
-  7 April 1954:  President Eisenhower delivers Cold War "domino theory" speech
-  12 April 1954:  Bill Haley and His Comets record "Rock Around the Clock"
-  22 April 1954:  Joseph McCarthy begins hearings investigating US Army
-  23 April 1954:  Hank Aaron hits first home run of his MLB career
26 April 1954
   -  Polio vaccine trials begin
   -  Geneva Conference to resolve problems in Asia begins
-  3 May 1954:  Supreme Court rules in Hernandez v. Texas, broadening civil rights laws
-  6 May 1954:  Roger Bannister runs first four-minute mile
-  7 May 1954:  French defeated at Dien Bien Phu
-  17 May 1954:  Brown v. Board of Ed is decided
-  2 June 1954:  Senator Joseph McCarthy charges communists are in the CIA
-  9 June 1954:  "Have you no sense of decency?" Sen. Joseph McCarthy is asked in hearing
-  14 June 1954: 
   -  First Nationwide Civil Defense Drill Held -
   -  President Eisenhower signed a measure adding the phrase "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance
-  4 July 1954:  A sensationalized murder trial inspires "The Fugitive"
-  5 July 1954:  Elvis Presley's first commercial recording session too place at Sun Records in Memphis, TN "That's All Right" Elvis Presley records "That's All Right (Mama)"
-  8 July 1954:  Colonel Castillo Armas takes power in Guatemala
-  16 Aug 1954:  "Sports Illustrated" magazine debuts
-  20 Aug 1954:  US decides to support Ngo Dinh Diem
-  24 Aug 1954:  Congress passes Communist Control Act
-  8 Sept 1954:  SEATO established
-  15 Sept 1954:  Famous Marilyn Monroe "Skirt" scene filmed
-  30 Sept 1954:  USS Nautilus - World's first nuclear submarine-is commissioned
-  11 Oct 1954:  Viet Minh take control in the north
-  24 Oct 1954:  President Eisenhower pledges support to South Vietnam
-  12 Nov 1954:  Ellis Island Closed (Opened 2 Jan 1892) -,
-  27 Nov 1954:  Accused spy Alger Hiss released from prison - Link
-  28 Nov 1954:  Enrico Fermi, architect of the nuclear age, dies -,
-  30 Nov 1954:  Meteorite strikes Alabama Woman - Link,
-  2 Dec 1954:  Joseph McCarthy condemned by Senate
=1955 -  7 Jan 1955:  Marian Anderson becomes first African American to perform at the Met Opera - Link,
-  2 March 1955:  Fifteen-year-old Claudette Colvin refuses to give up her seat on a segregated bus
-  16 March 1955:  NHL star Maurice Richard suspended; riot ensues
-  24 March 1955:  "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" opens
-  25 March 1955:  U.S. Customs seizes copies of Allen Ginsberg's "Howl"
-  26 March 1955:  Black music gets whitewashed, as Georgia Gibbs hits the pop charts with "The Wallflower (Dance With Me, Henry)"
-  30 March 1955:  James Wong Howe becomes first Asian American to win an Academy Award
-  3 Apr 1955:  ACLU says it will contest obscenity of "Howl"
-  5 Apr 1955:  Winston Churchill retires as prime minister
-  24 April 1955:  The Bandung Conference concludes
-  1 May 1955:  Babe Didrikson Zaharias wins final LPGA tournament of her career
-  5 May 1955:  Allies end occupation of West Germany -,
-  9 May 1955:  West Germany joins NATO
-  14 May 1955:  The Warsaw Pact is formed
-  11 June 1955:  Race car at Le Mans crashes into spectators, killing 82
-  13 July 1955:  Last woman hanged for murder in Great Britain
-  17 July 1955:  Disneyland (CA) Opens
-  21 July 1955:  President Eisenhower presents his "Open Skies" plan
-  27 Aug 1955:  "The Guinness Book of Records" debuts
-  28 Aug 1955:  Emmett Till is murdered
-  31 Aug 1955:  William Cobb demonstrates first solar-powered car

-  19 Sept 1955:  Peron deposed in Argentina
-  30 Sept 1955:  James Dean dies in car accident
-  4 Oct 1955:  Brooklyn Dodgers win their first World Series
-  7 Oct 1955:  Poet Allen Ginsberg reads "Howl" for the first time
-  1 Dec 1955:  Rosa Parks ignites bus boycott - Link
=1956 -  24 Jan 1956:  Emmett Till murderers make magazine confession
-  30 Jan 1956:  Martin Luther King, Jr.'s home is bombed
-  25 Feb 1956:  Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes meet
-  19 April 1956:  Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier of Monaco marry
-  27 April 1956:  Rocky Marciano retires as world heavyweight Boxing champion
-  4 May 1956:  Gene Vincent records "Be-Bop-A-Lula"
-  21 May 1956:  US drops hydrogen bomb over Bikini Atoll
-  3 June 1956:  Rock 'n' roll is banned in Santa Cruz, CA
-  5 June 1956:  Elvis Presley rocks the Milton Berle Show
-  9 June 1956:  Writer Patricia Cornwell is born
-  21 June 1956:  Arthur Miller refuses to name communists
-  23 June 1956:  Gamal Abdel Nasser elected president of Egypt
-  25 June 1956:  Last Packard - the classic American luxury car - produced
-  26 June 1956:  Congress approves Federal Highway Act
-  19 July 1956:  US withdraws offer of aid for Aswan Dam
-  25 July 1956:  Ships collide off Nantucket (Andrea Doria and Swedish ocean liner Stockholm) 
-  26 July 1956:  Egypt nationalizes the Suez Canal
-  30 July 1956:  President Eisenhower signs "In God We Trust" into law
-  7 Aug 1956:  Mysterious explosions in Colombia
-  9 Sept 1956:  Elvis Presley makes first appearance on "The Ed Sullivan Show"
-  29 Oct 1956:  Israel invades Egypt; Suez Crisis begins
-  4 Nov 1956:  Soviets put a brutal end to Hungarian revolution
-  9 Nov 1956:  Jean-Paul Sartre denounces communism
-  15 Nov 1956:  Elvis makes movie debut in "Love Me Tender"
-  22 Dec 1956:  First gorilla born in captivity - Link,
-  26 Dec 1956:  Carmaker Preston Tucker dies
=1957 -  3 Jan 1957:  Dalip Singh Saund assumes office as the first Asian American and the first Sikh elected to Congress
-  5 Jan 1957:  President Eisenhower proposes new Middle East policy
-  23 Jan 1957:  Toy Company Wham-O produces first Frisbees
-  10 Feb 1957:  Laura Ingalls Wilder, chronicler of American Frontier life, dies ("Little House on the Prairie")
-  14 Feb 1957:   Noam Chomsky publishes his groundbreaking book "Syntactic Structures"

-  8 March 1957:  Egypt begins to reopen the Suez Canal after crisis

-  19 March 1957:  Elvis Presley puts a down payment on Graceland
25 March 1957
   -  U.S. Customs seizes copies of Allen Ginsberg's “Howl"
   -  Europe's Common Market founded in major step toward economic unity
-  22 Apr 1957:  John Irvin Kennedy plays for Phillies, fully integrating National League
-  2 May 1957:  Senator Joseph McCarthy dies
12 May 1957
     -  Race car driver A.J. Foyt gets first pro victory
     -  Ferrari race car crashes at Mille Miglia race, killing 11
-  28 May 1957:  Baseball owners allow Dodgers and Giants to move
-  26 June 1957:  A serial killer preys upon a woman out for a drive
-  27 June 1957:  Hurricane Audrey hit Coastal Louisiana and Texas
-  6 July 1957
   -  Althea Gibson is first African American to win Wimbledon
   -  John Lennon meets Paul McCartney for the first time
-  12 July 1957:  President Eisenhower takes first presidential ride in a helicopter
-  5 Aug 1957:  "American Bandstand" goes national (Dick Clark)
-  17 Aug 1957:  Foul balls batter unlucky Philadelphia Phillies fan
-  26 Aug 1957:  Russia tests an intercontinental ballistic missile
-  4 Sept 1957:  Arkansas troops block "Little Rock Nine" from entering segregated high school
-  5 Sept 1957:  The New York Times gives "On the Road" a rave review
-  19 Sept 1957:  Nevada is site of first-ever underground nuclear explosion - Link,
-  21 Sept 1957:  Perry Mason TV Series debuts on CBS
-  25 Sept 1957:  Little Rock Nine begin first full day of classes
-  26 Sept 1957:  "West Side Story" opens on Broadway
-  4 Oct 1957:  Sputnik Launched - Link,
-  8 Oct 1957:  Jerry Lee Lewis records "Great Balls Of Fire" in Memphis, Tennessee
-  10 Oct 1957:  President Dwight D. Eisenhower apologizes to African diplomat
-  13 Oct 1957:  Atomic Age sci-fi thriller "The Amazing Colossal Man" opens
-  14 Oct 1957:  "Wake Up Little Susie" becomes the Everly Brothers' first #1 hit
-  22 Oct 1957:  American forces suffer first casualties in Vietnam - Link,
-  25 Oct 1957:  Atomic Age sci-fi thriller “The Amazing Colossal Man” premieres in New York
-  3 Nov 1957:  Soviet Union launches a dog into space
-  15 Nov 1957:  Nikita Khrushchev challenges United States to a missile "shooting match"
-  16 Nov 1957:  Ed Gein kills final victim Bernice Worden
-  20 Dec 1957:  Elvis Presley Drafted - Link,
=1958 -  1 Jan 1958:  Johnny Cash plays San Quentin State Prison
-  2 Jan 1958:  Opera star Maria Callas walks out of performance
-  13 Jan 1958:  The Manuel Massacres
-  14 Jan 1958:  Scottish serial killer Peter Manuel arrested
-  28 Jan 1958:  Teenage killers murder three people
-  29 Jan 1958: Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward marry
-  6 Feb 1958:  Man United players among victims of plane crash
-  23 Feb 1958:  Formula One champ kidnapped (Juan Manuel Fangio of Argentina)
-  14 March 1958:  First Gold Record awarded to Perry Como for "Catch a Falling Star"
-  24 March 1958:  Elvis Presley inducted into the US Army
-  25 March 1958:  Sugar Ray Robinson defeats Carmen Basilio for middleweight title
-  27 March 1958:  Nikita Khrushchev becomes Soviet Premier
-  28 March 1958:  W.C. Handy the "Father of the Blues" dies
-  29 March 1958  Keeling Curve, showing increase of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere, is discovered
-  18 Apr 1958:  Federal court decides to release poet Ezra Pound from hospital for criminally insane
-  1 May 1958:  President Eisenhower proclaims Law Day - First “Law Day” observed
-  13 May 1958:  Vice-President Nixon is attacked in Venezuela
-  22 May 1958:  Jerry Lee Lewis drops a bombshell in London
-  29 June 1958:  Pelé leads Brazil to first World Cup title
-  30 June 1958:  US Senate passed the Alaska statehood bill
-  3 July 1958:  President Eisenhower initiates federal flood-control program
-  29 July 1958:  NASA created
-  3 Aug 1958:  Nautilus submarine travels under North Pole
-  18 Aug 1958:  Vladimir Nabokov's "Lolita" is published in the U.S.
-  29 Aug 1958:  Michael Jackson is born
-  5 Sept 1958:  "Doctor Zhivago" is published in the U.S.
-  2 Oct 1958:  The Cold War comes to Africa, as Guinea gains its independence
-  16 Oct 1958:  Chevrolet introduces the El Camino -,
-  17 Nov 1958:  The Kingston Trio brings folk music to the top of the U.S. pop charts
-  1 Dec 1958:  Ninety students die in Chicago school fire
-  9 Dec 1958:  John Birch Society Founded - Link,
-  21 Dec 1958:  Charles de Gaulle elected president of France
=1959 -  1 Jan 1959:  Batista forced out by Castro-led revolution
3 Jan 1959
   -  Alaska admitted into Union - Link,
   -  George A. Kasem of California becomes first Arab American member of Congress
-  7 Jan 1959:  United States recognizes new Cuban government
-  8 Jan 1959:  Fidel Castro arrives in Havana after deposing Batista's regime
-  21 Jan 1959:  Actor Carl Switzer of "Our Gang" killed
-  3 Feb 1959:  Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and "The Big Bopper" die in a plane crash
-  16 Feb 1959:  Fidel Castro sworn in as prime minister
-  18 Feb 1959:  Ray Charles records "What'd I Say" at Atlantic Records
-  22 Feb 1959:  Lee Petty wins first Daytona 500
9 March 1959
     -  The Barbie doll makes its debut
-  10 March 1959:  Tibetans revolt against Chinese occupation
-  11 March 1959:  “A Raisin in the Sun” debuts on Broadway
-  31 March 1959:  Dalai Lama begins exile
-  9 Apr 1959:  NASA introduces America's first astronauts
-  15 April 1959:  Fidel Castro visits the US
-  4 May 1959:  Ella Fitzgerald becomes first Black woman to win a Grammy Award
-  26 June 1959:  St. Lawrence Seaway opened
-  8 July 1959:  First Americans killed in South Vietnam
-  24 July 1959:  Richard Nixon and Nikita Khrushchev have a "Kitchen Debate"
-  7 Aug 1959:  The first US satellite to photograph the Earth is launched
-  21 Aug 1959:  Hawaii becomes 50th State - Link,
-  14 Sept 1959:  Soviet probe reaches the moon
-  15 Sept 1959:  Khrushchev arrives in Washington
-  18 Sept 1959:  Serial Killer Harvey Glatman is executed
-  19 Sept 1959:  Krushchev barred from visiting Disneyland
25 Sept 1959
   -  Eisenhower and Krushchev meet for talks
   -  New York mobster Little Augie Pisano is murdered
-  21 Oct 1959:  Guggenheim Museum opens in New York City
-  16 Oct 1959:  "The Sound of Music" premieres on Broadway
-  23 Nov 1959:  The Birdman of Alcatraz is allowed a small taste of freedom
-  1 Dec 1959:  Antarctica made a military-free continent
-  23 Dec 1959:  Chuck Berry is arrested on Mann Act charges in St. Louis, Missouri
=1960 -  1 Feb 1960:  Greensboro sit-in begins
-  8 Feb 1960:  Construction begins on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
9 Feb 1960
   -  Joanne Woodward earns first star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
   -  Coors brewery heir is kidnapped

-  11 Feb 1960: The Payola scandal heats up
-  27 Feb 1960:  U.S. Olympic hockey team beats Soviet Union
-  4 March 1960:  Lucille Ball files for divorce from Desi Arnaz
-  5 March 1960
     -  Iconic photo of Che Guevara taken
     -  Hula Hoop patented
-  21 March 1960:  Massacre in Sharpeville (Africa)
-  25 March 1960:  "Lady Chatterley's Lover ruled to NOT be obscene
-  4 Apr 1960:  "Ben-Hur" wins 11 Academy Awards
-  17 Apr 1960:  Eddie Cochran dies, and Gene Vincent is injured, in a UK car accident
-  1 May 1960:  American U-2 spy plane shot down over Soviet Union (Gary Powers)
-  2 May 1960:  Dick Clark survives the Payola scandal
-  7 May 1960:  Leonid Brezhnev becomes president of the USSR
-  9 May 1960:  FDA approves "The Pill" (Birth control pill)
-  16 May 1960:  US-Soviet summit meeting collapses after U-2 spy plane shot down
-  21 May 1960:  Huge earthquake hits Chile
23 May 1960
   -  High-ranking Nazi official Adolf Eichmann captured
   -  Deadly tsunami hits Hawaii
-  26 May 1960:  US charges Soviets with espionage
-  18 June 1960:  Arnold Palmer wins US Open
-  9 July 1960:  Soviet Premier Khrushchev and President Eisenhower trade threats over Cuba
-  11 July 1960:  "To Kill a Mockingbird" published
-  13 July 1960:  John F. Kennedy nominated for presidency
-  21 July 1960:  Germany passes controversial "Volkswagen Law" -
-   19 Aug 1960:  Captured US spy pilot sentenced in Russia (Gary Powers)
-  29 Aug 1960:  Hurricane Donna is born
-  18 Sept 1960:  Fidel Castro arrived in New York
-  26 Sept 1960:  Kennedy and Nixon square off in first televised presidential debate
-  27 Sept 1960:  British suffragette Sylvia Pankhurst dies
-  28 Sept 1960:  Ted Williams hits home run in last major league at-bat
-  3 Oct 1960:  Andy Griffith TV Show debuts
7 Oct 1960
   -  CBS broadcasts the premiere episode of "Route 66"
   -  Kennedy and Nixon debate Cold War foreign policy
-  12 Oct 1960:  Nikita Khrushchev allegedly brandishes his shoe at the United Nations
-  2 Nov 1960:  "Lady Chatterley's Lover" obscenity trial ends
-  4 Nov 1960:  Jane Goodall observes a chimpanzee making and using tools
-  8 Nov 1960:  John F. Kennedy elected president
-  14 Nov 1960:  Ruby Bridges desegregates her school
-  24 Nov 1960  Wilt Chamberlain sets NBA rebounds record
-  25 Nov 1960:  Mirabal sisters assassinated by Trujillo regime
-  16 Dec 1960:  Two airplanes collide over New York City
-  20 Dec 1960:  National Liberation Front formed
=1961 -  3 Jan 1961:  US severs diplomatic relations with Cuba - Link,
-  17 Jan 1961:  President Eisenhower warns of military-industrial complex
-  20 Jan 1961:  John F. Kennedy inaugurated
-  25 Jan 1961:  President Kennedy holds first live television news conference
-  26 Jan 1961:  President Kennedy appoints first female presidential physician (Dr. Janet Travell)
-  1 Feb 1961:  "The Misfits" opens in theaters
-  15 Feb 1961:  U.S. figure skating team killed in plane crash
-  21 Feb 1961:  Rockefeller imposter and convicted felon born
-  1 March 1961:  President Kennedy establishes the Peace Corps
-  13 March 1961:  President Kennedy proposes Alliance for Progress
-  7 April 1961:  JFK lobbies Congress to help save historic sites in Egypt
-  10 Apr 1961:  South African Gary Player becomes first international Masters champion
-  11 Apr 1961:  Bob Dylan plays his first major gig in New York City
-  12 April 1961:  Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man in space
-  17 April 1961:  The Bay of Pigs invasion begins
-  23 April 1961:  Judy Garland plays Carnegie Hall
-  4 May 1961:  The first Freedom Ride departs from Washington, D.C.
-  5 May 1961:  Alan Shepard becomes the first American in space
-  11 May 1961:  President Kennedy orders more troops to South Vietnam
-  12 May 1961:  Lyndon B. Johnson visits South Vietnam
-  25 May 1961:  JFK asks Congress to support the space program
-  28 May 961:  Appeal for Amnesty campaign launches

