RobbHaas Family Pages
Foulke - Haas - Robbins - Worthen  Families

  Walter Clifton Robbins ID0005
Norma Louise Haas ID0006





Norma, 1991

  Walter Clifton Robbins: Individual Summary - FamilySearch Profile - Find a Grave Memorial -
  Norma Haas Robbins: Individual Summary - FamilySearch Profile - Find a Grave Memorial -
  Biography, Walter & Norma Link,
Parents - Walter Oscar Clifton Robbins and Grace Gertrude Robbins  S23, S26,   
Parents - Norma August Haas and Mabel Marie Worthen   


25th Anniversary
40th Anniversary
50th Anniversary
60th Anniversary
Haas Family
Haas Family Newspaper Articles
Pedigree Chart
Robbins Family
Walter Robbins Family Newspaper Articles

NormaMisc.  -  Objects Relating to Norma

WalterMisc.  -  Objects Relating to Walter  -  Photos - May/June 2012 

Military Links
- WW 2 Timeline, Walter -
- Camps:
- Camp Adair:
- Maps:
- Fold-3 Memorial, Walter:
-  Fort Benjamin Harrison:
-  WW 2 Hospitals:
-  413th Inf. Regiment:
-  104th Inf. Division:

Timeline              Family Group Sheet   (Updated   )  Walter and Norma Narrative History -

19 March 1918 Walter Born - Hamilton County, Indiana  I47, S22, S23, S25, S26, S27, S86,
13 Oct 1919 Norma Born - 1927 E. 17th St., Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana 
Sources:  S1, S8, S21, S32, S30, S33, S45, S58, S67, S68, S70,
What Happened When You Were Born? -

She was born at home and since neither the doctor or her parents thought she would survive, a birth certificate was not issued for her at the time. The birth certificates shown on this page are the result of having to provide documentation of her birth. Norma was the second of what would become a five daughter household. The small home located at 1927 E 17th Street had been finished the year she was born.

"When I was born they thought I was going to die so the the doctor didn't even have - I didn't have a birth certificate."  S56,

This home was built in 1919 by Norma’s parents August and Mabel Worthen Haas. When the house was built it had a living room, kitchen and two bedrooms. There was also a large front and back porch. Her father later built a one car garage and dug a basement under the home. There was also a small building that was used to store coal in the winter and in the spring it was cleaned out, scrubbed and became a playhouse for the girls. The yard was full of fruit trees and they had a garden to supplement their meals. Norma lived at this home between the time of her birth until July 1945.

In about 1926 she was shot while playing in her neighborhood by a boy playing with a rifle. It was a minor wound

Mabel was a very good cook and made a variety of canned items the family sold. She also fixed Pork Loin sandwiches which the teachers at Stevenson School would eat for their lunches. The employees of Ball Brothers would come for lunch as well

Norma’s father died in July 1943. She continued to live at this home with her mother and sister Barbara. Norma’s first son was born in Dec of 1944 while his father was hospitalized in France of wounds received during World War II. Once her husband was finished with the Army life they moved to an apartment in the home of her older sister and her husband at 2220 S Gharkey St in Muncie. It was not long before the young family wanted a home of their own


1920 Walter,  U.S. Census Cadiz Farm - Harrison Township, Henry County, Indiana  S2
- The Cadiz Farm house burned about 1921-1923 and the family moved into a former chicken house
- They then moved to Scott's farm near Cadiz in Henry County
- Next they moved to the Shirley Farm near, Shirley, Henry County, Indiana
Sources:  S44, Google Map -

Norma, U.S. Census 1927 E. 17th St., Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana  S45,
Sept 1924 Walter started first grade at Shirley School, Shirley, Henry County, Indiana  S44 (20 and 22 Sept),
- Dad stated he started school - the 1st grade at Shirley School and that Myron and Ina went to Kennard H.S. because Shirley only had 6 grades.
- Dad thinks he was 7 when he started school - This was a one room school, with one teacher and a pot-bellied stove in the center of the room - the water and outhouse was behind the school. They took a bus to Shirley and then Ina and Myron took another bus to Kennard. From what I can piece together now it appears that Dad was 6 when he started to school.
1925-1930 Walter - Cadiz School, Cadiz, Henry County, Indiana  - [Interview, 20 Sept 2005, p 3, 4] - [Interview, 22 Sept 2005, p 15] - S77 (Grade Cards),
1925/26 Walter Residence:  Cadiz Farm, Cadiz, Henry County, Indiana - [Interview, 20 Sept 2005, p 3, 4] - 
I am only guessing that the Oscar Robbins family moved back to the Cadiz farm once Oscar was finished building the new house on the farm. I know the family was back in the Cadiz area because the kids went to school in Cadiz and Myron graduated from Cadiz in 1930 and dad claims he went to Cadiz schools starting in the 2nd grade and through at least the 4th or 5th grades
abt 1926 Walter - A cut on his chin -
Dad fell through floor joists and hit his chin which left a scar that remains to this day. He and Mary were playing and chasing each other across the floor joists of the new house their dad was building in Cadiz. Dad missed one of the joists and fell through  [Interview, 22 Sept 2005, P 6, 7] -

Dad fell between some floor joists - probably when grandpa was building the house after the one burned. He described it and said it left a scar on his tongue - he almost bit it in two. I couldn't see a scar when he showed me his tongue. Doctor said he would have a pocket in his tongue - they didn't sew it up or anything. He was not knocked out or anything - but he did remember that it bled a lot  [Interview, 29 Sept 2005] -

Abt 1926 Norma attended Stevenson Elementary School - which was located on Mock Avenue at the end of 17th Street and was an easy walk from their home.   S78
Abt 1927 Walter:  Beginning to be a Farmer - Cadiz, Henry County, Indiana  [Interview, 22 Sept 2005, p 8] -
Dad started farming when he was 9 years old making hay

Walter:  Having his tonsils removed - Henry County, Indiana - [Interview, 29 Sept 2005] -
Dad has his tonsils out in a little town of Wilkinson in a tiny hospital. He stayed overnight and got ice cream and went home. His dad took him over and left him and came back for him the next day as he remembers. He wasn't having any trouble with his throat - people just had it done then - same thing when I was a child. People had it done because so many people had tonsillitis and getting rid of the tonsils was suppose to make it better - make it easier to breath, etc. He helped make hay the same day he got back home. Then they used a hay fork and pulled it up into the mow with horses

1930 Walter, U.S. Census George Foulke Farm, Living with Parents, Jackson Township, Hamilton County, Indiana  S3, [Interview, 22 Sept 2005, Pgs 1, 3, 4, 7, 10 and 11] -

Norma, U.S. Census 1927 E. 17th St., Living with parents, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana  S46,

1931-1935 Walter - Jackson Township, Hamilton County, Indiana High School - S77 (Grade Cards),
-  In 1935/1936, the family moved to a farm near Arcadia and Walt quit school in the 10th grade at Walnut Grove School
1931-1934 -  Norma attended Blaine Junior High School   S72S78
Scrapbook Created by Wilma, abt 1933
abt 1934 Walter - Occupation:  Working at a Canning Factory - Elwood, Madison County, Indiana - 
Sources:  [Interview, 20 Sept 2005, p 2] -  [Interview, 29 Sept 2005, p 1] -
1934-1938 Norma attended Muncie Central High School - S78,
1937 Muncie Central High School - Magician Yearbook   |   Diploma   | 1938 Yearbook - News Clippings found inside Yearbook  |  Autograph Book  |  1978 Reunion  |
1935 Walter - Got his first car - Hamilton County, Indiana  [Interview, 22 Sept 2005, Pg 13] -
1935/1936 Walter - Residence - East of Arcadia Farm, Hamilton County, Indiana - [Interview, 22 Sept 2005, Pgs 1, 2] -
- 1 Apr 1935:  S4

Sept:  Dropped out of school -
- Walter quit school (Walnut Grove) to help his ailing father with the farming  [Interview, 22 Sept 2005, Pg 1] -
- They taught algebra at Cicero High School - They fired the teacher because everyone passed the first semester but he failed everyone the second semester. Cicero was going to have a special class for the students the next year so they could get the credits in Algebra to graduate. Dad moved to the Arcadia area and began going to Walnut Grove School - They did not honor this and would not let him out of the first semester of Algebra so he quit school and began working on the farm. His mother didn't like it but his dad didn't mind. When Grandpa Robbins got sick, dad began doing most of the farm work. [Page 1] His parents bought him a car for all the work he had done. If he had stayed at Cicero he would probably have graduated  [Interview, 20 March, 2007, p 1] -

1937 Walter Residence Fairview Farm - Green Township, Randolph County, Indiana, living with parents - S4,
This is the first farm that the Oscar Robbins family bought after losing the Cadiz farm in 1930. This farm consisted of several acres. Walter was unsure about the exact amount but estimated anywhere from 105 to 202 acres. They farmed this until just after Walter left for the army. Oscar probably moved from this farm in the summer of 1943 because he could no longer take care of the farm since Walter was not there to help him.
- Oscar traded this farm for the Cole farm so he ended up getting the Cole farm free and clear.
- Esther ID0198 and Milton ID0043 both attended Green Twp. school while they were living here. This school was located across the river off of 28 south of Fairview.  [Interview, 20 Sept 2005, p 3, 4] -

This source gives the size of the farm as 105 acres..It also states they probably bought the farm in 1937 or 1938 and probably sold it the summer of 1943   [Interview, 22 Sept 2005, p 14] -

When did you first get electricity?
1940 – It came from a Co-op from Portland – it was on the farm in Fairview  [Inerview, 29 Sept 2005]

In 1940 They got their first electricity at the Fairview Farm - It was a Co-op of some kind out of Portland. They paid something like $40 for a share in the Co-op - They also had to pay for the poles and the wire up to the farm from the road.
There was a tobacco barn between the house and the big barn - Dad and Myron were tearing it down and part of it fell on Myron - later Myron got a nail through his finger and it got infected  [Interview, 20 March 2007]

-  Walt sells some sheep, Aug 1942 - S100,
-  Walt sells some farm equipment, 15 Nov 1942 - S103,

1937-1938 Norma,  Occupation
Probably her first gainful employment was as a babysitter for the Gibson family Between 1937 and 1938. They owned the Gibson's Skating Rink on South Mock Ave near her home  S56,
9 June 1938 Norma attended, and graduated from, Muncie Central High School.  Her senior pictures and the yearbooks attest to her involvement in many activities and the numerous friends she had while attending classes at this school. 
1937 Muncie Central High School - Magician Yearbook   |   Diploma   | 1938 Yearbook - News Clippings found inside Yearbook  | 
Sources:  S1, S78, S79
Images:  I30, I38, I41, I42,
1938 Norma, Occupation
She, as did her father and most of her family, worked at Ball Brothers Company - About 1938 in Muncie. They were a large producer of glass canning jars and other glass products  S56,

"Worked where they made the jars with metal things over the top (bales ??) - Worked there after graduating from Muncie Central. Worked there quite a while - She would ride her bike to work and park it in the factory. Worked on putting lids on the jars on an assembly line."  S73,

1938-1939 Norma, Education: - Following her graduation she attended Indiana Business College for a short time and pursued secretarial courses, but did not graduate. 
1939 Walter:  Number of weeks Worked - 39   Amount Earned in 1939:  $710.00 S4,

Norma:  Number of weeks Worked - 48  Amount Earned in 1939:  $192.00 S1,

9 Apr 1939 Norma - Baptized - Walnut Baptist Church, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana - Souvenir Booklet -
1939-1940 Norma, Occupation: (Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana)
Norma also worked at Wilson Grocery NE corner of W. Memorial and the Railroad between 1939 and 1942 S6,

Green’s Hats & Toys Dime Store about 1939 and Woolworths Department Store in Muncie in the candy dept about 1940. S7, S56,

1940 Walter, U.S. Census:  Green Township, Randolph County, Indiana - Fairview Farm - S4,
- Walter, Occupation:  Wire Cutter, Cabinet parts, Tin Shop [McCormick's Brothers in Albany] - S4,
- Number of hours worked week of 24-30 March 1940:  40  S4,

Norma, U.S. Census:  Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana-
1927 E. 17th St - S1,
- Norma, Occupation:  Housekeeper in private Home - S1,
- Number of hours worked week of 24-30 March 1940:  55  S1,
24 March 1940 Norma was in the Choir at Walnut St. Baptist Church, Muncie - Front Row:  Bernice Breeze, Olive, Rowena Bird, Marjorie, Norma - Doc1296.pdf - Hi-Res Image -
16 Oct 1940 Walter:  Selective Service Registration Card - Winchester, Randolph County, Indiana 
Walter - Description
- White, 5' 8", 154 pounds, Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, Light complexion
SourcesS34, S47, Doc1016.pdf, "War Touches Randolph County", Randolph County Draft Registrations, WW II, Introduction to the Randolph County Draft Registrations WW II,
Draft Registration Card -
1940-1942 Walter, Occupation:  Machine Operator - McCormick Bros., Albany, Delaware County, Indiana - S24, S74 pages 16-17,
"Operated Punch press and wire machine, set up farm machinery."
1941-1943 Norma, Occupation
During the war she was employed as a Navy inspector at the Delco-Remy Battery plant in Muncie where they manufactured ammunition for the Navy. She enjoyed this job which she said was not at all demanding. Through this work she met some of her lifelong friends. She worked here from about 1941-1943   S12,
Interview, 16 Nov 2001:  She worked where they made 31mm shells
Interview, 2 July 2003: 
"I quit to go with Walter in Colorado Springs in service"  S56,
1941-1944 Norma - Photo Album she created - Contains BW photos of Norma, her family, activities and after her marriage, of being in Arizona and Colorado with husband Walter while he was in training camps in the U.S. Army
1942-1945 Postcard Album created by Norma - mostly Walt's locations during WW 2 - Postcard Album Page
1942 Walter, Occupation:  Service Station Attendant, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana -
"Performed minor automotive repair work.  Serviced vehicles."
SourcesS24, S48, [Interview, 20 Sept 2005, p 1] -
14 March 1942 Walter was involved in an accident - Doc1017.pdf
10 May 1942 Norma was in John Wilson's class at Walnut St. Baptist Church, Muncie - Image  - Hi-Res Image -
-  News Art:  John and Frieda Wilson's 50th Wedding Anniversary - nd - Doc1710.pdf
13 Oct 1942 Walter & Norma are Engaged - S60,
18 Nov 1942 Walter Inducted into U.S. Army -   WW2 TimelineS22, S24, S25,
Description:  Height:  68 inches - Weight:  157

Fold3 WW 2 Hero Page -
1 Dec 1942 Walter began Active Service with U.S. Army - Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana
SourcesWW2 Timeline - S24, S25,
Dec 1942 Walter stationed at Camp Adair, Oregon - S89,
29 May 1943 Walter and Norma Married - Walnut St Baptist Church - Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana 
Sources:  S21, S49, S57, S59, S60, S70, S88, S110, S111,
Images:  I50, I51,
Cards Received - Flowers Received -
Walter home on Furlough - S97,
17 June 1943 A wedding shower was given for Norma - S63,
1943 Walter was stationed at Fort Hyder, Arizona near Phoenix - Norma came out and stayed about 2 weeks
Images while Walter and Norma were in the Phoenix area: (See I18-I23 images on this page) - Link,
Nov 1943 Norma Traveled to Arizona to be with Walter - S73,
Traveled by train. Took about 2 days to get there - Had to sleep sitting up in the seat. Traveled to Phoenix. Stayed about a week and then back to Indiana.  Postcard Album Page
1944, Summer Walter was stationed at Fort Carson, Colorado near Colorado Springs - Norma stayed with Walter for quite a while - They lived in a small apartment they named "The Robbins Nest"
Images while Walter and Norma were in Colorado - (See I45 to I56 on this page) - Link,    Postcard Album Page

Norma:  Colorado Springs, Colorado. Stayed several months - They had a room above i someone's house - they called it "The Robbins Nest" - Mom did not work, besides she was pregnant at the time.  S73,

28 Nov 1944 Walter Wounded in Action - Inden, Germany - WW2 Timeline - S25, S87,
Nov 1944 Walter was moved from the Aid Station to the 48th General Hospital in Paris, France - S25, S87,
9 Dec 1944 Walt awarded the Purple Heart - Doc0934.pdf
1944 Living, ID0001 Born -
Abt Feb 1945 Walter moved to the 826th Convalescent Center - Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, England -
-  Released in April 1945 - S92,
Abt March/April 1945 Walter takes his first plane ride back to the front in Germany -
July 1945 Norma, Residence Gharkey St. Apartment
Walter and Norma lived here until about Dec 1945

Extract: "We rented an apartment from Wilma & John on Gharkey St - Walter went back to Service after a 30 day leave - he had just came home from overseas during W.W.2. He went to Calif. To go to Japan & before he left the war ended & didn't have to go. He was Out of the army in a short time - he visited Marjorie & Frank & when his discharge was issued, he came home - 10-13-45. We stayed at Wilma & John's till we found our first home"  S56,

"Permanent Address for mailing purposes: 2220 S Gharkey Street Muncie Indiana"  S24, S25,

The family lived in two small rooms at the back of the house, like an apartment - (Interview, Walter C. Robbins, Sr., 25 Apr 2008)

Walter was home on Furlough - S94,

9 Oct 1945 Walter receives Honorable Discharge from U.S. Army - WW2 Timeline - S24, S25,
Nov 1945 Walter - Began Working at Chevrolet Muncie - S51, S52, S53,
- Stated he started working at Chevrolet Muncie in November 1945 after having returned from WW2 in October [Interview, 19 March 2002]
- Helped his mother-in-law get a new refrigerator using his Frigidaire Discount - S50,
- Interview, Walter, 22 Sept 2005 - Doc0551.pdf:
Dad stated that there was a 4 month strike of GM not long after he had gotten his job at Chevrolet. At first he tried to get a job but ended up doing nothing until he got a job at the Sunoco Station.
Then, in 1946, after the war's end, Reuther led a 116-day strike against GM, calling for a 30 percent wage increase without an increase in the retail price of cars, and he challenged GM to "open its books" to prove the demand impossible. GM refused both demands but did offer an 18 percent wage increase, which Reuther accepted. [source: ]
- Group Photos, mostly retirement gatherings, with Walter shown in each image - Doc0381.pdf

- Walter's Chevrolet Badge - Image
- Abstract of Blue-Cross Benefits - n.d. - Doc0387.pdf


3 Nov 1945 Walter had his Discharge Papers Notarized and filed in Clerk's Office - Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana - S25,
14 Nov 1945 Selective Service Notice of Classification - Doc0932.pdf
Dec 1945 - 1947 Residence 16th St. House

This was the first home for the family. When it was purchased it did not have a bathroom so Norma’s husband got busy and installed one and did other maintenance work to improve the home. While living at this home the second son, Phillip was born in 1946. Since the father was a farmer the city life did not agree with him and he yearned for a place in the country. He was working in a factory but still wanted to live on a farm

Notes: This was the first house purchased by the new family - Dad put in a bathroom and did some other remodeling. There are some photos of me, Dad and my little dog Jackie in the front of this house. Walter, Sr. ID0005 added a bathroom and a porch. It had 2 bedrooms, no basement but a garage out by the alley. We only lived there 1-1/2 to 2 years. Bought soon after coming home from the service. We were living in a small room in John & Wilma's ID0454 & ID0379. Walter, Sr. ID0005 didn't like that much - Probably bought the house at the end of 1945. our first home - W 16th St. It was a nice house - needed some changes - a bath room - kitchen change - & a few other things. He went to work at Chevrolet Muncie in Nov. (before we moved to our house  [Source:  Interview, 22 Sept 2005, Doc0551.pdf ]

Note: Under "Birthdays" in the center of the book it shows the address for my first and second birthday to be 1108 West 16th St in Muncie [Delaware County], Indiana  S61,

Extract: "Robbins Walter C (Norma L) Fcty wkr Chevrolet-Muncie Div h1108 W 16th"  S62,

1946 Walter - Employee at Sunoco Station, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana
- Dad stated that he got a job working at this station toward the end of the 4-month strike at Chevrolet.  Doc.551.pdf page 17 -
- Sunoco station was owned by Dexter Davis - he lived on Jackson Street (Muncie. Delaware County, Indiana)  Doc0740.pdf page 1
- "Leaking Storage Tank Sites in ECI total 250"  Doc0380.txt
10 Oct 1946 Son Phillip Eugene Robbins Born - Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana
12 June 1947 Property Transfer - Property Unknown - S98,
1947-1948 ResidenceCentennial House

The little home located on East Centennial Avenue in Muncie was covered with a siding that resembled roofing and was brown in color – this was a very popular siding of the time. This home had about 5 acres and a garage. This was enough land that the father could have 2 or 3 cows. He was also a mechanic and worked on cars in the garage in his spare time.