-  4 June 1961:  Kennedy and Khrushchev agree on neutrality for Laos
-  16 June 1961:  Russian ballet star Rudolf Nureyev defects from USSR
-  2 July 1961:  Ernest Hemingway shot himself to death in Ketchum, Idaho
-  1 Aug 1961:  The first Six Flags opens in Texas
-  13 Aug 1961:  Berlin is Divided -
-  15 Aug 1961:  Berlin Wall Built -,
-  21 Aug 1961:  Jomo Kenyatta, Kenyan independence leader, is freed from prison
-  22 Sept 1961:  President Kennedy signs Peace Corps legislation
-  1 Oct 1961:  Roger Maris breaks home-run record
-  6 Oct 1961:  President Kennedy urges Americans to build bomb shelters
-  28 Oct 1961:  Chuck Berry goes on trial for the second time
-  31 Oct 1961:  Stalin's Body removed from Lenin's Tomb - Link,
-  16 Nov 1961:  President Kennedy increases military aid to Saigon
-  2 Dec 1961:  Fidel Castro declares himself a Marxist-Leninist
-  6 Dec 1961:  Ernie Davis becomes first Black player to win Heisman Trophy
-  11 Dec 1961:  First U.S. helicopters arrive in South Vietnam
-  14 Dec 1961:  President Kennedy announces intent to increase aid to South Vietnam
-  15 Dec 1961:  Architect of the Holocaust sentenced to die - Adolf Eichmann -,
-  17 Dec 1961:  Circus catches fire in Brazil, killing hundreds
-  18 Dec 1961:  The Tokens earn a #1 hit with "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"
-  31 Dec 1961:  Kennedy and Khrushchev exchange holiday greetings
=1962 -  2 Jan 1962:  Folk group The Weavers are banned by NBC after refusing to sign a loyalty oath
-  10 Jan 1962:  Avalanche kills thousands in Peru
-  12 Jan 1962:  Operation Ranch Hand initiated
-  13 Jan 1962:  Comedian Ernie Kovacs dies in car crash
-  29 Jan 1962:  Peter, Paul and Mary sign their first recording contract
-  2 Feb 1962:  First US Air Force plan crashes in South Vietnam
-  4 Feb 1962:  First helicopter shot down in Vietnam
-  7 Feb 1962:  Full US-Cuba embargo announced
-  10 Feb 1962:  U.S.-Soviet spy swap - Pilot Gary Powers exchanged in U.S.-Soviet spy swap
-  20 Feb 1962:  John Glenn becomes first American to orbit Earth
-  2 March 1962:  Wilt Chamberlain scores 100 points
-  18 March 1962:  French-Algerian truce
-  9 Apr 1962:  Rita Moreno becomes the first Hispanic woman to win an Oscar
-  3 May 1962:  Trains collide near Tokyo, killing more than 160 people
-  26 May 1962:  The British Invasion has an odd beginning with clarinetist Acker Bilk
-  31 May 1962:  Architect of the Holocaust hanged in Israel - Adolf Eichmann -,
-  7 June 1962:  Switzerland welcomes first drive-through bank
-  13 June 1962:  Stanley Kubrick's "Lolita" released
-  25 June 1962:  US Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional, state-sponsored prayer in New York State Public Schools
-  9 July 1962:  Bob Dylan records "Blowin in the Wind"
-  10 July 1962:  US patent issued for three-point seatbelt
-  12 July 1962:  The Rolling Stones played their firs ever gig at the Marquee in London
-  5 Aug 1962:  Marilyn Monroe is found dead
-  17 Aug 1962:  East Germans kill man trying to cross Berlin Wall
-  22 Aug 1962:  Citroen helps de Gaulle survive assassination attempt
-  25 Aug 1962:  Little Eva earns a #1 hit with "Loco-Motion"
-  15 Sept 1962:  The Four Seasons earn their first #1 hit with "Sherry"
-  27 Sept 1962:  Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" is published
-  30 Sept 1962:  Riots over desegregation of Ole Miss
-  1 Oct 1962:  Johnny Carson makes debut as "Tonight Show" host
-  11 Oct 1962:  Pope John XXIII opens Vatican II
-  14 Oct 1962:  Cuban Missile Crisis begins - Soviet missiles photographed in Cuba-
-  20 Oct 1962:  President Kennedy secretly plans blockade of Cuba
-  22 Oct 1962:  JFK's address on Cuban Missile Crisis shocks the nation - Link,
-  24 Oct 1962:  James Brown records breakthrough "Live at the Apollo" album
-  27 Oct 1962:  The United States and Soviet Union step back from brink of nuclear war
28 Oct 1962:
     -  Cuban Missile Crisis comes to an end - Link,
     -  Nikita Krushchev orders withdrawal of missiles from Cuba - Link,
-  3  Nov 1962:  The Crystals earn a #1 hit with "He's A Rebel"
-  6 Nov 2020:  UN condemns apartheid in South Africa
-  8 Nov 1962:  Sun sets on the Ford Rotunda (Destroyed by massive fire on 9 Nov 1962)
-  25 Dec 1962:  "To Kill a Mockingbird" Opens in Theaters - Link,
=1963 -  8 Jan 1963:  Mon Lisa exhibited in Washington - Link,
-  14 Jan 1963:  George Wallace inaugurated as Alabama Governor
-  11 Feb 1963:  Julia Child’s “The French Chef” debuts
-  19 Feb 1963:  "The Feminine Mystique" by Betty Friedan is published
-  5 March 1963:  Hula Hoop patented
-  21 March 1963:  Alcatraz closes its doors
-  1 April 1963:  Soap operas "General Hospital" and "The Doctors" premiere
-  7 April 1963:  Tito is made president of Yugoslavia for life
-  10 April 1963:  Atomic submarine USS Thresher sinks in the Atlantic, killing all on board
-  16 Apr 1963:  Martin Luther King Jr. is jailed; writes "Letter from a Birmingham Jail"
-  1 May 1963:  Gloria Steinem publishes part one of "A Bunny's Tale" in SHOW magazine
-  2 May 1963:  More than 1,000 schoolchildren protest segregation in the Children's Crusade
-  8 May 1963:  Sean Connery stars in his first Bond Movie "Dr. No"
-  12 May 1963:  Bob Dylan walks out on "The Ed Sullivan Show"
-  27 May 1963:  Dylan's breakthrough album, "The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan," is released
-  3 June 1963:  Pope John XXIII died at age 81
-  5 June 1963:  British Secretary of War John Profumo resigns amid sex scandal
11 June 1963
   -  Univ of Alabama desegregated
   -  Buddhist immolates himself in protest
-  12 June 1963:  Civil rights leader Medgar Evers is assassinated
-  16 June 1963:  Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova becomes the first woman in space
-  20 June 1963:  US and Soviet Union agree to establish a nuclear "hot line"
-  26 June 1963:   John F. Kennedy claims solidarity with the people of Berlin
-  1 July 1963:  USPS inaugurated 5-digit Zip Codes
-  12 July 1963:  The Moors Murderers begin their killing spree
-  14 July 1963:  Rupture between USSR and China grows
-  20 July 1963:  Jan and Dean's "Surf City" hits #1
-  5 Aug 1963:  Nuclear Test Ban Treaty signed
-  28 Aug 1963: 
     -  Mahalia Jackson, the Queen of Gospel, puts her stamp on the March on Washington - Mahalia Jackson prompts Martin Luther King, Jr. to improvise 'I Have a Dream' speech
     -  Martin Luther King, Jr., delivers "I Have a Dream" speech at the March on Washington

-  30 Aug 1963:  Hotline established between Washington and Moscow
-  13 Sept 1963:  Mary Kay launches her namesake company
-  15 Sept 1963:  Four Black schoolgirls killed in Birmingham church bombing
-  20 Sept 1863:  Kennedy proposes joint mission to the Moon
-  9 Oct 1963:  Landslide kills thousands in Italy
31 Oct 1963
   -  Ed Sullivan witnesses Beatlemania firsthand, paving the way for the British Invasion
   -  Freak explosion at Indiana State Fairgrounds Coliseum kills nearly 100
-  2 Nov 1963:  Ngo Dinh Diem assassinated in South Vietnam
-  6 Nov 1963:  General Minh takes over leadership of South Vietnam
-  22 Nov 1963:  President John F. Kennedy is assassinated - Link,
-  24 Nov 1963:  Jack Ruby kills Lee Harvey Oswald - Link,
-  25 Nov 1963:  JFK buried at Arlington National Cemetery - Link,
-  29 Nov 1963:  LBJ forms commission to investigate Kennedy assassination
-  10 Dec 1963:  Frank Sinatra Jr. endures a frightening ordeal
-  11 Dec 1963:  Frank Sinatra Jr. released by kidnappers
12 Dec 1963
     -  Kenya declares independence from Britain
     -  JFK memorial album sets record for sales
-  17 Dec 1963:  Clean Air Act becomes law
-  20 Dec 1963:  Berlin Wall Opened for the first time - Link,
=1964 4 Jan 1964
     -  Boston Strangler strikes again - Boston Strangler commits his final known murder
     -  Patsy T. Mink sworn in as first Asian American woman and woman of color in Congress
-  11 Jan 1964:  US Surgeon General announces definitive link between smoking and cancer
-  28 Jan 1964:  Soviets shoot down US Jet
-  29 Jan 1964:  "Dr. Strangelove" premieres
-  7 Feb 1964:  The Beatles arrive in New York
-  9 Feb 1964:  America meets the Beetles on "The Ed Sullivan Show"
-  25 Feb 1964:  Young Muhammad Ali knocks out Sonny Liston for first world title
-  27 Feb 1964:  Italian Govt asks for suggestions for how to fix Leaning Tower of Pisa
-  14 March 1964:  Jack Ruby sentenced to death for murdering Lee Harvey Oswald
-  27 March 1964:  Earthquake rocks Alaska
-  13 April 1964:  Sidney Poitier wins Best Actor Oscar for "Lilies of the Field"
-  17 April 1964:  Ford Mustang debuts at World's Fair
-  9 May 1964:  An unlikely challenger ends the Beatles' reign atop the US pop charts (Louis Armstong's "Hello Dolly")
-  24 May 1964:  Riot erupts at Lima, Peru soccer match, killing hundreds
-  28 May 1964:  Palestine Liberation Organization is founded
-  31 May 1954:  Convicted murderer Charles Schmid brags about his crimes
-  6 June 1964:  US reconnaissance jets shot down over Laos
-  9 June 1964:  CIA reports challenges "domino theory"
-  21 June 1964:  The KKK kills three civil rights activists
-  24 June 1964:  AT&T inaugurated commercial "Picturephone" service between New York, Chicago and Washington, DC
-  15 June 1964:  President Johnson decides against asking Congress for authority to wage war
-  2 July 1964:  President Johnson signs Civil Rights Act
-  15 July 1964:  Senator Barry Goldwater nominated for president
-  31 July 1964:  Ranger 7 photographs Moon
-  4 Aug 1964:  Slain civil rights workers found
-  7 Aug 1964:  Congress passes Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
12 Aug 1964
     -  James Bond creator Ian Fleming dies
     -  Great Train robber escapes from prison
-  19 Aug 1964:  The Beatles kick off first US tour at San Francisco's Cow Palace
-  26 Aug 1964:  Lyndon B. Johnson receives Democratic nomination for president
-  1 Sept 1964:  First Japanese player makes MLB debut
-  14 Sept 1964:  John Steinbeck awarded the Medal of Freedom
-  24 Sept 1964:  Warren Commission report delivered to President Johnson
-  30 Sept 1964:  First large-scale antiwar demonstration staged at UC Berkeley
-  12 Oct 1964:  USSR leads the space race -
14 Oct 1964
   -  Martin Luther King Jr wins Nobel Peace Prize -
   -  Nikita Khrushchev ousted as premier of Soviet Union
-  16 Oct 1964:  China joins A-bomb club
-  22 Oct 1964:  Jean-Paul Sartre wins and declines Nobel Prize in Literature
3 Nov 1964
     -  DC residents cast first presidential votes -
     -  Lyndon B. Johnson defeats Barry Goldwater for presidency
-  5 Dec 1964:  Army Captain awarded first Medal of Honor for action in Vietnam -,
-  11 Dec 1964:  Sam Cooke dies under suspicious circumstances in LA
-  24 Dec 1964: Viet Cong bomb Brinks Hotel
-  28 Dec 1964:  South Vietnamese win costly battle at Binh Gia
=1965 -  4 Jan 1965:  LBJ envisions a Great Society in his State of the Union address - Link,
-  24 Jan 1965:  Winston Churchill Dies -,
-  27 Jan 1965:  Shelby GT 350 debuts
-  9 Feb 1965:  US sends first combat troops to South Vietnam
-  13 Feb 1965:  Lyndon Johnson approves Operation Rolling Thunder
-  15 Feb 1965:  Canada adopts maple leaf flag
-  21 Feb 1965: Malcolm X assassinated
-  3 March 1965:  US jets bomb Ho Chi Minh Trail
-  7 March 1965:  Civil rights protestors beaten in "Bloody Sunday" attack
-  8 March 1965:  US Marines land at Da Nang
-  13 March 1965:  Eric Clapton leaves the Yardbirds
-  15 March 1965:  President Johnson calls for equal voting rights
-  20 March 1965:  LBJ sends federal troops to Alabama to protect a civil rights march
-  21 March 1965:  Martín Luther King, Jr. begins the march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama
-  23 March 1965:  US First 2-person spacecraft - Virgil "Gus" Grissom and John W. Young aboard - 5 hour flight
-  24 March 1965: First anti-war teach-in conducted
-  30 March 1965:  Bomb explodes outside US Embassy in Saigon
-  28 April 1965:  U.S. troops land in the Dominican Republic in attempt to forestall a "communist dictatorship"
-  3 May 1965:  173rd Airborne Brigade deploys to South Vietnam
-  4 May 1965:  Willie Mays breaks National League home run record
-  12 May 1965:  "Satisfaction" comes to Keith Richards in his sleep
-  17 May 1965:  The FBI Laboratory weighs in on the "dirty" lyrics of "Louie Louie"
-  3 June 1965:  First American Astronaut walks in space  (Maj. Edward H. White)
-  16 June 1965:  Bob Dylan records "Like A Rolling Stone"
-  21 June 1965:  "Mr. Tambourine Man" is released, and the folk-rock revolution is on
-  25 June 1965:  Viet Cong blow up a floating restaurant
- 28 June 1965:  US forces launch first offensive (Vietnam War)
-  12 July 1965:  First Marine to receive Medal of Honor for action in Vietnam is killed
-  15 July 1965:  Mariner 4 studies Martian surface
-  25 July 1965:  Dylan goes electric at the Newport Folk Festival
-  28 July 1965:  President Johnson announces more troops to Vietnam
-  29 July 1965:  101st Airborne Division arrives in Vietnam
-  30 July 1965:  President Johnson signs Medicare into law
-  3 Aug 1965:  TV news shows Marines burning village
-  6 Aug 1965:  President Johnson signs Voting Rights Act
-  8 Sept 1965: Delano Grape Strike begins
-  11 Aug 1965:  Watts Rebellion begins (Los Angeles, CA)
-  11 Sept 1965:  1st Cavalry Division arrives in South Vietnam
-  25 Sept  1965:  59-year old Satchel Paige pitches three innings
28 Sept 1965
   -  Fidel Castro announces that Cubans are free to leave the island
   -  St. Louis's Gateway Arch is completed
-  2 Oct 1965:  Gatorade invented at University of Florida
-  11 Oct 1965:  Apollo 7 Launched - Link,
-  15 Oct 1965:  Draft card burning demonstrations staged across the country
22 Oct 1965
   -  President Lyndon Johnson signs the Highway Beautification Act
   -  173rd Airborne trooper dives onto live grenade, saving comrades
-  28 Oct 1965:  St. Louis Gateway Arch is completed - Link
-  8 Nov 1965:  Lawrence Joel awarded Medal of Honor
9 Nov 1965
   -  The Great Northeast Blackout
   -  Antiwar protestor sets himself afire
-  14 Nov 1965:  Major battle erupts in the Ia Drang Valley
-  15 Nov 1965:  Craig Breedlove sets new land-speed record
-  17 Nov 1965:  1st Cavalry unit ambushed in the Ia Drang Valley
-  30 Nov 1965:  Ralph Nader's "Unsafe at Any Speed" hits bookstores
-  30 Dec 1965:  Ferdinand Marcos inaugurated president of the Philippines
=1966 -  13 Jan 1966:  Lyndon Johnson appoints first African American cabinet member
17 Jan 1966:
   -  H-bomb lost in Spain - Link,
   -  NBC greenlights "The Monkees"
-  19 Jan 1966:  Indira Gandhi becomes Indian prime minister
-  3 Feb 1966:  Lunik 9 soft-lands on lunar surface
-  10 Feb 1966:  Ralph Nader testifies before Congress
-  1 March 1966:  Soviet probe crashes into Venus
-  2 March 1966:  Ford celebrates 1 millionth Mustang
-  4 March 1966:  John Lennon sparks his first major controversy
5 March 1966
     -  Staff Sergeant Barry Sadler hits #1 with "Ballad of the Green Berets"
     -  Marvin Miller elected first full-time MLB Players Association executive director
- 7 March 1966  U.S. jets launch heaviest air raids of the war
-  21 Apr 1966:  "Sip-In" takes place at Julius' Bar in New York City
-  4 May 1966:  Willie Mays breaks National League home run record
-  2 June 1966:  US Space probe Surveyor 1 landed on moon and began transmitting photographs of Lunar surface
-  6 June 1966:  Civil rights activist James Meredith shot
-  7 June 1966:  Ronald Reagan nominated for governor of California
-  8 June 1966:  NFL and AFL announce merger
-  13 June 1966:  The Miranda rights are established
-  12 July 1966:  North Vietnam urged to treat US POWs better
-  14 July 1966:  A mass murderer leaves eight women dead
-  30 July 1966:  The Troggs take their signature hit, "Wild Thing," to #1
-  1 Aug 1966:  An ex-Marine goes on a killing spree at the University of Texas
-  1 Sept 1966:  French president Charles de Gaulle urges the United States to get out of Vietnam
-  6 Sept 1966:  South African prime minister and architect of apartheid assassinated
-  4 Oct 1966:  Pope calls for end to the Vietnam War
-  21 Oct 1966:  Aberfan disaster kills 144 people and levels a Welsh mining village
-  7 Nov 1966:  John Lennon and Yoko Ono meet
-  18 Nov 1966:  L.A. Dodgers' ace pitcher Sandy Koufax retires
-  26 Dec 1966:  The first Kwanzaa
=1967 -  3 Jan 1967:  Jack Ruby dies before second trial - Link,
-  10 Jan 1967:  President Johnson asks for more funding for Vietnam War
-  14 Jan 1967:  The Human Be-In takes place in San Francisco, launching the “Summer of Love”
-  27 Jan 1967:  Astronauts die in launch pad fire (Virgil "Gus" Grissom, Edward White II and Roger B. Chafee)
-  22 Feb 1967:  Suharto takes full power in Indonesia
-  2 March 1967:  Bobby Kennedy proposes plan to end the Viet Nam war
-  14 March 1967:  JFK's body moved to permanent gravesite
-  25 March 1967:  Martin Luther King, Jr. leads march against the Vietnam War
-  4 April 1967:  Martin Luther King, Jr. speaks out against the war
-  21 April 1967:  GM celebrates 100 millionth US-made car
-  24 April 1967:  Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov killed when parachute fails to deploy
-  28 April 1967:  Muhammad Ali refuses Army induction -
-  1 May 1967:  Elvis Presley marries Priscilla Beaulieu
-  5 May 1967:  "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is published
-  19 May 1967:  Soviets ratify treaty banning nuclear weapons from outer space
-  30 May 1967:  Republic of Biafra proclaimed
-  1 June 1967:  Beatles release "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"
-  5 June 1967:  Six-Day War begins
-  8 June 1967:  Israel attacks USS Liberty
-  11 June 1967:  Six-Day War ends
-  13 June 1967:  Thurgood Marshall appointed to Supreme Court
-  18 June 1967:  The Monterey Pop Festival reaches its climax
-  20 June 1967:  Muhammad Ali convicted in Houston of violating Selective Service laws by refusing to be drafted
29 June 1967
   -  Actress Jayne Mansfield dies in car crash
   -  The Rolling Stones fight the law, and the law wins
-  6 July 1967:  Civil War - Nigeria
-  12 July 1967:  rioting in Newark, NJ over beating of black taxi driver
-  17 July 1967:  Jimi Hendrix drops out as opening act for The Monkees
-  23 July 1967:  Detroit Riots of 1967 begin
29 July 1967:
   -  Rocket causes deadly fire on aircraft carrier
   -  The Doors score their first #1 hit with "Light My Fire"
-  16 Aug 1967:  Gulf of Tonkin Resolution is challenged in Senate
-  27 Aug 1967:  Beatles manager Brian Epstein dies
-  30 Aug 1967:  Thurgood Marshall confirmed as Supreme Court justice (First African-American Supreme Court Justice)
-  9 Sept 1967:  Sgt Duane D. Hackney receives Air Force Cross
-  17 Sept 1967:  The Who literally spark an explosion on national television
-  2 Oct 1967:  Thurgood Marshall sworn in as first Black Supreme Court justice
-  3 Oct 1967:  Writer, singer and folk icon Woody Guthrie dies
-  8 Oct 1967:  Che Guevara captured by Bolivian army
-  9 Oct 1967:  Che Guevara is executed
-  13 Oct 1967:  American Basketball Association debuts
-  21 Oct 1967:  Thousands protest the war in Vietnam
-  29 Nov 1967:  Robert S. McNamara resigns as Secretary of Defense
-  3 Dec 1967:  First human heart transplant (53-year-old Louis Washkansky)  (- Link,
-  10 Dec 1967:  Soul legend Otis Redding dies in a plane crash near Madison, Wisconsin
-  12 Dec 1967:  "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" opens in theaters
-  21 Dec 1967:  "The Graduate" opens in New York
=1968 -  5 Jan 1968:  Prague Spring begins in Czechoslovakia
-  13 Jan 1968:  Johnny Cash performs at Folsom Prison
=  15 Jan 1968:  The Jeannette Rankin Brigade: 5,000 women march against Vietnam War
-  18 Jan 1968:  Eartha Kitt speaks out against the Vietnam War
-  21 Jan 1968:  Battle of Khe Sanh begins
- 23 Jan 1968:  USS Pueblo captured
-  25 Jan 1968:  Israeli sub vanishes
-  30 Jan 1968:  Tet Offensive shakes Cold War confidence
-  31 Jan 1968:  Viet Cong attack US Embassy
-  1 Feb 1968:  Richard Nixon announces his candidacy for president
-  2 Feb 1968:  Viet Cong officer is shot in the head, iconic photo taken
-  7 Feb 1968:  Forensic evidence solves a crime
-  8 Feb 1968: Three protestors die in the Orangeburg Massacre
-  15 Feb 1968:  Henry Lewis named first Black conductor of a major U.S. orchestra
16 Feb 1968
     -  First 9-1-1 call is placed in the US
     -  Tet Offensive results in many new refugees - South Vietnamese recapture Hue, ending key phase of the Tet Offensive
-  22 Feb 1968:  Tet Offensive ends
-  24 Feb 1968:  Tet Offensive halted
-  26 Feb 1968:  Mass graves discovered in Hue
-  29 Feb 1968:  Kerner Commission Report released
-  1 March 1968:  Thousands of Chicano students stage school walkouts in East L.A.
-  12 March 1968:  Oil discovered in Alaska’s Prudhoe Bay
-  15 March 1968:  Construction begins on America's highest vehicle tunnel (Eisenhower/Johnson Memorial Tunnel, Interstate 70 in Colorado)
-  16 March 1968:  Vietnamese villagers killed by US soldiers in My Lai Massacre
-  26 March 1968:  "Wise Men" advise President Johnson to negotiate peace in Vietnam
-  4 April 1968:  Dr. Martin Luther King, JR. is assassinated
-  5 Apr 1968:  James Brown calms Boston following the King assassination
-  6 Apr 1968:  "2001: A Space Odyssey" released in theaters
-  29 April 1968:  "Hair" premieres on Broadway
-  16 May 1968:  Worker protests mount in France
-  1 June 1968:   Writer and lecturer Helen Keller dies
-  5 June 1968:  Robert F. Kennedy is fatally shot
8 June 1968
   -  James Earl Ray, suspect in Martin Luther King Jr. assassination, is arrested
   -  Senator Robert F. Kennedy buried
-  10 June 1968:  Gen Westmoreland gives farewell press conference in Saigon
-  14 June 1968:  Dr. Spock convicted for aiding draft resisters
-  19 June 1968:  "Solidarity Day" rally at Resurrection City
-  28 June 1968:  President Lyndon Johnson signed the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill
-  14 July 1968: Hank Aaron hits 500th homer
-  15 Aug 1968:  Heavy fighting erupts in and around the DMZ
-  17 Aug 1968:  The first Miss Black America pageant takes place
-  20 Aug 1968:  Soviet Union intervenes in Czechoslovakia
-  22 Aug 1968:  Czechs protest against Soviet invasion
-  23 Aug 1968:  Black soldiers stage sit-in at Fort Hood
-  26 Aug 1968:  Democratic convention besieged by protesters
-  28 Aug 1968:  Protests at Democratic National Convention in Chicago
-  7 Sept 1968:  Protestors disrupt the Miss America Pageant
-  24 Sept 1968:  First episode of "60 Minutes" airs
-  11 Oct 1968:  Apollo 7 launched
-  14 Oct 1968:  U.S. servicemen sent to Vietnam for second tours
-  16 Oct 1968:  Tommie Smith and John Carlos raise their fists at the 1968 Olympics
-  18 Oct 1968:  John Lennon and Yoko Ono arrested for drug possession
-  20 Oct 1968:  Dick Fosbury flops to an Olympic high jump record
-  5 Nov 1968:  Richard Nixon elected president
-  17 Nov 1968:  TV viewers become outraged as football game is cut off to air “Heidi”
-  26 Nov 1968:  Air Force helicopter pilot rescues Special Forces team
-  21 Dec 1968:  Apollo 8 departs for Moon's Orbit - Link,
-  22 Dec 1968:  Julie Nixon marries David Eisenhower - Link,
-  23 Dec 1968:  Crew of USS Pueblo released by North Korea
-  27 Dec 1968:  Apollo 8 Returns to Earth - Link,
-  30 Dec 1968:  Led Zeppelin filmed live for the first time
-  31 Dec 1968:  Soviets test supersonic airliner
=1969 -  14 Jan 1969:  Explosion rocks USS Enterprise
-  20 Jan 1969:  Richard Nixon takes office
-  22 Feb 1969:  Barbara Jo Rubin becomes first female jockey to win race at U.S. thoroughbred track
-  1 March 1969:  New York Yankees star Mickey Mantle retires
-  2 March 1969:  Soviet Union and Chinese armed forces clash
-  5 March 1969:  Jim Morrison is charged with lewd behavior at a Miami concert
-  12 March 1969:  London police conduct drug raid at the home of George Harrison
-  17 March 1969:  Golda Meir elected as Israel's first female prime minister
-  18 March 1969:  US bombs Cambodia for the first time
-  26 March 1969:  Antiwar demonstration in Washington
-  28 March 1969:  Dwight D. Eisenhower Dies - Wikipedia,
-  3 April 1969:  President Nixon's administration vows to "Vietnamize" the war
-  9 April 1969:  "Chicago Eight" plead not guilty to federal conspiracy charges
-  14 Apr 1969:  Katharine Hepburn and Barbra Streisand tie for Best Actress Oscar
-  17 Apr 1969:  Architect of Czechoslovakia's Prague Spring resigns
-  23 April 1969:  Sirhan Sirhan receives death penalty for assassination of Robert F. Kennedy
-  28 April 1969:  Charles de Gaulle resigns as leader of France
-  9 May 1969:  Reporter breaks news of secret bombing in Cambodia
-  11 May 1969:  Bloody 10-day battle at "Hamburger Hill" begins
-  20 May 1969:  Battle for "Hamburger Hill" ends - Battle for "Hamburger Hill" ends after 10 grueling days
-  28 May 1969:  US Troops abandon "Hamburger Hill"
-  22 June 1969 - Judy Garland died in London at age 47
-  28 June 1969:  The Stonewall Riots begin in NYC's Greenwich Village
-  29 June 1969:  Harlem Cultural Festival begins
-  3 July 1969:  Brian Jones and Jim Morrison die, two years apart to the day
-  7 July 1969:  First US troops withdrawn from South Vietnam
-  13 July 1969:  George Wallace criticizes President Nixon's handling of the war
-  16 July1969:  Apollo 11 departs Earth
-  18 July 1969:  Senator Ted Kennedy drives car off bridge at Chappaquiddick Island
20 July 1969
   -  Neil Armstrong walks on the Moon -
   -  President Nixon watches first lunar landing
-  24 July 1969:  Apollo 11 safely returns to Earth
-  25 July 1969:  Nixon Doctrine is announced
-  6 Aug 1969:  Green Berets are charged with murder
-  9 Aug 1969:  Charles Manson cult kills five, including actress Sharon Tate
-  15 Aug 1969:  Woodstock festival opens in Bethel, New York
-   17 Aug 1969:  Woodstock music festival concludes
-  22 Aug 1969:  Zager and Evans end a six-week run at #1 with their smash-hit "In The Year 2525 (Exordium & Terminus)"
-  24 Aug 1969:  US unit refuses commander's order
-  30 Aug 1969:  Ho Chi Minh responds to Nixon letter
-  1 Sept 1969:  Qaddafi leads coup in Libya
-  2 Sept 1969
     -  Vietnamese president and communist icon Ho Chi Minh dies
     -  First ATM Opens for business
-  4 Sept 1969:  Radio Hanoi announces the death of Ho Chi Minh
-  5 Sept 1969:  Lt. William Calley charged for My Lai massacre
-  9 Sept 1969:  Ho Chi Minh buried in Hanoi
-  19 Sept 1969:  Nixon cancels draft calls for Nov and Dec
-  24 Sept 1969:  Chicago 8 trial opens in Chicago
-  26 Sept 1969:  "The Brady Bunch" TV series premiers
24 Oct 1969
   -  Richard Burton buys Elizabeth Taylor a diamond
   -  "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" opens in wide release
-  29 Oct 1969:  "Chicago Eight" defendant Bobby Seale gagged during his trial
-  3 Nov 1969:  President Nixon calls on the “silent majority”
-  10 Nov 1969:  "Sesame Street" debuts - Link,
-  12 Nov 1969:  Seymour Hersh breaks My Lai Massacre story
-  14 Nov 1969:  Apollo 12 Lifts off - Link,
-  17 Nov 1969:  SALT I negotiations begin
-  19 Nov 1969:  Soccer legend Pelé scores 1,000th goal
-  4 Dec 1969:  Police kill two members of the Black Panther Party
-  6 Dec 1969:  Murder at the Altamont Festival brings the 1960s to a violent end
-  8 Dec 1969:  President Nixon announces Vietnam War is ending
-  11 Dec 1969:  Soviets declare nudity a sign of "western decadence"
=1970 -  5 Jan 1970:  Bodies of family killed by United Mine Workers found
-  14 Jan 1970:  Diana Ross and the Supremes perform their final concert
-  16 Jan 1970:  Qaddafi becomes premier of Libya
-  26 Jan 1970:  POW spends 2,000th day in captivity (US Navy Lt. Everett Alvarez, Jr.)  - Captured in SE Asia - 5 Aug 1964, Was released in 1973
-  27 Jan 1970:  John Lennon writes and records "Instant Karma" in a single day
-  10 Feb 1970:  Avalanche buries skiers in France
-  11 Feb 1970:  Japan launches its first satellite
-   12 Feb 197:  Joseph Searles III becomes first Black member of the New York Stock Exchange
-  19 Feb 1970:  Chicago Seven sentenced
-  21 Feb 1970: Henry Kissinger begins secret negotiations with North Vietnamese
-  9 March 1970:  Marines hand over control of I Corps region (Vietnam War)
-  10 March 1970:  Army captain charged with My Lai war crimes (Capt. Ernest Median and four others)
-  16 March 1970:  Motown soul singer Tammi Terrell dies
-  19 March 1970:  National emergency declared in Cambodia
-  1 Apr 1970:  President Nixon signs legislation banning cigarette ads on TV and radio
-  6 April 1970:  Sam Sheppard, the inspiration for "The Fugitive" dies
-  7 April 1970:  John Wayne wins Best actor Oscar
-  10 April 1970:   Paul McCartney announces the breakup of the Beatles -Paul McCartney announces his break from the Beatles
-  11 April 1970:  Apollo 13 launches to moon
-  13 April 1970:  Apollo 13 oxygen tank explodes
-  17 April 1970:  Apollo 13 returns to Earth
-  22 April 1970:  First Earth Day
-  28 April 1970:  President Nixon approves Cambodian incursion
- 4 May 1970:  National Guard kills four students in Kent State shootings
-  8 May 1970:  Nixon defends invasion of Cambodia
-  9 May 1970:  President Nixon meets with anti-war protestors at the Lincoln Memorial
-  10 May 1970:  Photographer captures soaring Stanley Cup champion Bobby Orr in iconic image
-  17 May 1970:  Norwegian ethnologist Thor Heyerdahl sails papyrus boat
-  2 June 1970:  Race car driver and designer Bruce Mclaren dies in crash
-  24 June 1970:  Senate repeals Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
-  29 June 1970:  US ended 2-month military offensive into Cambodia
-  14 July1970:  Young Lords occupy Lincoln Hospital in the Bronx
-  21 July 1970:  Aswan High Dam completed
-  23 Aug 1970:  Lou Reed plays his last show with the Velvet Underground
29 Aug 1970
   -  Thousands of Mexican-American antiwar activists march in Chicano Moratorium
   -  Native American group occupies Mount Rushmore to protest broken Treaty of Fort Laramie
-  5 Sept 1970:  US forces launch last major American operation of Vietnam War
-  25 Sept 1970:  "The Partridge Family" premieres on ABC TV
-  4 Oct 1970:  Janis Joplin dies of a heroin overdose
-  8 Oct 1970
   -  Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wins the Nobel Prize in Literature
   -  Communists reject Nixon's peace proposal
-  27 Oct 1970:  Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber release "Jesus Christ Superstar" concept album
-  9 Nov 1970:  Supreme court refuses to rule on legality of Vietnam War - Link,