It was at this house that son Phil disappeared one day. Norma was frantic and looked and looked for him and finally found him at the neighbor’s house across the street. This was a dangerous road at the time because it was being used as a highway so the traffic was higher than normal.

This house also did not have either a bathroom or running water. The father installed both and about the time they got it fixed up they were ready to move again. The yearning for ever larger farms compelled the family to move once again

Lived here about a year. Walter Sr ID0005 put in a bathroom, a septic tank and a well. Put the water pump under the sink in the house. It consisted of the pump with a separate motor connected with a belt. Phil ID0007 got his little finger caught in the belt and he lost a portion of the end of that finger. Walter Sr. ran the well pipe from the well into the house to the pump. He had dug down to the well that was already there and Milton ID0043 came out and cut the pipe off and Walter Sr. put a cap on it and ran the pipe to the house. We lived in this house a little over a year. The county was talking about running a sewer line that would cost everyone along the road $1500. That was one reason for the move. The property had a barn. Walter Sr. did auto repair in the barn. There were 5 acres and we had a few cows. 
[Source:  Interview, page 15, 16 - Doc0551.pdf ]

"bought 5 acres on E Centennial Muncie, just West of Country Club Rd. - Phil was just about 2 yrs old & was gone one day - I looked & looked - got real panicky. I found him across the road at a neighbor's house - he wanted to play with their little boy. At the time they were using our road as a highway. We improved this house and putting in a bathroom"  S56,

Notes: Under "Birthdays" in the center of the book it shows that I was living at R R 3, Muncie on East Centennial just west of Country Club Road - and the farm consisted of 5 acres - on both my 3rd and fourth birthdays.  S61,

abt 1947 + Walter - Occupation - Auto Mechanic - Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana -
Yeah there was a barn on there [Centennial House] and I worked on automobiles for 1 year - and I noticed the cars that was in good shape I could fix and make money but the ones that wasn't they wanted them fixed for nothing and hell you couldn't fix them anyway - so I just quit it after about a year - it just wasn't worth it - bring an old car in there and had to spend $20 and they only wanted to give you $10 to fix it so then if you brought in a nice car and you just had to a little bit to it well they paid that - see I worked on a lot of the cars General Motors give the employees - See John had one all the high offices in Chevrolet get a new car - well John would bring some of the cars out and I'd have to work on them - cause they didn't do it in the plant then - and they'd pay right out - but then one guy came in with a car and something wrong with the carburetor and it really needed a new carburetor was what it needed - but he didn't want to spend any money on it - he wanted it fixed but he didn't want to spend any money - after that I just said to heck with it - I just quit messing with it
** That was what you really enjoyed - working on cars**
Yeah, I'd rather been a car mechanic than anything cause I liked to work on them - but then John's - well I think a friend of John's lived in the basement of his house or something - I don't know, something - he worked at Chevrolet and he was a body repairman - he done body work - he was good at it - only got a dollar an hour and so that was all the mechanics got at Chevrolet and I got a dollar, or $2.08 or something at Chevrolet - well I wasn't going to be a mechanic at a dollar an hour when I could work at Chevrolet for $2 or whatever it was then - well, I started at $1.08 I think then after we got that $.17 raise or .$.18 raise I think it went to around $2 or more - but they still only paying a dollar for mechanics - so I thought well heck I'm not going to do that - I wanted to be a mechanic but - so after all you work for the money and I always wanted to be a mechanic but
**Not for free**
No - so I just never do it any further see  Doc0551.pdf page 16 -
  Norma Occupation:
Norma became a farm wife. This was quite a change from being a city girl. She learned many things including how to milk cows and clean up after all the animals besides taking care of her growing family of three children.
1948-1952 ResidenceNorth of Eaton Farm

-  1948:  Purchased 
-  4 Mar 1953: Walter and Norma sold the N of Eaton Farm to Elmer & Ruby Noel on Contract  Doc1132.pdf, page 6  
-  14 Jan 1955: The Noel couple sold the farm to Leo and Rachel Bettegnies and paid off Walter and Norma   Doc1131.pdf (Closing Statement)

This farm was purchased in 1948 S102, and it consisted of 26 acres, a small house and a nice barn. As an added extra there was also included a 2-hole outhouse since, once again, the house did not have a bathroom. Once again, Walter added a bathroom and installed running water so they would not have to use a pitcher pump for their water supply 

The property also had a large apple orchard on the east side. On the west side of the farm ran a railroad track which is in operation to this day. In the time period the family lived here there were hobos that road the freight cars and would come by the farms looking for work or a handout. The train slowed at our farm because they were coming into Eaton, Delaware County, Indiana where they would stop for the grain elevator located there

The house on this farm was said to have been the Poor School house that had originally been located east of the farm at the northwest corner of the crossroads.

When this farm was purchased there was an old tractor that I remembered to be a Fordson, but Dad said it was a Hart-Parr - Anyway, it was an old steel-wheeled tractor - I don't think Dad ever did get it to run.  Dad bought a Ford Model-T pickup truck and one afternoon after Dad had went to work I got it started and ran it head-on into the barn.

This farm was quite a step up and more cattle and farm equipment were acquired. Also, while living here the family was increased by one when the daughter was born in 1949 at Ball Memorial Hospital in Muncie.

Walter sided the barn as one of the first things after they purchased the farm. He built the shed on the north side of the barn and constructed new stalls for cows, probably about 6 stalls with stanchions, and poured a concrete floor with the groove for the drainage behind the cows. He bought a cement mixer because of this project. Probably had 3 - 5 cows and he planted hay and corn in the field directly behind the house and barn where the new house and pond sits today. The field next to the railroad was used as pasture. There was an old wide-wheeled tractor on the farm when purchased. It was a John Deere with steel wheels with studs as I remember. Dad later purchased a Farmall F-20 tractor. He also had an old truck at this farm that he really liked.  (S44, Interview  22 Sept 2005)

Oscar C. and Grace Foulke Robbins had purchased a large farm in the North West area of Delaware County to the west of Eaton. Walter was wanting more land so he purchased a farm adjoining that of his father and the family soon moved to the 110-acre farm.

While living here Walt & Norma got the boys a Lionel Train Set for Christmas - I-132, I-133, I-134,

6 Oct  1949 Walter Applied for Indiana WW2 Bonus  S20,
1949 Living, ID0013 Born -
1952-1958 Residence110-acre Farm - Union Township, Delaware County, Indiana
   - Purchased 21 Jan 1953  Doc1132.pdf, page 6   Doc1135 page 26,
   - 7 Nov 1958:  Farm Sale  -  Farm Sale Documents
   - Farm Sold 1959

Tax Papers for Walter and Norma 1952-1957 - S64,
Farm Journal 1953-1957

Apr 1950 1950 US Census [S112]
15 Feb 1952 Walter - Blood Type:  B - Red Cross Blood Donor Card -
1953 Income Taxes for Walter and Norma - S64,
19 Feb 1954 Walter - got a speeding Ticket, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana on his way to work at Chevrolet Muncie - S99,
1954 Walter - Eaton Centennial Celebration - He wore a beard - Eaton, Delaware County, Indiana
Sources:  "Gaslight Memories"  Link -
Images Norma, Walter w/beard  - Walter w/beard and Kids - Janet and Walter w/beard - Walter with Phil -
Aug 1958 Family Trip to California -
Trip To Delaware County, Indiana to California
August 1958
Walt and Norma Haas Robbins Family (Walt Sr, Norma, Walt Jr (Clif), Phil and Janet)
Vehicle: New 1958 Chevrolet Bel-air
Main purpose of visit: To visit with Marj & Frank VanCouwenberghe family who lived in San Anselmo, California

These Pictures were taken by Walt Robbins, Jr, ID0001 with his Kodak Brownie
Camera using 127 Black & White film

-  Ph11146.jpg (8 images) (Ph11146.pdf )
- Ph12322.jpg (20 Images)  (Ph12322.pdf)
1958-1960 ResidenceStoney Haven Motel  - Salem Township, Delaware County, Indiana

Business Card and Registration Card -
8 Feb 1959 Walter - Death of his father Oscar Clifton Robbins
1960-1966 Residence North of Daleville House  -Salem Township, Delaware County, Indiana
13 Aug 1964 Walter - Death of his mother Grace Foulke Robbins
1965 Walter - Administrator for the estate of his mother Grace Foulke Robbins - Doc0407.pdf  S101,
14 Feb 1965 Walter received a Valentines Day Card from his son Phil - Doc0396.pdf
abt 1966 Walt and Norma owned a lot on Lake Santee, in southern Indiana - I-151,
Aug 1966 to
Sept 2007
Residence400S House - Salem Township, Delaware County, Indiana (South of Yorktown)
Address Old:  RR 2, Box 498B, Yorktown, IN 47396 - New:  8400 W CR 400S, Yorktown, IN 47396
Sources Doc1065.pdf Doc1066.pdf - Abstract - S66, S105,
26 May 1968 25th Wedding Anniv. Open House - home of son, Walt, Jr. - Daleville, Delaware County, Indiana
25th Anniv. Memory Book - Newspaper Announcement -
1968-1981 Norma, Occupation:
Once the children were grown she became employed at Zayre Department Store in Muncie beginning in  1968   and retiring in 1981. S5,  This was her last job outside the home. She devoted most of her time to her husband, children and grandchildren - S8, I-103, S108,
5 July 1969 Letter from Harry R. Truax to Walter and Norma - Doc0626.pdf
(Harry was one of Walter's Army buddies.  He and his wife, Marjorie, lived in Colorado when Mom was living there with Dad while they were stationed at Ft. Collins)
22 Sept 1969 Letter to Veteran's Administration - Subject:  Dividend on GI Insurance - Doc0853.pdf
1972-2002 Walter and Norma purchased land in Flagler Estates, Flagler County, Florida - (Acc000224)
- Purchase Documents, Correspondence  Doc0403-001.pdf
- Large Maps and Scale Drawings of Plats  Doc0402-002.pdf
-  Land Description S106,
-  Disposal - Feb 2002 - Doc4862.pdf
17 Dec 1976 Norma Filled out an eye pledge card - Link,
1977 They owned property at 312 S. Walnut St., Yorktown, Delaware County, Indiana - Doc1010.pdf

Norma:  Calendar Book for 1977 - Acc000509/Doc0405 and Doc0405-002.pdf

They Traveled to Colorado, Canada - Doc0404.pdf -

15 Jan 1977 Son Phillip Eugene Robbins Dies - 312 S. Walnut St., Yorktown, Delaware County, Indiana
24 Mar 1977 Norma Visited the Bob Braun TV show in Cincinnati, Ohio
20-27 Nov 1977 Walt and Norma traveled to Florida - on the way home they encountered a bad ice storm in Tennessee
1977/ 1978 Calendar/Diary Kept by Norma,
9-18 July 1978 Norma and Walter traveled to Hawaii with their friends Charlie and Mabel Gilliatte - Hawaii Trip Page - I-153, I-154,
March 1978 to
Feb 1979
Walter:  Administrator for the Estate of Mabel Worthen Haas Crabill, ID0378 - Estate Papers Page
29 May 1981 Walter Retires from Chevrolet Muncie - Photos -
7 Aug 1981 Norma featured in a Newspaper article about her crafts - Doc1000.pdf
16 Aug 1982 Walter - involved in Demonstration against Sludge - S42,
May 1983 40th Anniversary Open house -
Newspaper Announcement - S91,
1983-1994 Account Book (Personal Inventory, 1983 to 1994) - Doc1197.pdf
10 Aug 1986 21st Robbins Reunion held at home of Walter & Norma Robbins - S104,
17 Aug 1986 Walter & Norma Attended First Haas Reunion - Jonesboro, Grant County, Indiana
March 1987 Purchased house at 1925 W. 9th St., Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana - Acc002430,
Sold to Son, Walt, Jr. Oct 1993 - Acc002433/Doc1237-1242.pdf
23 Aug 1987 Attended the Oscar & Grace Robbins Reunion, Bakers Corner, Hamilton County, Indiana at the home of Myron and Mary Elizabeth Robbins - S83,
28 Aug 1987 Walter - Hip Surgery - St. Vincent's Hospital, Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana - Acc000994
13 Aug 1989 Attended the 24th Robbins Reunion at the Apartment Complex of Ina Robbins Henderson, Greenfield Indiana (Vid2027)
July 1991 Norma Traveled to California to visit with her sisters Marjorie and Olive - Doc1327.pdf
Sept 1991 Walter and Norma participated in the Senior Games in Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana  Acc001425/Doc1064.pdf
June 1990 Sisters Marjorie and Wilma traveled to Germany - S80, S81,
12 Aug 1990 25th Robbins Reunion at the home of Milton & Ellen (Vid2026)
1993 Bought a house at 207 E. Walnut St., Gaston, Delaware County, Indiana - Walter and his son, Walt, Jr. remodeled the house and sold it

Notes: Walter and Norma Robbins bought this house in Gaston with the intent of fixing it up and then selling it. their son, Walter, Jr. Helped with a lot of the remodeling and also shared in the profits realized from the sale
23 May 1993 50th Wedding Anniversary Open House - Shawnee Heights Baptist Church, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana
- Sources:  Newspaper Article - Open House information, Invitation, Gifts, Guest list, Acc001641 - S90,
- Images:  I67,
3 July 1996 Walter Signed a Living Will -
Norma Signed a Living Will -
28 May 1999 Norma appeared in a newspaper photo remembering Ball Brothers - Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana - Doc1328.pdf
21 Aug 1999 Walter was involved in a minor traffic accident - Muncie, Indiana - S93,
26 Sept 2000 Walter:  Appointed Power of Attorney for his sister Ina - Doc0096.pdf
6 Mar 2001 Walter named Executor in will for Norma - Doc0257.pdf
May 2001 Walter - Gall Bladder Infection - S96,
1 June 2001 60th Wedding Anniversary Open House - Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana   S5,
2 Apr 2002 Walter Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer  S55,
10 Oct 2002 Norma Physical Description:  5'3" tall, 170 pounds, White hair, Blue eyes  (driver's License) - Doc1065.pdf
2003 Norma:  The story she submitted appeared on page 48 of a book - S12,
1 June 2003 Walter and Norma has a 60th Anniversary Open House - Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana  -
Album of Pictures - Another Album of Pictures - One More Album of Pictures -
Open House Items - Memory Book - News Article -
13 July 2003 Collapse of Living Room Ceiling of 400S House -
Photo Album - More Photos - Restoration Estimate - Heat/AC Docs - Insurance Payment -

Notes: The Collapse was caused by leak from the air conditioner unit in the attic - unit had been improperly installed. The insulation had absorbed the water over time and finally the accumulated weight collapsed the ceiling. Fortunately, Norma had just walked past the area and nobody got injured. The repairs were done by Davis Construction in Muncie at a cost of $5800.00. They replaced the entire ceiling in the living room and hall. They also repaired the ceiling and walls in the dining room which sustained moisture damage. The repairs were completed in the middle of August 2003

11 Nov 2003 Walter attended a Veteran's Day Ceremony held at Daleville High School, Daleville, Delaware County, Indiana - I62, I63,
13 Aug 2003 to
11 Dec 2004
Norma - Dialysis Treatment  S54,
- Norma was born with only one kidney
- 13 Aug 2003:  Surgery to implant a tube in her abdomen for dialysis - Doc1056-004.pdf, Pages 4, 5, 7, 8
- 14 Aug 2003 to 11 Dec 2004:  Dialysis Procedures, Information and some documents relating to Norma
9 Dec 2004 Norma - Enters Ball Memorial Hospice Program - Salem Township, Delaware County, Indiana
1st Call Home Health & Hospice - Doc1055-001.pdf
Hospice Information - Doc1055-002.pdf
Hospice Patient Care Information - Doc1055-003.pdf
Hospice Documents - Norma - Doc1055-004.pdf
11 Dec 2004 Norma Dies - at home, 400S House - Salem Township, Delaware County, Indiana

Norma was born with just one kidney. Later in life this kidney began to fail and coupled with her diabetes she began to have great difficulty with her feet and legs. Once her kidney began to fail, she was required to take dialysis treatments at home. Once these treatments began she also began her downhill slide. She finally became bedridden and was placed into hospice care. Her family was with her in her final days and moments. She died quietly in her home at peace with the world on 11 Dec 2004. 
Sources:  S10, S11, S30, S69S71, S75, S85, Photo Poem -

Burial:  She was buried on 15 Dec 2004 in the family group of plots in Gardens of Memory Cemetery north of Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana. Her plot is next to her husband. Her son Phil is also buried in this cemetery in another area.  
Sources:  S15, S30, S31, S36,
Images:  I22, I48, I66,

Pallbearers:  John Harris, Tim Mathews, Grandsons Jeff Robbins, Scotty Robbins and David Robbins

Service performed by Dr. Dennis Hammons, pastor Shawnee Heights Baptist Church, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana - Business Card

Find a Grave Page

20 Jan 2005 Norma:  Ball Memorial Hospice Memorial Service - Program
10 March 2005 Walter Signed a Will - Acc000515/ Doc0348.pdf
March 2005 Probate of Norma's estate.  Walter was the executor.   S13
21 Oct 2005 Walter:  Power of Attorney and Appointment of Health-Care Representative - Acc001606 - Acc001607
28 Nov 2005 Walter:  5th Hip Replacement Surgery - St. Vincent's Hospital, Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana -
Oct 2006 - Aug 2011 Walter Residence:  2608 S. Manhattan Ave. Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana - Manhattan House Page -
25 Jan 2008 Walter Signed a Will - Acc000466
31 Jan 2008 Walter is diagnosed with Macular Degeneration -
Dad went to the eye doctor in Indianapolis and they determined that he suffered from macular degeneration. They discovered that his eye had hemorrhaged and they inserted a needle into his eye and then another one beside his eye to give him some relief. The next day he says it has helped him.
7-22 Apr 2008 Walter, 6th Hip Replacement Operation - St. Vincent's Hospital, Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana
7 Apr:  The operation was performed at St Vincent Hospital, Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana by Dr Dro. The operation began at 10:06am and lasted about 5 hours. The procedure was more complicated and involved than the doctor anticipated. He lost a lot of blood and had to have transfusions of 3 pints of blood. For a 90-yr old man he came through with flying colors. The family was allowed to visit with him in recovery for a few minutes and he was teasing the nurses and making everyone laugh. He was in his room and we were able to see him at 630pm. The hospital is located at 2001 W 86th St, Indianapolis, 46260. He was in room 1508 of the Orthopedic Unit in Team 1. His room telephone number was 317-338-0183.
-  St Vincent Hospital Info - Doc4863.pdf

- St. Vincent Hospital - TV and Food Service Info - Doc4864.pdf

11 Apr:  Moved to Liberty Village Rehabilitation Center, Muncie
22 Apr:  Walt is back home

21 Nov 2009 Walter Moves to ElmCroft Assisted Living Facility, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana
1601 N Morrison Rd
25 Nov 2009 Walter, Laser Prostate Procedure - Ball Memorial Hospital, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana
Procedure: GreenLight Laser Therapy from American Medical Systems -  - this procedure is an alternative to TURP surgery and is intended to treat BPH (Benigh Prostatic Hyperplasia, or enlarged prostate.

I transported dad to the hospital - we got there and went right into the surgery center and they put him in a room and started to get him ready. Janet arrived sometime later - we all sat in the room and once in a while they would come in and do something or ask some questions. They finally took him to surgery and we went to the waiting room and checked in - his surgery started at 1157am and ended at 1218pm - he was in recovery a long time it seemed - we finally went back to see him and he was chipper and ready to go home. Janet headed back to Elmcroft while I was helping Dad get dressed, etc. I drove him back to Elmcroft and we went to his room. I stayed for a while but left about 3pm and headed home - Janet stayed with him - he seemed to be doing fine.
12 Dec 2009 Walter, Back to his Manhattan Ave., Home - Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana
11 Sep 2010 Walter's Name appears on the WW2 Memorial which was dedicated in Winchester, Randolph County, Indiana - WW 2 Memorial,
17 Nov 2010 Walter to Emergency Room complaining of Stomach Pain - Ball Memorial Hospital, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana -
He complained of stomach discomfort and his daughter took him to the Emergency room at Ball Memorial Hospital. He was having diarrhea and vomiting at home before he called her.  She picked him up and took him to the emergency room at Ball Hospital where they ran tests and by evening of the 17th could find nothing wrong. While in the emergency room he continued vomiting and having diarrhea . Tina and I arrived about 7pm and they had already decided they were going to keep him. He was sore from all the exertion and continued to go from both ends even after they moved him to a room on the 9th floor (room 9117-1). Dad has decided he doesn't want to go back home but go form the hospital to the assisted living center (Elm Croft). We all left him about 915pm.

Personal doctors no longer see patients at Ball Hospital - so the hospital assigns a "hospitalist" as their doctor - the name of his was Dr. Laura Jones.

They kept him until the afternoon of 22 Nov 2010 when his granddaughter drove him to Lynd House Assisted Living facility on East McGalliard Rd in Muncie. His son and daughter were still both sick with the stomach problems. His first choice (Elm Croft) did not have any apartments available, so Lynd House was the next choice.
22 Nov 2010 Walter, Residence:  Lynd House Assisted Living Center, 2410 E. McGalliard Rd, Apt 122, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana -

Images Walter Dancing   |   Walter playing Corn hole game   |  

1 Dec 2010 Walter begins using a Catheter on a permanent basis - S58,
6 May 2011 Walter, Doctor's Not to Drive Order - Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana  Acc002264
Patient: Walter C. Robbins, Sr.
"Patient is not allowed to drive a vehicle because of his medical conditions"
12 May 2011 Walter Revoked Power of Attorney he signed on 21 Oct 2005 - Acc002251
July 2011 Manhattan House sold - Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana
15 Oct 2011 Walter moved to Elmcroft Assisted Living, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana
29 Oct 2011 Walter moved back to Lynd House - Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana
18 Nov 2011 Walter, Bladder Infection - Ball Memorial Hospital, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana
28 Nov 2011 Walter,  Kidney Stone - Ball Memorial Hospital, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana
Complaining of his left side hurting - Granddaughter took him to ER at Ball Memorial Hospital where they found the kidney stone, gave him some medicine and he went back home.
23 Jan 2012 Walter Signed a Will - Acc002257
7 Feb to
1 July 2012
Walter - IU Ball Memorial Hospice Program - Acc002275/Doc0945-954.pdf
26 May 2012 Walter, Residence:  Middletown, Henry County, Indiana -  Living with his son
While living here he became attached the to the critters that lived there with him - Sam Dog, Trixie Dog and Snowball Kitty
Walter and the Critters 1   2   3   4
1 June 2012 Walter:  Power of Attorney and Appointment of Health-Care Representative - Acc002255
24 June 2012 Walter has a party - Link -
The party was at Lynd House in Muncie where a group of his friends gathered to meet him.  He had gotten them all a small gift.  They had a good time talking and laughing and exchanging stories about what had happened in the past month.  The group went out into the hall and several pictures were taken.  Once back to Middletown, Walter said this was the best party he had ever been to and would like to do that again.
27 June 2012 Walter Signed a Will - Acc002258  S41,
1 July 2012 Walter Dies - Prostate Cancer - Middletown, Henry County, Indiana  S17, S18, S19, S26, Sympathy Cards,
-  Keys Belonging to Walter Ph9534.jpg - He claimed to have a key for every vehicle he had ever owned
5 July 2012 Walter Burial - Gardens of Memory Cemetery  |   Funeral Service   |   Find a Grave Page   |
Sources:  S14, S15, S16, S26, S28, S35,
Images:  I22, I48, I66,
July-Aug 2012 Walter Probate - Delaware County, Indiana Circuit Court 5, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana  Probate Records
Walter and Norma - Misc.
Norma and Walter loved to travel. The first big trip they undertook was a trek to California to see her sister and her family. The trip was made in their new 1958 Chevrolet Bel-Air and was quite an adventure. This trip was taken in the summer and of course cars then did not have air conditioning. Interstate highways had not yet been installed as yet so the trip was made on mostly federal highways which were narrow 2 lane affairs.

The trip took about a week to get to California and a week to get back and we stayed maybe 3 or 4 days. The scenery was beautiful especially the Rocky Mountains. The desert was disappointing as there was nothing to see for miles and miles. The highway paralleled a railroad track and way out in the middle of the desert would be several train cars just sitting there. On this trip we saw lots of jack rabbits and sagebrush blowing across the highway. Once we got to California we got to see China Town and had the opportunity to fish in San Francisco Bay which was a big thrill. We caught a lot of small fish but Aunt Marjorie fixed them and we thought they were the best thing we had ever eaten.

Norma and Walter took a trip to Hawaii in 1978 with their good friends Charlie and Mabel Gilliatte. There are many photos of this trip and they had a wonderful time and talked about it often in the years to come.

They took many shorter trips through the years and visited most of the states plus going into Canada and Mexico. They were never able to travel to Europe as they would have liked but they visited many great places here in the United States.

Images:  I122,

Religion Members of Shawnee Heights Baptist Church - Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana  Doc0398.pdf
Avocations Doll House:  They worked on this together, Walt building it and Norma decorating and furnishing it -
  There were three small pictures that hung in the hall of the 400S house which showed Norma, Walter and them as a couple, taken in about 1968.  Walter also had these displayed in his homes in Muncie.  I69, I70, I71, I72,
Friends Images while Walter and Norma were in Colorado, 1944 - (See I45 to I56 on this page) - Link,
Marj and Harry Truax - I120,
Lee and Mary Little  I-93, I-94,
Mabel and Charlie Gilliatte - I-123,
   Mabel Died March 1994 - Obituary for Mabel: S82,
Melvin Allison - I128,
Dorothy & Kenneth Campbell - I129,

Norma Reynolds Burchard - Friend of Norma (1920-1961) -
   -  She had 2 sons that were both older than Deloris
   - Daughter: Deloris (Dee-Dee) (1949-1961)
   -  Norma and Deloris both died in an auto accident, 21 May 1961: 
      -  (Muncie Star (Muncie, Indiana), 26 May 1961, page 28, Col. 3 "Muncie Patient Better, Report"
                 -  Doc5302.pdf:
      -  Doc5302-001.pdf:  Muncie Star, 23 May 1961, page 9, Col. 3 "Ohio Crash Claims Fourth Victim; Local Rites Planned for 3 of the Dead"
     -  Doc5302-002.pdf:  Muncie Star, 22 May 1961, page 1, Col. 1 "Muncie Woman Victim"
      -  Doc5302-003.pdf:  Muncie Star, 31 May 1961, Page 2, Col. 4:  "Muncie Man is Fifth victim of 3-car crash"
             -  Link to All the .pdf files above:
  - Husband: 

Postcards Postcard Album

WaltPostcards sent and Received - Link - See:  Index/Robbins, Walt Sr.
NormaPostcards sent and Received - Link - See:  Index/Robbins, Norma Haas

  Film Processing Envelopes - Doc2303.pdf - Doc2304.pdf
  Christmas card from Walter to Norma, nd - Doc5049.pdf
Walter - Misc.
  Walter - Social Security - SS Card - S70,
  Walter Signature
24 June 1937:  SS Card
9 Oct 1945:  S24, S25,
24 Sept 1958:  Doc1212.pdf
20 Aug 1960:  Doc1214.pdf
30 July 1971:  Voter Card
3 July 1996:  Living Will
8 March 2005:  S27,
  Blood Donor Card - 15 Feb 1952 -
  Heart-Shield Bible - Given to Walter by Norma, 1943 - Doc0921.pdf

According to Walter on 13 Jan 2011, he kept this Bible in his left uniform pocket - and kept it there throughout his time in Europe.


Train Set - Walt had a train layout on a 4 x 8 Ft piece of plywood in the garage that laid atop the pool table - I124, I125,

   -  Participated in the Area 6 Senior Games in the Golf Division - Sept 1992 - S95,

-  Senior Games, 1991, Doc1064.pdf

Doll House:
-  Miniature quilt rack Walt made for the doll house:  Ph13322.jpg

  Religion:  Dad attended whatever churches that were in the neighborhood when he was a chile. He and his siblings would usually walked to church - always Methodist or Christian - could not remember if they attended any Quaker churches  [S44, 22 Sept 2005, p 12] -
  Blood Type:  B - Doc0408.pdf
  Did you listen to the radio? - what were your favorite programs? Amos & Andy and Gildersleeves were the best 2 - listened a lot in the evening - Myron liked to listen to the Cincinnati ballgames on the radio.

Did you go to movies? We went to movies in Noblesville and then to Indianapolis on Saturday nights - all the theaters were on Illinois Street about 20 of them. You could see a double feature for a dime. Four or five of us would go and watch 2 shows at one theater and then go to another one and watch 2 more for another dime and then go home. We did this while living on the Foulke farm. All the movies were westerns - Hop-along Cassidy, Gene Autry, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans

Where did you learn to skate? At Gibson's [Muncie] - probably around 1938 or 1939. Working at McCormick's then. The first time I had any money. Why did you like to skate? It was something to do and to meet girls. It cost 50¢ or $1.00 to skate per night - not much.

Source:  Interview 29 Sept 2005 - Doc0740.pdf

  Occupation:  Picking Tomatoes - Picking Apples
Tomatoes:   Where did you pick tomatoes? We raised them on the farm at Fairview. Dad and Myron raised them and got the money from them. Myron got married while they were living at Arcadia. When they moved from Arcadia to the Fairview farm, Grandpa Robbins rented a house for Myron a couple of roads from the Fairview house for him and Irene to live in. He lived there and helped Dad and grandpa farm for a couple of years then moved to Sheridan and began working in a factory. Myron didn't have to go to the service because he had two kids by then.

Apples:  First started probably in 1964 while on strike. Dad first got a job installing roofs on schools in Anderson. Once that job was done he went back to the employment office and they said they needed pickers at Hoosierland Orchards so he went and picked for them for several years. Probably quit picking apples a couple years after he retired. He broke his arm and never picked again. Dad picked for Hoosierland orchards mostly but he also picked a while at an orchard at Yorktown, but not much. Bill Russell, a man that worked with dad, picked with Dad at Hoosierland and he, too, was a good picker and could keep up with Dad.

Why did you like it? Because it looked like you were accomplishing something. He said he used to pick tomatoes and could pick 90 bushel per day. He was also able to pick 100 bushels of apples per day. He was good at and he enjoyed it.
[Interview-Dad 29 Sept 2005 - Acc001067/ Doc0740.pdf]
  What Dad Taught me:

My Dad taught me the importance of habits.  When turn signals first became available in automobiles we were driving down one of our county roads on our way home when dad came to a road and he turned on the signal.  I looked all around and did not see another vehicle in sight.  I asked Dad why he was using his turn signal since nobody would see it.  Dad responded that if he used the turn signal every time he was making a turn then he would get in the habit of using this new device and then he would not forget to use it when it really mattered.

He also taught me to always remove the keys from the car when you shut off the engine and put them in your pocket.  That way you would not accidentally lock your keys in your car.  People look at me and smile when they see me stopped for a train, because I will shut off the engine and remove the keys from the ignition.
These are two examples of the ways my Dad taught me to use habits to make my life easier and less stressful. They have been valuable and I continue to follow both of them to this day.
(Written 14 June 2014, by Walt Robbins, Jr.) - (Doc2193.gdoc)
  Military Photos:
-  Misc. shots of camp life:  Ph9582-001 to 006.tif -!Ako2MAzrZKVeg99KPvc6xHw1rne9PA?e=TYVNwz
Norma - Misc.
  Norma - Social Security - 305-14-1338 - Card Image - Doc1065.pdf - S70, Soc Sec Card,
  Norma Signature
1937:  Muncie Central High School Yearbook - I33,
24 Sept 1958:  Doc1212.pdf
20 Aug 1960:  Doc1214.pdf
17 Dec 1976:  Doc0987.pdf
15 May 1977:  S33,
30 July 1988:  Doc1066.pdf

  Norma  Photo Album
  Norma Autobiography
  Norma, Avocations:

Norma loved to do many things but they mostly revolved around craft type pursuits such as Crafts, Sewing, and Knitting.
I31, I32,
Ribbons won by Norma :  Ph12368.jpg (1975-1983)


Tatting:  She collected tatting shuttles and in 1979 she was given a ceramic shuttle made by her sister Marjorie.  10 Jan 2011 I found a handmade wooden tatting shuttle in the possessions of Norma's husband ID0005.  The questions are:  who made it (August, Norma's father??) and why did Dad have it in his possession? S9, -
Tatting Shuttles Image - Wooden Shuttle

Tatting Shuttle

  • Shuttle made by Marjorie Haas ID0381 for Norma ID0006 in 1979 - Acc000508/Doc1326.pdf

  • The object was broken when I received it from Janet after Mom's death.

  • It is made of kiln-fired ceramic.

  • White with blue lettering on the front and a flower on the back.

  • It is loaded with thread and someone has tatted a couple of very small things on the thread.

  • A small piece has been broken off.

  • Norma collected tatting shuttles and this one was one of her most prized.



Skating:  In her younger life while living at home she skated, both roller and Ice, at the local rink called Gibson’s near her home. She, her sisters and their friends also frequented other rinks in the little towns such as Gaston, and Selma. I83, I84,
Link shows rinks at Hartford City and Richmond, Indiana that Norma visited (See Images 5, 6 and 7 on this page)
Gibson's:  Located at 2610 S. Mock Ave., Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana - Advertisement Piece -

Bicycling:  Another of her passions was riding her bicycle. Norma, her sisters and friends, would take long Sunday rides out into the country. One of their favorite routes was to go south out of town into the country ending up at the little town of Macedonia, which today is merely a crossroads.   I-96,

Sewing, Knitting, etc:  Norma’s mother was a gifted seamstress and excelled at other crafts including knitting. Most of her girls also became very proficient at these as well. Norma was no exception and was very gifted at sewing, knitting, crocheting and other material crafts. She loved to make clothes for her first granddaughter and her other grandchildren as they came along.
Some of her fair projects are detailed here:  Link - Doc1000.pdf -

Quilts:  She made large projects such as quilts, blankets and other projects which she would enter into the county and state fairs.   Afghan made for son, Walt, Jr. 1977 - it is about 7 ft. long -
-  Indiana Flag Afghan (Original Design by Norma) - it won Grand Prize at the Blackford County Fair, 29 July 1983 - Blue Ribbon & Picture -

Bowling:  Bowling trophy engraving - "Rains Early Birds/ 71 'C' High Series HDCP 72/ N Robbins 561" - Doc1067.pdf - Senior Games, 1991, Doc1064.pdf

Religion:  Attended church on a regular basis in her youth, less frequently as an adult
   -  Walnut Street Baptist Church, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana
   -  Shawnee Heights Baptist Church (Former Walnut St. Baptist Church), Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana
      -  Member from 1982-Dec 2004

Daleville Community Club - Organized Dec 1923 at the home of Effie Grove - At the 50th Anniversary celebration the only members left were Mila Ingram and Effie Groves - Doc5108.pdf

Doll House:
-  Miniature quilt rack Walt made for the doll house:  Ph13322.jpg


Lois Love - I82,
Gretchen Sumwalt - I79, Funeral Card for Gretchen (Nov 1996),
Ray and Winifred Hiatt - I80, I81,

  1977/ 1978 Calendar/Diary Kept by Norma -

Top of Page

Objects Relating to Norma
Ration Token used by Norma Haas Robbins during WW2 - Acc000225 - Image - Ph7731.jpg
"Husband in Service" Pin worn by Norma Haas Robbins during WW2 - Acc000229 - Image - 070803-003.jpg
Pin with 3 Stars worn by Norma - for her husband, Marjorie, and Olive being in service during WW 2 - Acc000227 - Image - Ph7732.jpg
Pin Broach worn by Norma during WW2 signifying she had someone in the war (Dad) - Acc000226
War Bond Pin worn by Norma during WW2 - Acc000228 - Image - Ph7730.jpg
Blanket made by Norma Haas Robbins ID0006 for her son RobbHaas ID0001 while she was in Colorado with her husband during WW2. The blanket is pink with lace all around the edges. There are two bunnies and a toad stool on the front side. The year made was probably the fall of 1944 - Acc000104
Sweater made by Norma for son Walt Jr Probably about Fall of 1944 - Color is pink with pink ribbing around all edges. One ivory button, Looks as if there should have been others but if so they are missing - Acc000110
Dress and Slip - Made by Norma for son RobbHaas about Fall of 1944 - Yes, little baby boys wore dresses at that time
- The dress and slip are a set
- Dress:  White with blue designs embroidered with snap fasteners - Acc000108
- Slip:  White with white lace around neck and arms - Acc000109
Baby Jacket made by Norma for Son RobbHaas abt Fall 1944 - Acc000086
Doiley Made by Norma - nd -
- Blue in color - Acc002217 -  Image
- White in color - Acc002220 - Image
Candy Jar Made by Marjorie Haas Van Couwenberghe, ID0381 for Norma - nd - Acc002218 - Image
Dress for Living ID0013 Dress made for Living ID0013 by Norma - No date - Acc000107 - Image - Ph8745.jpg
Eye Pledge Card 17 Dec 1976 - Doc0987.pdf
1938 Calendar belonging to either Mabel Worthen Haas, ID0378 or Norma Haas Robbins, ID0006. Acc002769/Doc1707.pdf

Top of Page
Objects Relating to Walter
Keys belonging to Walter at his death
He Claimed to have a key for every vehicle he owned (Acc002212) - Image
Most of the keys are unknown
Carved Golf Clubs and Bag - Made by his son in 1996 - (Acc002213) - Image
Birthday Poster for Walter - 2011 15 x 20 inch piece of foam-core with picture of Walter and signatures of some of the residents of Lynd House Assisted Living Facility in Muncie.   (Acc002214) - Image
Billfold Contents - 1 July 2012 5 Photographs and 9 ID Cards - (Acc002216) - Doc0846.pdf
Miniature quilt rack made fby Walt for their doll house Ph13322.jpg


Living, ID0001   
Phillip Eugene Robbins, ID0007     - MRM Page -
Living, ID0013 

Top of Page



Source Citation

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S1 1940 U.S. Census:  Muncie, Delaware County, SD 10, ED 18-3, Sheet 26B, Ward 1, Line 48, 1927 E. 17th St., Dwelling 620, August Haas Household. Original Data: NARA, T-627_1037. , Accessed 2 Apr 2012. Acc002128/Ph9430.jpg

1] August Haas: Head of household. 45 yr old white male, married - Highest grade of school completed: 4 - Born Ohio - Code E: 1 - Worked 45 hours during week of 24-30 March 1940 - Occupation: Foreman Clay Fast Department in Glass Factory - Class of worker: Pw - Code F: 316-25-1 - Worked 52 weeks in 1939 - Income in 1939: $1825 - No income of $50 or more received in 1939 -
2] Mabel M. Haas: Wife of head - Code A: 1 - 40 yr old white female - School Grade completed: 6 - Born Indiana - Code B: 6 - Occupation: None - Housework - No income received in 1939
3] Norma L. Haas: Daughter of Head - 20 yr old white female, single - Highest grade of school: High School 4 - Code B: 30 - Born Indiana - At work week of 24 March 1940: Yes - Code E: 1 - Number of hours worked week of 24-30 March 1940: 55 - Occupation: Housekeeper in a private home - Class of worker: Pw - Code F: 500-86-1 - 48 weeks worked in 1939 - Amount earned in 1939: $192 - No other income -
4] Olive Jean Haas: Daughter of Head - 19 yr old white female, single, Code A: 2 - Highest grade of school: High School 4 - Code B: 30 - Born: Indiana - at work the week of 24 March 1940 - Code E: 1 - Number of hours worked week of 24-30 March 1940: 30 - Occupation: Laborer, Glass factory - Worker Code: Pw - Code F: 988-25-1 - 13 Weeks worked in 1939 - Income 1939: $169 - No other income
5] Marjorie Haas: Daughter of head - 16 yr old white female, Single - Code A: 2 - Highest grade of school: High School 2 - Code B: 26 - Born Indiana - Did not have a job - in School - Code E: 6 - No income
6] Barbara Haas: Daughter of Head - Code A: 2 - 5 yr old white female, single, no school attended - Born Indiana -