-  14 Nov 1970:  Plane crash devastates Marshall University football team
-  17 Nov 1970:  My Lai trial begins
-  25 Nov 1970:  Japanese author Yukio Mishima dies by suicide
-  2 Dec 1970:  Environmental Protection Agency opens
-  12 Dec 1970:  "Tears Of A Clown" gives Smokey Robinson & The Miracles their first #1 pop hit
-  21 Dec 1970:  President Nixon meets Elvis Presley - Link,
=1971 -  2 Jan 1971:  Football fans crushed in stadium stampede
-  6 Jan 1971:  Army drops charges of My Lai cover-up
-  20 Jan 1971:  Marvin Gaye's hit single "What's Going On?" released
-  25 Jan 1971:  Charles Manson and his followers convicted of murder
-  31 Jan 1971:  Apollo 14 departs for the Moon
-  2 Feb 1971:  Idi Amin takes power in Uganda
-  9 Feb 1971:  Satchel Paige nominated to Baseball Hall of Fame
-  10 Feb 1971:  Journalists killed in helicopter crash in South Vietnam
-  1 March 1971:  War protesters set off bomb in U.S. Capitol building
-  8 March 1971:  Muhammad Ali battles Joe Frazier for heavyweight championship
-  29 March 1971:  Lt. William Calley found guilty of My Lai murders
-  30 March 1971:  Starbucks opens its first store in Seattle’s Pike Place Market
-  10 Apr 1971:  U.S. table tennis team visits communist China
-  19 April 1971:  Vietnam Veterans against the War demonstrate
20 April 1971
   -   "Fragging" on the rise among US military units Link,
   -  Supreme Court declares desegregation busing constitutional
-  9 May 1971:  Last episode of "The Honeymooners" airs
-  27 May 1971:  Sweden announces support to Viet Cong
-  30 May 1971:  Mariner 9 departs for Mars
-  6 June 1971:  The Ed Sullivan Show airs for the last time
-  13 June 1971:  The New York Times publishes the "Pentagon Papers"
-  18 June 1971:  Southwest Airline began operations
-  19 June 1971:  Carole King has her first #1 hit as a performer
-  30 June 1971:  Soviet cosmonauts perish in reentry disaster
-  5 July 1971:  President Richard Nixon certified the 26th Amendment to the US constitution - lowered voting age from 21 to 18
-  9 July 1971: US turns over responsibility for the DMZ (Korea)
-  15 July 1971:  Nixon announces visit to communist China
-  30 July 1971:  Fighter jet collides with passenger plane
-  14 Aug 1971:  Pitching ace Bob Gibson throws first no-hitter
-  21 Aug 1971:  Antiwar protestors raid draft offices
-  1 Sept 1971:  Pittsburgh Pirates field MLB's first all-Black lineup
-  9 Sept 1971:  Riot at Attica prison
11 Sept 1971
   -  Donny Osmond has the #1 hit on the US pop charts with "Go Away Little Girl"
   -  Nikita Krushchev dies
-  13 Sept 1971:  Massacre at Attica prison
-  15 Sept 1971:  Greenpeace is born
-  22 Sept 1971:  Captain Ernest Medina is acquitted of all My Lai Massacre charges
-  24 Sept 1971:  A game warden is reported missing
-  26 Sept 1971:  Four 20-game winners
-  11 Oct 1971:  John Lennon's "Imagine" is released
-  25 Oct 1971:  The U.N. seats the People's Republic of China and expels Taiwan
-  29 Oct 1971:  Guitarist Duane Allman dies in motorcycle accident
-  9 Nov 1971:  A Sunday school teacher murders his family and goes undercover for 18 years
-  16 Nov 1971:  U.S. provides support to beleaguered Cambodians
-  24 Nov 1971:  Hijacker and criminal mastermind D.B. Cooper parachutes out of plane
-  9 Dec 1971:  Paris peace talks break down
-  21 Dec 1971:  The United Arab Emirates is formed
-  22 Dec 1971:  Soviet Union attacks Chinese policy toward Vietnam
=1972 -  5 Jan 1972:  President Nixon launches space shuttle program
-  9 Jan 1972:  Fire breaks out on former RMS Queen Elizabeth
-  10 Jan 1972:  Hubert Humphrey criticizes President Nixon
-  15 Jan 1972:  "American Pie" hits #1 on the pop charts
-  17 Jan 1972:   President Nixon threatens President Thieu