- Home Owned, Value of home $2300
- None attended School
- All lived in the same house on 1 Apr 1935
- Code C: 60 - all but August who is 59

S2 1920 US Census, Population Schedule, Harrison Township, Henry County, Indiana. SD 6, ED 68, Sheet 2B, Line 51-56, Dwelling and Family 45, Oscar C. Robbins Household. Census date: 3 Jan 1920. Original NARA data: Roll: T625_437., accessed 28 Apr 2018. Acc000642/Doc4748.pdf
From Image:
1] Oscar C. Robbins: 42 yr old white male - head of household - married - owned farm with mortgage, farm schedule 4 - born Indiana, father North Carolina, mother Indiana. able to read, write and speak English
2] Grace G. Robbins: Wife, 39 yr old white female, married - born in Indiana, father in Ohio and mother in Indiana. able to read, write and speak English
3] Myron F. Robbins: Son, 8 yr old born Indiana white male, single - attended school. able to read, write and speak English
4] Ina M. Robbins: Daughter, 6 yr old born Indiana white female, single, attended school. able to read, write and speak English
5] Mary A. Robbins: Daughter, 3-2/3 yr old born Indiana white female, single.
6] Walter C. Robbins: Son, 1-2/3 yr born Indiana old white male, single.
S3 1930 US Census, Population Schedule, Jackson Township, Hamilton County, Indiana. ED ??, SD 6, Sheet 4A, Stamped 154, Lines 25-33, Oscar Robbins Household. Census Date 17 Apr 1930. Original NARA Data: Roll T626., accessed 28 Apr 2018. Acc000645/Doc4749.pdf

From Image:
1] Oscar Robbins: Head of household, 54 yr old white male, married, 34 yrs old at first marriage - rented farm, own radio set, he and his mother born in Indiana, father in North Carolina - Occupation: Farmer - not a veteran. Able to Read, Write and speak English.
2] Grace Robbins: 50 yr old white female, married, 30 yrs old at first marriage - She and her mother born in Indiana, Father in Ohio - no occupation. Able to Read, Write and speak English.
3] Myron Robbins: 18 yr old white male, son of head - attended school, Able to Read, Write and speak English. Born Indiana, parents born Indiana, no occupation
4] Ina Robbins: 16 yr old white female, daughter of head, single., attended school, Able to Read, Write and speak English. Born Indiana, parents born Indiana, no occupation
5] Mary Robbins: 14 yr old white female, daughter of head, single, attended school, Able to Read, Write and speak English. Born Indiana, parents born Indiana, no occupation
6] Walter Robbins: 12 yr old white male, single, attended school, Able to Read, Write and speak English. Born Indiana, parents born Indiana, no occupation
7] Esther Robbins: 9 yr old white female, daughter of head, single, attended school. Born Indiana, parents born Indiana, no occupation
8] Milton Robbins: 3 yr old white male, son of head. Born Indiana, parents born Indiana, no occupation
9] Frances Foulke: Mother-in-law of head - 76 yr old white female, widow, born in Indiana, parents in Ohio, no occupation, Able to Read, Write and speak English.

1940 US Census, Population Schedule. Green Township, Randolph County, Indiana. SD 10, ED 68-3, Sheet 2B, Line 54, Household No. 37. Oscar C. Robbins Household. Census Date: 8 Apr 1940. NARA Data: Roll T627_m-t0627-01089., accessed 30 Apr 2018. Acc002130/Doc4751.pdf.

From Image:
1] Oscar C. Robbins: Head of household - Informant - 64, white male, married - Owned farm with value of $1000, Farm Schedule 35 - Education: Highest grade of school, 6 - Born Indiana - Residence 1935: Arcadia, Hamilton County, Indiana on a farm - Occupation: Farmer - Hours worked past week: 40 - Weeks worked in 1939: 52 - Other source of income: Yes
2] Grace Robbins: Wife of head - 60, white female, Married - Education: Blank - Born Indiana - Residence 1935: Arcadia, Hamilton County, Indiana on a farm - Occupation: None (Housework) - Other Income: No
Supplemental Questions, Grace:
- Parents born Indiana [Father born Ohio]
- Language spoken in home in earliest childhood: English
- Not a veteran
- Usual Occupation: Housewife in home
- Married more than once: No
- Age 25 when first marriage
- Number of Children: 5
3] Walter Robbins: Son - 22 white male, Single - Education: Highest grade of School: 1 year of high school - Born Indiana - Residence 1935: Arcadia, Hamilton County, Indiana on a farm - Occupation: Wire Cutter in a tin shop, Cabinet parts - Hours worked past week: 40 - Weeks worked in 1939: 52 - Other source of income: Yes
4] Esther Robbins: Daughter - 19, white female, single, Attended School, Highest Grade: 2 yrs High School - Born Indiana - Residence 1935: Arcadia, Hamilton County, Indiana on a farm - Occupation: None (School) - Other Income: No
5] Milton Robbins: Son - 13 white male, single - born Indiana - Attended school, Highest grade: 6 - Residence 1935: Arcadia, Hamilton County, Indiana on a farm  

 County, Indiana on a farm -
- Code C: All, 60

S5 Newspaper Article: "Robbins, 60th" Muncie StarPress (Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana), 1 June 2003, page 4E. Acc001038/Doc0665.pdf

Anniversary: Robbins, 60th - YORKTOWN - Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Robbins, Yorktown, will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary during an open house 2-4 P.M. today at Woods Edge Apartment Clubhouse in Muncie. The couple asks that gifts be omitted. Online greetings can be made at Mr. and Mrs. Robbins were married May 29, 1943, in the former Walnut Street Baptist Church (now Shawnee Heights Baptist Church) by Rev. Edger Laurens Hamilton. Mrs. Robbins is the former Norma L. Haas. Mrs. Robbins is a graduate of Central High School. She worked at Ball Brothers and in the Navy Department during World War II and is retired from Zayre Department Store. She bowled on several leagues and with the seniors at Munsee Lanes. She is a volunteer at Elmcroft Assisted Living, helping the residents make crafts. Mr. Robbins attended schools in Hamilton County near Cicero. He was in the Army, the 104th Infantry Division, during World War II and received the Purple Heart. He is retired from Chevrolet in Muncie after many years of service. He bowls with the seniors at Munsee Lanes. The Robbinses are the parents of Walt Robbins Jr. (wife: Tina), Middletown; Janet Robbins, Muncie, and the late Phillip Robbins. They have five grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren 

S6 Polk's Muncie Directory (N.p.: Polk'sn.d.), 1941, page 164, 165; digital image, Directories.  (, accessed 20 Jan 2010).
"Haas Norma L clk Wilson's Mkt r1927 E 17th")
S7 Polk's Muncie Directory (N.p.: Polk'sn.d.), 1943, page 132; digital image, Directories (, accessed 20 Jan 2010).  Transcription:  "Haas Norma clk r1927 E 17th")  
S8 News Article:  Muncie Star (Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana)  7 Aug 1981  
S9 Heirloom:  Wooden Tatting Shuttle, handmade. In possession of Living, ID0005, 10 Jan 2011. Acc001569/Ph8502-stitch.jpg
S10 Obituary: "Norma L Robbins, 85", 13 Dec 2004 - Muncie StarPress Newspaper, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana, page 4A. Acc000500/ Doc4501.pdf  (StarPress Online Version -

Norma L. Robbins, 85
YORKTOWN - Norma L Robbins, 85, Yorktown, passed away peacefully at home surrounded by her husband and children on December 11, 2004 of a long illness.

She was born October 13, 1919 in Muncie, the daughter of Mabel & August Haas. She married Walter C Robbins Sr. at Walnut St Baptist Church, Muncie on May 29, 1943.
Norma graduated from Muncie Central in 1938 and attended Indiana Business College. During WWII, she worked in the Navy War Department. She retired from Zayre Dept Store Fabric Dept in 1982 after 14 years of service. She was a member of Shawnee Heights Baptist Church.
Norma enjoyed all kinds of needlework, sewing & crafts. She volunteered at Elmcroft Assisted Living. She was a very caring and giving lady who loved to do for others without wanting anything in return.
Norma bowled with the Seniors at Munsee Lanes and on various other leagues.
Survivors include her husband of 61 years, Walter C Robbins, Sr; one son, Walter "Clif" Robbins Jr., (wife-Tina), Middletown; one daughter, Janet Robbins, Muncie; granddaughter, Kelly Mathews, (husband-Tim), Daleville; four grandsons, Jeff Robbins, (wife-Lesli), Yorktown; David Robbins, (wife-Tracy), Temple, Texas; Kevin Robbins, (wife-Laura), Ft Myers, Florida; Scott Robbins, (wife-Crissy), Muncie; six great grandchildren; two step great grandsons; one sister, Wilma Lucas, (husband-John), Jonesboro; her daughter-in-law, Sue Gibson, Anderson and several nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by a son, Phillip E Robbins, 1977; 3 sisters, Barbara Mock, Marjorie Van Couwenberghe and Olive Hanson; and her daughter-in-law, Shirley Robbins.
Services will be held at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday in the chapel of The Meeks Mortuary and Crematory with Dr. Dennis Hammons officiating. Burial will follow in the Gardens of Memory Cemetery, north of Muncie.
Friends may call at The Meeks Mortuary and Crematory from 4:00 until 7:00 p.m. Tuesday or one hour prior to the services on Wednesday.
Memorials may be made to the Ball Memorial Hospital Outpatient Dialysis Unit, the National Kidney Foundation, the American Diabetes Association or the Hospice Program c/o Ball Memorial Hospital.
Online condolences to the family may be directed to


S11 Eulogy written by her son Walt Robbins, Jr. for the minister at her funeral, 14 Dec 2004.  Acc000035/Doc0724.pdf Doc0724.pdf
S12 Book. Smelser, Lisa. Real-life Rosies: The Women of WWII. Np: Bulldog Press, 2003. "Norma Robbins" Acc000242/ Doc0587.pdf
S13 Probate Document:  Probate Documents for Norma Louise Robbins. Delaware County Circuit Court No 5, Estate Docket 18C05-0503-ES-17, 10 March 2005. Acc001434/ Doc0255.pdf Doc0255.pdf
S14 Funeral Memorial Card. Walter Clifton Robbins, 1 July 2012. Service: 5 July 2012, Meeks Mortuary, Gardens of Memory Cemetery. Acc002208/Doc0838.pdf


In Memory of Walter Clifton Robbins
Born March 19, 1918, Hamilton County, Indiana
Age 94
Date of Death: July 1, 2012, Middletown, Indiana
Services from: The Meeks Mortuary and Crematory, Washington Street Chapel,
2:00 p.m., Thursday, July 5, 2012
Officiating: Chaplain Phil Crofford and Eulogy: John Harris
Final Resting Place: Gardens of Memory, Muncie, Indiana
Funeral Conducted by: The Meeks Mortuary and Crematory, Muncie-Yorktown

S15 Gardens of Memory Cemetery Documents, including warranty deed for grave plots for Walter C. and Norma L. Robbins, 4 Jan 1956 to 25 Jan 2001. Acc001612/Doc0884.pdf

Application for Cemetery Deed, 4 Jan 1956
Receipt, 4 Jan 1956
Letter from Gardens of Memory, 7 Jan 1956
Payment Book, $10 payments from 4 Jan 1956 to 18 Apr 1958
Letter with enclosures, 9 May 1958
Warranty Deed for Grave Lots
Cemetery Rules and Regulations booklet
Letter from Gardens of Memory, 25 June 2001
Outer Burial Container Certificate of Ownership with Gardens of Memory

S16 Funeral Register Book.  Walter Clifton Robbins. Meeks Mortuary, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana. 5 July 2012. Acc002209/Doc0839.pdf

Relatives and Friends:  69 People signed the Book

S17 Obituary. Walter C. Robbins. Muncie StarPress online (Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana), 3 July 2012. Acc002205/Doc0831.pdf


MIDDLETOWN - Walter Clifton Robbins passed away peacefully on Sunday 1 July at the home of his son and in the presence of his family.
Walt was the fourth child of six, and the second son, of Oscar Clifton and Grace Gertrude Foulke Robbins. He was born on 19 March 1918 in Hamilton County, Indiana and lived with his family in Hamilton, Henry, and Randolph Counties.
He entered the U.S. Army on 1 Dec 1942 and saw World War II service in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. He was wounded at Inden, Germany on 28 Nov 1944, and was hospitalized in France, and England. He was awarded the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star. Walt was honorably discharged on 9 Oct 1945 from Camp San Luis Obispo, California.
While on leave, he and Norma Louise Haas were married in Muncie, Indiana on 29 May 1943. The couple lived in Muncie, then on farms near Eaton and homes near Daleville and Yorktown. After the death of his wife Walt moved back to Muncie and finally to Middletown.
Walt worked at Chevrolet Muncie, retiring in 1981 after thirty-five years of service.
Walt was an avid bowler and golfer. He bowled with his many friends at Munsee Lanes and golfed at Ayco for many years where he got a hole-in-one.
Survivors include his son, Walt, Jr. (Tina), Middletown and Janet Robbins, Muncie. His son Phil passed away in 1977. Grandchildren include, Kelly Mathews, (Tim) Daleville, Kevin Robbins, Florida; Jeff Robbins (Leslie), Yorktown; Scott Robbins (Crissy), Muncie and David Robbins (Tracy), Texas. He also will be missed by his several great and great-great grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. Walt also leaves behind his special friends, Penny Hess, Bobby King, Billy Mullis and Wilma Finch
He was preceded in death by his parents; a son, Phil in 1977; his wife, Norma in 2004 and by his brothers, Myron and Milton and his sisters, Ina, Mary and Esther.
Services will be 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 5, 2012 at The Meeks Mortuary and Crematory, Washington Street Chapel. Burial will follow in Gardens of Memory Cemetery, north of Muncie. Military Rites will be conducted by The United States Army and the Veterans of Delaware County.
Family and friends may call from 12:00 p.m. until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday at The Meeks Mortuary and Crematory, Washington Street Chapel.
In lieu of flowers the family requests that contributions be made to IU Health Ball Memorial Hospice, 2401 University Ave., Muncie, IN 47303. The family wishes to thank and praise all the support from the wonderful Hospice team.
Online condolences may be sent to the family at  .
Muncie StarPress Online, 3 July 2012

S18 Obituary. Walter C. Robbins. Meeks Mortuary,  (Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana), 1 July 2012. Acc002206/Doc0832.pdf


Walter C. Robbins - 94 
3/19/1918 - 7/1/2012
Middletown - Walter Clifton Robbins passed away peacefully on Sunday 1 July at the home of his son and in the presence of his family.

Walt was the the 4th child of 6, and the second son, of Oscar Clifton. And Grace Gertrude Foulke Robbins. He was born on 19 March 1918 in Hamilton County, Indiana and lived with his family in Hamilton, Henry, and Randolph Counties.

He entered the U.S. Army on 1 Dec 1942 and saw World War II service in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. He was wounded at Inden, Germany on 28 Nov 1944, and was hospitalized in France, and England. He was awarded the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star. Walt was honorably discharged on 9 Oct 1945 from Camp San Luis Obispo, California.

While on leave, he and Norma Louise Haas were married in Muncie, Indiana on 29 May 1943. The couple lived in Muncie, then on farms near Eaton and homes near Daleville and Yorktown. After the death of his wife Walt moved back to Muncie and finally to Middletown.

Walt worked at Chevrolet Muncie, retiring in 1981 after 35 years of service.

Walt was an avid bowler and golfer. He bowled with his many friends at Munsee Lanes and golfed at Ayco for many years where he got a hole-in-one.

Survivors include his son Walt, Jr. (Tina), Middletown and Janet Robbins, Muncie. His son Phil passed away in 1977. Grandchildren Include Kelly Mathews, (Tim) Daleville; Kevin Robbins, Florida; Jeff Robbins (Leslie), Yorktown; Scott Robbins (Crissy), Muncie and David Robbins (Tracy), Texas. He also will be missed by his several great and great-great grandchildren and many nieces and nephews.

Walt also leaves behind his special friends Penny Hess, Bobby King, Billy Mullis and Wilma Finch

He was preceded in death by his parents, a son, Phil in 1977, his wife Norma in 2004 and by his brothers Myron and Milton and his sisters Ina, Mary and Esther.

Services will be 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 5, 2012 at The Meeks Mortuary and Crematory, Washington Street Chapel. Burial will follow in Gardens of Memory Cemetery, north of Muncie. Military Rites will be conducted by The United States Army and the Veterans of Delaware County. 

Family and friends may call from 12:00 until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday at The Meeks Mortuary and Crematory, Washington Street Chapel.

In lieu of flowers the family requests that contributions be made to IU Health Ball Memorial Hospice, 2401 University Ave., Muncie, IN 47303. The family wishes to thank and praise all the support from the wonderful Hospice team.

Online condolences may be sent to the family at




S19 Obituary: Walter Clifton Robbins, StarPress Newspaper (Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana), 3 July 2012, Page 4A. Acc002207/Doc0833.pdf Doc0833.pdf
S20 Military Record:  World War II Bonus Fund Documents, State of Indiana, Walter C Robbins, Bonus Number 83259. Acc000375/Doc0353.pdf

Contents: Bonus Card, Application Form No. 1, Detailed Instructions, General Instructions

S21 Marriage Record: Certified Copy of Marriage License and Certificate of Marriage for Walter C Robbins and Norma Louise Haas. Delaware County, Indiana, 29 May 1943. Acc000519/Doc0842.pdf


Certified Copy of Marriage License and Certificate of Marriage for Walter C. Robbins and Norma Louise Haas - Garland G. Miller/ Clerk Delaware Circuit/and Superior Courts

Walter C. Robbins To Norma Louise Haas - be it Remembered, that heretofore, to-wit: on the 29th day of May A.D. 1943, the following Marriage License was issued to-wit:

Indiana, to-wit: Delaware County, SS:
To All who shall see these presents. Greeting:
Know Ye, that any person legally authorized by law to solemnize matrimony is hereby licensed to join together as Husband and Wife Walter C. Robbins and Norma Louise Haas and for so doing, this shall be his sufficient authority.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I, Jesse E. Greene Clerk of The Delaware Circuit Court, hereunto subscribe my name and affix the Seal of Said Court, at Muncie, Indiana, this 29th day of May, 1943. (Seal) S/S Jesse E. Green, Clerk
BE IT FURTHER REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: on the 11th day of June, 1943, the following Certificate of Marriage was filed in my office, to-wit:

Indiana. To-wit: Delaware County, ss:
THIS CERTIFIES, THAT I joined in Marriage, as Husband and Wife, Walter C. Robbins and Norma Louise Haas on the 29th day of May, 1943. S/S Edgar L. Hamilton
Time and Place of Birth as shown on the Application for above Marriage License:
Male: Name: Walter C. Robbins, - Place of Birth: Hamilton, County Indiana - Date of Birth: March 19, 1918
Female: Name: Norma Louise Haas - Place of Birth: Delaware County, Indiana Date of Birth: October 13, 1919

State of Indiana, Delaware County, SS:
I, Garland G. Miller, Clerk of the Circuit Court, within and for the County of Delaware, and State of Indiana, do hereby certify the foregoing to be true and correct copies of the Marriage License and Certificate of Marriage of: Walter C. Robbins to Norma Louise Haas as the same now appears upon the Marriage Record now on file in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said Court, at Muncie, Indiana, on this 27th day of April 1977. Garland G Miller [Stamped signature] Clerk Delaware Circuit Court, Indiana

S22 Database Online: "US World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946" Walter C Robbins. Original Data: NARA Record Group 64, College Park, Maryland.  accessed 22 Feb 2010. Acc000922

Name: Walter C Robbins
Birth Year: 1918
Race: White, citizen
Nativity: Indiana - State: US at Large - County/City: Indiana
Enlistment Date: 18 Nov 1942 - Enlistment State: Indiana - Enlistment City: Indianapolis
Branch: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA - Branch Code: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA
Grade: Private - Grade Code: Private
Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law
Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men) - Source: Civil Life
Education: 2 yrs of high school
Civil Occupation: Semiskilled occupations in fabrication of metal products, n.e.c.
Marital Status: Single, with dependents [Parents]
Height: 68 - Weight: 157

S23 Birth Record: Walter Clifton Robbins, 19 March 1918. Hamilton County Department of Health, County Record of Birth, Book H-10 page no 59. Acc000518/Doc0843.pdf

County Record of Birth - Hamilton County Department of Health - This is to certify that our records show Walter Clifton Robbins was born in Hamilton Co Ind. March 19 1918 Father: Oscar Robbins age 42 - Mother: Grace Foulke, age 32 - Recorded locally in book No H-10 Page No 59 - filed March 21- 1918 - signed Dr. C. H. Tomlinson [ID0967], Sec'y - Cicero Ind. Jan 12 - 1942.