-  19 Jan 1972:  Sandy Koufax becomes youngest player elected to Baseball Hall of Fame
-  24 Jan 1972:  WW 2 Japanese soldier found hiding on Guam -,
-  30 Jan 1972:  "Bloody Sunday" in Northern Ireland
-  10 Feb 1972:  Ziggy Stardust makes his earthly debut
-  12 Feb 1972:  Cambodians launch attack to retake Angkor Wat
-  17 Feb 1972:  Volkswagen Beetle overtakes Model T as world's best-selling car
-  21 Feb 1972:  President Nixon arrives in China for talks
-  27 Feb 1972:  Supreme Court defends women's voting rights
-  2 March 1972:  Pioneer 10 launched to Jupiter
-  22 March 1972:  Equal Rights Amendment passed by Congress
-  24 March 1972:  Francis Ford Coppola’s “The Godfather” opens
-  1 Apr 1972:  First MLB players' strike begins
-  8 April 1972:  North Vietnamese forces open a third front
-  16 April 1972:  Apollo 16 departs for Moon
-  1 May 1972:  Labor organizer and civil rights activist Cesar Chavez begins hunger strike
-  2 May 1972:  J. Edgar Hoover dies, ending a five-decade era at the FBI
-  11 May 1972:  Labor organizer and civil rights activist Cesar Chavez begins hunger strike
-  15 May 1972:  Alabama governor George Wallace shot
-  22 May 1972:  President Nixon arrives in Moscow for historic summit
-  27 May 1972:  SALT agreements signed
-  4 June 1972:  Communist activist Angela Davis Acquitted
-  8 June 1972:  Shirley Chisholm visits her opponent George Wallace in the hospital
-  17 June 1972:  Watergate burglars arrested
-  18 June 1972:  Jet crashes after takeoff at Heathrow, killing 118 people
23 June 1972
   -  President Nixon signed Title IX barring discrimination on the basis of sex
   -  H. R. Haldeman encourages Nixon to ward off FBI
-  28 June 1972:  Nixon announces draftees will not go to Vietnam
-  29 June 1972:  Supreme Court strikes down death penalty
-  1 Aug 1972:  George W. Bush is suspended from flying with the Air National Guard
-  11 Aug 1972:  Last US ground combat unit departs South Vietnam
-  22 Aug 1972:  Demonstrators disrupt Republican National Convention in Miami Beach
-  1 Sept 1972:  Bobby Fischer becomes the first American to win the World Chess Championship
-  4 Sept 1972:  US swimmer Mark Spitz wins 7th gold medal
-  5 Sept 1972:  Massacre begins at Munich Olympics
-  6 Sept 1972:  More Israeli hostages killed in Munich
-  12 Sept 1972:  Hopalong Cassidy rides off into his last sunset (William Boyd dies at age 77)
-  16 Sept 1972:  South Vietnamese forces retake Quang Tri City
-  23 Sept 1972:  Mac Davis earns one of the 1970s' most head-scratching #1 hits with "Baby Don't Get Hooked on Me"
-  12 Oct 1972:  Racial violence breaks out aboard U.S. Navy ships
-  13 Oct 1972:  Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 crashes in the Andes
-  18 Oct 1972:  Clean Water Act becomes law
-  22 Oct 1972:  South Vietnamese President Thieu turns down peace proposal
-  7 Nov 1972:  Nixon re-elected president
-  17 Nov 1972:  A wealthy heiress is murdered by her son
-  22 Nov 1972:  First B-52 shot down over North Vietnam
-  2 Dec 1972:  The Temptations earn their final #1 hit with "Papa Was A Rolling Stone"
18 Dec 1972
     -  Nixon announces start of "Christmas Bombing" of North Vietnam
     -  Joe Biden loses first wife and daughter in tragic car accident
-  19 Dec 1972:  Last lunar-landing mission ends
-  24 Dec 1972:  Bob Hope gives his last show in Vietnam
-  26 Dec 1972:  President Harry Truman Dies - Link,
-  31 Dec 1972:  Baseball star Roberto Clemente dies in plane crash
=1973 -  1 Jan 1973:  The real-life murder behind "Looking For Mr. Goodbar"
3 Jan 1973
   -  George Steinbrenner's group buys Yankees from CBS
   -  James Abourezk of South Dakota becomes first Arab American to serve in U.S. Senate
-  11 Jan 1973:  American League adopts designated hitter rule
-  20 Jan 1973:  Country star Jerry Lee Lewis rocks the Grand Ole Opry
22 Jan 1973
   -  Lyndon Baines Johnson dies in Texas
   -  Roe v. Wade is decided (overturned 2022)
-  27 Jan 1973:  Paris Peace Accords signed
-  28 Jan 1973:  Cease-fire goes in to effect (Vietnam War)
-  12 Feb 1973:  Release of U.S. POWs begins
-  27 Feb 1973:  AIM occupation of Wounded Knee begins
-  11 March 1973:  The first PFLAG meeting
-  17 March 1973:  Pulitzer Prize-winning photo “Burst of Joy” is taken
-  27 March 1973:  Marlon Brando declines Best Actor Oscar
-  29 March 1973:  U.S. withdraws from Vietnam
-  4 April 1973:  World Trade Center, then the world's tallest building opens in New York City
-  21 April 1973:  "Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree" tops the US pop charts (Tony Orlando & Dawn)
-  8 May 1973:  American Indian Movement (AIM) ends occupation of Wounded Knee (South Dakota)
13 May 1973
     -  Bobby Riggs and Margaret Court face off in first "Battle of the Sexes"
-  14 May 1973:  America's first space station, Skylab, is launched
-  17 May 1973:  Televised Watergate hearings begin
-  9 June 1973:  Secretariat wins Triple Crown in breathtaking style
-  24 June 1973:  UpStairs Lounge arson attack
-  10 July 1973:  Bahamas became fully independent after 3 centuries of British rule
-  16 July 1973:  Existence of Watergate tapes is revealed in live testimony
-  20 July 1973:  Actor and martial-arts expert Bruce Lee dies at age 32
11 Aug 1973
   -  "American Graffiti" opens
   -  Hip hop is born at a birthday party in the Bronx
-  12 Aug 1973:  American golfer Jack Nicklaus sets title record
-  11 Sept 1973:  Chilean president Salvador Allende dies in coup
-  18 Sept 1973:  Jimmy Carter files report on UFO sighting
-  19 Sept 1973:  Country-rock pioneer Gram Parsons dies
-  20 Sept 1973:  Billie Jean King triumphs in "Battle of the Sexes"
-  6 Oct 1973:  The Yom Kippur War brings United States and USSR to brink of conflict
-  10 Oct 1973:  Vice President Agnew resigns
-  15 Oct 1973:  Dolly Parton releases hit single “Jolene”
-  16 Oct 1973:  Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho awarded Nobel Peace Prize
-  17 Oct 1973:  OPEC enacts oil embargo
20 Oct 1973
   -  Sydney Opera House opens
   -  Watergate special prosecutor dismissed, starting "Saturday Night Massacre"
-  24 Oct 1973:  President Nixon vetoes War Powers Resolution
-  8 Nov 1973:  Maurice Ferré becomes first Puerto Rican to lead a major U.S. mainland city
-  10 Nov 1973:  Copies of "Slaughterhouse-Five" are burned in North Dakota
-  11 Nov 1973:  Soviet Union refuses to play Chile in World Cup Soccer
-  17 Nov 1973:  Nixon insists that he is "not a crook"
-  28 Nov 1973:  Arab American autoworkers lead walkout at Chrysler’s Dodge Main plant
15 Dec 1973
     -  Kidnapped grandson of Getty billionaire found
     -  Jockey Sandy Hawley wins record 500th race
     -  The American Psychiatric Association removes homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses
-  24 Dec 1973:  Stephenie Meyer, best-selling author of "Twilight" novels, is born
-  26 Dec 1973:  "The Exorcist" opens in theaters
28 Dec 1973
     -  "The Gulag Archipelago" is published
     -  Endangered Species Act signed into law
=1974 -  2 Jan 1974:  President Nixon signs national speed limit into law (55mph)
-  4 Jan 1974:  President Nixon refuses to hand over tapes - Link,
-  20 Jan 1974:  Football player-turned-murderer born (Ray Carruth)
-  1 Feb 1974:  Serial killer Ted Bundy strikes again
-  2 Feb 1974:  “The Way We Were” becomes Barbra Streisand’s first No. 1 hit
-  4 Feb 1974:  Patty Hurst kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army
-  7 Feb 1974:  Guests watch Mel Brooks’ “Blazing Saddles” movie premiere from horseback
-  19 Feb 1974:  Exiled writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn reunited with family
-  20 Feb 1974:  Atlanta Constitution editor is kidnapped
-  26 Feb 1974:  Nike receives patent for waffle-soled trainers—invented in a waffle iron
-  3 March 1974:  Faulty door dooms plane
29 March 1974:
     -   US withdraws from Vietnam
     -  US space probe, Mariner, visits Mercury
-  30 March 1974:  John Denver has his first #1 hit with "Sunshine on my Shoulders"
-  3 April 1974:  148 Tornadoes in 18 Hours across US
-  4 April 1974:  Hank Aaron ties Babe Ruth's home run record
-  5 Apr 1974:  Stephen King’s first novel, “Carrie,” is published
-  8 April 1974:  Hank Aaron Breaks Babe Ruth's all-time home run record
-  29 April 1974:  President Nixon announces release of Watergate tapes
-  2 May 1974:  Former Vice President Spiro Agnew disbarred for tax evasion
-  9 May 1974:  House votes to initiate impeachment proceedings against President Nixon
-  17 May 1974:  LAPD raid leaves six SLA members dead
-  18 May 1974:  India joins the nuclear club
-  26 June 1974:  Supermarket price scanner makes its debut - scanned by a Marsh Supermarket cashier
-  29 June 1974:  Isabel Perón takes office as Argentine president
-  30 June 1974:  Soviet dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov defects from USSR
-  12 July 1974:  President Richard Nixon signed a measure creating the Congressional Budget Office
-  14 July 1974:  U.S. Army General Carl Spaatz Dies -,
-  27 July 1974:  House begins impeachment of Nixon
-  30 July 1974:  Watergate affair approaches climax
-  7 Aug 1974:  Philippe Petit walks on a tightrope between the Twin Towers
-  8 Aug 1974:  Nixon resigns
-  9 Aug 1974:  Gerald Ford becomes president after Richard Nixon resigns
-  16 Aug 1974:  The Ramones play their first public gig at CBGB in downtown Manhattan
-  21 Aug 1974:  The Equal Educational Opportunities Act takes effect
-  8 Sept 1974:  President Ford pardons former president Nixon
-  12 Sept 1974:  Violence erupts in Boston over desegregation busing
-  14 Sept 1974:  "I Shot the Sheriff" hits the song charts
18 Sept 1974
   -  Doris Day wins lawsuit
   -  Soul singer Al Green is attacked in his own bathtub
-  5 Oct 1974:  American circumnavigates the globe on foot (David Kunst)
-  9 Oct 1974:  Oskar Schindler—credited with saving 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust—dies
17 Oct 1974
     -  President Ford explains his pardon of Nixon to Congress - Link,
     -  Movie "Benji" Opens in theaters - Link,
-  18 Oct 1974:  Soul singer Al Green is attacked in his own bathtub
-  30 Oct 1974:  Muhammad Ali wins the Rumble in the Jungle
-  8 Nov 1974:  Ted Bundy botches an abduction attempt
-  13 Nov 1974:  Karen Silkwood dies in mysterious one-car crash
-  24 Nov 1974:  "Lucy" fossils discovered
-  30 Nov 1974:  "Elton John's Greatest Hits" reaches #1
-  10 Dec 1974:  Sex scandal leads to political fallout for Arkansas congressman (Wilbur D. Mills)
-  15 Dec 1974:  "Catfish" Hunter becomes MLB's first free agent in modern era
=1975 6 Jan 1975:
   -  "Wheel of Fortune" premieres
   -  Two thousand Led Zeppelin fans trash the Boston Garden
-  18 Jan 1975:  "Mandy" is Barry Manilow's first #1 pop hit
-  24 March 1975:  North Vietnamese launch "Ho Chi Minh Campaign"
-  25 March 1975:  King Faisal of Saudi Arabia assassinated
-  4 April 1975:  Microsoft founded
-  8 Apr 1975:  Frank Robinson becomes first Black manager in MLB
-  10 Apr 1975:  Lee Elder becomes first Black golfer to play in Masters
-  12 April 1975:  US Embassy in Cambodia evacuated
-  14 April 1975:  Operation "Baby Lift" concludes after flying 2600 South Vietnamese orphans to the US
-  17 April 1975:  Cambodia falls to the Khmer Rouge
-  23 April 1975:  President Ford says that war is finished for America
-  30 April 1975:  Fall of Saigon:  South Vietnam surrenders
-  12 May 1975:  American freighter ship Mayaguez seized by Cambodian navy
-  19 May 1975:  New York City's Chinatown shuts down to protest police brutality
-  25 May 1975:  Grizzly bear is classified as a "Threatened" species
-  4 June
-  12 June 1975:  Indira Gandhi convicted of election fraud
-  20 June 1975:  "Jaws" released in theaters
-  24 June 1975:  Eastern Airlines Flight 66 crashed at NYC John F. Kennedy airport killing 113/124 people while trying to land during a thunderstorm
-  26 June 1975:  Sonny and Cher's divorce becomes final
28 June 1975
   -  Rod Serling, 50 died in Rochester, NY
   -  A teenage girl's boyfriend murders her parents
-  5 July 1975:  Arthur Ashe first Black man to win Wimbleton
-  17 July 1975:  Superpowers meet in space
-  26 July 1975:  Van McCoy's "The Hustle" is the #1 song in America
-  31 July 1975:  Labor Leader Jimmy Hoffa is reported missing
-  1 Aug 1975:  Helsinki Final Act signed
-  3 Aug 1975:  Boeing 707 crashes into a mountain near Agadir, Morocco
-  8 Aug 1975:  The term “global warming” appears for the first time
-  20 Aug 1975:  Viking 1 launched to Mars
-  5 Sept 1975:  Gerald Ford survives first assassination attempt
-  6 Sept 1975:  Teen tennis star Navratilova seeks political asylum in U.S.
-  14 Sept 1975:  Elizabeth Ann Seton becomes first American -born saint
-  18 Sept 1975:  Patty Hearst captured by police
-   22 Sept 1975: President Ford survives second assassination attempt
-  7 Oct 1975:  A New York judge reverses John Lennon's deportation order
-  9 Oct 1975:  Andrei Sakharov wins Nobel Peace Prize
11 Oct 1975:
     -    "Saturday Night Live" debuts - Link,
     -  Bill Clinton marries Hillary Rodham - Link,
     -  Bruce Springsteen scores his first pop hit with "Born to Run"
-  13 Oct 1975:  Singer Charlie Rich protests John Denver's big win at the CMA Awards
-  14 Oct 1975:  Trial begins in Amityville murders
-  22 Oct 1975:  Gay sergeant challenges the Air Force
-  10 Nov 1975:  Cargo ship suddenly sinks in Lake Superior (Edmund Fitzgerald)
-  19 Nov 1975:  "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" opens in theaters
-  7 Dec 1975:  Indonesia invades East Timor
-  17 Dec 1975:  Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme sentenced to life for assassination attempt on President Gerald Ford
=1976 -  5 Jan 1976:  Pol Pot renames Cambodia to Kampuchea
-  8 Jan 1976:  "Ragtime" wins the National Book Critics Circle Award
-  9 Jan 1976:  Sylvester Stallone starts filming "Rocky"
-  10 Jan 1976:  “Convoy,” by C.W. McCall, is the #1 song on the U.S. pop charts
-  21 Jan 1976:  Concorde takes off
-  23 Jan 1976:  Singer, actor, athlete, activist Paul Robeson dies
-  12 Feb 1976:  Actor Sal Mineo is killed in Hollywood