S24 Military Record: Separation Qualification Record. Walter C Robbins, 35 569 476. 9 Oct 1945, Camp San Luis Obispo, California. Acc001609/Doc0354.pdf

(Front of form)
Army of the United States
Separation Qualification Record
1. Name: Robbins Walter C
2. Army Serial No: 35 569 476
3. Grade: S Sgt
4. Social Security No: Unknown
5. Permanent Mailing Address: 2220 S Gharkey Street, Muncie Delaware County Indiana
6. Date of entry into active service: 1 Dec 42
7. Date of separation: 9 Oct 45
8. Date of Birth: 19 Mar 1918
9. Place of separation: Camp San Luis Obispo California

Military occupational assignments
10. 30 months -
11. Grade: S Sgt
12. Military Occupational Specialty: Squad Leader

13. Title, Description, Related civilian occupation:
Squad Leader
Responsible for training and discipline of squad, and in combat responsible for
security, safety, deployment, and general welfare of men.

(Back of form)
14. Name or type of military school : None

15. Highest grade completed: 12
16. Degrees or diplomas: None
17. Year left school: 1935
18. Name of last school attended: Cicero Indiana
19. Major courses of study: Academic
20. Other training: None

22. Service Station Attendant, Muncie Indiana 1942
performed minor automotive repair work, serviced vehicles.

Machine Operator, McCormick Bros Albany Indiana 1940-1942
Operated punch press and wire machine - set up farm machinery

23. Remarks: None
24. Signature of Walter C Robbins
25. Signature of separation classification officer W. A. Hermann
26. Name of officer: W A Hermann 1st Lt Inf.

S25 Honorable Discharge, US Army. Form WD AGO Form 53-55, 1 November 1944. Walter C Robbins, 35-569-476. 9 Oct 1945. Acc000380 /Doc0350.pdf

From Original Discharge Document: (PDF Pages 1-4)
PDF Pages 1 & 2: Original Document with recorder stamps
PDF Pages 3 & 4: Photocopy (Probably Photostats) of the original Forms

(Front of form)
Army of the United States
Honorable Discharge
"This is to certify that
Walter C Robbins 35 569 476 Staff Sergeant
Company B 413th Infantry
Army of the United States
is hereby Honorably Discharged from the military
service of the United States of America.
This Certificate is awarded as a testimonial of Honest
and Faithful Service to his county.
Given at Camp San Luis Obispo California
Date 9 October 1945
Signed Leonard P Hutchinson
Major CMP

Original Discharge:
(Back of form)
1. Name: Robbins Walter C
2. Army Serial No: 35 569 476
3. Grade: S Sgt
4. Arm or Service: Inf
5. Component: AUS
6. Organization: Company B 413th Infantry
7. Date of separation: 9 Oct 45
8. Place of Separation: Camp San Luis Obispo California
9. Permanent Address for mailing purposes: 2220 S Gharkey Street Muncie Indiana
10. Date of Birth: 19 Mar 18
11. Place of Birth: Fortville Indiana
12. Address from which Employment will be sought: See 9
13. Color eyes: Brown
14. Color Hair: Brown
15. Height: 5' 8"
16. Weight: 175 lbs
17. No Depend: 2
18. Race: White [checked]
19. Marital Status: Married [checked]
20. US Citizen: Yes [checked]
21. Civilian occupation and No: Farmer 3-06.10

22. Date of Induction: 18 Nov 42
23. Date of Enlistment: Empty
24. Date of Entry into Active Service: 1 Dec 42
25. Place of Entry into Service: Ft Benjamin Harrison Indiana
SELECTIVE SERVICE DATA: 26. Registered: Yes checked 27. Local SS Board No: 1 28. County and State: Randolph Indiana 29. Home Address at time of entry into Service: Route 1 Redkey Indiana
30. Military Occupational Speciality and No: Squad Leader 653
31. Military Qualification and Date: Combat Inf Badge 20 Dec 44 Ex Rifle M1 May 44
32. Battles and Campaigns: Northern France GO 33 WD 45 Rhineland GO 40 WD 45 Central Europe GO 40 WD 45
33. Decorations and Citations: Purple Heart Sec II GO 51 48th Gen Hosp 9 Dec 44 - Good Conduct Medal - European African Middle Eastern Service Medal
34. Wounds Received in Action: 28 Nov 44 European Theater
35. Latest Immunization Dates: . Smallpox: Apr 44 - Typhoid: Dec 43 - Tetanus: Jun 44 - Typhus: May 45
36. Service Outside Continental US and Return:
Depart 27 Aug 44 to European Theater - Arrived 7 Sep 44
Depart 26 Jun 45 to USA - Arrived 3 Jul 45
37. Total Length of Service: Continental Service: 2 Years 15 Days - Foreign Service: 10 Months 7 Days
38. Highest Grade Held: S Sgt
39. Prior Service: None
40. Reason and authority for Separation: Convenience of Government RR 1-1
41. Service Schools Attended: None
42. Education: Grammar: 9 - High School: 3 - College: Ø
43. Longevity for pay purposes: 2 years 10 Months 22 Days 44. Mustering Out Pay: Total $300 This Payment $100 45. Soldier Deposits: None 46. Travel Pay: $129.85 47. Total Amount, Name of Disbursing Officer: $238.15 E W Wheeler Major FD
48. Kind of Insurance: Nat Service 49. How Paid: Allotment checked 50. Effective Date of Allotment Discontinuance: 30 Sep 45 51. Date of Next Premium Due: 31 Oct 45 52. Premium Due Each Month: $6.70 53. Intention of Veteran to: Continue checked
54. Right Thumb Print: Included
55. Remarks: Inactive Service ERC 18 Nov 42 to 30 Nov 42 ASR (2 Sep 45) 75 - Lapel Button Issued
56. Signature of Person being Separated: Walter C. Robbins
57. Personnel Officer: W A Hermann 1st Lt Inf - Signature: W. A. Hermann
WD AGO FORM 53 - 55
1 November 1944

Recorded Copy Information:
Recorded, Delaware County, Indiana Recorder's Office, 15 Oct 1945 (PDF page 5)
Affidavit to a True and correct copy of the Honorable Discharge, 3 Nov 1945 (PDF page 6)
Application for Readjustment Allowance, Indiana Employment Security Division, 1 Dec 1945 (PDF page 3)

S26 Death Record: Walter C. Robbins, 1 July 2012. Middletown, Henry County, Indiana. Indiana State Department of Health, Certificate of Death. State No. 029123. Acc002210/Doc0844.pdf


This is an official copy of Record of Death. Original Copy on File at Indiana State Department of Health/ 881955/881956
Indiana State Department of Health/ Certificate of Death
Local No 000228 EDR No 000000267965 State No 029123
1. Decedent's Legal Name: Walter C. Robbins
2. Sex: Male
3. Time of Death: 03:55 PM 4. Date of Death: 07/01/2012
5. Social Security Number: 315-07-0428
6a. Age: 94 Yrs 7. Date of Birth: 03/19/1918 8. Birthplace: Noblesville, IN
9. Ever in U.S. Armed Forces?: Yes
10a. Place of Death: Decedent's Home
14. Marital Status: Widowed
16. Usual Occupation: Production 17. Industry: Manufacturing
18. Residence:  Middletown, Henry County, Indiana 47356
19. Decedent's Education: 9th-12th Grade; No Diploma
20. Decedent of Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic
21: Decedent's Race: White
22. Father: Oscar C. Robbins 23 Mother: Grace G Robbins 23a. Maiden Name: Foulke
24 Informant's Name:  Relationship: Son 24b. Address:  Middletown, IN 47356]]
25a Method of Disposition: Burial 25b. Place: Gardens of Memory Cemetery 25c.Location: Muncie, IN
26. Coroner Contacted: No
27. Funeral Facility: The Meeks Mortuary IN., 415 E. Washington Street, Muncie, IN 47305 27a. License Number: FH83004918
27b. Signature of Funeral Service Licensee: Gordon D. Cox, By Electronic Signature 27c. License Number: FD01006201
28. Cause of Death: Metastatic Prostate Cancer to Bone - 15 Years
29. Autopsy Performed?: No
31. Did Tobacco use contribute to Death?: No
33. Manner of Death: Natural
41. Signature of person certifying cause of Death: Joseph Michael Songer, By Electronic Signature 42. Certifying Physician
43. Person Certifying Cause of Death: Joseph Michael Songer, 2401 University Avenue, Muncie, IN 47303
44. License Number: 01022350A 45. Date Certified: 07/02/2012
48. Signature of Local Health Officer: John Miller, Via Electronic Signature 49. Date Filed: Jul 03 2012
State Form 53395

S27 Document: Chase Bank Signature Card. Ina Robbins Henderson Account, Walter C. Robbins Signature. 8 March 2005. Acc002211/Doc0845.pdf


Ina Robbins Henderson, ID0197
Walter C. Robbins, ID0005

Chase Bank - Account No: 100000710058
Social Security Numbers:
- Ina: 306-14-8007
- Walter: 315-07-0428
Date of Birth:
- Ina: 21 Dec 1913
- Walter 19 March 1918
- Ina: 8 March 2005
- Walter: 8 March 2005

S28 Interment/Entombment Authorization. Walter C. Robbins, ID0005. 2 July 2012. Gardens of Memory Cemetery, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana. Acc002219/Doc0847.pdf

- Grave Identification: Hymns B - Lot 750, Grave 3
- Type of outer Burial Container [Vault]: GOM Heritage
- Graveside Service
- Purchased for funeral: Rent Tent $275.00 [Paid by son, Walt, Jr.]

S30 Death Certificate: Registered No: 2004-1194 Delaware Co, Indiana Department of Health, Bureau of vital Statistics. Norma L Robbins, 11 Dec 2004. Acc000040/Doc0896.pdf

Died Saturday December 11, 2004 at 8:45pm - at 8400 W CR400S, Yorktown, - Age: 85 - DOB: October 13, 1919 - Female - White - Married - Primary cause of death: A: End stage renal disease - B: Arteriosclerotic Vascular Disease - Signed by: Steven Allen, MD - Place of Burial: Gardens of Memory Cemetery, Muncie, IN - Funeral Director: Meeks Mortuary, Muncie IN - Date of burial: December 15, 2004

S31 Funeral Card, Norma L. Robbins, Meeks Mortuary, 14 Dec 2004. Thomas Kincade Design. Acc000041/Doc0898.pdf Doc0898.pdf
S32 No Original Record of Birth. Norma Louise Haas, 13 Oct 1919. Indiana State Board of Health, 21 Dec 1976. Acc000520/Doc0907.pdf

"Indiana State Board of Health/Indianapolis/To Who it May Concern:/This is to certify there is no original record of birth on file in this office for Norma Louise Haas who is alleged to have been born October 13, 1919 in Muncie Indiana./ Seal of the State of Indiana/ Dec 21 1976/Robert R Lewis [signature]/Director, Vital Records/S.B.H 06-022/ nw" - Attached to this form is a note as follows: "We have no original record of birth on file in this office. Please take this "No Record" certification to the agency requesting proof of age or citizenship. They will advise you what documents will be acceptable in place of an original birth record."

S33 Birth Record: Norma Louise Haas, 13 Oct 1919, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana. Reg. # 589116 - Indiana State Board of Health, Issued 5 May 1977.. Acc000521Doc0908.pdf

"Indiana State Board of Health/Delayed Registration of Birth" - Part 1 "has name Birth date, Father and Mother and where they were born, Norma's signature and current address. It also has the signature of a notary [Patricia Diane Wolfe ID0451] and the date 28 April 1977. - Part 2 - uses the marriage record for Walter ID0005 and Norma ID0006 and the birth record of Walter Clifton Robbins - Son as supporting evidence. Most of the blanks in Part 2 have "Not Shown" typed in the boxes - Someone [Norma it appears by the writing] has marked through these and inserted the proper information in the box. It is signed by a representative of the Indiana State Board of Health. Form# SBH 113-14.

S34 Selective Service Registration Cards, D. S. S. Form 2, Walter Clifton Robbins, ID0005, 16 Oct 1940, Winchester, Randolph County, Indiana. Doc0915.pdf

Note:  This accession contains both the cursive and the printed cards) -
Cursive Version: (PDF page 1 & 2)
This is to certify that in accordance with the
Selective Service Proclamation of the President of the United States
Walter Clifton Robbins
R.F.D. 1 Redkey Randolph Indi
has been duly registered this 16 day of October ???[torn off]
2513 Clarence F S[toner]/ Signature Registrar
Registrar for Green [township] Randolph [County]
Be Alert keep in touch with your local board./ Notify Local Board Immediately of change of address/CARRY THIS CARD WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES/S.S form 2 16-170?"
Race White - Height 5-8 Weight 154 brown eyes brown hair light complexion

Typed, Duplicate, Version (PDF page 3 & 4)
This is to certify that in accordance with the
Selective Service Proclamation of the Pesident of the United States
Walter Clifton Robbins
R.F.D. 1 Redkey Randolph Indiana
has been duly registered this 16 day of October 1940
/S/ Clarence F Stoner
Registrar for Local Board 1 Randolph India
The law requires you to have this card in your/personal possession at all times
D.S.S. Form 2
(Revised 6/9/41
Signature: Vertical, left side: Walter C. Robbins

Race White - Height 5-8 Weight 154 brown eyes brown hair light complexion



S35 Death Record: Funeral Home Charges. Walter C. Robbins, ID0005. Meeks Mortuary, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana, 1 July 2012. Acc002284/Doc0965.pdf

Services Selected: $4190.00
Casket: $3885.00
Misc. $903.50
Sales Tax: $294.35
Total cost of Funeral: $9272.85

Doc0965.pdf (Invoice)
Doc4765.pdf (Paid)
S36 Photo-Poem, for Norma L. Haas Robbins, ID0006. Provided by Gardens of Memory Cemetery, Dec 2004. Acc000499/Doc0904.pdf  
S41 Financial Record: Invoice for preparing of Will and other Documents for Walter C. Robbins, Sr., ID0005. 10 Aug 2012. Wisehart Law Office, Middletown, Henry County, Indiana. Acc002290/Doc0971.pdf

Preparation of Will, Power of Attorney, etc - $261.00

S42 Newspaper Article: "Rural residents hold demonstration against sludge spreading plan" Muncie Evening Press 16 Aug 1982, page 1, Showing Walter. Acc000663/ Doc0981.pdf

Notes: Walter is wearing a box and his head is circled in the newspaper picture which was on the front page of the paper. The first sludge proposal would have used the field just north of Mom & Dad's home.

Caption under picture: "Raising a Stink - Pickets with a loaded manure spreader circle City Hall today, protesting a play by the Muncie Sanitary District to Spread treaded sludge on farmland. The protesters oppose the plan because they believe the sludge will contaminate land and ground water and reduce property values. Their march today was scheduled after the Environmental protecting Agency released a report saying no further study of the plan was necessary unless public objections arose."

S43 Map: Indiana State Highway Map, Indiana Department of Transportation, Indianapolis: 2003. Acc000024/Doc1014.pdf

Note: Dad stated he was born 6 miles from Fortville in Hamilton County.

S44 Interviews with Walter -
- 2 July 2003:  Acc000402 - Doc0871.pdf
- 20 Sept 2005:  Acc000522 - Doc0879.pdf
- 22 Sept 2005:  Acc000523 - Doc0551.pdf
- 29 Sept 2005:  Acc001067 - Doc0740.pdf
- 20 Mar  2007:  Acc000875 - Doc0883.pdf
S45 1920 Federal Census, Muncie Ward 8, Delaware County, Indiana. SD 8, ED 43, Sheet 15. dwelling 169, Family 169, 1927 E 17th St, Line 1, August Haas. Original Data: NARA, T625, roll 427. . Acc000713. 

1]  August Haas -
25 yr old white male, Head of household, owned home with mortgage, married - Able to read, write and speak English - Born in Ohio, Father in Germany and Mother in Ohio - Father speaks German - Occupation: laborer at Ball Bros, Worker.
2]  Mabel M Haas
29 yr old white female, married - did not attend school during year, Wife of head of household - Able to read, write, and speak English. Born in Indiana, Fagher born in Indiana, mother in Ohio - Occupation: None.
3]  Wilma N Haas
: 1-9/12 yr old white female, single, born in Indiana, father born in Ohio, mother in Indiana.
4]  Norma Louise Haas
: 9/12 yr old white female, single - Born in Indiana, father in Ohio and Mother in Indiana.
5]  Marguerite Worthen
: Sister-in-law to head - 13 yr old white female, single, attended school during the year, able to read, write, and speak English - Born in Indiana, Father in Indiana, Mother in Ohio - Occupation: None.
S46 1930 Federal Census, Muncie, Center Township, Delaware County, Indiana. SD 5, ED 17-20, Sheet 35B, 1927 E 17th St, Dwelling 783, Family 849, Line 51, August Haas. Original Data: Nara, T626, Roll 583. . Acc000758. 
1]  August Haas:
35 yr old white male - 25 yrs old when first married - Owns home - Value $1800 - Family has a radio set - Did not attend school during the year - Able to read and write and speak English - Born in Ohio - Father born in Germany - Mother born in Ohio - Occupation: Furnace man in a glass factory [Ball Brothers - Veteran of US military service - WW [WW1]
2]  Mary M [Mabel] Haas: -
30 yr old white female - 17 yrs old when first married - Did not attend school during the year - Able to read, write and speak English - Born in Indiana - Father born in Ohio - Mother born in Indiana - Occupation: none.
3]  Wilma N Haas
: 11 yr old white female, single, daughter of head, attended school, able to read, write and speak English, born Indiana, Father in Ohio, Mother Indiana.
4]  Norma L Haas
: 10 yr old white female, single, daughter of head, attended school, able to read, write and speak English, born in Indiana, father in Ohio, and mother in Indiana.
5]  Olive J Haas
: 8 yr old white female, single, daughter of head, attended school, able to speak English, born in Indiana, father in Ohio, and mother in Indiana.
6]  Marjorie R Haas
: 6 yr old white female, single, attended school, born in Indiana, father in Ohio, and mother in Indiana.
S47 BookRandolph County, Indiana, 1818-1990. Winchester, Ind: Historical & Genealogical Society of Randolph County, Indiana, 1991 - page 241. Acc000890

Note: Walter is listed on this page as a Randolph County veteran

S48 Newspaper Article, "Contaminated former gas station being cleaned up" - StarPress Online, 1 Nov 2010 - (Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana) Acc001553 Doc0307.pdf
S49 Marriage Record:  "The Bridal Day" book. Walter C Robbins and Norma L Haas, 29 May 1943. Acc001421/Doc0375.pdf


Front Cover: The Bridal Day - (Doc0375.pdf, page 1)
Marriage Certificate: - (Doc0375.pdf, page 2)
Certificate of Marriage - This certifies that Walter Clifton Robbins of Redkey, Indiana and Norma Louise Haas of Muncie, Indiana were united by me in Holy Matrimony in accordance with the Ordinance of God and the Laws of the State at 1822 S Walnut St Muncie, Ind on the 29th day of May 1943 - Signed: Edgar L??? Hamilton Pastor Walnut St Baptist Church Muncie, Ind - Witness: Marjorie Ruth Haas -

Gift List: - (Doc0375.pdf, page 4)
One dozen roses from Mary Durman & Gretchen Sumwalt - Dishes from Marguerite & Harold - Gown from Wilma & John - Corsage from Marjorie -

Newspaper Articles: (2 separate articles) -
1. Norma: - (Doc0375.pdf, page 3)
Wed to Soldier - photo of Norma - Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Norma Haas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Haas, 1927 East Seventeenth Street, and Private Walter C Robbins, son of Mr. and Mrs. O C Robbins of Redkey. The informal single ring ceremony took place Saturday afternoon, May 29, at the home of the Rev E L Hamilton on South Walnut Street with the Rev Hamilton reading the wedding vows -

2. Walter: - (Doc0375.pdf, page 3)
Photo of Walter - Private Walter C Robbins who recently spent a seven-day furlough visiting at home, has returned to camp. He is the husband of Mrs. Norma Haas Robbins and son of Mr and Mrs. O C Robbins of Redkey. Private Robbins entered the armed forces on December 1, 1942. His address: Co. B, 413th Inf., APO 104 Div, Camp Adair, Ore, US Army.) -

Note: I did not scan the entire book, only the pages directly relating to Walter and Norma

S50 GM Purchase Certificate & Receipt from Dealer for Frigidaire refrigerator. June 1975. Mabel Worthen Haas ID0378. Acc000166/Doc0583.pdf

Note: Frigidaire Certificate Walter got from GM so Mabel Haas could buy a refrigerator from Bakers Appliances - Shows Clock # for Walter as being 31207. n.d. - shows his address to be R#2, Yorktown, Ind 47356 and phone number as 759-9331. The receipt is from Bakers 3601 S Madison, Muncie, Indiana, dated 7 June 1975 - sold to Walter Robbins - Deliver to: Mabel Crabill at 1927 E 17th - Total purchase price: $566.72.
General Motors at the time of this transaction owned the Frigidaire company and all employees received a discount on their products.