-  1 April 1976:  Apple Computer was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne
-  5 April 1976:  Business magnate and famed aviator Howard Hughes dies
-  8 May 1976:  The theme song from "Welcome Back, Kotter" is the #1 song in America
-  15 May 1976:  A young woman and her married lover kill her family
-  4 June 1976:  Four dozen people witness historic Sex Pistols set
-  7 June 1976:  "New York" magazine publishes the story that becomes "Saturday Night Fever"
-  27 June 1976:  Ebola breaks out in Sudan
-  7 July 1976:  Women inducted into US Naval Academy for the first time
-  20 July 1976:  Viking I lands on Mars
-  28 July 1976:  One of the worst earthquakes in modern history destroys Chinese city
-  29 July 1976:  Son of Sam terrorizes New York
-  30 July 1976:  Caitlyn Jenner wins Olympic decathlon
-  5 Aug 1976:  NBA merges with ABA
-  27 Aug 1976:  Transgender athlete Renée Richards barred from U.S. Open
-  9 Sept 1976:  Mao Zedong dies
-  17 Sept 1976:  NASA unveils its first space shuttle, the Enterprise
-  18 Sept 1976:  1 million people attend funeral for Mao Zedong
-  19 Nov 1976:  Patty Hearst out on bail
-  21 Nov 1976:  "Rocky" opens in theaters
=1977 -  17 Jan 1977:  the execution of Gary Gilmore
-  19 Jan 1977:  President Ford pardons Tokyo Rose
-  21 Jan 1977:  President Carter pardons draft dodgers
-  29 Jan 1977:  "Roots" premieres on television
-  27 March 1977:  Jumbo jets collide at Canary Islands airport
-  11 April 1977:  President Carter hosts White House Easter egg roll
-  26 Apr 1977:  Studio 54 opens in New York City
-  1 May 1977:  Over 2,000 protesters occupy the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant construction site in New Hampshire
25 May 1977
   -   "Star Wars" opens in theaters
   -  Chinese government removes ban on Shakespeare
-  31 May 1977:  The BBC bans the Sex Pistols' "God Save the Queen"
-  16 June 1977:  Leonid Brezhnev is elected Soviet president
-  26 June 1977:  Elvis Presley performed his last concert at Market Square Arena in Indianapolis
-  2 July 1977:  "Gonna Fly Now (Theme From 'Rocky')" is the #1 song on the U.S. pop charts
-  20 July 1977:  Second great flood hits Johnstown, PA (First 1889)
-  3 Aug 1977:  "The Spy Who Loved Me" released in theaters
-  10 Aug 1977:  Son of Sam serial killer is arrested
-  16 Aug 1977:  Elvis Presley dies
-  7 Sept 1977:  US agrees to transfer Panama Canal to Panama
10 Sept 1977
   -  The guillotine falls silent
   -  Serial killers Charlene Williams and Gerald Gallego meet
-  16 Sept 1977:  Opera Star Maria Callas dies
-  13 Oct 1977:  Palestinians hijack German airliner
-  18 Oct 1977:  Reggie Jackson—aka "Mr. October"—hits three homers in three swings
-  20 Oct 1977:  Three members of the southern rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd die in a Mississippi plane crash
-  5 Nov 1977:  George W. Bush marries Laura Welch in Midland, Texas
-  6 Nov 1977:  Dam gives way in Georgia, killing 39
-  15 Nov 1977:  President Carter hosts shah of Iran
-  10 Dec 1977:  Soviets arrest dissidents on United Nations Human Rights Day
-  14 Dec 1977:  "Saturday Night Fever" premieres in LA
=1978 -  9 Jan 1978:  Harvey Milk becomes the first openly gay person elected to public office in California
-  11 Jan 1978:  "Song of Solomon" wins National Book Critics Circle Award
-  27 Jan 1978:  "Dracula Killer" murders four people
-  1 Feb 1978:  Harriet Tubman becomes the first African American woman to appear on a US postage stamp
-  8 Feb 1978:  New England digs out after blizzard
-  22 Feb 1978:  Navstar 1, the world’s first operational GPS satellite, launches
-  23 Feb 1978:  It's a tie for Song of the Year at the 20th annual Grammy Awards
-  2 March 1978:  Grave robbers steal Charlie Chaplin's body - Reports surface of grave robbers stealing Charlie Chaplin's body
-  22 March 1978:  Karl Walllenda, 73, fell to his death while attempting to walk a cable suspended between two hotel towers in San Juan, Puerto Rico
-  3 Apr 1978:  "Annie Hall" beats out "Star Wars" for Best Picture
-  13 Apr 1978  Fans toss candy bars onto field, disrupting MLB game
-  20 Apr 1978:  Korean Air Lines jet forced down over Soviet Union
22 Apr 1978
     -  The Blues Brothers make their world premiere on "Saturday Night Live"
     -  Bob Marley headlines One Love Peace Concert
-  27 April 1978:  Afghan president is overthrown and murdered
-  5 May 1978:  Ben & Jerry’s opens its first ice cream shop
-  9 May 1978:  Former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro is found dead
-  25 June 1978:  First rainbow Pride flag premieres at San Francisco parade
-  5 July 1978:  "Gang of 19" activists occupy Denver intersection to protest inaccessibility on the city’s bus system
-  11 July 1978:  Gas fire incinerates crowded campsite, killing hundreds
-  13 July 1978:  Henry Ford II fires Lee Iacocca
-  15 July 1978:  2,800 mile-long walk for Native American justice concludes in Washington, D.C.
-  25 July 1978:  World's first "Test Tube" baby born (Louise Joy Brown, Manchester, England)
-  28 July 1978:  "Animal House" released in theaters
-  10 Aug 1978:  Fatal Ford Pinto crash in Indiana
-  17 Aug 1978:  Balloon crosses the Atlantic
-  26 Aug 1978:  "Grease" movie soundtrack ears its second #1 hit
-  15 Sept 1978:  Muhammad Ali wins world heavyweight championship
-  17 Sept 1978:  Camp David Accords signed
-  25 Sept 1978:  Mid-air collision kills 153
-  5 Oct 1978:  Isaac Singer wins Nobel Prize in Literature
-  11 Nov 1978:  The General Lee jumps into history in "The Dukes of Hazzard"
-  18 Nov 1978:  Mass suicide at Jonestown - Link,
-  27 Nov 1978:  San Francisco leaders George Moscone and Harvey Milk are murdered
-  5 Dec 1978:  U.S.S.R. and Afghanistan sign "friendship treaty"
-  11 Dec 1978:  Millions stolen from JFK Airport in infamous 'Lufthansa heist'
-  15 Dec 1978:  United States announces that it will recognize communist China
-  22 Dec 1978:  John Wayne Gacy confesses to dozens of murders - Link,
=1979 -  7 Jan 1979:  Pol Pot (Cambodian Ruler) overthrown -
-  9 Jan 1979:  Pop luminaries gather at the U.N. for the Music for UNICEF concert
-  16 Jan 1979:  Shah flees Iran
-  26 Jan 1979:  "The Dukes of Hazard" TV series premiers
29 Jan 1979
   - Deng Xiaoping and Jimmy Carter sign accords
   -  School shooting in San Diego
-  1 Feb 1979:  Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Iran
-  2 Feb 1979:  Sid Vicious dies of a drug overdose in New York City
-  7 Feb 1979:  Dr. Joseph Mengele, the "Angel of Death" dies -
-  17 Feb 1979:  China invades North Vietnam
-  9 March 1979:  Lawsuit prompts MLB to allow locker room access to female reporters
-  14 March 1979:  Judy Chicago unveils controversial feminist art installation “The Dinner Party”
-  26 March 1979:  Israel-Egypt peace agreement signed
-  27 March 1979:  Pattie Boyd and Eric Clapton are married
-  28 March 1979:  Nuclear disaster at Three Mile Island
-  2 Apr 1979:  Anthrax poisoning kills 62 in Russia - Deadly anthrax poison released from Soviet bio-weapons plant
-  7 Apr 1979:  Astros' Ken Forsch pitches no-hitter, matching feat by his brother
-  11 April 1979:  Ugandan dictator Idi Amin overthrown
-  4 May 1979:  Margaret Thatcher sworn in as Britain's first female prime minister
-  9 May 1979:  Former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro is found dead
-  23 May 1979:  Tom Petty defies his record label and files for bankruptcy
25 May 1979
   -  American Airlines plan crashes in Chicago, killing all aboard
   -  6-year-old Etan Patz—boy on milk carton—goes missing
-  29 May 1979:  Woody Harrelson's father is arrested for murder
-  7 June 1979:  Texas passes a bill becoming the first state in the nation to make Juneteenth an official state holiday
-  11 June 1979:  John Wayne dies
-  18 June 1979:  Jimmy Carter and Leonid Brezhnev sign the SALT-II nuclear treaty
-  1 July 1979:  First Sony Walkman goes on sale
-  11 July 1979:  Skylab crashes to Earth
-  12 July 1979:  Disco is dealt death blow by fans of the Chicago White Sox (Disco Demolition night at Chicago's Cominskey Park)
15 July 1979
   -  Jimmy Carter speaks about a national "Crisis in Confidence"
   -  "Apocalypse Now" released in theaters
-  16 July 1979:  Jeffrey MacDonald is accused of stabbing his family to death
-  15 Aug 1979:  "Apocalypse Now" released in theaters
-  25 Aug 1979:  Hurricane David is born
-  27 Aug 1979:  Lord Mountbatten killed by IRA
-  3 Nov 1979:  Communists and Klansmen clash in Greensboro
-  4 Nov 1979:  Iran hostage crisis begins after U.S. embassy in Tehran is stormed
-  12 Nov 1979: President Jimmy Carter shuts down oil imports from Iran
-  13 Nov1979:  Darryl Dawkins breaks his first backboard
-  23 Nov 1979:  IRA member sentenced for Mountbatten's assassination
-  28 Nov 1979  Plane crashes over Antarctica
3 Dec 1979
     -  Last AMC Pacer rolls off assembly line -
     -  Eleven people killed in a stampede outside Who concert in Cincinnati, Ohio
-  9 Dec 1979:  Smallpox is officially declared eradicated  - 
-  17 Dec 1979:  Stuntman Stan Barrett breaks the sound barrier
-  24 Dec 1979:  Soviet Union invades Afghanistan
-  27 Dec 1979:  Soviets take over in Afghanistan
-  28 Nov 1979:  Plane crashes over Antarctica
=1980 2 Jan 1980
     -  U.S.-Russia detente ends
     -  Sherry Lansing named first female studio production head
     -  President Carter reacts to Soviet intervention in Afghanistan
-  5 Jan 1980:  The Sugarhill Gang's "Rapper's Delight" becomes hip-hop's first Top 40 hitThe Sugarhill Gang's "Rapper's Delight" becomes hip-hop's first Top 40 hit
-  14 Jan 1980:  Gold prices soar
20 Jan 1980
   -  President Carter calls for Olympics to be moved from Moscow
   -  Bullfight spectators die when bleachers collapse
-  22 Jan 1980:  Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov arrested in Moscow
-  25 Jan 1980:  Paul McCartney is released from a Tokyo jail and deported from Japan
-  26 Jan 1980:  U.S. Olympic Committee votes against Moscow games
-  2 Feb 1980:  ABSCAM operation revealed
-  15 Feb 1980:  Lillian Hellman sues Mary McCarthy
-  22 Feb 1980:U.S. hockey team beats the Soviets in the "Miracle on Ice"
-  23 Feb 1980:  Eric Heiden speed skates into Olympic history
-  27 Feb 1980:  "I Will Survive" wins the first—and last—Grammy ever awarded for Best Disco Recording
-  21 March 1980
     -  Famous "Dallas" cliffhanger airs (Who Shot J.R.?)
     -  President Carter announces Olympic boycott
-  27 March 1980:  Oil workers drown in North Sea
-  20 April 1980:  Fidel Castro announces Mariel Boatlift, allowing Cubans to emigrate to US
-  21 Apr 1980:  Rosie Ruiz fakes Boston Marathon win
-  24 April 1980:  Iran hostage rescue mission ends in disaster
-  25 Apr 1980:  Plane crashes on Canary Islands, killing 146
-  3 May 1980:  MADD founder's daughter killed by drunk driver
-  10 May 1980:  US Govt gives Chrysler $1.5 billion loan
-  16 May 1980:  Basketball great, Magic Johnson, plays center as a rookie, wins championships
18 May 1980
   -  Mount St. Helens erupts
    - Ian Curtis of Joy Division dies by suicide
-  1 June 1980:  CNN launches
-  10 June 1980:  Nelson Mandela writes from Prison
-  11 Aug 1980:  Carol Bundy confesses her connection to the "Sunset Slayer"
-  21 Aug 1980:  People for he Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is founded
-  30 Aug 1980:  Christopher Cross has his first of two #1 hits with "Sailing"
-  31 Aug 1980:  Polish government signs accord with Gdansk Shipyard workers
22 Sept 1980
   -   Iran-Iraq War begins
   -  So-called Midtown Stabber kills his first victim
-  25 Oct 1980:  Australian rock gods AC/DC earn their first Top 40 hit with "You Shook Me All Night Long"
-  7 Nov 1980:  "King of Cool" Steve McQueen dies
-  21 Nov 1980:  Millions tune in to find out who shot J. R. - Link,
-  8 Dec 1980: John Lennon Shot - Link,
-  12 Dec 1980:  Da Vinci Notebook sells for over $5 million (Purchased by American Oil Tycoon Armand Hammer - Link,
-  21 Dec 1980:  Socialite Sunny von Bulow is found comatose
=1981 -  2 Jan 1981:  The Yorkshire Ripper is apprehended
-  12 Jan 1981:  "Dynasty" premieres on ABC
-  15 Jan 1981:  "Hill Street Blues" begins run
20 Jan 1981
   -  Ronald Reagan becomes president
   -  Iran Hostage Crisis ends
-  22 Jan 1981:  Final portrait of John and Yoko appears on the cover of "Rolling Stone"
-  25 Jan 1981:  Chairman Mao's widow sentenced to death
-  19 Feb 1981:  United States calls situation in El Salvador a communist plot
-  21 Feb 1981:  Dolly Parton cements her crossover success as "9 to 5? hits #1
-  6 March 1981:  Walter Cronkite signs off as anchorman of "CBS Evening News"
-  8 March 1981:  Japanese power plant leaks radioactive waste
-  30 March 1981:  President Reagan shot

-  8 Apr 1981:  General Omar Bradley dies
-  12 April 1981:  The Space Shuttle Columbia is launched for the first time
-  5 May 1961:  IRA militant Bobby Sands dies
-  11 May 1981:  Reggae star Bob Marley dies at 36
-  13 May 1981:  Pope John Paul II shot
-  22 May 1981:  Atlanta child murderer is traced using rare nylon fiber - Wayne Williams is questioned by police for Atlanta child murders
-  2 June 1981:  Japanese video arcade game "Donkey Kong" released by Nintendo
-  5 June 1981:  First scientific report on AIDS is published
-  6 June 1981:  Train derails in India, killing hundreds
-  20 June 1981:  Stars on 45 single reaches the top of the pop charts
-  22 June 1981:  Mark David Chapman pleaded guilty to killing rock star John Lennon
-  30 June 1981:  A first-time offender ends up on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List  (Glen Goodwin)
-  7 July 1981:  Sandra Day O'Connor nominated to Supreme Court
-  27 July 1981:  6-year-old Adam Walsh is abducted
-  29 July 1981:  Prince Charles marries Lady Diana
-  1 Aug 1981:  MTV launches
-  5 Aug 1981:  Ronald Reagan fires 11,359 air-traffic controllers
-  10 Aug 1981:  Pete Rose sets National League hits record
-  13 Aug 1981:  Reagan signs Economic Recovery Tax Act (ERTA)
-  24 Aug 1981:  John Lennon's killer sentenced
-  1 Sept 1981:  A teenage boy murders his father
-  10 Sept 1981:  Picasso's "Guernica" is returned to Spain
-  18 Sept 1981:  Canada mall sets parking -lot record
-  23 Sept 1981:  A two-month manhunt for a murdering writer comes to an end
-  3 Oct 1981:  Maze hunger strike called off
-  6 Oct 1981:  The president of Egypt is assassinated (Anwar Sadat)
-  23 Nov 1981:  President Reagan gives CIA authority to establish the Contras
-  29 Nov 1981:  Actress Natalie Wood drowns - Link,
-  30 Nov 1981:  The United States and U.S.S.R. open talks to reduce intermediate-range nuclear forces
-  9 Dec 1981:  Policeman Daniel Faulkner found dead
-  28 Dec 1981:  First American 'test-tube baby" is born - Link,
=1982 -  4 Jan 1982:  President Reagan gives CIA authority to establish the Contras
13 Jan 1982: 
     -  Plane crashes into Potomac River

- 13 Feb 1982:   Serial killer strikes in Colorado
-  28 Feb 1982:  Getty Museum endowed
-  6  March 1982:  Controversial writer-philosopher Ayn Rand dies
-  29 March 1982:  Freshman Michael Jordan hits winning shot to give North Carolina NCAA title
-  2 April 1982:  Argentina invades Falklands
-  24 April 1982:  Jane Fonda's first workout video released
-  15 May 1982:  "Ebony And Ivory" begins a seven-week run at #1 on the pop charts
-  11 June 1982:  "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" movie released
-  12 June 1982:  One million people demonstrate in New York City against nuclear weapons
-  14 June 1982:  Falklands War ends
-  19 June 1982:  Vincent Chin is murdered
-  21 June 1982:  John Hinckley, Jr. found not guilty by reason of insanity in shooting of President Ronald Reagan and 3 other men
-  24 June 1982: garment workers' strike begins in New York City's Chinatown
-  30 June 1982:  proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the US Constitution expired, having failed to receive the required number of ratifications for its adoption, despite having its 7-year deadline extended by 3 years
-  23 July 1982:  Actor and two children killed on "Twilight Zone" set
-  24 July 1982:  "Eye Of The Tiger" from "Rocky III" tops the U.S. pop charts
-  3 Aug 1982:  Sodomy arrest sparks controversy
-  13 Aug 1982:  "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" debuts
-  20 Aug 1982:  U.S. Marines deployed to Lebanon
-  24 Aug 1982:  Wall Street informer, Martin Siegel, hatches insider trading scheme
-  29 Aug 1982:  Actress Ingrid Bergman dies on her birthday
-  14 Sept 1982:  Hollywood star and real-life princess Grace Kelly dies
-  29 Sept 1982: Cyanide-laced Tylenol kills six
-  19 Oct 1982:  John Z. DeLorean is arrested in $24 million cocaine deal - Link,
-  2 Nov 1982:  Truck explosion kills 3,000 in Afghanistan  -Massive truck explosion in Afghanistan's Salang Tunnel
-  6 Nov 1982:  A woman ices her husband with anti-freeze
-  12 Nov 1982:  Yuri Andropov assumes power in the Soviet Union
-  13 Nov 1982:  Vietnam Veterans Memorial Dedicated - Link,
-  20 Nov 1982:  Cal beats Stanford as band blocks field
-  7 Dec 1982:  First execution by lethal injection - Link,
-  8 Dec 1982:  "Sophie's Choice" opens in theaters
-  23 Dec 1982:  Chemical contamination prompts evacuation of Missouri town
=1983 -  19 Jan 1983:  The Butcher of Lyon (Klaus Barbie) arrested in Bolivia -,
-  4 Feb 1983:  Singer-songwriter Karen Carpenter dies
-  8 Feb 1983:  Irish race horse stolen
-  22 Feb 1983:  “Moose Murders” opens—and closes—on Broadway
-  28 Feb 1983:  Final episode of M*A*S*H airs
-  6 March 1983:  Helmut Kohl elected West German chancellor
-  8 March 1983:  President Reagan refers to USSR as "Evil Empire" again
-  22 March 1983:  The origins of the Hummer
23 March 1983
    - Artificial heart patient dies
   -  President Reagan calls for new antimissile technology
18 Apr 1983
   -  Suicide bomber destroys U.S. embassy in Beirut
   -  Joan Benoit wins Boston Marathon
-  26 April 1983:  Soviet leader Yuri Andropov writes letter to US 5th grader Samatha Smith
-  28 May 1983:  Irene Cara has a #1 pop hit with the "Flashdance" theme
-  13 June 1983:  Pioneer 10 departs solar system
-  18 June 1983:  Sally Ride becomes the first American woman in space
-  24 June 1983:  Space Shuttle Challenger lands in California with Sally K. Ride, US first woman in space
-  7 July 1983:  11-year-old Samantha Smith leaves for visit to the USSR
-  5 Aug 1983:  "Risky Business" debuts, launches Tom Cruise to stardom
-  20 Aug 1983:  US Marines deployed to Lebanon
-  30 Aug 1983:  Guion S. Bluford becomes the first African-American to travel to space
-  1 Sept 1983:  Korean Airlines flight shot down by Soviet Union
-  17 Sept 1983:  Vanessa Williams becomes first black woman to become Miss America
-  21 Sept 1983:  A 13-year-old newspaper delivery boy is found dead
-  7 Oct 1983:  Sean Connery plays James Bond in "Never Say Never Again"
-  23 Oct 1983:  U.S. and French military barracks in Beirut hit by massive car bombs
-  25 Oct 1983:  United States invades Grenada
-  2 Nov 1983:  MLK federal holiday declared
-  7 Nov 1983:  Hendricks family is brutally murdered
-  9 Dec 1993:  "Scarface," starring Al Pacino, opens in theaters
-  23 Dec 1993:  The journal "Science" publishes first report on nuclear winter
=1984 -  9 Jan 1984:  One of the "Hillside Stranglers" sentenced to life
-  12 Jan 1984:  Pyramid mystery unearthed
-  22 Jan 1984:  Apple's iconic "1984" commercial airs during Super Bowl XVIII
-  23 Jan 1984:  Hulk Hogan beats Iron Sheik to win first WWF title
-  7 Feb 1984:  Navy captain becomes the first human to perform an untethered space walk (Bruce McCandless II)
-  13 Feb 1984:  Chernenko becomes general secretary of Soviet Communist Party
-  16 Feb 1984:  Bill Johnson becomes first American to win Olympic gold in downhill skiing
-  26 Feb 1984:  Last U.S. Marines leave Beirut
-  22 March 1984:  Teachers are indicted at the McMartin Preschool

-  28 March 1984:  Baltimore Colts move to Indianapolis
-  1 April 1984:  Marvin Gaye is shot and killed by his own father
-  5 Apr 1984:  Kareem Abdul-Jabbar breaks NBA all-time scoring record
-  9 Apr 1984:  Man attempts to kill wife for money using car bomb
-  13 Apr 1984:  Serial killer Christopher Wilder dies by suicide
-  26 April 1984:  President Reagan visits China
-  3 May 1984:  Michael Dell founded Dell Computer Corp while a student at the Univ of Texas in Austin
-  7 May 1984:  Vietnam veterans exposed to Agent Orange win $180 million settlement
-  8 May 1984:  Soviets announce boycott of 1984 Olympics
-  6 June 1984:  Indian army storms Golden Temple
-  8 June 1984:  Movie "Ghostbusters" released
-  18 June 1984:  A radio host is gunned down for his controversial views
-   1 July 1984:  PG-13 rating debuts
-  12 July 1984:  Geraldine Ferraro named vice presidential candidate (Walter Mondale)
-  18 July 1984:  21 people are shot to death at McDonalds
-  20 July 1984:  A serial-killing couple is apprehended (Alton Coleman and Debra Brown)
-  23 July 1984:  Miss America resigns over nude photos
-  24 July 1984:  a 9-year-old's murder puts an innocent man in jail (Girl:  Dawn Hamilton - innocent man:  Kirk Bloodsworth)
-  26 July 1984:  Infamous serial killer Ed Gein dies
-  10 Aug 1984:  "Red Dawn" first PG-13 movie, is released
-  11 Aug 1984:  Reagan jokes about bombing Russia
-  16 Aug 1984:  Los Angeles jury clears John Z. DeLorean of drug charges
-  25 Aug 1984:  Truman Capote, author of "In Cold Blood" dies
26 Oct 1984
   -  An Ozzy Osbourne fan dies by suicide
   -  Infant receives baboon heart
-  31 Oct 1984:  Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi is assassinated
-  3 Nov 1984:  A serial killer abducts and rapes his teenage victim
-  10 Nov 1984:  Maryland gets a miracle in Miami
-  15 Nov 1984:  Baby Fae, infant who received baboon heart transplant, dies
-  3 Dec 1984:  Explosion kills 2,000 at pesticide plant in Bhopal, India
-  5 Dec 1984:  Eddie Murphy stars in "Beverly Hills Cop"
-  19 Dec 1984:  Britain agrees to return Hong Kong to China
-  22 Dec 1984:  Bernhard Goetz shoots four youths on the subway
-  23 Dec 1984:  Subway shooter Bernhard Goetz goes on the lam
-  31 Dec 1984:  Subway shooter Bernhard Goetz turns himself in
=1985 -  18 Jan 1985:  Coen brothers release debut film, "Blood Simple"
-  28 Jan 1985:  Music stars gather to record "We Are the World"
-  6 Feb 1985:  The "Reagan Doctrine" is announced
-  20 Feb 1985:  Ireland allows sale of contraceptives
-  9 March 1985:  First Adopt-a-Highway sign goes up
-  11 March 1985:  Mikhail Gorbachev picked to succeed Konstantin Chrnenko
-  16 March 1985:  American journalist Terry Anderson kidnapped
-  1 April 1985:  Marvin Gaye is shot and killed by his own father
-  23 Apr 1985:  New Coke debuts, one of the biggest product flops in history
-  11 May 1985:  Fire kills 50 at soccer stadium
-  13 May 1985:  A raid is set for MOVE headquarters - Philadelphia police drop bomb on MOVE headquarters, killing 11
-  16 May 1985:  Discovery of Ozone Hole announced
2 June 1985
   -  Killing spree by dual killers is put to an end
   -  English football clubs banned from Europe
-  14 June 1985:  TWA flight 847 is hijacked by terrorists
-  27 June 1985:  Route 66 decertified, highway signs removed
-  10 July 1985:  A bomb sinks the Rainbow Warrior, Greenpeace's flagship vessel
-  13 July 1985:  Live Aid concert raises $127 million for famine relief in Africa
-  23 July 1985:  Miss America (Vanessa Williams) resigns over nude photos
-  25 July 1985:  Rock Hudson announces he has AIDS
-  2 Aug 1985:  Sudden thunderstorm causes plane crash
-  12 Aug 1985:  JAL flight 123 crashes into Mount Otsuka
-  14 Aug 1985:  Michael Jackson takes control of the Beatles' publishing rights
-  25 Aug 1985:  Samantha Smith dies in plane crash
-  31 Aug 1985:  Los Angeles mob attacks "Night Stalker" serial killer
-  1 Sept 1985:  Wreck of the Titanic Found - Link -
-  19 Sept 1985:  Earthquake shakes Mexico City
-  21 Sept 1985:  George Clooney makes "Facts of Life" debut
-  22 Sept 1985:  The first Farm Aid concert is held in Champaign, Illinois
-  2 Oct 1985:  Hollywood icon Rock Hudson dies of AIDS
7 Oct 1985
   -  Palestinian terrorists hijack an Italian cruise ship
   -  Lynette Woodard becomes first female Harlem Globetrotters player
-  10 Oct 1985: US Navy fighter jets intercept Italian cruise ship hijackers
-  19 Oct 1985
   -  First Blockbuster store opens
   -  "Take on Me" music video helps Norway's A-ha reach the top the U.S. pop charts
-  26 Oct 1985:  Whitney Houston earns her first #1 hit with "Saving All My Love For You"
-  13 Nov 1985:  The eruption of Nevado del Ruiz
-  14 Nov 1985:  Nevado del Ruiz eruptions bury more than 20,000 in Colombia
-  19 Nov 1985:  Reagan and Gorbachev hold their first summit meeting
-  26 Dec 1985:  World-renowned primatologist Dian Fossey is found murdered in Rwanda
-  29 Dec 1985:  The "Railway Rapist" commits his first murder
-  31 Dec 1985:  Rick Nelson dies in a plane crash - Link,
=1986 -  28 Jan 1987:  The space shuttle Challenger explodes after liftoff
-  8 Feb 1986: Spud Webb, 5'7", wins NBA dunk contest
-  28 Feb 1986:  MLB commissioner suspends players in drug scandal
-  6 March 1986:  Georgia O'Keeffe dies
-  14 April 1986:  US bombs terrorist and military targets in Libya
-  20 April 1986:  Michael Jordan scores 63 points in playoff game
26 April 1986
   -  Test triggers nuclear disaster at Chernobyl
   -  Maria Shriver marries Arnold Schwarzenegger
-  4 June 1986:  Jonathan Pollard admits to selling top-secret information to Israel
-  3 July 1986:  relighting of the renovated Statue of Liberty
-  15 July 1986:  Columbia Records drops country legend Johnny Cash after 26 years
-  18 July 1986:  Video of Titanic wreckage released
-  8 Aug 1986:  Spike Lee's first feature, "She's Gotta Have It," premieres
-  21 Aug 1986:  Gas cloud kills Cameroon villagers
-  26 Aug 1986:  "Preppy Murder" stuns New York
-  8 Sept 1986:  Oprah goes national
-  5 Oct 1986:  Iran-Contra scandal unravels
-  11 Oct 1986:  Soviet-U.S. arms control talks break down over President Reagan's "Star Wars" initiative
-  17 Oct 1986:  U.S. aid to Contras signed into law
-  26 Oct 1986:  Red Sox first baseman Bill Buckner lets ground ball roll through his legs
-  2 Nov 1986:  Grete Waitz wins her eighth New York City Marathon
-  21 Nov 1986:  Iran-Contra scandal begins with shredded documents
-  22 Nov 1986:  Mike Tyson becomes the youngest heavyweight champ in history
-  25 Nov 1986:  Iran-Contra connection revealed
-  17 Dec 1986:  "Operation Iceman" nabs murderer Richard Kuklinski
19 Dec 1986
     -  Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov released from internal exile
     -  World Series parachutist sentenced
-  20 Dec 1986:  Man chased to his death in Howard Beach hate-crime
-  23 Dec 1986:  Voyager completes global flight