S51 Polk's Muncie Directory. Cincinnati, Ohio/Detroit, Michigan: R L Polk & Co. digital image, , Acc001929, viewed; 20 January 2010; 1946, page 298.

Extract: "Robbins Walter C (Norma L) Fctywkr Chevrolet-Muncie Div h1108 W 16th."
S52 Membership Card. Chevrolet Muncie Sympathy Club. Walter C Robbins, 18 Sept 1963. Acc001564/ Doc1047.pdf

Member - Chevrolet Muncie Sympathy Club - Name: Walter C. Robbins - Date: 9 18 [19]63 - Notify Financial Secretary immediately of change of address of either yourself or your beneficiary. Wilbur Powell Financial Secretary

S53 Pay Stubs, Credited Service Statement. Chevrolet-Muncie (Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana). Walter C. Robbins, 1957, 1958. Acc000183/Doc1048.pdf

-- Pay Stub: 21 March 1958 and
-- Pay Stub: 8 Aug 1958 -
-- Statement of Employee's Credited Service as of 31 Dec 1957

S54 Dialysis Information and Documents relating to Norma.  Acc000030

Dialysis Information:
1. The Kidneys - 5 pages - Doc1055-001.pdf
2. Understanding Dialysis - 18 Pages - Doc1056-002.pdf
3. Peritoneal Dialysis/ Fresenius Exchange Procedures - 2 pages - Doc1056-003.pdf

Norma - Dialysis Documents:
1. Ball Memorial Hospital/ Cardinal Health Systems/Medicare - 11 pages - Doc1056-004.pdf
2. Fresenius Medical Care - 6 pages - Doc1056-005.pdf

S55 Telephone Conversation between Walter C. Robbins, Sr. and Walter C. Robbins, Jr., 2 Apr 2002.

Dad called today 02 April 2002, to inform me the tests he had ran shows he has cancer of the prostate and he has an appointment on Thursday 4 April 2002 and the doctor will lay out the plan of action to deal with it.

4 April 2002: I visited with Mom and Dad. Dad had his appointment today with the Urologist. Dad has stage A cancer which, at his age, if left alone will most likely not develop into anything dangerous to him for another 10 or 15 years. In all likelihood something else will kill him before this will. The doctor, therefore, recommended he do nothing beyond the procedure to be done on 17 April 2002 to open up the canal through the prostate itself.

S56 Autobiography of Norma Haas Robbins, ID0006. Yorktown, Indiana, 1992. Transcribed by RobbHaas, 13 Sept 2005. Acc000502/ Doc0406.pdf  - Doc0310.pdf

Images of Original Doc0406.pdf
Transcription Doc0310.pdf

S57 Marriage Record:  "Indiana Marriages, 1811-2007," database with images, FamilySearch (  : 24 Apr 2018), Walter Clifton Robbins and Norma Louise Haas, 29 May 1943; citing Delaware, Indiana, United States, various county clerk offices, Indiana; FHL microfilm 2,069,558. Acc002326/Doc1268.pdf

From Image:
Page 336
Delaware Circuit Court of Indiana
Application for Marriage License - Male
Serial No. 447449
Walter Clifton Robbins
Born 19 Mar 1918, Hamilton Co. Ind
Present Residence: RR 1, Redkey, Ind
Present Occupation: Soldier
Father: Arthur C. Robbins [Oscar C. Robbins]. White, Born Hamilton County, Indiana - Occupation Farmer - Residence: RR 1, RedKey, Ind
Mother: Grace Foulke, White, Housewife, born Hamilton County, Indiana, Residence: RR 1, Redkey, Ind
First Marriage: Yes
Signature: Walter C. Robbins

Application for Marriage License - Female
Serial No. 447450
Norma Louise Haas
Born 13 Oct 1919, Delaware Co., Ind
Present Residence: 1927 E. 17th St., Muncie, Ind]
Present Occupation: Navy Ord. [Ordinance] Inspector
Father: August Haas, white, born Ohio, Occupation: Foreman - Residence: Muncie, Ind
Mother: Mable Marie Worthen, White, Housewife, born Blackford Co., Ind, Residence: Muncie, Ind.
First Marriage: Yes
Signature: Norma Louise Haas

Delaware County Clerk: Jesse E. Green
License Date: 29 May 1943

Marriage Date: 29 May 1943, Delaware County, Indiana
Official: Edgar L. Hamilton, Minister [12th St. Baptist Church]

S58 Notes:
1 Dec 2010: Dad complained of not being able to empty his bladder and he was in misery. I finally got him in to see his urologist, Dr. Williams. He said that Dad's bladder had effectively quit working properly and that he suggested using a catheter twice each day to empty his bladder. They inserted a catheter and drained a good amount of urine in the office. The idea was that the staff at Lynd House would insert the catheter twice a day - this went on for a period of time but it was obvious they were not liking this - I was paying extra for them to do this and to take care of the catheter.
9 Dec 2011: Consultations with Chris at Lynd House and Dr. Williams office it was decided to insert a permanent (Foley) catheter. Chris inserted the Foley. When I talked to Dad he was not happy about this. He had forgotten that we had talked the day before about going to the permanent catheter.
13 Jan 2011: Chris at Lynd House had trouble changing the Foley - I took Dad to Dr. Williams and he decided they would change the Foley at their office every three weeks from now on. They would continue to use the gravity bag at night which would be handled by staff at Lynd House.
4 Feb 2011: the first change for the Foley at Dr. Williams Office went without a hitch
S59 "Marriage License" Newspaper Notice. Walter Robbins and Norma Haas. Probably Muncie Star, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana, May 1943. Acc000300/Doc0341.pdf

Marriage Licenses. Walter Clifton Robbins, 25, soldier, Redkey, R. R. 1 and Norma Louise Haas, 23, Navy ordnance inspector, Muncie.

S60 Memory book created by Living, ID0013. June 2003. and Photos of the Event. Acc000296/Doc0372. 0373, 0374.pdf  
S61 "Our Own Baby" for Walt Robbins, Jr., ID0001, Dec 1944. Acc000988/Doc0191.pdf  
S62 Polk's Muncie Directory. Cincinnati, Ohio/Detroit, Michigan: R L Polk & Co. digital image, , Acc001929, 1946, page 298 - viewed; 20 January 2010;  
S63 Wedding Shower Invitation for Norma Haas Robbins, 17 June 1943. Acc000300/Doc0341.pdf

Front: A Bridal Shower
Inside: It isn't raining rain today... It's raining invitations! Won't you come and join us In some shower celebrations? For Norma Haas Robbins Date: June 17, 1943 Time: 730 Place: 719 E Washington St


S64 Tax Papers 1952-1957 - Walter and Norma Robbins

1952 Taxes - Acc000207 - Doc0384.pdf
1953 Taxes - Acc000206 - Doc1132.pdf
1954 Taxes - Acc000205 - Doc0386.pdf
1955 Taxes - Acc000201 - Doc0385.pdf
1956 Taxes - Acc001409 - Doc0383.pdf
1957 Taxes - Acc000193 - Doc0382.pdf

S65 Ledger Book for Walter & Norma Robbins, 1958 to 1968. Handwritten, bound book. Acc001661/ Doc0444.pdf

- Ledger Scans: Genealogy/Documents/Doc0444.pdf (59 Pages)
- Table of contents: Genealogy/Documents/Doc0445.pdf (4 pages)

S66 Land Document:  Abstract for 400S House, Salem Township, Delaware County, Indiana.. Acc000932/Doc1171.pdf

Abstract for the house located at 8400 W CR400S, Yorktown, Delaware Co, Indiana
Coordinates of property: 40° 08' 05.93"N 85° 33' 40.32"W

S67 SSDI:  Norma L Robbins, 305-14-1338. Original Data: Social Security Administration. , accessed 20 Feb 2011. Acc001145

Extract: Number: 305-14-1338;Issue State: Indiana;Issue Date: Before 1951. Last Residence: 47396 Yorktown, Delaware, Indiana, United States of America/ Born: 13 Oct 1919/ Last Benefit: 47396 Yorktown, Delaware, Indiana, United States of America/ Died: 11 Dec 2004/ State (Year) SSN issued: Indiana (Before 1951)

S68 Indiana Driver License, Issued 10 Oct 2002. Norma L Robbins. DLN: 8939-51-2948. Acc000504/ Doc1065.pdf

Indiana Operator Driver License - DLN: 8939-51-2948 - Norma L Robbins 8400 W CRD 400S Yorktown, IN 47356 - Date of Birth: 10/13/1919 - Transaction No: 21001960110 - Issue: 10/10/2002 - Height: 5-03 - Weight: 170 - Hair: Whi - Eyes: Blu - Sex: F - Donor - Restrictions: A - SSN: 305-14-1338]

S69 Death Record: Receipts from Meeks Mortuary and from Gardens of Memory Cemetery for Norma Robbins. Dec 2004. Acc001424/Doc0416.pdf

Meeks Mortuary:
Statement, 11 Dec 2004
Statement of Funeral Goods and Services Selected

Gardens of Memory Cemetery:
Final Disposition Authorization
Family Review Worksheet
Cash Register Receipts

S70 Document, Federal. Social Security Administration. Application for Lump-Sum Death Payment. For Norma Louise Robbins by Walter C Robbins, 20 Dec 2004. Acc001427/Doc0417.pdf

Norma DOB
Norma DOD
Norma SS#
Norma/Walter marriage date
Walter name and SS#

S71 Document, Misc: Life Insurance receipt and payment check stub. 28 Dec 2004. for Norma Robbins, paid to Walter Robbins. Acc001428/Doc1218.pdf

Note: total payout of policy: $2486.08, paid to Walter

S72 Education Record, Blaine Junior High School, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana. Semester award in spelling, issued to Norma Haas. Acc000298/Doc0988.pdf

Semester award in Spelling -Issued the second semester of 1933-34. "Semester Award in Spelling/This is to certify the /Norma Haas/who attends Blaine Junior High School at Muncie,/Indiana, made one hundred in spelling every Fri-/day during the second semester of the year 1933-1934./English Teacher/Nelda Holsinger"

S73 Interview with Norma Louise Haas (8400 W CR400S, Yorktown, IN 47396), by Walter Clifton Robbins, Jr-Son, 16 Nov 2001. Acc000013,  
S74 Book:  Lasley, Norma and the Delaware County Historical Society (Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana). Images of America: Delaware County. Charleston, South Carolina: Arcadia Publishing, 2012. Bk3725  
S75 Affidavit of Survivorship, 400S House. Walt Robbins, Sr., ID0005. Following the death of Norma Haas Robbins., 10 March 2005. Acc002487/ Doc1360.pdf Doc1360.pdf
S77 Education Record, Grade Cards for Walter C. Robbins, Sr., ID0005, Grades 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10. Acc002749/Doc1693.pdf

Grade 2:  7 Sept 1925-28 Apr 1926 - Henry County Public Schools - Gladys Ham, Teacher
Grade 4:  4 Sept 1928 to 22 Apr 1929 - Cadiz, Harrison Township, Henry County Public Schools - Katheryn Cooper, Teacher
Grade 5:  3 Sept 1929 to 24 Apr 1930 - Cadiz, Harrison Township, Henry County Public Schools - Laura Reynolds, Teacher
Grade 7: 1931/1932 - Jackson Township, Hamilton County, Indiana High School
Grade 9: 1933/1934 - Jackson Township, Hamilton County, Indiana High School
Grade 10: 1934/1935 - Jackson Township, Hamilton County, Indiana High School (Partial Year)
S78 Grade Cards for Norma Haas, ID0006, Grade 6 to 12, Stevenson, Blaine and Central Schools, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana. Acc002750/Doc1694.pdf

28 PDF pages

1. Grade 6B - Stevenson School - Gladys P. King, Teacher
2. Grade 6a - Stevenson School - J.S. Shepard, Teacher
3. Grade 7B - Blaine Junior High School - 1931/1932
4. Grade 7A - Blaine Junior High School - 1932/1933
5. Grade 8B - Blaine Junior High School - 1932/933
6. Grade 8A - Blaine Junior High School - 1933/1934 - Home Room 316
7. Grade 9B - Blaine Junior High School - 1933/1934
8. Grade 9A - Blaine Junior High School - 1934/1935
9. Central High School - 2nd Semester 1934/1935 - Home Room Teacher: Johnson
10. Central High School - 1st Semester 1935/1936 - Home Room Teacher: Johnson
11. Central High School - Grade 11A - 1st Semester - 1936/1937 - Home Room Teacher: Johnson
12. Central High School - Fall Semester of the year 1937/1938 - Home Room Teacher: Bogart
13. Central High School - 2nd Semester of the year 1937/1938 - Home Room Teacher: Bogart

S79 Graduation Invitation. Norma Haas, ID0006. Muncie Central High School, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana, 9 June 1938. Mabel Worthen Haas Crabill Papers. Acc002756/Doc1700.pdf

1. I removed the envelope flap because the glue was discoloring the other paper
2. I added highlights so the engraving would stand out

S80 Correspondence. Postcard to Walter & Norma Robbins from Wilma Haas Lucas. June 1990. Acc000963 /Doc1796.pdf

Sat June 14 [1990]
Dear Norma,
We have spent a good deal of time on the bus traveling across Switzerland - It has rained 3 days and 2 days of sun.
We have a big festival today with all the local people. IT just happened that we are here this week. It isn't special for us. We are going to Germany Tomorrow.
Love, Wilma

S81 Correspondence. Postcard to Walter & Norma Robbins from Marjorie Haas Van Couwenberghe, from Germany, June 1990. Acc000962/Doc1795.pdf

Wed 6/20 [1990]
Dear Norma & Walter
This is our castle, it's fantastic, high on a hill as all the castles are. It's in the Nahe river valley, real wine country, vines are everywhere. We toured another really authentic castle in Switz.. & it was great. And the yodeling in Switz. Was beautiful, wish you could hear. Off to Belgium on Sunday, & Back July 1. Love, Marjorie

S82 Obituary for Mable Ruth Gilliatte, Muncie Star (Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana), 19 March 1994.  Doc2154.pdf
S83 1987 Oscar & Grace Foulke Robbins Family Reunion -
23 Aug 1987
Home of Myron and Mary Elizabeth Robbins, Bakers Corner, Hamilton County, Indiana
Photo:  Mary, Walter, Esther, Milton, Myron, Ina Robbins

Hi-Res Image
S84 Worthen-Haas Family Picture (Ph11041.tif) - (I138):

Left to Right:  Mabel Worthen Haas, Marguerite Worthen Atha, Della Edens Worthen, Wilma Haas, August Haas, Olive Haas, Marg Haas, William Alfred Worthen, Unknown, Norma Haas, Maudella Luzadder Worthen - Baby:  Barbara Haas - Boy:  William Russell Worthen
S85 Death Record, Norma L. Robbins. "Indiana, Death Certificates, 1899-2011" [database on-line]. Original Data: Indiana State Board of Health. Death Certificates, 1900–2011. Microfilm. Indiana Archives and Records Administration, Indianapolis, Indiana. Indiana Archives and Records Administration., accessed 9 June 2016. Doc3541.pdf  
S86 "Indiana, Birth Certificates, 1907-1940" [database on-line]. Original data: Indiana State Board of Health. Birth Certificates, 1907-1940. Microfilm. Indiana Archives and Records Administration, Indianapolis, Indiana., accessed, 14 June 2016. Walter Clifton Robbins, 19 Mar 1918, Hamilton County, Indiana, Certificate 12427. Doc3548.pdf.  
S87 German Phrase Book - French Phrase Book - Used by Walt in France and Germany, 1944/1945  
Newspaper Article:  "Wed To Soldier" [Norma Haas and Walter C. Robbins].  The Muncie Sunday Star (Muncie, Indiana), 6 June 1943, page 2, Col. 4., accessed 31 Jan 1943.  - Clip of Page -

From Image:
"Wed to Soldier" -
[Picture of Norma] "
Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Norma Haas daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Haas, 1927 East Seventeenth street, and Private Walter C.  Robbins, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Robbins of Redkey. The informal single ring ceremony took place Saturday afternoon, May 29, at the home of the Rev E. L. Hamilton on South Walnut street with the Rev.  Hamilton reading the wedding vows."
News Article:  "News from Our Boys"  The Muncie Morning Star (Muncie, Indiana), Thursday, 10 Dec 1942, page 7, Co. 3., accessed 12 Feb 2017.  Doc4053.pdf

From Image:  
Col. 3:
   Albert M. Frank, husband of Mrs. Edna Frank, of Dunkirk, Walter C. Robbins, son of Mrs. Grace Robbins of Redkey, and Harvey V. Jeries, husband of Mrs. Beulah M. Jeries, R.F.D. 1, Albany, have been transferred from Fort Benjamin Harrison to Camp Adair, Ore.
News Article:  "Anniversaries"  The Muncie Sunday Star (Muncie, Indiana), 9 May 1993, page 4B, Col. 2 & 3., accessed 12 Feb 2017.  Doc4054.pdf