=1987 -  3 Jan 1987:  Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inducts first woman (Aretha Franklin)
-  13 Jan 1987:  Connecticut man arrested for wood-chipper murder
-  28 Feb 1987:  Gorbachev calls for nuclear weapons treaty
-  6 March 1987:  Ferry sinks in Belgium, 188 people drown
-  24 March 1987:  ACT UP holds its first action on Wall Street
-  25 March 1987:  Torture chamber uncovered in Philadelphia
-  9 Apr 1987:  U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz condemns Soviet spying
-  11 May 1987:  The Butcher of Lyon (Klaus Barbie) goes on trial - charged with 117 crimes against humanity
-  12 June 1987:  President Reagan challenges Gorbachev to "Tear down this wall"
-  22 June 1987:  Fred Astair died in Los Angeles, age 88
-  24 June 1987:  Jackie Gleason died at age 71
-  22 July 1987:  Gorbachev accepts ban on intermediate-range nuclear missiles
-  7 Aug 1987:  Lynne Cox swims into communist territory
-  16 Aug 1987:  Plane crashes into highway, killing 156
-  17 Aug 1987:  Hitler's last living henchman dies (Rudolph Hess) -,
-  29 Aug 1987:  HIV-positive Ray brothers' home burned down
-  11 Sept 1987: Movie  "Fatal Attraction" premiers
-  18 Sept 1987:  Hundreds are accidentally poisoned in Brazil
-  1 Oct 1987:  Earthquake rocks Southern California
-  10 Oct 1987:  Stock Markets crash on "Black Monday" - Link,
-  16 Oct 1987:  Baby Jessica rescued from a well as the world watches
-  19 Oct 1987:  Stock markets have the largest-ever one-day percentage drop on "Black Monday"
-  18 Nov 1987:  Congress issues final report on Iran-Contra scandal
-  22 Nov 1987:  Mike Tyson becomes the youngest heavyweight champ in history
-  28 Nov 1987:  A media controversy ignites over the case of Tawana Brawley - Tawana Brawley found with slurs scrawled on her body
-  8 Dec 1987:  Superpowers agree to reduce nuclear arsenals
-  9 Dec 1987:  Intifada begins on Gaza Strip
=1988 -  14 Feb 1988:  Olympic speed skater Dan Jansen falls after sister dies
-  24 Feb 1988:  Supreme Court defends right to satirize public figures
-  7 March 1988:  Writers Guild of America strike begins
-  10 March 1988:  Disco sensation Andy Gibb dies at the age of 30
-  12 March 1988:  Hail causes stampede at soccer match in Nepal
-  16 March 1988:  President Reagan orders troops to Honduras
-  11 Apr 1988:  Cher wins Best Actress Oscar for "Moonstruck"
-  14 Apr 1988:  Soviets agree to withdraw from Afghanistan
-  28 Apr 1988:  Aloha Airlines Flight 243 miraculously lands after losing roof
-  9 May 1988:  Woman convicted of killing two in Excedrin tampering
-  15 May 1988:  Soviets begin withdrawal from Afghanistan
-  31 May 1988:  Three US presidents close chapters on the Cold War
-  25 June 1988:  Teenager Debbie Gibson earns a #1 hit with "Foolish Beat"
-  3 July 1988:  US warship downs Iranian passenger jet
-  15 July 1988:  "Die Hard" debuts, makes Bruce Willis a movie star
-  23 July 1988:  Guns N' Roses make popular breakthrough with "Sweet Child O' Mine"
-  24 July 1988:  "Saving Private Ryan" opens in theaters
-  25 July 1988:  A young man turns the death of his parents into a game
8 Aug 1988
   -  Lights go on at Wrigley field
   -  Gangsta rap hits the mainstream with the release of N.W.A's "Straight Outta Compton"
-  9 Aug 1988:  The Great One gets traded (Wayne Gretzky) (Hockey)
-  18 Aug 1988:  A Seattle judge involved in a sex scandal dies by suicide
-  28 Aug 1988:  Air-show accident burns spectators
-  4 Sept 1988:  Televangelist Jim Bakker is indicted on federal charges
-  12 Sept 1988:  Hurricane Gilbert slams Jamaica
-  20 Sept 1988:  Louganis wins Olympic gold the day after suffering head injury
-  24 Sept 1988:  Ben Johnson wins gold, temporarily
-  28 Sept 1988  A cult leader kills one of his followers
-  29 Sept 1988:  Stacy Allison becomes first American woman to reach summit of Mt. Everest
-  1- Oct 1988:  Mikhail Gorbachev becomes head of Soviet Union
-  4 Oct 1988:  Televangelist Jim Bakker is indicted on federal charges
-  18 Oct 1988:  "Roseanne" debuts on TV
-  6 Nov 1988:  Renowned Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov visits United States
-  11 Nov 1988:  Police make a grisly discovery in Dorothea Puente's lawn
-  22 Nov 1988:  Stealth bomber unveiled
-  7 Dec 1988:  Earthquakes wreak havoc in Armenia
-  15 Dec 1988:  James Brown begins his prison sentence
-  21 Dec 1988:  Pan Am Flight 103 explodes over Scotland
-  22 Dec 1988:  Chico Mendes, leading Brazilian conservationist, is assassinated
=1989 -  7 Jan 1989:  Emperor Hirohito dies -
-  11 Jan 1989:  President Reagan gives his farewell address
14 Feb 1989:
   -  Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini calls on Muslims to kill Salman Rushdie, author of "The Satanic Verses"
   -  Sandinistas agree to free elections
- 11 March 1989:  "Cops" makes TV debut
-  13 March 1989:  Black magic, voodoo, and murder occurs at Rancho Santa Elena
-  24 March 1989:  Exxon Valdez crashes, Prince William Sound, Southern Alaska - 11 million gal. of oil spilled
-  8 Apr 1989:  Pitcher Jim Abbott, born without right hand, makes MLB debut
-  14 April 1988:  Soviets agree to withdraw from Afghanistan
-  18 Apr 1989:  Chinese students protest against government
-  19 Apr 1989:  Central Park jogger attack shocks New York City
-  21 April 1989:  Chinese students protest at Tiananmen Square
-  25 Apr 1989:  A father is exonerated after 21 years (James Richardson, Florida - wrongly convicted 21 years ago of killing his 7 children) -
-  18 May 1989:  One million protesters take to the streets in Beijing
-  20 May 1989  Sunday Silence wins Preakness Stakes by a nose
-  24 May 1989:  Lori Ann Auker disappears from a parking lot
-  2 June 1989: "Dead Poets Society" Movie released in selected theaters
-  3 June 1989:  Crackdown at Tianamen begins
-  4 June 1989:  Chinese crackdown on protests leads to Tiananmen Square Massacre
-  11 June 1989:  China issues warrant for Tiananmen dissident sheltering in US embassy
-  23 June 1989:  Tim Burton's "Batman" released
-  30 June 1989:  "Do the Right Thing" released in theaters
-  3 July 1989:  A mother is arrested and accused of killing her four children
-  18 July 1989:  Sitcom actress murdered; death prompts anti-stalking legislation (Rebecca Scheffer)
-  20 Aug 1989:  The Menendez brothers murder their parents
-  22 Aug 1989:  Nolan Ryan registers 5,000th strikeout
-  23 Aug 1989:  Pete Rose gets booted from baseball
-  30 Aug 1989:  A murdering couple is sentenced to death (Cynthia Coffman and James Marlow, California)
-  27 Sept 1989:  Zsa Zsa Gabor storms out of the courtroom
-  5 Oct 1989:  Dalai Lama wins Nobel Peace Prize
-  15 Oct 1989:  Wayne Gretzky breaks NHL points record
17 Oct 1989
   -  Loma Prieta earthquake strikes near San Francisco
   -  Oakland-San Francisco World Series game postponed because of earthquake
-  18 Oct 1989:  East Germany and Hungary move toward democracy -
-  19 Oct 1989:  Guildford Four are cleared of IRA bombings
-  23 Oct 1989:  Gas leak kills 23 at plastics factory
-  2 Nov 1989:  A nurse's aide gets life imprisonment for murder
-  7 Nov 1989:  Two African American firsts in politics
-  9 Nov 1989:  East Germany opens the Berlin Wall -
-  17 Nov 1989:  Velvet Revolution begins in Czechoslovakia
-  30 Nov 1989:  Female serial killer strikes in Florida
3 Dec 1989
     -  Bush and Gorbachev suggest Cold War is coming to an end
     -  Forensics identify a child abductor by his clothes - Five-year-old disappears—abductor is later ID'd by clothing fibers
-  7 Dec 1989:  Sugar Ray Leonard fights Roberto Duran for the third and final time
-  12 Dec 1989:  Real estate mogul Leona Helmsley sentenced to prison
-  16 Dec 1989:  A terrorist bomber begins his deadly rampage
20 Dec 1989
     -  "Roger & Me" opens in U.S. theaters (A Piece of crap)
     -  The U.S. invades Panama
-  22 Dec 1989:  Romanian government falls
=1990 -  3 Jan 1990: 
   -  Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega surrenders to U.S.
   -  Charles Stuart implicated for staged murder of his wife
-  4 Jan 1990:  Trains collide in Pakistan
-  13 Jan 1990:  Douglas Wilder of Virginia becomes the nation's first African American governor
-  15 Jan 1990:  Soviets send troops into Azerbaijan
-  18 Jan 1990:  Washington, D.C. mayor Marion Barry arrested on drug charges
-  21 Jan 1990:  John McEnroe disqualified from the Australian Open
31 Jan 1990
   -  First McDonald's opens in Soviet Union
   -  The McMartin Preschool trials
- 8 Feb 1990:  Del Shannon, a '60s songwriter, dies of a self-inflicted gunshot wound
-  11 Feb 1990:  Nelson Mandela released from prison
-  14 Feb 1990:  "Pale Blue Dot" photo of Earth is taken
-  26 Feb 1990: Sandinistas are defeated in Nicaraguan elections
-  4 March 1990:  College basketball star Hank Gathers collapses on court, dies
-  14 March 1990:  Mikhail Grobachev elected president of the Soviet Union
-  17 March 1990:  Lithuania rejects Soviet demand to renounce its independence
-  23 March 1990:  Movie "Pretty Woman" starring Richard Gere and Julia Roberts released
8 April 1990
   -  Ryan White, 18, dies of AIDS
   -  "Twin Peaks" premieres on ABC
-  12 Apr 1990  Soviets admit to Katyn Massacre of World War II
-  25 April 1990:  Hubble Space Telescope placed in orbit
-  4 May 1990:  Electric chair malfunctions in Florida, leading states to change execution methods
-  10 May 1990:  China releases 211 prisoners arrested during Tiananmen Square protests
-  22 May 1990:  South Yemen and North Yemen are unified as the Republic of Yemen
-  30 May 1990:  Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev arrives in Washington for a summit
-  1 June 1990:  George H.W. Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev agree to end production of chemical weapons
-  4 June 1990:  Dr. Jack Kevorkian carried out his first assisted Suicide
-  21 June 1990:  Earthquake devastates Iran
-  25 June 1990:  "Right To Die" decision by US Supreme Court
-  3 July 1990:  Pilgrim stampede kills 1,400
-  12 July 1990:  Boris Yeltsin resigns from Communist Party
-  13 July 1990:  "Ghost" opens in theaters
-  16 July 1990:  Earthquake wreaks havoc in the Philippines
-  26 July 1990:  Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) signed into law
-  2 Aug 1990:  Iraq invades Kuwait
-  7 Aug 1990: President George H.W. Bush orders Operation Desert Shield
-  12 Aug 1990:  Skeleton of Tyrannosaurus Rex discovered
-  28 Aug 1990:  Murdered students are discovered at the University of Florida
12 Sept 1990
   -  German Occupation rights are relinquished -
13 Sept 1990:
   -  "Law & Order" TV Series debuts
-  15 Sept 1990:  A Bible school instructor abducts a teenage girl
-  3 Oct 1990:  East and West Germany reunite after 45 years -
-  4 Oct 1990:  "Beverly Hills, 90210" debuts
-  5 Oct 1990:  "Henry & June" is first NC-17 film shown in theaters
-  15 Oct 1990:  Mikhail Gorbachev wins Nobel Peace Prize
-  4 Nov 1990:  "Dances with Wolves" premieres in theaters
-  9 Nov 1990:  Willie Nelson's assets are seized by the IRS
-  12 Nov 1990:  Akihito enthroned as Emperor of Japan -
-  22 Nov 1990:  Margaret Thatcher resigns
-  25 Nov 1990:  Lacey V. Murrow Memorial Bridge sinks to the bottom of Lake Washington
-  1 Dec 1990:  Chunnel makes breakthrough -
-  9 Dec 1990:  Lech Walesa elected president of Poland
=1991 -  16 Jan 1991:  The Persian Gulf War begins
-  23 Jan 1991:  Videotaped murder leads to convictions in Texas
-  24 Feb 1991:  Gulf War ground offensive begins
-  27 Feb 1991:  Video recreation used in murder trial
-  3 March 1991:  LAPD officers beat Rodney King on camera
-  13 March 1991:  "Paris is Burning" premieres in theaters
-  14 March 1991:  Birmingham Six released from prison
-  31 March 1991:  Warsaw Pact's military union ends
-  6 May 1991:  Harry Gant is oldest NASCAR winner—again
-  14 May 1991:  Two trains crash in Japan, killing more than 40
-  26 May 1991:  Plane crashes in Thai jungle
-  28 May 1991:  Ethiopian capital falls to rebels, ending 17 years of Marxist rule
-  27 June 1991:  Thurgood Marshall announced his retirement
-  1 July 1991:  President George H.W. Bush nominate Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court
-  10 July 1991:  Boris N. Yeltsin took oath of office as the first elected president of the Russian Republic
-  22 July 1991:  Cannibal and serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer is caught
-  18 Aug 1991:  Soviet Hard-liners launch coup against Gorbachev
-  19 Aug 1991:  A Jewish youth is killed by a mob
-  21 Aug 1991:  Attempted coup against Gorbachev collapses
-  10 Sept 1991:  Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is released as a single
-  25 Sept 1991:  The Butcher of Lyon (Klaus Barbie) dies in prison at age 77 -,
-  27 Sept 1991:  "My Own Private Idaho" premieres in theaters
-  10 Oct 1991:  A former postal worker commits mass murder
-  15 Oct 1991:  Clarence Thomas confirmed to the Supreme Court
-  16 Oct 1991:  Twenty-three diners massacred at Texas restaurant
-  19 Oct 1991:  Fire sweeps through Oakland hills
-  30 Oct 1991:  "Perfect storm" hits North Atlantic
-  7 Nov 1991:  Magic Johnson announces he is HIV-positive
-  18 Nov 1991:  Terry Waite released after four-year kidnapping in Lebanon
-  2 Dec 1991:  William Kennedy Smith's rape trial begins
-  4 Dec 1991:  Hostage Terry Anderson freed in Lebanon
-  17 Dec 1991:  Boris Yeltsin announces the Soviet Union will cease to exist by New Year's Eve
-  25 Dec 1991:  Mikhail Gorbachev resigns as president of the USSR
-  28 Dec 1991:  Nine killed in a stampede outside a hip-hop celebrity basketball game
=1992 -  8 Jan 1992:  President George H.W. Bush vomits on the Prime Minister of Japan
-  23 Jan 1992:  President George H.W. Bush honors Women's World Cup champions
-  7 Feb 1992:  European Union treaty signed
-  9 Feb  1992:  Magic Johnson returns for All-Star Game
-  10 Feb 1992:  Boxer Mike Tyson convicted of rape
-  19 Feb 1992:  John Singleton, 24, becomes first Black director nominated for an Oscar
-  17 March 1992:  Apartheid comes to an end in South Africa
-  2 April 1992:  Mob boss John Goti convicted of murder
-  5 April 1992:  Abortion rights advocates march on Washington
-  22 Apr 1992:  Sewers explode in Guadalajara, Mexico, killing hundreds
-  29 Apr 1992:  Riots erupt in Los Angeles after police officers are acquitted in Rodney King trial
-  3 May 1992:  Kidnapped Exxon executive dies in a wooden box
-  6 May 1992:  Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev reviews Cold War in speech at Westminster College
-  17 May 1992:  Lawrence Welk died at age 89
-  21 May 1992:  "Long Island Lolita" is arrested
-  23 June 1992:  Mafia boss John Gotti aka"Teflon Don," sentenced to life
-  28 June 1992:  Two big quakes rock CA
-  2 July 1992:  Stephen Hawking breaks British bestseller records (A Brief History of Time)
10 July 1992
   -  The Exxon Valdez captain's conviction overturned
   -   a New York jury found Pan Am guilty of willful misconduct, in the Flight 103 accident in 1988 killing 270 people
-  25 July 1992:  Opening of the XXV Olympiad in Barcelona
-  2 Aug 1992:  Jackie Joyner-Kersee wins gold in heptathlon, again
-  18 Aug 1992:  Larry Bird Retires
-  2 Aug 1992:  Jackie Joyner-Kersee wins gold in heptathlon, again
-  18 Aug 2021:  Boston Celtics forward Larry Bird hangs it up
-  22 Aug 1992:  Shootings at Ruby Ridge
-  23 Sept 1992:  Canadian woman breaks pro sports barrier
-  3 Oct 1992:  Sinéad O'Connor tears up a photo of Pope John Paul II on "Saturday Night Live"
-  4 Oct 1992:  Plane crashes into apartment building
-  9 Oct 1992:  Meteorite crashes into Chevy Malibu
-  28 Oct 1992:  Leif Erickson Tunnel completes 1,593-mile I-35
-  4 Nov 1992:  Dianne Feinstein elected California Senator in the “Year of the Woman”
-  20 Nov 1992:  Windsor Castle catches fire
-  3 Dec 1992:  First SMS text message is sent
-  4 Dec 1992: President Bush orders U.S. troops to Somalia
9 Dec 1992
   -  U.S. Marines storm Mogadishu, Somalia
   -  Separation of Charles and Diana announced

=1993 19 Jan 1993
   -  Fleetwood Mac reunites to play "Don't Stop" at Bill Clinton's first inaugural ball
   -  Production begins on "Toy Story"
-  20 Jan 1993:  Actress Audrey Hepburn dies
-  27 Jan 1993:  American becomes first non-Japanese to achieve highest rank in sumo wrestling
-  6 Feb 1993:  Tennis great Arthur Ashe dies of AIDS
-  26 Feb 1993:  World Trade Center is bombed -
-  28 Feb 1993:  Waco Siege begins:  ATF raids Branch Davidian compound
-  8 March 1993:  "Beavis and Butt-Head" premieres on MTV
-  10 March 1993:  Dr. David Gunn is murdered by anti-abortion activist
-  1 April 1993:  The "Polish Prince" killed in plane crash
-  8 April 1993:  Astronaut Ellen Ochoa becomes the first Hispanic woman in space
-  19 April 1993:  Waco Siege ends; Branch Davidian compound burns
-  27 April 1993:  D.A. announces negligence caused death of "The Crow" actor Brandon Lee
30 April 1993
   -  World Wide Web (WWW) launches in the public domain
   -  Tennis star Monica Seles stabbed
-  24 June 1993:  Mail bomb injures Yale professor
-  25 June 1993:  Kim Campbell becomes Canada's first female prime minister
-  26 June 1993:  President Clinton Punishes Iraq for plot to kill George H. W. Bush
-  28 June 1993:  A serial rapist strikes in Allentown
-  9 July 1993:  Romanov remains identified using DNA
-  19 Aug 1993:  Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin marry
-  8 Sept 1993:  'The Joy Luck Club,' the first major studio movie with an all Asian American, mostly female, cast, premieres
-  12 Sept 1993:  New floating bridge opens in Seattle; I-90 stretches from coast to coast
-  13 Sept 1993:  Israel-Palestine Peace accord signed
-  22 Sept 1993:  Train derails in Alabama swamp
-  1 Oct 1993:  A 12-year-old girl is kidnapped, leading to California's "three strikes" law
-  23 Oct 1993:  Toronto Blue Jay Joe Carter wins World Series with ninth-inning home run
-  31 Oct 1993:  Actor River Phoenix dies
-  1 Nov 1993:  European Union goes into effect
-  30 Nov 1993:  Brady Bill signed into law - Link,
-  7 Dec 1993:  Shooter opens fire on Long Island Railroad train
-  8 Dec 1993:  NAFTA signed into law
-  15 Dec 1993:  "Schindler's List" opens, wins Steven Spielberg his first Oscar
-  22 Dec 1993:  "Philadelphia," the first major Hollywood movie about AIDS, opens in theaters
=1994 -  1 Jan 1994:  The North American Free Trade Agreement comes into effect
-  6 Jan:  Skater Nancy Kerrigan attacked - Link,
-  17 Jan 1994: 
   -  Los Angeles rocked Los Angeles
   -  Paula Jones accuses Bill Clinton of sexual harassment
-  30 Jan 1994:  Dan Jansen skates world-record 500 meters
-  3 Feb 1994:  President Clinton ends trade embargo of Vietnam
-  5 Feb 1994:  White supremacist convicted of killing Medgar Evers
-  8 Feb 1994:  Jack Nicholson smashes windshield in episode of road rage
-  28 Feb 1994:  First NATO Military Action
-  4 March 1994:  John Candy dies
-  23 March 1994:  Leading Mexican presidential candidate assassinated
-  5 Apr 1994: Grunge rock icon Kurt Cobain dies by suicide
-  7 Apr 1994:  -  Violence erupts in Rwanda, foreshadowing genocide
-  8 Apr 1994:  Grunge icon Kurt Cobain is found dead three days after his suicide
-  22 April 1994:  Former President Nixon dies
-  27 April 1994:  South Africa holds first multiracial elections
4 May 1994
   -  Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat sign accord for Palestinian self-rule
   -  A lawmaker introduces the pun "May the Fourth be with you" on the floor of U.K. Parliament
-  6 May 1994:  English Channel tunnel opens ("Chunnel")
7 May 1994:    
     -   Edvard Munch's "The Scream" recovered after theft
     -  Paula Jones accuses Bill Clinton of sexual harassment
-  10 May 1994:  Nelson Mandela, South Africa's first black president is inaugurated
-  25 May 1994:  Pennsylvania man buried in his beloved Corvette
-  27 May 1994:  Nobel laureate Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn returns to Russia after exile
-  12 June 1994:  Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman murdered
-  17 June 1994:  O.J. Simpson leads L.A. police on a low-speed chase
-  20 June 1994:  O.J. Simpson pleads not guilty to murders of wife and her friend Ron Goldman
-  6 July 1994:  "Forrest Gump" opens, wins Tom Hanks a second Oscar
-  8 July 1994:  North Korea's "Great Leader" (yeah, right) dies - Good riddance
-  30 July 1994: Man charged in murder of Megan Kanka
-  14 Aug 1994:  The terrorist know as Carlos the Jackal is captured
-  14 Sept 1994:  MLB cancels playoffs, World Series
-  22 Sept 1994:  "Friends" debuts (TV sitcom)
28 Sept 1994
   -  Jeffrey Dahmer murdered in prison - Link,
   -  Passenger ferry, Estonia, sinks, killing 852
-  14 Oct 1994:  "Pulp Fiction" opens in theaters
-  20 Oct 1994:  Actor Burt Lancaster dies
-  25 Oct 1994:  Susan Smith reports a false carjacking to cover her murder
-  27 Oct 1994:  U.S. prison population exceeds one million
-  5 Nov 1994:  George Foreman becomes oldest heavyweight champ
8 Nov 1994
   -  Salvatore "Sonny" Bono is elected to the U.S. Congress
   -  The Republican Revolution
   -  Proposition 187 is approved in California
-  28 Nov 1994:  Jeffrey Dahmer murdered in prison
-  11 Dec 1994:  Russian forces enter Chechnya
-  30 Dec 1994:  An anti-abortion activist goes on a murder spree
=1995 -  4 Jan 1995:  Republican Party wins control of Congress for first time in 40 years - Link,
-  12 Jan 1995:  Malcolm X's daughter arrested for attempted murder
-  25 Jan 1995:  Russia activates its nuclear nukes for the first time
-  9 Feb 1995:  Bernard Harris becomes the first Black man to walk in space
-  20 March 1995:  Tokyo subways are attacked with sarin gas
-  31 March 1995:  Pop star Selena murdered by fan club president
-  19 April 1995:  Oklahoma City bombing
-  29 June 1995:  US Space Shuttle docks with Russian space station
-  11 July 1995:  US establishes diplomatic relations with Vietnam
-  16 July 1995:  Amazon opens for business
-  18 July 1995:  Barack Obama's "Dreams from my Father" is published
-  9 Aug 1995:  Grateful Dead's Jerry Garcia dies
-  13 Aug 1995:  New York Yankees star Mickey Mantle dies
-  6 Sept 1995:  Baltimore Orioles shortstop Cal Ripken Jr. breaks record for consecutive games played
-  12 Sept 1995:  Harlem Globetrotters 8,829 game winning streaked snapped
-  19 Sept 1995:  Unabomber manifesto published
-  29 Sept 1995:  Mexican-American voting rights advocate Willie Velasquez awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom
-  3 Oct 1995:  O.J. Simpson acquitted
-  16 Oct 1995:  Million Man March
-  30 Oct 1995:  Quebec separatists narrowly defeated
-  4 Nov 1995:  Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin assassinated
-  10 Nov 1995:  Playwright and activist hanged in Nigeria
-  20 Dec 1995:  NATO assumes peacekeeping duties in Bosnia
=1996 -  4 Jan 1996:  GM announces its electric car
-  6 Jan 1996:  Blizzard of 1996 begins
-  18 Jan 1996:  MLB owners approve interleague play
-  20 Jan 1996:  Yasser Arafat elected leader of Palestine
-  27 Jan 1996:  Monica Seles wins first Grand Slam title since being attacked
-  10 Feb 1996:  World Chess champion Garry Kasparov loses game to computer (Deep Blue, an IBM computer)
-  17 Feb 1996:  Chess Champion Garry Kasparov defeats IBM's Deep Blue computer
-  9 March 1996:  Comedian George Burns dies at age 100
-  23 March 1996:  Astronaut Shannon Lucid enters Mir Space Station
3 April 1996
   -  Unabomber arrested
   -  U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Ron Brown, killed in plane crash
-  14 Apr 1996:  Greg Norman blows six-shot Masters lead in epic collapse
-  28 April 1996:  35 killed in Australia's Port Arthur Massacre mass shooting
-  10 May 1996:  Eight climbers die on Mt. Everest
-  17 May 1996:  President Bill Clinton signed a measure "Megan's Law"
-  20 May 1996:  Supreme Court defends rights of gays and lesbians in Romer v. Evans
-  31 May 1996:  Benjamin Netanyahu elected prime Minister of Israel
-  25 June 1996:  Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia kills 19 U.S. airmen
-  5 July 1996:  Dolly the sheep becomes first successfully cloned mammal
-  9 July 1996:  A family is brutally attacked on a walk in England
-  17 July 1996:  Flight 800 explodes over Long Island
-  23 July 1996:  U.S. women take home gymnastics gold
-  27 July 1996:  Bombing at Centennial Olympic Park (Atlanta, Georgia)
-  29 July 1996:  Carl Lewis wins fourth consecutive long jump at 35
1 Aug 1996
   -  Michael Johnson brings home second gold
   -  George R.R. Martin's "Game of Thrones" debuts
-  3 Aug 1996:  "The Macarena" begins its reign atop the U.S. pop charts
-  6 Aug 1996:  Researchers claim to have found signs of Martian life in Antarctic meteorite
-  28 Aug 1996:  Charles and Diana divorce
-  2 Sept 1996:  Michael Jackson earns his 12th and final solo #1 with "You Are Not Alone"
-  7 Sept 1996:  Tupac Shakur is shot
-  13 Sept 1996:  Tupac Shakur dies
-  17 Sept 1996:  Oprah launches influential book club
-  26 Sept 1996:  Shannon Lucid returns to Earth
-  6 Oct 1996:  Bill Clinton debates Bob Dole
-  16 Oct 1996:  Stampede kills 84 at World Cup match
-  12 Nov 1996:  High school sweethearts murder their newborn child
-  18 Nov 1996:  High-profile expert on exotic birds is sentenced for smuggling parrots
-  3 Dec 1996:  GM announces its electric car (EVI) - Link,
-  21 Dec 1996:  "Curious George" co-creator Margret Rey dies
-  25 Dec 1996:  Six-year-old JonBenet Ramsey is murdered - Link,
=1997 -  16 Jan 1997:  Bill Cosby's son murdered along CA interstate
-  17 Jan 1997:  Ireland grants a divorce for the first time in the country's history
-  23 Jan 1997:  Madeline Albright becomes first female secretary of state
-  28 Jan 1997: Afrikaner police admit to killing Stephen Biko
-  20 Feb 1997:  Kramer on "Seinfeld" adopts a highway
-  9 March 1997:  Rapper Notorious B.I.G. is killed in Los Angeles
-  10 March 1997:  "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" premieres on the WB
-  11 March 2997:  Paul McCartney knighted
-  26 March 1997:  Heaven's Gate cult members found dead
-  13 April 1997:  Tiger Woods wins his first Master's Tour
-  15 April 1997:   MLB retires Jackie Robinson's number
-  22 Apr 1997:  Peruvian President Fujimori orders assault on Japanese ambassador's home
-  27 April 1997:  Andrew Cunanan begins his killing spree
30 Apr 1997
   -  Controversial "coming out" episode of "Ellen" airs
   -  Big Ben stops at 12:11 pm for 54 minutes
-  1 May 1997:  Labour Party returns to power in Britain
-  9 May 1997:  Andrew Cunanan continues murder spree
-  11 May 1997:  Deep Blue defeats Garry Kasparov in chess match
-  19 May 1997:  Avian flu kills young boy
-  30 May 1997:  Jonathan Levin is tortured and killed by his former student
-  2 June 1997:  Timothy McVeigh convicted for Oklahoma City bombing
-  6 June 1997:  A teenaged mother gives birth and murders her baby at the prom
24 June 1997
   -  US Air Force reports on Roswell
   -  Disney pulls Insane Clown Posse album on release day
-  28 June 1997:  Mike Tyson bites ear
-  1 July 1997:  Hong Kong returned to China
-  2 July 1997:  "Men in Black" premiers in theaters
-  4 July 1997:  Pathfinder lands on Mars
-  15 July 1997:  Fashion designer Gianni Versace murdered by Andrew Cunanan in killing spree
-  31 Aug 1997:  Princess Diana dies in car crash
-  6 Sept 1997:  Some 2.5 billion TV viewers watch Princess Diana's funeral
- 3 Oct 1997:  Gordie Howe, 69, becomes only pro hockey player to compete in six decades
-  12 Oct 1997:  John Denver dies in an aircraft accident
-  24 Oct 1997:  Marv Albert faces sentencing in sexual assault case
-  31 Oct 1997:  Violet Palmer becomes first woman to officiate an NBA game
-  2 Dec 1997:  "Good Will Hunting" premieres in theaters
-  4 Dec 1997:  NBA suspends Latrell Sprewell for attacking coach
-  11 Dec 1997:  Kyoto Protocol first adopted in Japan
-  12 Dec 1997:  14-year-old indicted for school shooting
-  19 Dec 1997:  The movie "Titanic" sails into Movie Theaters - Link,
-  23 Dec 1997:  Woody Allen marries Soon-Yi Previn
=1998 - 5 Jan 1998:  Sonny Bono killed in skiing accident
-  22 Jan 1998:  Ted Kaczynski pleads guilty to bombings
-  3 Feb 1998:  Marine jet severs ski-lift cable in Italy
6 Feb 1998
   -  Austrian superstar Falco dies
   -  Mary Kay Letourneau goes back to prison
-  13 Feb 1998:  Downhill skier Hermann Maier crashes in Olympics
-  15 Feb 1998:  Dale Earnhardt Sr. wins his first Daytona 500
-  17 Feb 1998:  US women win the first Winter Olympics hockey gold medal
-  20 Feb 1998:  Tara Lipinski becomes youngest Olympic figure skating gold medalist
-  23 March 1998:  James Cameron’s "Titanic" wins 11 Academy Awards
-  24 March 1998:  A school shooting in Jonesboro, Arkansas, kills five
-  27 March 1998:  FDA approves Viagra
-  15 April 1998:  Pol Pot, leader of Cambodia's genocidal government, dies in his sleep
-  7 May 1998:  Daimler-Benz announces purchase of Chrysler Corp.
-  14 May 1998:  Frank Sinatra Dies
-  20 May 1998:  Frank Sinatra is laid to rest
-  28 May 1998:  Comic Phil Hartman killed by wife
-  4 June 1998:  Terry Nichols sentenced to life in prison - bombing of the Alfred P Murrah Fed building in Oklahoma City, OK
-  6 June 1998:  "Sex and the City" premieres on HBO
-  24 July 1998:  "Saving Private Ryan" opens in theaters
-  26 July 1998:  3 race fans killed at Michigan Speedway
-  5 Aug 1998:  Mother charged with smothering her eight children
-  7 Aug 1998:  US embassies in East Africa bombed
-  17 Aug 1998:  President Clinton testifies before Grand Jury
-  1 Sept 1998:  Federal legislation makes airbags mandatory
-  27 Sept 1998:  Google comes into being
-  12 Oct 1998:  Matthew Shepard, victim of anti-gay hate crime, dies
-  23 Oct 1998:  Doctor is killed by anti-abortion radical
-  28 Oct 1998:  President Bill Clinton signs the Digital Millennium Copyright Act into law
-  29 Oct 1998:  John Glenn Returns to Space - Link,
-  3 Nov 1998:  Former wrestler Jesse "The Body" Ventura is elected governor of Minnesota
-  15 Dec 1998:  U.S. House of Representatives recommends impeaching President Bill Clinton
16 Dec 1998
     -  President Clinton orders air attack on Iraq
     -  U.S. House of Representatives recommends impeaching Clinton
-  19 Dec 1998:  President Clinton is impeached - Link,
=1999 -  1 Jan 1999:  The euro debuts
-  7 Jan 1999:  President Clinton's impeachment trial begins - Link,
-  13 Jan 1999:  Michael Jordan retires for a second time
-  19 Jan 1999:  Man charged in California cyberstalking case
-  4 Feb 1999:  madou Diallo killed by police
-  12 Feb 1999:  President Bill Clinton acquitted on both articles of impeachment
-  7 March 1999:  Stanley Kubrick dies
-  18 March 1999:  Three women are murdered at Yosemite
-  19 March 1999:  Bodies found in Yosemite serial killer case
-  24 March 1999:  NATO bombs Yugoslavia
31 March 1999
   -  "The Matrix" released in theaters
   -  Evidence of murder is uncovered in New Mexico
-  20 April 1999:  Teen Gunmen kill 13 at Columbine High School, Littleton, CO
-  3 May 1999:  some 70 tornadoes roared across Oklahoma ad Kansas killing 46 people
-  14 May 1999:  President Clinton apologizes to Chinese leader for embassy bombing
-  21 May 1999:  Soap star Susan Lucci wins first Emmy after 19 nominations
-  16 June 1999:  SLA member captured after more than 20 years (Kathleen Ann Soliah, a former member of the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA),
-  16 July 1999:  JFK, Jr. killed in plane crash
-  30 July 1999:  "The Blair Witch Project" released in theaters
-  23 Aug 1999:  New York City reports first cases of West Nile virus
-  14 Sept 1999:  Millions flee from Hurricane Floyd
-  21 Sept 1999:  Earthquake kills thousands in Taiwan
-  13 Oct 1999:  Grand jury dismissed in JonBenét Ramsey murder case
-  18 Nov 1999:  12 die in bonfire at Texas A&M University
-  24 Nov 1999:  Ferry sinks in Yellow Sea, killing hundreds
-  25 Nov 1999:  First International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
31 Dec 1999
   -  Panama Canal turned over to Panama - Link,
   -  Putin becomes acting president of Russia, following Yeltsin’s resignation
12 Sept 2003 Walt Received a Certification of Military Service - Image  -  (Copied to Timeline 2000.htm)
29 Apr 2004 WW 2 Monument opens in Washington, D.C. -,   -  (Copied to Timeline 2000.htm)


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Source Citation

Click for Larger Image

S1 Book:  History of the 413th Infantry Regiment. Los Angeles, California: Warren F. Lewis, 1946. Bk4269

Read Online
2.  Fold3:
     -  Article: ". . . Growing Collection of Unit Histories" - 23 July 2019 -
S9 Selective Service Registration Cards, D. S. S. Form 2, Walter Clifton Robbins, ID0005, 16 Oct 1940, Winchester, Randolph County, Indiana. Doc0915.pdf

Note:  This accession contains both the cursive and the printed cards) -
Cursive Version: (PDF page 1 & 2)
This is to certify that in accordance with the
Selective Service Proclamation of the President of the United States
Walter Clifton Robbins
R.F.D. 1 Redkey Randolph Indi
has been duly registered this 16 day of October ???[torn off]
2513 Clarence F S[toner]/ Signature Registrar
Registrar for Green [township] Randolph [County]
Be Alert keep in touch with your local board./ Notify Local Board Immediately of change of address/CARRY THIS CARD WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES/S.S form 2 16-170?"
Race White - Height 5-8 Weight 154 brown eyes brown hair light complexion

Typed, Duplicate, Version (PDF page 3 & 4)
This is to certify that in accordance with the
Selective Service Proclamation of the Pesident of the United States
Walter Clifton Robbins
R.F.D. 1 Redkey Randolph Indiana
has been duly registered this 16 day of October 1940
/S/ Clarence F Stoner
Registrar for Local Board 1 Randolph India
The law requires you to have this card in your/personal possession at all times
D.S.S. Form 2
(Revised 6/9/41
Signature: Vertical, left side: Walter C. Robbins

Race White - Height 5-8 Weight 154 brown eyes brown hair light complexion



S10 Article, Good Old Days magazine, "Number 158", by Jean Schaefer. October 2005. page 40. Acc000567
Note:  An article entitled "Number 158", by Jean Schaefer in Good Old Days magazine, October 2005, page 40, describes the development of the law and the draft procedure that took place on 29 Oct 1940 in Washington, D.C. On 16 Oct 1940 some 16 million men between the ages of 21 and 36 had signed up in their local communities for the Selective Service. When the actual draft lottery took place on 29 Oct the number "158" was the first number drawn and read over the radio by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
"As a result of the Selective Service Act of 1940, millions of young American men received a terse letter from the president that had more impact on their futures than any other piece of mail they would ever receive. It began: 'Greetings. You are hereby ordered to report for inductions into the armed forces of the United States....' ")
S11 Book, Randolph County, Indiana, 1818-1990. Winchester, Ind: Historical & Genealogical Society of Randolph County, Indiana, 1991 - page 241. Acc000890. 