From Image:
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Robbins
Robbins, 50th
   Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Robbins, 8400 W. Delaware County Road 400-S, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary during an open house 2-4 pm May 23 in Shawnee Heights Baptist Church. 
   Friends and relatives are invited to attend.  The couple ask that gifts be omitted.    
   Mr. and Mrs. Robbins were married May 29, 1943, in Muncie by Rev. Edgar L. Hamilton.  Mrs. Robbins is the former Norma L. Haas. 
   They are the parents of Walter C Robbins Jr, Muncie; Janet Robbins, Chesterfield, and the late Phillip E. Robbins.  They have five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. 
   Mrs. Robbins belonged to the Community Club, Daleville, is a member of the Home Demonstration Club, Blackford County, and is retired from Zayre.  She is a former deaconess of Shawnee Heights Baptist Church. 
   Mr. Robbins is an Army veteran.  He worked at Chevrolet Muncie (now New Venture Gear Inc.) from 1945 until his retirement in 1982.
News Article:  "Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Robbins Sr."  The Muncie Star (Muncie, Indiana), 29 May 1983, page 2-B, Col. 3 & 4., accessed 13 Feb 2017.  Doc4058.pdf
From Image:
Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. Robbins Sr.
     YORKTOWN -- Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Robbins Sr., R.R. 2, will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary during a 2-5pm open house June 5 in their home
     Family and friends are invited to attend.  The couple request gifts be omitted.
     The Robbins were married May 29, 1943, Muncie.
     They are parents of Walter Robbins Jr., Muncie; Janet Robbins, Indianapolis, and Phillip Robbins, deceased.  They have five grandchildren.
     The Robbins have lived in Delaware County for 40 years.  He retired from Chevrolet-Muncie in 1981 and his wife retired from Zayre Department Store in 1981. 
News Article:  Walter C. Robbins, Convalescent Center, WW 2.  The Muncie Star (Muncie, Indiana), 17 Arpr 1945, page 7, Col. 6., accessed 13 Feb 2017.  Doc4066.pdf  (Cloud:  Full and Clip of Article) -
From Image:
     The 826th Convalescent Center, England - Now fully recovered from wounds received on Nov. 28, 1944 in Germany, Staff Sgt. Walter G. Robbins, 27, of 1927 E. 17th St., has been released from this United States Army convalescent center in England.  He will return to active duty. 
     While at this center he participated in a rehabilitation program consisting of military training and expert medical care. 
     Member of an infantry unit, he entered the army Nov. 14, 1942.  His wife, Mrs. Walter C. Robbins, lives in Muncie.
News Article:  "On The Scanner - Traffic Accidents" The Star Press (Muncie, Indiana), 24 Aug 1999, page 2-B, Col. 4., accessed 19 Feb 2017.   Doc4077.pdf
From the Image:
On The Scanner
Traffic Accidents
Saturday [21 Aug 1999] 
Meeker and 29th streets, 10:01 a.m. - Cars driven by Walter Robbins, 81, Yorktown, and Marc E. Nannie, 27, 3413 S. Beacon St.
News Article:  "IN UNIFORM"  The Muncie Star (Muncie, Indiana), 8 July 1945, page 2, Col. 4., accessed 19 Feb 2017.   Doc4078.pdf
From Image:
     S. Sgt Walter Robbins whose wife, Mrs. Walter Robbins, lives at 1927 East Seventeenth Street, is not home on furlough.  While fighting with the Timberwolf Division he participated in the Belgium, Holland, and Germany Campaigns, and was awarded the Purple Heart and the Combat Infantry Badge.
News Article: "Area 6 Senior Games Results"  The Muncie Star (Muncie, Indiana), Sunday 20 Sept 1992, page 2-C, Col. 6., accessed 19 Feb 2017.  Doc4079.pdf
From Image:
Area 6 Senior Games Results
The Area 6 Senior Games were held this week with more than 425 men and women participating in 21 events, including basketball, volleyball, and track and field
Medal Winners:
70-74:  Silver:  ... Lila Frantz and Walter Robbins; ...
News Article:  "Pain is the Priority"  TheStarPress (Muncie, Indiana), 17 May 2001, page 5-A, Col. 3 & 4., accessed 19 Feb 2017.   Doc4085.pdf (Clip of Article

From Image: 
Pain is the Priority
Walter Robbins Sr.
8400 W. County Road 400-S
     This concerns the emergency room at Ball Memorial Hospital.  Recently, I had an acute gall bladder attack and couldn't walk.  They told me I had to fill out all the paper work.  I asked whether I could get I could get help quick.  They insisted I fill out the paper work first.  I even asked whether my wife, who had brought me, could fill out the papers, but they said no, I ad to d that.
     It took more than 20 minutes to get that done.  I was in a lot of pain.  I found out later that I had a stone lodged in my pancreas and was full of infection.
     I think that when a person goes to the ER with acute pain they should be able to get some help immediately and worry about the paper work later.
     Or why can't a relative or friend who came with the person fill out the paper work?
S97 News Article:  "Among Eastern Indiana Men With Our Armed Forces"  Private Walter C. Robbins.  The Muncie Sunday Star, 6 June 1943, page 6, Col. 6., accessed 11 March 2017.  Doc4140.pdf   (Clip of Article)
From Image:
Among Eastern Indiana Men With Our Armed Forces
Photo of Walter C. Robbins
     Private Walter C. Robbins, who recently spent a seven-day furlough visiting at home, has returned to camp.  He is the husband of Mrs. Norma Haas Robbins and son of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Robbins of Redkey.  Private Robbins entered the armed forces on December 1, 1942.  His address:  Co. B., 413th Inf., A.P.O. 104 Div., Camp Adair, Ore., U.S. Army.
Newspaper Article:  "City and County Statistics/ Real Estate Transfers"  Walter C. Robbins.  Muncie Star, 12 June 1947, page 2, Col. 5., accessed 24 March 2017.   Doc4168.pdf
From Image:
     Walter C. Robbins, et ux, to Thomas M. Corwin, et ux, lot 18, block 11, of Witt Tract.  Hurst near Gem St., appraised value for taxation, $85.  Improvements, $630.
News Article:  Speeding Violation, Walter C. Robbins.  The Muncie Star, 20 Feb 1954, page 5, Col. 4.  24 Feb 1954, page  13, Col. 7.  2 March 1954, page 16, Col. 3., accessed 24 March 2017.  Doc4169.pdf  

From Images:
20 Feb 1954:  "Eaton Driver Slated"  Walter C. Robbins, 35, Eaton, R. R., was slated here on Broadway at 7:20 a.m. Friday on a charge of speeding in a posted zone.  He was ordered into City Court Tuesday for plea.
24 Feb 1954:  "Eaton Driver in Denial"  Walter C. Robbins, 38, Eaton, pleaded not guilty Tuesday in City Court to a speeding charge.  His trial date was set for March 1 by Harry Redkey, deputy prosecutor.
2 March 1954:  "One Driver Freed, Two Held Guilty"  ... Found guilty of speeding violations were ... and Walter C. Robbins, 35, Eaton.  
Newspaper Article:  Classified Ads/ Horses, Cattle, Live Stock 39/ Walter C. Robbins  The Muncie Morning Star (Muncie, Indiana), 31 Aug 1942, page 10, Col. 7., accessed 25 March 2017.  Doc4177.pdf  (Clip of Article)
From Image
17 Head Shropshire ewes and buck.  Walter C. Robbins, 1 1/2 miles northeast Fairview.
Newspaper Article:  Legal Notices - Notice of Hearing on Final Account and Petition for Distribution No. P2S 64/62.  (Grace Robbins, Deceased).  The Muncie Star (Muncie, Indiana), 5 March 1965, page 29, Col. 1 and 12 March 1965, Page 26,. Col. 5., accessed 29 March 2017.   Doc4179.pdf
From Images:  (Both notices are the same)
No. P 2S 64/62
     Clerk of the Superior Court of Delaware County No. 2, Muncie, Indiana.
     In the Matter of the Estate of Grace Robbins, deceased.
     Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that Walter C. Robbins as Administrator of the above named estate has filed his final account in settlement of said estate and petition for distribution, and that the same has been set for hearing in said Superior Court of Delaware County No. 2  at the Court House in the City of Muncie, Indiana, on the 22nd day of March, 1965, at which time all persons entitled to share in the final distribution of said estate are required to appear in said Court and make proof of their heirship or claim to any part of said estate and show cause why such account should not be approved.
     Dated this 4th day of March 1965.
     Walter C. Robbins
     Personal Representative
(Seal) Lawrence R. Walsh
     Clerk of the Superior Court of Delaware County No. 2.
Myers, Slagle & Shirey
     311 W. Jackson St., Muncie, Indiana
     Attorneys for Estate.
Newspaper Article:  "City and County Statistics/Real Estate Transfers"  The Muncie Star (Muncie, Indiana), 11 June 1948, page 2, Col. 4., accessed 29 March 2017.   Doc4180.pdf
From Image:
     Carl O. Tobias, et ux. to Walter C. Robbins, et us, 25.89 acres in section 11 Union Township, One mile north of Eaton.  Real estate appraised for taxation $750, improvements $360.
Newspaper Article:  Classified Ad/ Vehicles, Implements - Walt Robbins, Sr.  The Muncie Star (Muncie, Indiana), 15 Nov 1942, page 12, Col. 3., accessed 30 March 2017.   Doc4181.pdf
From Image:
1937 John Deer No. 6 combine on rubber; rubber-tired 4-wheel trailer; fanning mill; 8x10 brooder house, used one season.  1 1/2 miles northeast Fairview, Walter C. Robbins.
Newspaper Article:  "Day/Breaks"  The Muncie Star (Muncie, Indiana), 18 July 1986, page 16, Col. 4., accessed 8 Apr 2017.   Doc4200.pdf
From Image:
     Descendants of Oscar C. and Grace G. Robbins will have their 21st family reunion Aug. 10 at the home of Walter and Norma Robbins, R.R. 2, Yorktown.
Newspaper Article:  "Recent Home Sales" The Muncie Star (Muncie, Indiana), 30 Sept 2007, page 16., accessed 8 Apr 2017.  Doc4201.pdf
From Image:
Buyer:  Wendy & Adam Harrod
Seller:  Walter C. Robbins
Price:  $109,000
Address:  8400 W. CR 400S
City:  Yorktown
S106 Land Record, Legal Description, Flagler Estates, Tract 396. Walt and Norma Haas Robbins. 1972-2002. Doc4861.pdf
From Image:
TRACT 396 . .
That portion of Section 24, Township 10 South, Range 28 East,
Flagler County, Florida, described as follows:
Commence at the Northeast corner of said .Section 24; Thence r
run SO0- 10'-00"E, along the East line of said Section 24, 2738. 93 feet
to the East 1/4 corner of said Section 24; Thence run SO0-04'-00"E,
along the East line of said Section 24, 1704. 74 feet; .Thence run due
West, 4005.23 feet to the Point of Beginning of the hereinafter described
parcel of land; Thence continue due West, 330. 00 feet; Thence run due
South, 165. 00 feet; Thence run due East, 330. 00 feet; Thence run due
North, 165. 00 feet to the Point of Beginning.
Less the East 30 feet for road, utility and drainage purposes.
S107 Autograph Book, Norma Louise Haas, ID0006. Muncie Central High School, Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana, 1936. Scanned 16 Jan 2019. Doc5042.pdf,

Index of Friends and family members

PDF Page 2:
Vertically along left edge of page:
Norma Louise Haas
Central High School

Center of Page:
Norma Louise Haas
1927 East Seventeenth

PDF Page 11:
Margureite Atha
Hope you many happy years

PDF Page 12:
Wishing you many Happy Returns
of the new year Grand Mother

I tink and tink
and tink in vain,
I tink by golly
I'll write my name.
(Your sister)
Olive Jean Haas.

PDF page 13:
Wm Worthen, Pete, Bill, Willie, nuto,
Uncle Bill

PDF Page 14:
Wishing you the
best forever.

PDF Page 15:
"If you can't be a pine on
the top of the hill,
Be a scrub in the valley but be - - - -
the best little scrub by
the side of the rill.
If you can't be a bush by
a tree ----
It isn't by size, that
you win or you fail
Be the best of what
ever you are"
Success to you.
Marjorie Haas

PDF Page 16:
Smile and the world will
smile with you
Cry and you will cry alone.
Your sister
Olive Jean Haas 9B'

PDF page 17:
December 25, 1935
"Gather rose buds
while you may
Life and love
soon pass away"
May the New Year be one
of success and happiness
Your sister
Wilma Haas

PDF Page 18:
Wishing you a happy
Year August Haas

PDF page 19:
May your life be useful
Happy and prosperous

Barbara Jane Haas,
20 months old.

PDF page 24:
Best of Luck
Your Son
Walter Robbins Jr.
Roses are Red
Violets are blue
thats why I love you
Your Son
Walter Robbins Jr.

PDF Page 35:
Jan 6, 1936
Dear Norma,
True friends are like
diamonds precious but
rare, false ones like autumn
leaves found everywhere.
Your Friend
Norma Reynolds
M.H.S. "38"

PDF page 37:
Ann Gibson
Mock Avenue
Muncie, Ind.

S108 5- Year Service Award from Zayre, Norma Haas Robbins, ID0006, 1 July 1973. Doc5054.pdf.  
S109 WW2 Draft Card, Walter C. Robbins, 16 Oct 1940, Winchester, Randolph County, Indiana. "U.S. WWII Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947" [database on-line]. Original Data: Draft Registration Cards for Indiana, 10/16/1940 - 03/31/1947. 432 boxes. NAI: 7644728. Records of the Selective Service System, 1926–1975, Record Group 147. National Archives and Records Administration, St Louis, Missouri. and, accessed 12 March 2019. Doc5165.pdf

Front of Card:
Serial Number: 2513
Name: Walter Clifton Robbins
Order Number: 903 [in red]
Address: RFD 1 Redkey Randolph County, Indiana
Telephone: None
Age: 22 - Date of Birth: March 18, 1918
Place of Birth: Hamilton County Indiana
Country or Citizenship: U. S A
Name of Person who will always Know Your Address: Mr. Oscar C. Robbins, Father - Address: R. F. D. 1, Redkey, Randolph County, Indiana
Place of Employment: R. F. D. 1, RedKey, Randolph County, Indiana
Signature: Walter C. Robbins
D.S.S. Form 1

Back of Card:
Race: White
Height: 5-8
Weight: 154
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Light
Clarence F. Stoner, Signature of Registrar
Registrar for Green, Randolph, Indiana
Date of Registration: October 16 1940

Randolph County Local Board
Jan 11 1941
Journal Herald Building
Winchester, Indiana (68-1)
S110 Bible belonging to August Haas, ID0377 and Mabel Worthen Haas, ID0378. , Philadelphia, PA: A.J. Holman Co., nd.. Acc000065/Doc1096.pdf, Following page 698 (.pdf file, page 5).

Norma Louise Haas
Walter Clifton Robins
29 May 1943
S111 Newspaper Article, "Wed To Soldier" [Norma Haas and Walter C. Robbins]. The Muncie Sunday Star (Muncie, Indiana), 6 June 1943, page 2, Col. 4., accessed 31 Jan 2017. Doc4005.pdf.

. From Image:
"Wed to Soldier" - [Picture of Norma] "Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Norma Haas daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Haas, 1927 East Seventeenth street, and Private Walter C. Robbins, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Robbins of Redkey. The informal single ring ceremony took place Saturday afternoon, May 29, at the home of the Rev E. L. Hamilton on South Walnut street with the Rev. Hamilton reading the wedding vows."
S112 1950 US Census, Union Township, Delaware County, Indiana, ED18-108, Form P1, Enumeration Date: 22 Apr 1950, Enumerator: Maxine Gourley, Sheet 25, Line 5, Walter Robbins, ID0005, Household, House Number: 1/2 mile on Left, Serial Number of Dwelling: 254, Farm: Yes, Agricultural Number: 152., (accessed 1 Apr 2022), Doc6301.pdf.

From Image:
1] Line 5: Walter Robbins, Head of Household, White Male, Age 31, Married, Born Indiana - Working Last Week - Worked 48 hours - Occupation: Gear Cutter, Transmission factory, Private Employer [Chevrolet Muncie]
2] Line 6: Norma Robbins, Wife of Head, White, Female, Age 30, Married, Born Indiana - H (Homemaker), No work outside home - Not Looking for work, no job or business
3] Line 7: Walter Clifton Robbins, Son, White, Male, Age 5, nev. [Never Married], Born Indiana
- Sample Line 7:
- Was he living in this same house a year ago? Yes
- Father Born: U. S. - Mother Born U. S.
- Highest grade of School: 0
4] Line 8: Phillip Eugene Robbins, Son, White, Male, Age 3, Nev. [Never Married], Born Indiana
5] Line 9: Janet Marie Robbins, Daughter, White, Female, Age Dec., Nev. [Never Married], Born Indiana

Top of Page  |  Sources  |  Images

Images    Click Thumbnails for larger Images  - Higher Res Versions Available for most Images - Contact Me
I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6
Walt Jr., Phil
abt 1947
Centennial House
Walt Jr., Phil
abt 1948
Centennial House

Walt Jr., Phil
abt 1948
Centennial House
Christmas Tree
110-acre Farm,
Liv Rm, east wall
Christmas Tree
110-acre Farm,
NE Corner
Harry Truax
Norma Haas Robbins
Walter C. Robbins, Sr.
Colorado Springs, Colorado
May 1944
Ph2900.tif   Ph2902.tif Ph2907.tif Ph2921.tif Ph2909.tif

Top of Page

I7 I8 I9 I10 I11 I12
Robbins Family
Stoney Haven Motel
Liv Rm, North Wall
Walt, Sr. - Norma
Dec. 1977
First Xmas after death of Phil
Walt, Jr. - Norma
Dec 1977
Walt, Sr.
2nd from Right
Phoenix, Arizona
Walt, Sr. Uniform
Home on Leave
abt 1943
Walt, Sr. - Norma
Ph2922.tif Ph2923.tif Ph2926.tif Ph9653-018.tif/.jpg
Hi-Res Image
Ph9123.tif Ph9121.tif

Top of Page

I13 I14 I15 I16 I17 I18
Salt-Pepper Set
bought by Walter C. Robbins, Sr.
for his Mother, Grace
abt 1942
Walt, Sr. - Norma
25th Anniversary
Robbins Family, Fall 1962
Walt Sr., Phil, Norma, Walt Jr., Janet
Louisville, KY,
Behind 1st Apartment
Walt, Sr.,
Robbins Family, 1963
Louisville, KY, behind Duck's House
Janet, Walt Jr., Norma, Phil, Walt Sr.
Ph9222-010.tif Ph9131.tif Ph9142.tif Ph9114-001.tif Ph9114-02.tif Ph8632.tif

Top of Page


I19 I20 I21 I22 I23 I24

Robbins Family
Christmas, 1955
Grace, Esther, Walter, Oscar,
Ina, Mary, Milton
Phil, Oscar, Walter, Grace
(See telephone on stand against wall to right of Oscar -
they used to have an old crank phone on wall to right
of door behind Oscar)
Robbins Kids on Pony
Ina, Mary, Walter, Esther,
Myron behind pony
Robbins Headstones
Gardens of Memory
Near to Far:
Ina, Esther, Grace,
Oscar, Norma, Walter
Robbins Family, abt 1950
Top:  Ina, Mary, Walter, Myron
Bottom:  Grace, Oscar, Esther
Robbins Picnic, 1954
Park in Illinois
Oscar, Grace, Phil, Janet, Walter, Walt, Jr
Ph9188-002.tif Ph8676.tif Ph9296.tif Ph9297.jpg Ph2540.tif Ph8673.tif


I25 I26 I27 I28 I29 I30
Myron's 80th Birthday
Walter, Milton, Esther, Ina, Myron
25 Aug 1991
Oscar/Grace Robbins Family Reunion
Myron, Ina, Esther, Milton, Walter, Mary
Before 1989
Oscar/Grace Robbins Family Reunion
Myron, Milton, Mary, Esther, Ina, Walter
Before 1989
Walter - Myron - Milton
2 June 2003
Robbins Reunion
21 Aug 1977
Unknown, Milton, Myron, Walter
Muncie Central High School
Muncie, Indiana
Candy Dish
Ph7656.tif Ph9328-005.tif Ph9328-004.tif Ph9333-002.tif Ph9333-005.tif Ph9222-014.jpg

Top of Page

I31 I32 I33 I34 I35 I36


"Gone with the Wind"
Doll Dress
made by Norma
Tatting Project by
1937 - Yearbook Barbara - Norma
July 1937
Norma - Barbara
abt 1938
Haas Girls, 1958
Wilma, Mabel, Barbara
Norma, Olive
Stoney Haven Motel
Ph9222-006.jpg Ph9222-007.jpg Ph9023-001.jpg Ph2905.tif
Hi-Res Image
Hi-Res Image

Top of Page

I37 I38 I39 I40 I41 I42

Norma - 1938
Senior Prom
17th St House
Original BW Print

Norma, 1938, Senior Prom
Hand-Colored version
Prom Picture


Color Instructions
H.S. Graduation
Norma, abt 1942 Walt, abt 1924   Doc3728.pdf
  Ph9125-002.Tif Ph9168.tif Ph8468.jpg    

Top of Page

I43 I44 I45 I46 I47 I48

Watch belonging to Norma
Haas Family, 1920
August, Wilma
Mabel, Norma
Back:  Norma, Irene, Grace, Myron
Front:  Helen, Esther holding Joan
4 July 1990
Norma, Barbara, Olive
Wilma, Marjorie
Walter Was born 6 miles
from Fortville in Hamilton
Headstone for
Walter & Norma
Ph9222-001A.jpg Ph9950.jpg Ph9272-003.tif Ph9447.tif
Hi-Res Image
Doc1014.pdf Ph9533-008.jpg
Album 10 July 2012

Top of Page

I49 I50 I51 I52 I53 I54
Walter - Walt, Jr.
Front of 16th St. House
"Wed to Soldier"
June 1943
Muncie Star
Walter - on Leave
May/June 1943
Muncie Star
Walter, about 1943 Walter, about 1942 Norma - Walter
About May 1943
Ph3963.jpg Ph8026-003A.jpg Ph8026-003B.jpg Ph9563.jpg
Hi-Res Image
Ph4594.jpg Ph9564.jpg

Top of Page

I55 I56 I57 I58 I59 I60
Walter, 28 May 1943 Walter on leave at his
Parents home
(Fairview Farm)
abt May 1943
  Norma - Walter
About May 1943
Walter, on leave
17th St. House
Walter - Norma
28 May 1943
Ph9567.jpg Ph9570.jpg   Ph9573.jpg Ph9575.jpg Ph3902.jpg

Top of Page

I61 I62 I63 I64 I65 I66
Unknown - Walter
"Streets of Paris" Club
San Francisco, CA
Attended a Veterans Day
Daleville, Delaware County, Indiana
11 Nov 2003
Attended a Veterans Day
Daleville, Delaware County, Indiana
11 Nov 2003
Walter - Walt, Jr.
July 1945
16th St. House
Walter - Walt, Jr.
July 1945
16th St. House
Walter - Norma
13 Aug 2012
Ph9577.jpg Ph9568-002.jpg Ph9568-001.jpg Ph3965.jpg   Ph9584.jpg

Top of Page

I67 I68 I69 I70 I71 I72
50th Anniv. Portrait
May 1993
Walt, Sr. - Phil
Eaton Centennial
Norma, Walter
Abt 1968
Abt 1968
Abt 1968
Walter - Norma
Abt 1968
Hi-Res Image
Ph9608.tif Ph9617-001.jpg Ph9617-002.jpg Ph9617-003.jpg Ph9617-004.jpg

Top of Page

I73 I74 I75 I76 I77 I78
Norma - Walter
29 May 1944
Colorado Springs, Colorado
The Haas Girls
Wilma, Norma
Olive, Marjorie
Abt 1926
Norma - Walter
Walter, Norma
Hawaii, July 1978
  Gaston House
207 E. Walnut St.
Ph9620.jpg Ph9633.jpg
Hi-Res Image

From Negative
Hi-Res Image
Hi-Res Image
Hi-Res Image

Top of Page

I79 I80 I81 I82 I83 I84
Gretchen Sumwalt
Friend of Norma
17th St. House
Ray Hiatt
Winifred Hiatt
Friends of Norma
Winifred Hiatt
Ray Hiatt
Gibson's Rink, Muncie
Friends of Norma
Lois Love
Friend of Norma
14 Sept 1941
Norma, Marjorie
Skating at Gibson's
Others unknown
Norma, Barbara Haas
21 Sept 1941
(Norma's Roller Skates)
Hi-Res Image
Hi-Res Image
Hi-Res Image
Hi-Res Image
Hi-Res Image
Hi-Res Image

Top of Page

I85 I86 I87 I88 I89 I90
Sitting:  Mabel, Marjorie
Standing:  Olive, Wilma, Norma
Haas Girls
Wilma, Marjorie, Olive, Norma
Haas Sisters
Norma, Wilma, Barb
Olive, Marj
16 March 1978
Haas Sisters
Norma, Wilma, Barb
Olive, Marj
16 March 1978
Retirement Group
29 May 1981
Walt, Sr.
11 Nov 2003
Hi-Res Image
Hi-Res Image
Hi-Res Image
Hi-Res Image
Ph8606-004.jpg Ph9568-003.jpg

Top of Page

I91 I92 I93 I94 I95 I96
Walt, Sr., 2011
Lynd House
Walt, Sr., 2011
Lynd House
Lee & Mary Little
Lee & Mary Little
Marj, Wilma, Norma, Olive
17th St House drive, looking East
Stevenson School in background
abt 1923
Unknown - Norma
Ready for Bike Ride
abt 1936
Ph9772.jpg Ph9773.jpg Ph9775.jpg Ph9792.jpg Ph9903.tif/.jpg Ph9907.tif/.jpg

Top of Page

I-97 I-98 I-99 I-100 I-101 I-102
Olive, Marj, Wilma, Norma
Abt 1923
Olive, Wilma, Marj, Norma
Abt 1924  [1]
Abt 1943
August and his girls
Wilma, Olive, Norma
abt 1923
Norma (Back)
abt 1923 [1]
Olive, Marj, Wilma, Norma
16 June 1924
Ph9910.tif/.jpg Ph9911.tif/.jpg Ph9921.jpg Ph9918.jpg Ph9919.jpg Ph9920.jpg
[1]  Back porch of 17th St. House

Top of Page

I-103 I-104 I-105 I-106 I-107 I-108
Norma, Oct 1979
Zayre Dept. Store, Muncie
Walt, abt 1979
Probably inside
Zayre Dept. Store
Norma, abt 2000
Kitchen of 400S House
Walt, Sr. shoveling snow
Blizzard of 1978
27 Jan 1978
Front porch of 400S House
Living Room, 400S House
Looking East
11 June 1978
Norma, abt 1978
Ph6634.tif/.jpg Ph6639.tif/.jpg Ph6643.tif/.jpg Ph6644.tif/.jpg Ph6645.tif/.jpg Ph6647.tif/.jpg

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I 109 I 110 I 111 I 112 I 113 I 114
Wilma, Olive, Norma
17th St. House
Wilma, Marj, Olive, Norma
Abt 1924
Olive, Marj, Wilma, Norma
Abt 1923
Olive, Marj, Wilma, Norma
Abt 1923
Wilma, Olive, Norma
abt 1922
Back porch, 17th St House
Daughter's Wedding
4 Oct 1969
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I 115 I 116 I 117 I 118 I 119 I 120
Wilma, Olive, Norma
abt1923 [1]
Model T ??
Olive, Wilma, Marj, Norma
abt 1925
NE corner of front Porch
17th St. House
Mabel, Norma, Wilma
NE corner of front Porch
17th St. House
Mabel, Norma
Bud Wiggerly
(Marj's Boyfriend)
Front:  Marj, Olive
Wilma behind Marj
Norma behind Olive
Marjorie & Harry Truax
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[1]  East side of 17th St. House, looking north

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I-121 I-122 I-123 I-124 I-125 I-126
Wilma, Norma
abt 1921
Walt, "Hanging" Out
Walt, Charlie Gilliatte
abt 1982
Walt's Train Set
Abt 1984
Walt's Train Set
Abt 1984
Walt - Norma
400S House
abt 1985
Ph9947.jpg Ph6658.jpg Ph6653.jpg Ph6654.jpg Ph6670.jpg Ph6665.jpg

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I-127 I-128 I-129 I-130 I-131 I-132
Front:  Mabel, Olive, Marj
Back:  Wilma, Norma, Barb
Combine belonging to
Melvin Allison, Kansas
Standing:  Norma, Walt
Dorothy, Kenneth Campbell,
Mr. Philbaum
Seated:  Jim & Freida Sanders,
Mrs. Philbaum
28 June 1983
Mailbox, 400S House
Painted by
Living, ID0047
Olive, Wilma, Marj, Norma
June 16, 1924
Lionel Train Set
abt 1952
Photo:  June 2013
Hi-Res Image
Ph6661.jpg Ph6662.jpg Ph9961-001.jpg Ph10141-002.tif
Hi-Res Image
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I-133 I-134 I-135 I-136 I-137 I-138
Lionel Train Set
abt 1952
Crossing shack - Light Tower
Photo:  June 2013
Lionel Train Set
abt 1952
Luggage Station
Photo:  June 2013
Walt plowing field
Walt, Jr. House
Spring 1977
Phil, Janet
25 Dec 1950 John &
Wilma House, Jonesboro
Grace Foulke Robbins
Walt Robbins, Jr.
Janet Robbins,
Phil Robbins
Mabel Worthen Haas
abt 1956
Kitchen, 110-acre farm
Worthen-Haas Family
Abt 1935
Index S84
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Hi-Res Image
Hi-Res Image
Hi-Res Image
Hi-Res Image
Hi-Res Image

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I-139 I-140 I-141 I-142 I-143 I-144
Norma, abt 1940 Robbins Family Reunion
Abt 1987
Myron, Milton, Mary, Esther,
Ina, Walter
Robbins Family,
abt 1932
Oscar, Milton, Grace, Mary
Esther, Ina, Walter
Barbara - Norma
Marj - Mabel
July 1969
Olive - Norma - Marj - Wilma
4 Oct 1992
Ellen & Walt, Sr.
Aug 2011
Ph11175-001.jpg Ph11251.jpg Ph9183.jpg Ph2676.jpg
Also See Ph11664-009.jpg
Ph2678.jpg Ph9778.jpg

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I-145 I-146 I-147 I-148 I-149 I-150
Walt, Norma, 1973 Haas Girls
Barb, Norma, Mabel, Wilma, Marj
17th St. House
Walt Sleeping
Walt Swinging
Memorial Park
New Castle, IN
Walt & Norma
23rd Anniv
N. of Daleville House

May 1966
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I-151 I-152 I-153 I-154 I-155 I-156
Entrance Sign
Lake Santee, Indiana
Walt & Norma
May 1973
Walt - Hawaii
July 1978
Charlie Gilliatte- Hawaii
July 1978
Norma & Walt
Olive, Norma, Marj
Aug 1966
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I-157 I-158 I-159 I-160 I-161 I-162
Boat - Lake Santee
Norma Haas
West side of 17th St. House
abt 1938
Walt Robbins & Norma Haas
inside a car
abt 1942
Norma Haas
back door, 17th St. House
abt 1940
Robbins Kids
Phil, Janet and Walt, Jr.
abt 1955
Walt Robbins, Jr.
FairView Farm
Ph11687-003.jpg Ph12357-002.jpg Ph12357-003.jpg Ph12358-007.jpg Ph12359-006.jpg Ph12363-002.jpg

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I-163 I-164 I-165 I-166 I-167 I-168
Walt Robbins, Sr., Phil Robbins
June 1954
Walt grew beard for Eaton Centennial
Phil, Janet, Clif
Liv Rm, 110-acre Farm
25 Dec 1952
1955 Chevy Bel-Air
110-acre farm
Walt Jr on horse
Linda, Jim
110-acre farm
abt 1955
Walt, Sr. on Tractor
Walt, Jr. on Wagon
New Baler
abt 1956
Walt, Jr, Phil
abt 1952
110-acre farm
Ph12363-004.jpg Ph12363-008.jpg Ph12363-006.jpg Ph12363-007.jpg Ph12363-009.jpg Ph12364-002.jpg

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I-169 I-170 I-171 I-172 I-173 I-174
Walt Robbins, Jr
Stoney Haven Motel Sign
Mabel Worthen Haas
Janet Robbins
110-acre farm Liv Room
abt 1952
Phil Robbins
Walt Robbins, Jr
East side of Centennial House
abt 1947
Haas Family Christmas
24 Dec 1960
Stoney Haven Motel Home
Duke Dog
Phil & Walt Jr. Robbins
abt 1953
110-acre farm
Norma Haas Robbins
Walt Robbins, Jr.
Front Porch, 16th St House
Ph12364-003.jpg Ph12364-004.jpg Ph12364-008.jpg Ph12364-010.jpg Ph12366-002.jpg Ph12366-004.jpg

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I-175 I-176 I-177 I-178 I-179 I-180
Duke Dog
Phil, Walt Jr, Janet Robbins
Unknown Boy
110-acre Farm
abt 1955
Walt Jr, and Phil Robbins
Centennial House, Muncie
abt 1947
Norma Haas Robbins
Walt Robbins, Sr
May 1943
17th St. House Living Room
Norma Haas Robbins
Walt Robbins, Sr.
June 1954
Beard for Eaton, Ind,
Walt Robbins, Jr
abt 1947
Centennial House
Phil Robbins
Abt 1946
Ph12366-005.jpg Ph12366-006.jpg Ph12366-007.jpg Ph12366-009.jpg   Ph12370-005.jpg

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I-181 I-182 I-183 I-184 I-185 I-186
Walt Robbins, Jr.
Fairview Farm
Phil Robbins
Walt Robbins, Jr.
Centennial House
Norma Haas
17th St. House
May 1943
Janet Robbins on Swing Set
abt 1953
East side of 110-acre farm house
Duke Dog behind to left
Barn with shed behind
Shot looking north
Jackie Dog
Walt Robbins, Jr.
Barb Haas
16th St. House
Walt Robbins, Sr.
Janet Robbins
Phil Robbins
June 1954
110-acre Farm front yard
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I-187 I-188 I-189 I-190 I-191 I-192
Phil Robbins,
Roger Van Couwengerghe
Barry Van Couwenberghe
Walt Robbins, Jr.
Janet Robbins
Aug 1958
San Francisco, California
Phil Robbins
Walt Robbins, Jr
with Puppies
Duke Dog was among them
about 1950
Walt Robbins, Jr
Back Door, 17th St House
Phil Robbins
Janet Robbins
Walt Robbins, Jr
Abt 1950
N of Eaton Farm
Norma Haas Robbins
Walt Robbins, Jr.
Walt Robbins, Sr.
Fall 1945
Fairview Farm
Walt Robbins, Jr
Fall 1945
Fairview Farm
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I-193 I-194 I-195 I-196 I-197 I-198
Walt Robbins, Jr
Front Porch, 16th St. House
Walt Robbins, Jr
Front Porch, 16th St. House
Walt Robbins, Jr
Phil Robbins
Janet Robbins
Walt Robbins, Jr.
abt 1951
Walt Robbins, Jr.
Phil Robbins
Hop-along Cassidy outfits
Dec 1950
Walt Robbins, Jr.
Janet Robbins
Walt Robbins, Sr.
Phil Robbins
June 1954
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I-199 I-200 I-201 I-202 I-203 I-204
Walt Robbins, Jr.
Walt Robbins, Sr.
Fall 1945
16ths St. House 
Phil Robbins
Centennial House, looking West 
Walt Robbins, Jr.
16t St House Front Porch
Fall 1945 
Walt Robbins, Sr
Norma Haas Robbins
Walt Robbins, Sr
May 1943
Norma Haas
abt 1940
17Th St House
NW Corner of front porch
Ph12381-004.jpg    Ph12381-007.jpg  Ph12387-002.jpg Ph12387-007.jpg Ph12390-002.jpg

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I-205 I-206 I-207 I-208 I-209 I-210
Phil Robbins, abt 1949
1947 Chevy
John Lucas
Walt Robbins Jr
Phil Robbins
Walt Robbins, Sr.
abt 1951
Norma Haas Robbins
Walt Robbins, Sr
110-acre Farm Living Room
abt Dec 1955
Phil Robbins
Janet Robbins
Walt Robbins, Jr
abt 1952
Mabel Worthen Haas
Front:  Sue, Cindy
Middle:  Janet, Diane
Back:  Phil, Walt, Jr, Mike
Stoney Haven Motel
24 Dec 1959
Walt Robbins, Jr
Janet Robbins
Walt Robbins, Sr
Phil Robbins
110-acre farm Liv Room
abt 25 Dec 1955
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I-211 I-212 I-213 I-214 I-215 I-216
Walt Robbins, Jr
Walt Robbins, Sr
Janet Robbins
abt 1959
Stoney Haven Motel Livng Room
Walt Robbins, Jr
Phil Robbins
Janet Robbins
Norma Haas Robbins
Walt Robbins, Sr
24 Dec 1959
Stoney Haven Motel Living Room
Norma Haas
abt 1942
Back Door
17th St. House
Janet Robbins
Walt Robbins, Sr.
110-acre farm
June 1954
Phil Robbins
Janet Robbins
Walt Robbins, Jr
Living Room
110-acre Farm
abt 25 Dec 1955
Norma Haas Robbins
Phil Robbins
abt 1948
Ph12400-009.jpg Ph12404-001.jpg Ph12404-002.jpg Ph12404-003.jpg Ph12404-009.jpg Ph12404-011.jpg

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I-217 I-218 I-219 I-220 I-221 I-222
Walt Robbins, Jr
Fairview Farm
Norma Haas Robbins
Walt Robbins, Sr.
Abt May 1943
Dobule Exposure
Norma Haas Robbins
Hospital Bed, Ball Memorial
Walt Robbins, Sr. Ladder
Painting 110-acre farm house
abt 1956
Walt Robbins, Jr
Boy Scout Uniform
front yard, Stoney Haven Motel
abt 1960
Front:  Janet, Unknown
Middle:  Phil, Walt Jr, Unknown
Back:  Unknown
Janet, Jim on Horse
110-acre Farm
Looking Northeast
1955 Chevy Bel-air
abt 1955
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I-223 I-224 I-225 I-226 I-227 I-228
Walt Robbins, Jr
17th St House
Original Garage at right
Looking Southeast
abt 1946
John Lucas at motor
Walt Robbins, Sr with oar
Engine Trouble?
Walt Robbins, Jr. at steering wheel
Phil Robbins
Living Room, 110-acre Farm
North Wall, Front of House
Front Door at left
abt 1955
Women's Club gathering
Grace Foulke Robbins
on couch at right
Mabel Worthen Haas
Barb Haas
Norma Haas
Marj Haas
Probably 19 July 1943
Norma Haas
Back Door
17th St House
about 1940
Norma Haas
Back Door
17th St House
Abt 1943
Ph12416-008.jpg Ph12416-009.jpg Ph12416-011.jpg      

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I-228 I-229 I-230 I-231 I-232 I-233
Norma Haas
Mabel Worthen Haas?
inside door?
Back Door
17th St House 
abt 1943
Walt Robbins, Sr.
Army Uniform
Rank:  Private
17th St. House Drive
Abt 1943
Walt Robbins, Sr.
Army Uniform
Fairview Farm 
abt 1943
Norma Haas, ID0006
Unknown, Unknown
Olive Haas, ID0380
abt 1940
Norma Haas
abt Oct 1943
Front Yard, 17th St House
Norma Haas
Walt Robbins, Sr
Abt 1942

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I-234 I-235 I-236 I-237 I-238 I-239
Walt Robbins, Sr.
Walt Robbins, Jr.
Fall, 1945
Walt Robbins, Jr.
Walt Robbins, Sr.
Norma Haas Robbins
Walt Robbins, Jr.
Norma Haas
Olive Haas
Marj Haas
Probably 1943
front porch, 17th St House
Walt Robbins, Sr.
Norma Haas Robbins
aft 29 May 1943
Norma Haas Robbins
Walt Robbins, Sr
Fairview Farm

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I-240 I-241 I-242 I-243 I-244 I-245
Phil Robbins
Walt Robbins, Sr.
Billy Jarrell
Location Unknown
Walt Robbins, Sr.
Fall 1943
17th St. House
Haas Family
17th St House
Front:  Olive, Marj, Barb
Back:  Norma, Mabel, Wilma
Norma Haas
Front Porch
17th St House
Norma Haas
Olive Haas
Wilma Haas
Norma Haas

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I246 I247 I248 I249 I250 I251

Norma - Barb
Abt 1940

Marj Haas, ID0381
Olive Haas, ID038
Barb Haas, ID0382
Norma Haas, ID0006
abt 1942

Norma Haas, ID0006
abt 1942
Liv Rm, 17th St House

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I252 I253 I254 I255 I256 I257

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