Note:  Dad is listed in this book as a Randolph County veteran
S12 Web Page, "War Touches Randolph County, Indiana". WWII Draft Registration Information.  Link
S13 Web Page, "Randolph County Draft Registrations, WWII, 1940 + 1941, age 21 to 36". 

Extract:  "The 1st and 2nd Randolph County Draft Registrations were held on October 16, 1940 and July 1, 1941. Each were one day only registrations. This list contains the registrants names from both dates." - "Robbins, Walter Clifton Redkey route 1"
S14 Web Page, "Introduction to the Randolph County Draft Registrations, WWII, 1940 + 1941, age 21 to 36, as published in the Union City Times-Gazette".  Link
S15 Database On-line, - U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946. Walter C Robbins. Original data: Electronic Army Serial Number Merged File, 1938-1946 [Archival Database]; World War II Army Enlistment Records; Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 64; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD. . Acc000922/ Doc6153.pdf

Walter C Robbins - Birth Year: 1918 - Race: White, citizen - Nativity: Indiana - State: US at Large - County/City: Indiana - Enlistment Date: 18 Nov 1942 - Enlistment State: Indiana - Enlistment City: Indianapolis - Branch: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA - Branch Code: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA - Grade: Private - Grade Code: Private - Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law - Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men) - Source: Civil Life - Education: 2 yrs of high school - Marital Status: Single, with dependents - Height: 68 - Weight: 157.)

S16 Interview with Walter C. Robbins,  ID0005 by his son Walter C. Robbins, Jr.  1 Sept 2005.  "Holland Canals".  Acc000568

The canals in Holland were about waist or chest deep and we had to wade in them because we were pinned down by a German tank for about 2 or 3 days. We were wet and cold and could not get dry - this is where we all got trench foot. You could not dig foxholes in the ground because the area was below sea level. We did dig our foxholes in the mounds of dirt along the canals. This was dirt piled up when they dug the canals

S17 Honorable Discharge, US Army. Form WD AGO Form 53-55, 1 November 1944. Walter C Robbins, 35-569-476. 9 Oct 1945. Acc000380 /Doc0350.pdf

From Original Discharge Document: (PDF Pages 1-4)
PDF Pages 1 & 2: Original Document with recorder stamps
PDF Pages 3 & 4: Photocopy (Probably Photostats) of the original Forms

(Front of form)
Army of the United States
Honorable Discharge
"This is to certify that
Walter C Robbins 35 569 476 Staff Sergeant
Company B 413th Infantry
Army of the United States
is hereby Honorably Discharged from the military
service of the United States of America.
This Certificate is awarded as a testimonial of Honest
and Faithful Service to his county.
Given at Camp San Luis Obispo California
Date 9 October 1945
Signed Leonard P Hutchinson
Major CMP

Original Discharge:
(Back of form)
1. Name: Robbins Walter C
2. Army Serial No: 35 569 476
3. Grade: S Sgt
4. Arm or Service: Inf
5. Component: AUS
6. Organization: Company B 413th Infantry
7. Date of separation: 9 Oct 45
8. Place of Separation: Camp San Luis Obispo California
9. Permanent Address for mailing purposes: 2220 S Gharkey Street Muncie Indiana
10. Date of Birth: 19 Mar 18
11. Place of Birth: Fortville Indiana
12. Address from which Employment will be sought: See 9
13. Color eyes: Brown
14. Color Hair: Brown
15. Height: 5' 8"
16. Weight: 175 lbs
17. No Depend: 2
18. Race: White [checked]
19. Marital Status: Married [checked]
20. US Citizen: Yes [checked]
21. Civilian occupation and No: Farmer 3-06.10

22. Date of Induction: 18 Nov 42
23. Date of Enlistment: Empty
24. Date of Entry into Active Service: 1 Dec 42
25. Place of Entry into Service: Ft Benjamin Harrison Indiana
SELECTIVE SERVICE DATA: 26. Registered: Yes checked 27. Local SS Board No: 1 28. County and State: Randolph Indiana 29. Home Address at time of entry into Service: Route 1 Redkey Indiana
30. Military Occupational Speciality and No: Squad Leader 653
31. Military Qualification and Date: Combat Inf Badge 20 Dec 44 Ex Rifle M1 May 44
32. Battles and Campaigns: Northern France GO 33 WD 45 Rhineland GO 40 WD 45 Central Europe GO 40 WD 45
33. Decorations and Citations: Purple Heart Sec II GO 51 48th Gen Hosp 9 Dec 44 - Good Conduct Medal - European African Middle Eastern Service Medal
34. Wounds Received in Action: 28 Nov 44 European Theater
35. Latest Immunization Dates: . Smallpox: Apr 44 - Typhoid: Dec 43 - Tetanus: Jun 44 - Typhus: May 45
36. Service Outside Continental US and Return:
Depart 27 Aug 44 to European Theater - Arrived 7 Sep 44
Depart 26 Jun 45 to USA - Arrived 3 Jul 45
37. Total Length of Service: Continental Service: 2 Years 15 Days - Foreign Service: 10 Months 7 Days
38. Highest Grade Held: S Sgt
39. Prior Service: None
40. Reason and authority for Separation: Convenience of Government RR 1-1
41. Service Schools Attended: None
42. Education: Grammar: 9 - High School: 3 - College: Ø
43. Longevity for pay purposes: 2 years 10 Months 22 Days 44. Mustering Out Pay: Total $300 This Payment $100 45. Soldier Deposits: None 46. Travel Pay: $129.85 47. Total Amount, Name of Disbursing Officer: $238.15 E W Wheeler Major FD
48. Kind of Insurance: Nat Service 49. How Paid: Allotment checked 50. Effective Date of Allotment Discontinuance: 30 Sep 45 51. Date of Next Premium Due: 31 Oct 45 52. Premium Due Each Month: $6.70 53. Intention of Veteran to: Continue checked
54. Right Thumb Print: Included
55. Remarks: Inactive Service ERC 18 Nov 42 to 30 Nov 42 ASR (2 Sep 45) 75 - Lapel Button Issued
56. Signature of Person being Separated: Walter C. Robbins
57. Personnel Officer: W A Hermann 1st Lt Inf - Signature: W. A. Hermann
WD AGO FORM 53 - 55
1 November 1944

Recorded Copy Information:
Recorded, Delaware County, Indiana Recorder's Office, 15 Oct 1945 (PDF page 5)
Affidavit to a True and correct copy of the Honorable Discharge, 3 Nov 1945 (PDF page 6)
Application for Readjustment Allowance, Indiana Employment Security Division, 1 Dec 1945 (PDF page 3)

S18 "The Trail of the Timberwolves:  104th Infantry Division".  Major General Terry Allen.  Camp San Luis Obispo, California, 1945. 
Reading Notes:  Doc3847.txt


S19 Interview, Walter C Robbins, nd. 

Note:  Inducted at Ft Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis, Marion Co, IN. Walter stated that he spent 2 or 3 days at Ft Ben and then they boarded a train headed west and after a 2 or 3 day trip arrived at Camp Adair, Oregon)
S21 Web Page, "Addendum" - 104th Inf Div Web Page.  - Accessed 22 Feb 2010. 

Note:  Gives dates of the various camps the 104th division was stationed)
S22 "How We Met", By Norma Haas Robbins ID0006, June 2003, page 4 - Acc000296/Doc0372.pdf

Extract:  "He came home on furlough in March 1943 and we were married at the Walnut St Baptist Church parsonage. We had a few days together before he had to go back to camp."
Note: I believe the source [Norma Louise Haas Robbins ID0006] was mistaken on the month - it was probably May instead of March. Walter and Norma were married on 29 May 1943 probably at the end of his furlough.
S23 Key Timberwolf Dates  
S24 "Testimony (Zundert-Holland - October 1944)" - "413th Infantry Regiment"   
S25 Telephone Interview, Walter C. Robbins Sr., 20 March 2010, by his son Walter C. Robbins, Jr.  
S26 Interview with Walter Clifton Robbins ID0005 by RobbHaas, 20 Sept 2005. Transcript held by RobbHaas ID0001 , page 1.  Acc000522  
S27 Interview, Walter C Robbins, Sr. - 23 Feb 2010  
S29 Certification of Military Service. Walter C Robbins 35 569 476. Issued 12 Sept 2003. Original Source: NARA, National Personal Records Center, St Louis, MO. Acc000385


S30 Military Records, World War II Bonus Fund Documents, State of Indiana, Walter C Robbins, Bonus Number 83259. Acc000375.

Contents: Bonus Card, Application Form No. 1, Detailed Instructions, General Instructions
S31 "WWII European Theater Army Records". Misc. File 490, Stars and Stripes Index, Chronological, Apr-Sept 1945, page 9. Original Data: NARA, Record Group 498 "U.S. Army, U.S. Forces, European Theater, Historical Division: Records, 1941, 1946"., accessed 14 March 2012. Acc002098  
S32 "WWII European Theater Army Records". Misc. File, file No. 436, Progress Reports (Statistical), SGS, ETO, Jan 1945, page 13. Original Record: NARA, Record Group 498. "Reported Incidence of 'Trench Foot' and 'Immersion Foot' by Division - Rates per 1000 per week - 17 Nov thru 22 Dec 1944". . Acc002098.

104th Inf: 24 Nov: 7.21 1 Dec: 2.62 8 Dec: 2.69 15 Dec: 1.73 22 Dec: 0.58
S33 Military Record: Separation Qualification Record. Walter C. Robbins, 35 569 476. 9 Oct 1945, Camp San Luis Obispo, California. Acc001609/Doc0354.pdf

(Front of form) Army of the United States/ Separation Qualification Record - 1. Name: Robbins Walter C - 2. Army Serial No: 35 569 476 - 3. Grade: S Sgt - 4. Social Security No: Unknown - 5. Permanent Mailing Address: 2220 S Gharkey Street, Muncie Delaware County Indiana - 6. Date of entry into active service: 1 Dec 42 - 7. Date of separation: 9 Oct 45 - 8. Date of Birth: 19 Mar 1918 - 9. Place of separation: Camp San Luis Obispo California - 10, 11, 12. Military occupational assignments: 30 months - S Sgt - Squad Leader - Summary of Military Occupations - 13. Title, Description, Related civilian occupation: Squad Leader - Responsible for training and discipline of squad, and in combat responsible for security, safety, deployment, and general welfare of men

(Back of form) Military Education: 14. Name or type of military school : None - Civilian Education: 15. Highest grade completed: 12 - 16. Degrees or diplomas: None - 17. Year left school: 1935 - 18. Name of last school attended: Cicero Indiana - 19. Major courses of study: Academic - 20. Other training: None Civilian Occupations: 22. Service Station Attendant, Muncie Indiana 1942 - performed minor automotive repair work, serviced vehicles. - Machine Operator, McCormick Bros Albany Indiana 1940-1942 - Operated punch press and wire machine - set up farm machinery - Additional Information - 23. Remarks: None - 24. Signature of Walter C Robbins - 25. Signature of separation classification officer W A Hermann - 26. Name of officer: W A Hermann 1st Lt Inf.

S34 Military Record:  "Roster for Discharge" U.S. Army, Separation Point Camp San Luis Obispo, California, 3 Oct 1945. Robbins, Walter C. Acc000376/Doc0850.pdf


Separation Point/ Camp San Luis Obispo, California
3 October 1945
Roster for Discharge
22 - Robbins, Walter C. - S Sgt - 35569476 - 413 Inf - RR 1-1

S35 Newspaper Article: "The 826th Convalescent Center, England". Walter C. Robbins, Abt March or April 1945. Probably Muncie Star (Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana). Acc000565/Doc0935.pdf

The 826th Convalescent Center, England – Now fully recovered from wounds received on Nov. 28, 1944 in Germany, Staff Sgt. Walter G. Robbins, 27, of 1927 E. 17th St., has been released from this United States Army convalescent center in England. He will return to active duty. While at this center he participated in a rehabilitation program consisting of military training and expert medical care. Member of an infantry unit, he entered the army Nov. 14, 1942. His wife, Mrs. Walter C. Robbins, lives at 1927 E. Seventeenth Street.” [Muncie, Delaware Co, IN)

S36 U.S. Army Center of Military History,  
S37 Interviews with Walter -
- 2 July 2003:  Acc000402 - Doc0871.pdf
- 20 Sept 2005:  Acc000522 - Doc0879.pdf
- 22 Sept 2005:  Acc000523 - Doc0551.pdf
- 29 Sept 2005:  Acc001067 - Doc0740.pdf
- 20 Mar  2007:  Acc000875 - Doc0883.pdf
S38 Marriage Record:  "The Bridal Day" book. Walter C Robbins and Norma L Haas, 29 May 1943. Acc001421/Doc0375.pdf

Front Cover: The Bridal Day -
Marriage Certificate: Certificate of Marriage - This certifies that Walter Clifton Robbins of Redkey, Indiana and Norma Louise Haas of Muncie, Indiana were united by me in Holy Matrimony in accordance with the Ordinance of God and the Laws of the State at 1822 S Walnut St Muncie, Ind on the 29th day of May 1943 - Signed: Edgar L??? Hamilton Pastor Walnut St Baptist Church Muncie, Ind - Witness: Marjorie Ruth Haas -
Gift List: One dozen roses from Mary Durman & Gretchen Sumwalt - Dishes from Marguerite & Harold - Gown from Wilma & John - Corsage from Marjorie -

Newspaper Articles: (2 separate articles) -
1. Norma: Wed to Soldier - photo of Norma - also see Acc000301- Muncie Star, 5 June 1943
"Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Norma Haas, daughter of Mr and Mrs August Haas, 1927 East Seventeenth Street, and Private Walter C Robbins, son of Mr and Mrs O C Robbins of Redkey. The informal single ring ceremony took place Saturday afternoon, May 29, at the home of the Rev E L Hamilton on South Walnut Street with the Rev Hamilton reading the wedding vows" -

2. Walter: Photo of Walter - Private Walter C Robbins who recently spent a seven-day furlough visiting at home, has returned to camp. He is the husband of Mrs Norma Haas Robbins and son of Mr and Mrs O C Robbins of Redkey. Private Robbins entered the armed forces on December 1, 1942. His address: Co. B, 413th Inf,, APO 104 Div, Camp Adair, Ore, US Army.

S39 Interview - Walter C. Robbins, ID0005, 19 March 2002.

30-day leave. When he went back they were to begin amphibious training in preparation for a landing in Japan but before this took place the atomic bombs were dropped and soon after Japan surrendered ending the war. This was the first time he had seen his son Walt, Jr who had been born 28 Dec 1944

S40 "Advance on the Left--413th Regiment" - Timberwolf Tracks in History - (Timberwolf Howl, Vol. 5, No. 1, Jan/Feb 2016, San Francisco, CA), pages 9 and 11  - Doc3424.pdf  
News Article:  Walter C. Robbins, Convalescent Center, WW 2.  The Muncie Star (Muncie, Indiana), 17 Apr 1945, page 7, Col. 6., accessed 13 Feb 2017.  Doc4066.pdf  (Cloud:  Full and Clip of Article) -
From Image:
     The 826th Convalescent Center, England - Now fully recovered from wounds received on Nov. 28, 1944 in Germany, Staff Sgt. Walter G. [C] Robbins, 27, of 1927 E. 17th St., has been released from this United States Army convalescent center in England.  He will return to active duty. 
     While at this center he participated in a rehabilitation program consisting of military training and expert medical care. 
     Member of an infantry unit, he entered the army Nov. 14, 1942.  His wife, Mrs. Walter C. Robbins, lives in Muncie.

Also See another version - Muncie Star, nd - Acc000565/Doc0935.pdf

     The 826th Convalescent Center, England - Now fully recovered from wounds received on Nov. 28, 1944 in Germany, Staff Sgt. Walter G. Robbins, 27, of 1927 E. 17th St., has been released from this United States Army convalescent center in England.  He will return to active duty. 
     While at this center he participated in a rehabilitation program consisting of military training and expert medical care. 
     Member of an infantry unit, he entered the army Nov. 14, 1942.  His wife, Mrs. Walter C. Robbins, lives at 1927 E. Seventeenth Street.
S42 WW2 Draft Card, Walter C. Robbins, 16 Oct 1940, Winchester, Randolph County, Indiana. "U.S. WWII Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947" [database on-line]. Original Data: Draft Registration Cards for Indiana, 10/16/1940 - 03/31/1947. 432 boxes. NAI: 7644728. Records of the Selective Service System, 1926–1975, Record Group 147. National Archives and Records Administration, St Louis, Missouri. and, accessed 12 March 2019. Doc5165.pdf

Front of Card:
Serial Number: 2513
Name: Walter Clifton Robbins
Order Number: 903 [in red]
Address: RFD 1 Redkey Randolph County, Indiana
Telephone: None
Age: 22 - Date of Birth: March 18, 1918
Place of Birth: Hamilton County Indiana
Country or Citizenship: U. S A
Name of Person who will always Know Your Address: Mr. Oscar C. Robbins, Father - Address: R. F. D. 1, Redkey, Randolph County, Indiana
Place of Employment: R. F. D. 1, RedKey, Randolph County, Indiana
Signature: Walter C. Robbins
D.S.S. Form 1

Back of Card:
Race: White
Height: 5-8
Weight: 154
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Light
Clarence F. Stoner, Signature of Registrar
Registrar for Green, Randolph, Indiana
Date of Registration: October 16 1940

Randolph County Local Board
Jan 11 1941
Journal Herald Building
Winchester, Indiana (68-1)
S43 "The Trail of the Timberwolves:  104th Infantry Division".  Major General Terry Allen.  Camp San Luis Obispo, California, 1945. 
Reading Notes:  Doc3847.txt

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Images    Click Thumbnails for larger Images   (For More WW2 Images Go Here)
I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6
Harry Truax
Bathing in a helmet
?? - Al Bagby
Melvin Allison
Harry Truax
The Barber
Harry Truax
?? - Dad -
San Francisco Abt 1945

I7 I8 I9 I10 I11 I12
Al Bagby - Melvin Allison - ?? - ??
Home on Furlough
Day before marriage
Walter's Dog Tags
Walter - Melvin  Allison
about 1980
(See I3, above)
U.S. Army Throw
U.S. Army Throw

I13 I14 I15 I16 I17 I18
Desert Training Throw
Walt, Sr.
2nd from Right
Phoenix, Arizona
Norma, Walter

I19 I20 I21 I22 I23 I24
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